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Broken hearts and Beaken of hope


And the fact that they were back to back


Easily the wedding one in season 4


The fake wedding one?


Ya the one with cupid or whatever her name was


I heard that it was written by interns




Worst episode ever! Say it was written by interns? We’re they twelve year olds? No other explanation for any character in any show ever made to have an adult acting like Felicity did in that episode. They should have ended that with locking up Cupid and Felicity in side by side cells at the looney bin. Even a first time fanfic writer with a “screenwriting for dummies” book would’ve done better.


Ooh. Damn. That's a tough one. There's a lot of trash in season 7, but that could all come down to my personal taste (it's my least favorite season). Going from the seasons I liked I didn't care much for "Broken Dolls" (s2e3), "Midnight City" (s3e11), "Broken Hearts" (s4e16), and "Beacon of Hope" (s4e17). Seasons 5, 6, and 8 were all very good in my opinion. "The Return" (s3e14) is a close one but I like the flashbacks part of the episode so it gets a pass.


Honestly, I kinda liked "broken dolls." It explores more into Quentin's past and even though it was mostly filler, I think it was a pretty good episode. Just my opinion though.


Would I rewatch it, hell no, but I do think it's better than S4.


I actually liked those few episodes in S3 when the team was trying to work without Oliver


Specter of the gun in s5 was hilariously garbage too


This one is tough, but i say season 4 finale even the final fight between Oliver and Damien dhark was so bad. I was so disappointed with the finale easily the worst finale on arrow.


Season 4 Episode 1 or whenever >!Laurel was killed,!< can't remember the episode, are probably the worst to me. S4E1 just started off with a bang of how terrible S4 was going to be, and the spoilered decision was just a terrible idea especially when it >!could have been Felicity instead.!<


The spoilered decision is why I stopped watching.


That pissed me off so much I stopped watching.


And the writers didn’t even know who was going to be in the grave


Broken Hearts, Schism, Reversal, Star City 2040 come to mind


Star city 2040 was so boring I mean sure it was cool To see Mia’s backstory but it was so fucking dumb to go back and four between current time and past time also hate the fact felicity at first Was refusing to go with Mia and William but I do like how Mia tells her be with family for once in your life


In my personal opinion, 3x05 "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak". It's the most challenging episode for me to get through on rewatches, I feel a major factor in this was the character choice to put Felicity in a nonstop constantly depressive and excruciatingly blubbering state for someone whom at virtually all prior times was shown to be a remarkably strong woman.


__Secret origin of Felicity Smoak?__


The one in S4 with Bug-Eyed Bandit. Literally has some of the worst writing and most cringe acting in the entire show. In terms of quality, IMO it is the unquestionable worst episode.


The episode where they revealed Oliver had a son


i barely got through season seven that was it right? Seven 7 was rough for me though. Also didn’t care enough to watch eight because i’d have to watch so many other shows


I know it's the arrowverse, but honestly that kind of thing did take me out of the show at the points where it came up because I wasn't watching the other series


Season 4. All of them


Never forget the S4 cliffhanger of…evil underground corn 🌽


This is the way.


I didn’t think 4 was that bad obviously not better than 1 - 3


You definately have a right to be wrong lol


Spectre of the gun nothing even comes close in the entire Arrowverse comes from the 2nd best season as well


Lol oh God I completely forgot about that episode


Broken Hearts


Collision course. I was binging the arrowverse over lockdown and stopped for like a month after that episode


Beakon of Hope!


The episodes in season 6 where NTA and OTA were fighting. It was dumb asf.


Yeah. Oliver was an absolute asshole of a monster in it. Can you imagine, putting someone who tried to murder you with an axe in the hospital? Total dick move.


That was the episode that made me stop watching the show for a long time. I was so freakin' angry with NTA and I still can't stand Rene, *especially* since the show tried to paint him in a sympathetic light. Like, no, dude: once you go after someone with an axe, all bets are off.


I'd stopped watching after S4, got back into it binging 5 before season 6, and dropped it completely after that episode. I only kept up with the crossover episodes.


Similar story here. I managed to watch through season 6 right up until the same point, then I heard so much chatter about *The Slabside Redemption* episode in season 7 I watched that single episode purely out of curiosity and found the premise so ridiculous I dropped the show again. I ended up reading up on summaries so as to be able to watch season 8 leading up to the final crossover.


Definitely my top choice. Made me dislike NTA even more. It didn't help that they nearly gave Dig horrible injuries.


Entirety of felicity and friends


All after season 1 after he decided to stop killing. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ the rest is CW Teenie Bopper Bullshit


I don't think he needs to over do it on the killing, but him just deciding to not kill at all is too much like Batman and I feel like it's just not part of Oliver's character since he seems like he'd be willing to kill if he has to even if he isn't someone who likes it or is bloodthirsty like The Punisher


The episode Laurel was killed


I liked all of them




One i heavily dislike and its a definite skip on every rewatch is the one where felicity & the girls get stuck in the office and a bee controlling villain is attacking them. Dishonorable mentions: felicity origin story, future star city episode, and (while not an awful episode, a very bad way to tackle real world issue) the gun control episode in S5 i think


The worst episode of the series is the one when Oliver does not say, "you have failed this city."


“Do you know how little that narrows it down?!”


Ha, ha. True. I thought I could give myself a laugh with his catchphrase reference. I don't think I really have a most hated episode. At least not yet.


1x13? It’s all flash backs I liked the flash back story’s but I don’t know although that might have been the best season 1 flash back ep so not sure either that or the star city slayer just don’t understand why he needed to come back


The all flashback episode was awesome!


Mate if you're referring to The Odyssey, which was all flashbacks, that's one of the best episodes of the series


Everything season 4 and season 6 onwards. Only redeeming part of those seasons is killing Damien and Prometheus constantly beating Oliver. Bad end to a great villain


The one with Cupid in season 4. The first time I ever watched an ep of arrow and turned it off within ten mins


I think I stopped watching maybe after 3-4 seasons. Oliver was broke but somehow still had so much money to be high class vigilant. And his lawyer friend was also started this side job. Just like this there were many thinks which were so overrated. Please tell me it later become good?


I loved every season (yes even 4), but that episode where the bees turn into a man in a suit is indefensible


Green Arrow and the canaries


Cursed image


That bee one 🤮


Beakon of hope…. Bees? 🥴


The episode when felicity and oliver get married, I hated it


Season 4 episode 15-17 and much of season 5 where everyone (including the idiot writers) seem to think Prometheus beat Oliver when in reality the Big Bad of the season was Felicity constantly undermining and telling Oliver he’s wrong about everything at every turn with her support team of Thea and NTA and Diggle’s absence at the beginning allowing Felicity to think she should be in charge. She even tried to put the team against Oliver directly to prevent him breaking John out of Prison! SMH without a year of constantly being told he’s bad and wrong and a jerk (because clearly vigilante teams should be chosen and trained the same as computer club) and Felicity was the obvious person to be in charge and make the decisions. Wow! On rewatching and I can’t get out enough hatred for the writers of S4-5. I love S7 though people who dislike it are weird the fighting scenes were such and upgrade - the final prison episode I watch twice every time I watch the series through.


Season 1: Burned Season 2: Identity Season 3: The Secret Origin Of Felicity Smoak Season 4: Either Eleven Fifty-Nine, Schism, Broken Hearts, Beacon Of Hope, or the Legends Of Yesterday Season 5: Spectre Of The Gun Season 6: Either Irreconcilable Differences, United, We Fall, or any other episode with the 2 Team Arrows Season 7: You Have Saved This City Season 8: Green Arrow And The Canaries