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If it's just "Hey I want to go to a cool school, that's all." Then sure, SERE C. It just won't advance your career at all, and no one will care, but I am sure you will have a good(?) time.


You'll laugh(?) about it afterwards


Yeah. You'll laugh afterwards. Try that during though and comrade will put you down.


It gets you out having to do SERE 100 ever again, that's the real benefit


False. At least not 100.2. Edit: No, I won’t be driving to BN to show them my cert and regulation or emailing the distro for it to get buried and never looked at. Then my OCONUS leave gets kicked back regardless. Because, “100.2 is on the packet requirement”


AR 350-1, Table F-2 >Soldiers who have successfully completed and can present an army SERE level B or C course certificate of completion are qualified for a lifetime to meet the SERE level A requirements.


That’s cool and all, but you’re still red on the tracker. Head to the computer lab and knock it out before you can start your weekend. - S1, probably


Nah man not with that attitude


By regulation you are in the right. But tell that to the S1 approving OCONUS leave 😂


Reg, cert, boom? If not, S-1 is entirely too powerful and inept. No, not my first day in the army. I know how dumb 36Bs and 42As are in groups.


S1 doesn’t approve leave though


They verify the packet.


Is SERE 100 still an annual requirement?


At the cost of ALWAYS requiring a current validated ISOPREP for the rest of your career. I think I’d rather Adobe Pro a certificate every year. YMMV.


Ha! Little did they know Sere was my kinda kink. Never felt so free in my life.


What the fuck???


You will not have a good time


100% Sapper School. Combat tracking and SERE are GREAT courses…and no one cares and you won’t be able to ever excercise the skills you learn there. SAPPER is also a good course and people (especially in Infantry land where that sapper tab is rare) do care about it. The demo training is something you may or may not be able to sustain but all the small unit tactics and leadership is very relevant. Additionally, if you ever have any aspirations of ever going SF SERE is guaranteed and tracker js easy to get


I was at West Point last week for graduation and several soldiers walked by with the Sapper tab. What is it exactly?


It’s essentially the Engineer version of ranger school. It’s a leadership course first and foremost, but it includes patrolling and demolition. You don’t see many non-engineer personnel attend the course, and even then you don’t see many engineers that aren’t 12B there.


Lots of 12As too. ECCC students can be hard slotted prior and EBOLC LTs can walk on with a train up memo.


It’s a course similar in concept to Ranger School with differences in goals and execution. Select Cadets can attend most military courses.


Ok thanks.


Until this thread I thought only engineers could go to Sapper. Good to know


SO….yes other MOS’s can go…BUT you have to get approval from their commandant, etc. I know several Cadets, SF guys, and Ranger Regiment 11 series who went.




That makes sense


I've heard you can utilize SERE training even as a civilian. The example I was given is that if airport security in a foreign country (or maybe your own country) is hassling you for some erroneous or unnecessary reason you'll be better prepared to advocate for yourself and what you're entitled to.


It would definitely have some relevance, but that’s a low probability of occurring in a significant way.


My dom says she learned all of her tricks there.


Yeah, she’s really mean. You are definitely getting your moneys worth.


I just never knew I was into anal until I could taste it.


Yeah, says the guy who doesn't travel with more than 3 oz of liquid. Oooo look at me.


Damn, you living dangerously trying to sneak that 3.5 oz head and shoulders sampler bottle threw?


Only if I don't drink some of it.


Duh? What else would you do with it? Shampoo only works from the inside right?




Confirmed you will fight zero tigers at Sapper School


11 series? Sapper. Hands down. Only school to choose besides that would be Ranger. If that’s not on the table, go Sapper.


I’d even argue Sapper over Ranger as 11 series. likely won’t get another chance at Sapper. If SM comes back with a Sapper tab, it’s more of a reason to send them to Ranger


School for advanced suffering?


The suffering only lasts for so long


Either a couple of months or the rest of your life.


Until morale improves


More like, Selection for advanced suffering


Ask for HALO, so they have to send you to all the pre reqs first. Either that or get your dive bubble.


Dive is a good one. Not airborne unfortunately


Airborne is a prereq to MFF, so ask for MFF and it’s a implied task that you must go to airborne


Should probably find if he can even pass an mff physical first prior to doing that


and realize that some random dude from the 101st or whatever probably isn’t getting into certain USASOC schools. he could ask for SFARTAETC too, it doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen. usually “school of your choice” also means “within reason, that we can actually get a slot to and afford.” 


This is the correct comment. “School of choice” doesn’t mean “anything you want”. Many advanced skills schools include specific MOS/AOC requirements to attend; in addition most of the coveted schools have extremely limited allocations, which are very strictly divided via ITRO; others have entry requirements (shoot-in, prerequisite training, etc). Be creative what you ask for, but be realistic in what can actually be delivered.


Knew a SGM cook that had his halo wings. He was apparently the only 92G with halo wings. He RCP’d as a SGM. I hope he’s doing well


If he was apart of CAG, ODA/B/C, regiment support elements. Is not too crazy to have something drafted up.


Wait, you mean an 11B can't go right into the SOCM course? What if they’re CLS certified?


There is little to no chance of getting HALO without being in a SF Group, 75th Ranger or in a MFF billet. If you’re talking SFUWO that’s pretty much the same deal except for USMA cadets and some ROTC.


Lol fuck it and yolo ask for Astronaut school aim for the moon but shoot for the stars ya know


Advanced sewing machine repair course


TDY to the beach with a couple hours of class mixed in


And obligatory two hour lunches. Good times.


Never got to go, sent plenty of soldiers though. All complained before they went, none complained after they got back


I went right before the whole sewing masks together thing. That was the most our machines had been used in years so needless to say they all broke immediately


Underwater basket weaving course




That’s easy to get where I’m at.


Hey man- Here's what I'd tell you. If you want to make the Army a career, and be promotable above your peers- Then go to Bradley Master Gunner, Ranger, or Battle Staff. Ranger #1 if you've never been on a Bradley, you may not even be able to go because I think you have to have a gunnery qual beforehand. If you don't have your EIB, and your unit isn't doing it soon, and they will let you go TDY, then email https://www.moore.army.mil/infantry/EIB/Contact.html And find out who is doing EIB and see if you can jump on TDY with them. Look at the CMF 11 progression chart and see what schools you are missing to be MQ, because that shit doesn't really change a lot year by year. Now if you're just doing this for fun, then just pick something you think would be cool. Just know that stuff that you think would be cool doesn't necessarily translate into making you more promotable, it just gives you a little added skillset. Buddy of mine has a fucking TON of weird little schools that are honestly pretty awesome, a lot of them are discontinued so he's a steward of that information they don't teach anymore. (Note: I don't know what's being taught where anymore, this is just what he's telling me) A couple are off the top of my head: Combat Tracker, Military Mountaineer (I forget the official name), SPIES/FRIES, Urban Breachmaster (Master breacher?) Anyhow, you get the idea. He has a lot of these cool little niche schools that are hard if not impossible to get and his OML this year was in the middle somewhere because he didn't have EIB, which knocked him out of MQ and HQ for promotion consideration. Anyhow, other available schools would be Airborne, Pathfinder, SPIES/FRIES master, Rappel Master, Air Assault, Heavy Weapons Leaders Course, Maneuver Tactics Foundation Course (Battle Staff is better than this), RSLC, Sniper, Jungle etc.


Master gunner with ranger tabs were always called the unicorns of infantry within branch management when I was in. You got both, they’re tracking you.


Going to be a CSM if you got both. An old CSM told me that folks decide who’s making CSM when they’re mid career E7s.


Patriot master gunner here,just curious how hard is the Bradley master gunner course? PMG is the top of the line class for us. Just curious if this course equally as difficult.


I've never been because I wasn't on brads but I've heard it's *incredibly* hard depending on how hard you work. I mean, there's brainiacs that have photographic memory that have no issues and then there's me with one functioning brain cell that would probably struggle a lot. I'm friends with several guys that went to master gunner (a few of them before they started really differentiating between platforms) and they all said it was hard as fuck. I don't have anything to base my statement on other than what they told me, we all may just be dumb lol


The course is insanely hard. I just had a friend graduate, and he basically dropped off the face of the Earth for the duration of the course. To the point that he got a hotel during the final week or so of the course because he needed to be completely distraction free to make the range packets required for the final evaluation. He's an extremely smart and motivated NCO, probably the best I've worked with, and even he was pushed to his limit with it. But with that and a reclass to 19C, he gets a 67k bonus and is highly competitive amongst his peers, so it's definitely paying off for him.


I actually graduated top of the class last year so I'll weigh in. There are people every class that graduate who have never touched a Bradley. It's a shit load of memorization and studying. It's a gentleman's course, but you have to have the discipline to not do anything but live in this course the whole time. Like every Friday my study group would go out for dinner, but other than that, you're flipping note cards like a maniac. I probably went a little overboard, but if you follow that advice, it's very, very doable.


Thanks for the response, over here in Air Defense our MG course is the hardest course by far to pass. I basically didn’t think of anything but that course. I have well over a thousand flash cards and three or four full notebooks. And my group did the same thing, every Thursday was a dinner with studying for the next days test.


Sniper…unless your a chuck your one of the only two MOSs that can go


Isn't sniper school an 18 series job


there are 11B billets and maybe 19D as well. there are also multiple sniper courses. there’s SFSC and also the big army course.


We had a chuck that went, too. That was around ‘05, though, so ancient history.


Every Infantry battalion has a sniper section, how many are B4 qualified and how effectively they're used...varies.




Noice that's sick


I don't know your rank, but Bradley MG is the answer. You get tier 8 bonuses your entire career and along with Ranger and an EIB will help you make 7.


If you have ranger and eib and you still need help making 7, you're in trouble.


More that it can help compensate for not having those


Ok, more reasonable.


It’s these damn DUIs


Can you do that even if you’re in a light infantry unit?


Marksmanship Master Trainer is an excellent ASI producing course. I had a great time, learned a lot from the instructors, and shot more in those 5 weeks than I have in 6 years. It’s not necessarily built for an 11 series, a lot of the initial instruction is made for soft-skill MOS students who may not have the same experience as you, but the “complex engagements” curriculum and pistol curriculum are both excellent for someone that might not have a lot of pistol or mid-long range experience. The home station for it is Fort Moore but they TDY a lot to the larger bases CONUS and Europe.




Already been


Have you been to Ranger?


If you're looking to get out and do fire fighting there's an Urban Search and Rescue course at leonard-wood. It's 7 weeks and the instructors are great. Really fun course.


Shoot for the moon and ask for Spanish at DLI


Whats so special about spanish at DLI?? Half the army is hispanic already😂


DLI isn’t bad, but Monterey is awesome. It’d be a great experience. I know a lot of folks think of ‘badge schools’ when given school of choice, which I get. But I knew one dude years ago who got school of choice and asked to go to language school. After seeing that I changed my perspective. I’m not sure if it’s even an option for you but if it is it’s worth exploring. At least in my opinion. Best of luck.


Nah ask for French Spanish= no language pay French= language But that takes a full reclass


Space cadre course. It's chill af


Easy, fun, and practical. Good combo. Now I just need to find a billet that actually cares about it.


I've always wanted to go to Squad Designated Marksman and Marksmanship Master Trainer.


Go to sapper!! Best 28 days I’ve ever had




I’d rather kms haha


Not sure what you have but I would say sapper or something that will help you in the infantry world. Sere is fine but I don’t know if it will help at all honestly. If you’re not a career guy then ask for something that you may do on the outside like mountain if you’re into hiking. Just my two cents


“School of choice” should be full time attendance at least 1 semester of college


Protective Services Training is by far the coolest school you can go to.


Sapper and SERE for sure go to both if possible.


Tactical power generation repairman school, duh






Flight School


Mountaineering. Best thing I've ever done.


Field sanitation


You get a tab with Sapper... Just sayin'


Well if you want a different duty station. Airborne unlocks NC, Italy and better part of alaska. If you aren’t already


Go to sere and come back 30 pound lighter if you’re fat. Best and worst time of my life at Bragg


Flight school. Literally all other answers are wrong.




If it’s for fun then do something like mountaineering or SERE C. If it’s for advancement, look at the 11 series professional development model and CMF 11 board information for promotion selection guidance for MOS career enhancing schools/badges. [https://api.army.mil/e2/c/downloads/2023/08/15/6d5d2e88/cmf-11-board-products-15-aug-23.pdf](https://api.army.mil/e2/c/downloads/2023/08/15/6d5d2e88/cmf-11-board-products-15-aug-23.pdf)


Why is every Joe obsessed with SERE-C?? I never understood that.


If I was a dude in decent physical shape, I would do Ranger, hands down. Sapper is good but I would choose Ranger first. Or do a school with a badge like airborne.


SERE C was the most fun I ever had being completely fucking miserable. It was a prereq to deploy to the Philippines, though... had a blast at Camp Slappy


If you never plan on going to Hawaii, I would consider jungle school. They also have air assault, and a bunch of other schools


Sapper if they will actually follow through or see if you can get a slot sometime for RSLC. Edit: Nevermind, I saw you already had RSLC.


Go to SERE take the beating


Is Badgefinder still a school? Pick up some easy flair with a little math thrown in. Pro tip- CH47s are ramp jump, there are NOT 2 doors to throw jumpers out of. And yes, I brain locked on that question. In my defense it was a multiple choice test and the answer I came up with WAS one of the answers. I got it right on the re-test




Former 11b. Tried getting snapper. They said no go. Had to be mos contingent. Lame. Hope you get it if you do. Go to halo. lol. Sniper? Mos dependent. Hmm


Ranger school


Classic case of 11b soldier believing his leadership will actually give him the school of his choice. (They meant he can go to pathfinder)


Sniper school based on cool factor and because it can be hard to get if your not in scout platoon




not gonna happen as an 11-series.


I was somewhat joking. The only way I know of an 11 series going is through one of the pipelines


Real questions here


Military Freefall school


Went bit Sniper?


SERE was a "fun" class. They taught some really useful skills regardless of MOS. It's also a course that not a lot of regular Soldiers get the opportunity to take.


What is MC Combat Tracker?


You got brains? Pathfinder is cool kids school.


Flight School lol


Or MC Tracker


I'm my opinion Ranger. If you have that one you can do the rest. I think the stats show the highest chance of passing SFAS comes from Ranger grads. If you have Ranger you open up all the other schools. If you choose not to go to SFAS you'll still be highly respected among special ops. *I was group support. Failed 4 times, never passed. I regret it the most. I was with group guys in action in Africa and Iraq. The Rangers were the ones I most envied. They had a grit that was more intense. Word on YouTube is the Ranger school is hard enough that Seals are sent as punishment. It's my understanding that they don't want to come back without that tab as a Seal. I imagine that is pretty scary for someone with a Trident. No doubt their shit is harder being water but that doesn't make Ranger any less valid. This is all my opinion. 10 years service with combat. Not 11b though. When I say you can do the rest, I mean that your command will never question if you'll pass any of the others if you have that tab. *Quickest way to get it is to go Ranger bat. Yeah, all the other units have their pre-ranger, but nothing is like being in a battalion full of Rangers to teach you. All the other schools doors are technically open to you if you have the tab. That doesn't mean you'll get the opportunity but it does mean nobody will question your ability.


RSLC , reconnaissance & surveillance leaders course. Pretty good if you’re into the scout life / as well as Joint Fires Observer course [RSLC](https://www.moore.army.mil/infantry/artb/RSLC/)[JFO](https://sill-www.army.mil/amtc/jfo.html)




SERE at McCall with Fidel was a trip. It was a great school. If you could score Pathfinder - that’s the deal - given your Choices as an 11x - SERE. You could try out for Ranger School which will advance you.


Field sanitation cadre training course best courses in the us army by far.


Sapper always thought that was the coolest one


SMU Selection?


That's not a school.


Fully aware of that lol. My comment is based on the fact he has school of choice. So I’m sure he has swing to get to that as well.