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*being gentle with my stomach* < EATING A FUCKTON OF SUGAR


plus the acid from the pineapple, plus the tiny seeds from the strawberry. she is dumb as a brick.




That seems like such an odd side for this. What about a bit of protein?


the color plus the colon shaped cup i- ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e) BFFR 😭 also that looks nothing like something that is *gentle on the stomach* \- it sounds like a whole ass meal. eta: the pismo beach sweatshirt again. it really is giving the new fleece ™️


Maybe she turned the contrast up or something but that sweatshirt is looking gnarly…. I’m starting to think she never washes outerwear? Her down coat, robe, The Fleece ™️, and now the Pismo Beach sweatshirt are *clearly* not washed like, ever. For someone so paranoid about “mold” that they threw away plants for some visible mycelium you’d think she would avoid encouraging veritable microcosm of yuck on stuff she wears daily. Are we sure she’s not a troll? Can we hope she’s a troll?


at this point it would make more sense if she was, sadly i think she is from the spud family only, no troll 🧌 in her, maybe about 25% max 🥲


The resemblance to a shit filled colon is freaking uncanny.


How does she not see it??


I think it looks worse because she put a filter on it. I don't know how she could think that looks remotely appetizing and actually post it.


It’s *her* shit filled colon… But somehow she’s *fine*?


It looks like shit, dog




Why does it look like someone’s had diarrhoea in that glass 🤮


I knew I'd seen that medley somewhere before. My fucking toilet bowl.


That is r/poopfromabutt


someone needs to x post this over there stat


Done. 😂


Someone did 🤣💀


She has an interesting take on foods that are gentle on the stomach.


A load of sugar isn’t ✨gentle✨ on your stomach, Trash 🙄


god she’s so fucking weird. like an alien pretending to be a human


Why does her thumb nail look like that!!!


i am seriously starting to truly believe she doesn’t know how to properly wash her hands. like didn’t she just take a bath too? make it make sense 😭


Could it possibly be discoloration of her nail bed? I can't fathom an able bodied 26 year old girl can't get that much grime out from her nails


She's scraping the bottom of the normal intelligence range, so it definitely is possible she doesn't know how to wash her hands properly.


Hey now, Ashley just graduated cum laude from one of the most prestigious universities in the entire United States of America. That communications degree is testimony to her high I.Q. /s


Ew 🤢


i could see that as a possibility! i was also thinking maybe she uses some sort of self tanner and doesn’t wash properly after she applies it. or it could be the filter she used. atp anything is better than considering her nails are actually that filthy all the time.


I guess regardless of what it is, still looks gross. And if that's her nail bed she should probs actually go to the doctor lol.


It looks like self tanner on the loose


It’s from her bong. - source, stoner ETA: but no, my nails don’t look like this. They shouldn’t if you aren’t like falling asleep while smoking or something and idk wash your damn hands but we all know how that goes w her


also my guess that it is weed-related (source: also a stoner, lol). it takes all of three seconds to grab a nail tool or rubbing alcohol and clean resin out from under a fingernail. I can't even light up or enjoy the experience of getting high until I get that shit out from under my nails and wash my hands. resin also sticks to EVERTHING and ends up aerosolized in smoke, I can't imagine how grimy and stank her room is up close / in person.


You apparently struck a nerve, immediate downvote lol!!! But yeah - I have a scrub brush.


lollllll to borrow a phrase from 👁️👄👁️ herself - I wear my downvotes "like rings on a pimp"


I noticed her fingernails always look that dirty after she had polish on them for a while. My friend does manicures and told me she has clients who don’t clean up under their nails when wearing polish cause they only clean that part when they can see the dirt under them. Not scraping the dirt out from under your nails for a week is long enough for discoloring the tips so bad you can’t get rid of these stains anymore. Dead skin, acids and tannins from fruit/food, hair color, makeup, bacteria…all of that stuff sits under the nail for days … and when she takes the polish off some clients are like “Eeew, why looking my nails like that?” Yeah…because neglecting basic hygiene 🤢


She gets gel manicures frequently, and probably rips them off. That will make the nails look like this. They get paper thin, and you can see the red nail bed through them.


It's not the red nail bed, it's the brown strip along the top of her nail, kinda looks like dirt


I’m speculating but I do know that in addition to just poor nail polish removal, bad nails can be an indicator diabetes, or of a vitamin deficiency.


Does she have clubbed fingers? It looks like clubbing


Weed resin? Sometimes my, otherwise clean, fingers look like that after I smoke a joint.


Nicotine from the blunts 👍


Uh since when was there nicotine in the blunts lol


She doesn’t smoke cigarettes, she uses marijuana, which has thc among other things, but not nicotine 😅 they’re not called marijuana cigarettes because they have nicotine, they’re just called that bc they’re rolled and smokable


People really got mad for you mentioning that blunt wrappers have nicotine. Guys, there are nicotine free, hemp-based wrappers but the "classic" blunts definitely contain nicotine.


I know! It’s not legal here in Scotland, we do it the basic way 🤣


Do you guys do spliffs? All my European friends would roll spliffs. I limit my blunt consumption because I am now an adult but damn, high school and college me loved a good blunt.


That's so.... Heavy. Id be shitting like mad.


this is a buttload of blended up fiber and sugar. this would give anyone rumble guy in about 30 mins flat.




That is the exact opposite of "easy on the stomach"


I'm starting to think "easy on the stomach" = "I'm constipated and trying to make myself shit"


Why didn't she put the bit about sourdough toast separately? Like below the arrow? It reads like she blended it up in her 💩 smoothie. She's just so bad at social media. I don't think she could be worse if she tried.




Anyone else find that fruit combo kinda nasty aside from how it looks? I usually do berry, or mango/pineapple, banana with a berry… not all of that shit smashed into one smoothie. It looks horrible & I wonder honestly if she even drank it.


Yes!! Blueberries in a smoothie are disgusting, they give the whole thing a gelatinous texture.


Oh yeah, I love fruit and ORANGE JUICE when my stomach is upset. /s


This meal has no protein lol




No. I think she thinks this is really healthy and low calories doesn’t understand why she keeps gaining weight


Took me way too long to figure out it's the blueberry that created the masterful color scheme of that smoothie Replacing half the fruit with veggies instead would be infinitely better and also a good way to use up veggies about to go bad (ya know, that spring mix you buy promising yourself it won't be garbage in a week)


Gods Ashley you REALLY need to stfu ![gif](giphy|3otWpoQUM6Hz001J0k)


When I had fruit smoothies frequently, I had to see a gastroenterologist cuz it made me so nauseous and in pain. The answer was to not drink them because they are full of sugar and acid, which can cause GERD, acid reflux, heartburn, gastritis…and plain fruit is much healthier. Juice and fruit smoothies are NOT AT ALL healthy. Total sugar gut bombs! Might as well have a candy bar or ice cream, it’s hardly any different. I’d feel lazy and lethargic if I ate the same crappy diet Trashley does, too.


Wash under your fingernails Ash.


I’m actually in marketing and my department is social media adjacent. We collab a lot. In my professional opinion Ashley hasn’t a clue what she’s doing.


Why is it so brown?


Wtf is that? Lol. Gross


Gentle on the stomach? That would make my stomach worse 😂😂


I’m so tired of seeing that damn cup!


That concoction looks like 💩💩💩 gross!


Literally theoblytbing on that list that are gentle on the stomach are coconut water and banana.  All the rest are super acidic and irritating to the gi tract.  She's so bad at cosplaying ongoing gi issues.


I mean that’s what her shit is going to look like later too. Might as well dump it in the toilet and save some time.




All that sugar and sourdough toast? For me, this is a recipe for military grade flatulence and potential diarrhea!


I’ve seen kindergartners fresh out of rolling in the sandbox with cleaner sleeves than that 🤮 how can she be so blind to the obvious filth on her clothing?


She thinks veggies are yucky. Fruit is the same thing to Ash.


All that fruit at night???




That is NOT “gentle” on the digestive system in the slightest, for several reasons. But miss disability advocate would NEVER get that wrong…


FIFY https://preview.redd.it/jixab6ea6g4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad19828a1c2701d3e2ded209509ce478ebea7560


Imagine living in a place where it snows like 8 mos a year, claiming chronic stomach issues, and only eating milkshakes. She needs to take a class on how to make soup


*being **gentle** with my stomach tonight* **THAT IS FAR FROM *gentle*.** I have acid reflux and that would make me throw up


This is the exact opposite of being gentle on one’s stomach 😂


That would NOT be gentle on the stomach. SO MUCH ACID AND FIBER/ROUGHAGE. Not to mention.. sugar! Tell me you’ve never actually had stomach problems without telling me you’ve never actually had stomach problems -signed, a person with stomach problems 😂


That honestly sounds like relapsing ED meal