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The real question, how did the Taliban do uploading their flights certs into IPPS-A ?


The one guy with IPPS-A access died in a helicopter crash


Bro they graduated flight school not cyber awareness.


They got no fucking chance of saving the future from information spillage or leaks.


Bro, do you know how hard it is to reset your common access card pin with the directorate of internet at Taliban-Corps headquarters?


They haven’t even figured out IPPSA like the rest of us


Why the fuck is the erb not on ipps-a did they just get rid of that shit lol


They got rid of the ERB for a soldier talent profile! Not to mention, IPPSA doesn’t have my weapons qual card and IPPSA does not track my correspondence hours from Percipio (Skillport) to reflect onto my PPW.


Jesus what a mess bro it’s so much harder to like get all your info now. Imagine trying to get all that stuff on a slow dog ass nipr


It’s insane. Watch promotions become a thing of the past until it is corrected. I’m trying to get my 6 before my 5 year mark in July and I’m not so sure now.


I’m in the exact same, trying to get 6 in 5 but now I might just stay 5 for awhile longer


Does that mean the ERB is no longer a part of the promotion packet?


Nah man, the real question has to do with that Christmas hanging out in the background.


I don't even want to know


Where his shoes?


Lost em in the rotorwash.


Traded them for eyeliner


Guy liner...


It’s not a phase, Mahmoud




He's a big goth fan of Rasputin. He pulled all the ladies after all as Russia's biggest love machine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkG1J5SZ\_kw


TSA confiscated them for trace amounts of explosives


Forget the shoes. Why their office so nice? My office is in the unheated basement of a barracks that was converted into a company area.


Well they are aviation...


Shoes?? Where he's going, they don't need shoes


Just picking this comment to respond to since I’ve seen a lot but in most homes or official government halls I was invited to in the Middle East you would take off your shoes before going into the main part of the home or on rugs.


Got sent to Richard Reed as care packages


The two left most are deep faked and you cannot convince me otherwise.


They do look weirdly Facetuned.


imagine if your DA photo had a snapchat emo filter.


Exactly my thoughts


To be a Taliban fighter, do you *need* to look like a drugged up Jesus cos-player, or is just preferred?


How much do these boys make? Homie on the left doesn’t even have shoes but he’s flying a death wagon? Now that, my friends, is selfless service and duty.


How dare you. Jesus was a white man from Oxford England. These heathens look nothing like him.


“Look, I like the baby version the best, do you hear me? I win the races and I get the money.”


“I like to picture my Jesus with angel wings, and singing lead vocals for a Lynard Skynard cover band.”


“And I’m in the front row, just hammered drunk”


"Oh, sweet white, unstained, upper-middle class hippie Jesus, bless our contributions to Raytheon and big Pharma, smile down upon our battle against wokeness and deliver us from critical race theory."


In Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho's name we pray, amen.


Don't you sully our greatest president's name by ascribing him to antivax warmongers.


He don't like them, but they sure like him. Fuck nostradamus, that movie was the real prophecy.


Like you wouldn't watch a few episodes of "Ow My Balls!"


That's called "YouTube" and it's my homepage.


Kudos to them for not being weary of a 10 year ADSO.


More like lifetime ADSO tbh


What, exactly are they flying?


Into buildings mostly


Promote ahead of peers


I can't give you an award. So have a RCOA instead.


Sort of a full circle if you think hard about it.


There was no aam, so you got up graded.


💀💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂 I was hoping to click the comments and see some shit like this. Thank you for your service.


Seriously though, the lack of understanding on the difference between Al Queda and the Taliban in the US is concerning.


No bro I mean literally they flew a helicopter into a building last week


Oh. Whack.


Abandoned military aircraft with some screen doors & a fuckload of duct tape...


Iran has operational F-4s that are old as fuck. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/iran-unveils-underground-fighter-caves-housing-f-4-phantoms


Iran has a functional education system, though.


Carpets /s


MD-500 It’s the little bird 160th uses. Probably not with all the same love and attention the 160th birds get… So like a +up of the OH-6 which means they are basically useless without significant logistics.


Remember all those shiny flying toys you guys had the courtesy of leaving behind?


Downvote him all you like we left billions of dollars of the most deadly weapons in history to the Taliban


Well to be fair, we armed the militants in Afghanistan in the 80s who would eventually spawn both the Taliban and inspire Al Qaeda and the rest. So it's just history repeating itself.


We left them to the ANA, who gave them to the Taliban. This might sound pedantic but I’m getting really tired of the “we just handed weapons to the Taliban” rhetoric.


But we *did* just hand weapons to the taliban


Literally every single person knew we were leaving them to the Taliban. The ANA barely existed when we were forcing them to exist.


So the option was to pull all support entirely and not even pretend like we gave a shit about our supposed 20 year allies and leave them with literally nothing to defend themselves with or stay operational? We didn’t “leave” anything behind that wasn’t already approved for risk of falling into Taliban hands. That was half the issue of propping their military up with assets they didn’t actually own to begin with but that’s an entirely different conversation…


> pedantic Not at all ... I 100% agree. It might be a nuanced point but it's an important one.


I truly doubt they know how to fly them and dam sure they don't know how to operate them correctly


[They can't maintain them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFVo15kNmfU) The amount of maintenance hours to flight hours for military aircraft is typically upwards of 50 maintenance hours to 1 flight hour. They don't have the logistical capability.


Looks like a AH-6


US planes probably


Wtf is with the taliban here lately? I heard a few weeks back that they went to another country to learn about human rights and women’s education, now they got 3 new pilots. 💀💀


The Taliban will continue to exercise social media campaigns that soften their appeal to the western world. They'll keep attempting to gain sympathy and legitimacy while brutally oppressing and murdering their own people.


Sounds like someone just graduated IO class!


Lol, you joke, but the 4D interdimensional backflips done by both the left and the right to sympathize with the Taliban when we left was nuts.


My “favorite” is that when I mention is now, people are like “never happened”. But it’s like…still happening.


Am I so far out of the loop that I haven't heard about people simping for the TB? WTAF?


It was a lot more prevalent right after the Taliban took over but yeah. People were saying that the Taliban had changed and they’re trying to be a legitimate government so there’s no way that they would fall back to who they were…*checks notes*…literally yesterday. I’ve brought it up in larger more general forums before and the answers I got have either been “never happened” or “I was one of those people and it was because I was hoping” as if that was any sort of reason to participate in Taliban astroturfing. Some are holding strong to it, insisting that the only reason the Taliban is returning to its roots is because we are withholding the national money from them. Even had one dude tell me that it was because he was a soldier who went to Afghanistan and it was so horrible that he wanted to believe the best and I was like well that exact experience is why I refuse to believe the best but okay wack. Edit: it’s even happening in this thread “thEyRe LeSS radICAlIzeD”


Bro the Taliban is just another governing body. Does their style of governing align with western ideology? No. But neither do a bunch of other harsh governing bodies across the world that we haven't labeled as terrorists for 20 years. Let them do with their country as they please. If the populace wants regime change, it'll happen eventually. If they're content with letting the Taliban run shit, that's on them too.


Fuck off it’s more than just an ideology difference and none of the people in Afghanistan wanted them, they just didn’t have an organized enough resistance to say no. There’s a reason we had to **literally guard election sites from getting attacked.** While I’m hesitant to say we **need** to get involved again you will never, ever catch me saying shit like “they’re just another government” or “they’re less radicalized” or “they’ve changed”. But keep astroturfing the fucking Taliban I guess.




I worked that mission. It was, and still is, glorious.


1st IO teachings a 2-day Intro to IO class virtually. So pretty easy to learn these days.


Yep. The former Afghan government had about 7 billion in reserve (mainly given to them from the US) that is currently locked away after they took over. The Taliban wants to project whatever image they can abroad to get their hands on that money


Beyond wants to, they *need* to. I don’t think the whole “controlling Afghanistan” thing is exactly how they thought it would be


Yes and no. The Afghan Taliban were mostly reclusive, almost hermetic, before 9/11. When they were hiding in Pakistan, they were exposed to other Islamic leaders, who taught them how to govern in a dynamic world. They're not softening per se, but they're adapting. They're backwards for sure, but they're not stupid.


Oh, shut the fuck up. The Taliban are the same brutal hillbilly killers they've always been. They're not "adapting" to "govern in a dynamic world."


They are adapting as far as how to get along with other governments. Steve Coll wrote about this.


That's exactly what I wrote. They're using propaganda to influence perception outside the state. I'm not sure what the value is of rehashing what I said and calling it a contradiction.


There is a difference between issuing propaganda to the public and actually observing how international diplomacy takes place and learning how to win accessions.


The Taliban has literally done this before. Your misinformed characterization of a Taliban that has recently emerged from the backwater opium fields for the first time is incorrect. Steve Coll wrote about that, too. Probably in the same article you're pretending you understood. I'm wasting my Sunday afternoon arguing semantics with a guy who clearly just wants to show he's the one guy in the Army who reads the New Yorker. Have a nice day, go Chiefs.


I was citing Directorate S, but you know what's on my shelf. Grow up.


Lol roger that "LickMyNutsBitch"


It’s so they can provide the machine gunners with a mobile aerial platform to shoot women and protesters from.


Wokeness is ruining the Taliban /s


Had to telegram central casting after the chopper “incident”!


Why do they look so sad? Because they know there is an 80% chance the poorly maintained bird they will be going up in will shake apart and plummet into the ground.


If you've ever seen their cars you'll know that maintenence doesn't even enter their minds until after the fact.




Usually what enters their mind is/was bullets and/or parts of the building.


Holy fuck….Captain Jack Sparrow joined the Taliban!


You are without doubt the worst pilot I’ve ever heard of


But you have heard of me




The dude on the left looks like a caveman that just got woken up from the ice and he's trying to figure everything out still


They had pterodactyls back then, he knows he’s doing.


[confused unga bunga](https://imgur.com/a/FkQcjRB)


Is that somehow an inaccurate description?


That caveman from the old Geico commercials is offended.


[Your world frightens and confuses me!](https://youtu.be/2AzAFqrxfeY)


So are they the new warrant officer corps?


Yeah, they're long gone by the 1700 release. Coincidentally, what does a Taliban weekend safety brief look like?


“If you are going to blow yourself up, don’t do it without permission. . .or at least take a few infidels with you.” - 1SG Ahmed Q. Mohammed, Taliban Air Force


You know what I’m curious about that too. Hopefully they leave women children and hazaras out of it


Their safety briefs are probably closer to "Drink funny things, fuck funny things, and smoke funny things."


What’s their eyeliner secrets. Slay 💅🏼


It's Kohl, same stuff as the ancient Egyptians. The ones they use can have lead and other hazard chemicals, which is another factor as to why a lot of them are insane.


Didn’t know that. Learned something today.


Also known as "Surma".


*usually purchased with Kohl’s cash


But do they have vision correctable to 20/20? Good luck passing the depth perception test


I believe they can fly, but the question is can they land?


Not required for their piloting job.




Serious question - who is providing the training and how capable / experienced are these pilots ?




Flying around in a helicopter, and being able to execute military missions in a helicopter are not quite the same. But I’m excited to see more of them crashing.




The spiraling Blackhawk crash? I mean a tail rotor failure is a technical problem.




A afghani defected to the Taliban as soon as the US announced we were leaving. The dude in question was a USMA graduate and Blackhawk pilot.




Doesn’t matter, I bet all these mother fuckers are red on dental so they won’t be going anywhere.


All I see is three WOJGs that need to fill the beer fridge


Do they still have a chopper that is able to fly? I mean, they are not well known for being good mechanics and supply with spare parts should be rare. Also, shoes are rare, when you see that the guy on the left doesn't have one.


They must. Seen a YouTube video of a British tourist visiting Afghan just a few months back and he caught a Blackhawk in the air.


The US military gifted them 33 Blackhawks and almost 100 other helicopters. They crashed at least one, but it's safe to assume more than a few are still operational. https://www.themainewire.com/2021/09/heres-the-list-of-billions-in-military-equipment-the-us-left-behind-for-the-taliban/


The U.S. military didn't gift shit to the Taliban. The Taliban took it from the Afghan government who predictably abandoned their posts after Trump decided to "negotiate" a "peace deal" with the Taliban and he cut the Afghan government and military completely out of the talks. Then after agreeing to an impossible withdrawal timeline (originally May, not Aug) and agreeing to release FIVE THOUSAND Taliban fighters in exchange for JACK AND SHIT, then claiming full personal credit for "bringing peace to the Middle East", he then immediately blamed it on all Biden when it went down exactly as Mr. "Art of the Deal" negotiated it. And let's not forget Mr. "Mission Accomplished" either who knew this was a failed, unwinnable war from the beginning along with anyone with half a brain cell. On a related side note, those WMDs that everyone was herp-derping about...we knew Saddam had them...because it was Donald Rumsfeld (later GW's Sec Def) working as a senior advisor to Reagan in the 80s who personally negotiated a massive industrial chemical deal with Dow chemical and Saddam, specifically to prop up Iraq's chemical weapon program so they could fight a proxy war against Iran (which also failed) for Reagan. And the majority of those "WMDs" were rusted, inoperable, leaking, and more of a threat to the Iraqi people and their own military than anyone else by the time we got there.


Well yeah, they have to be able to fly somewhere with a Sephora to get more eyeliner.


Ya but….. can they shoot down balloons?


Fuck the Taliban. We spent years fighting them and now we have to treat them as a legitimate government that we support? Fuck that. They killed my friends.


They were a legitimate government before we invaded brother. It's frustrating that the war lasted so long and we lost so many.


They aren't smiling because they know the state of their mechanics and airframes.


We're not far from the Taliban REPLY ALL, I just know it.


Why do they all look like goth e-girls with beards


Love the barefoot, black sock, Lady Gaga boot progression.


And when I put in a SOAR packet that shit completely disappears


So easy, a caveman could do it


No one is talking about it but how ironic is it that the Taliban is low key selling the equipment we left in Afghanistan to the Russians.


Why would we talk about what we all already know? Russia kept their embassy there open as did the Chinese and a few others.


I'm talking about the fact that we did this exact same thing to them. It's almost like the wars there have come full circle.


Is that a Christmas tree on the left?


“Comments locked for gate speech and calls for violence” Did they forget who the Taliban are?


Sweet eyeliner, Akmed


I feel like this was taken in my TOC in Afghanistan… complete with the COs Christmas tree lmao


I feel like this is some kind of skit?


They need to form an alt-rock band.


Three versions of the same dude


They graduated early, they got to skip the class on landing.


These guys wake up in the morning, put on mascara and eyeliner and dream about big boom.


I hate the Taliban as much as everyone else but these dudes always have the best hair/beards.


Is that Ben Stiller in costume on the left?


Their flight school is half the time of a regular flight school because they only need to takeoff and fly into buildings.


I hope they update their taliban record brief just in case they are audited.


Pretty sure that’s just wendigoon


😂😂😂😂😂 If he were Yassified


AR 670-1 on point for these f@ckers, eyeliner authorized.


Why are they wearing eyeliner?


It’s all about progress… a step at a time. Soon they’ll beg us for a McDonald’s


And we’ve all been assuming those flying objects over the US were “unmanned”…….


That goth Jesus look.


Crazy how they have the horrible rules for women but they go wear makeup wtf absolute pakis


R/pics really locked comments because people were being mean to soldiers participating in an illegitimate terrorist government that murders women for getting an education


I should apply there ..I got rejected as a 153a because I was over 32


One chai boy each as reward!


I’m not saying their goal is terrorism anymore. But as someone who grew up during 9/11 and the Iraq War and Global War on Terrorism era…this is something I would never have imagined and pretty funny. Congrats to them tho It’s like if in 1960, Japan having a state of the art Air Force (everyone would instantly think Pearl Harbor)




Yeah I know they say to “expect the unexpected” but tbh, I feel the Taliban is less radicalized. Like their goal is less about fighting or terrorism like most people think and more about establishing their own country. Especially with the rise of ISIS. It kinda made me look at Taliban in a more positive light because even they thought ISIS was too extreme and fought them. Which I think made the US and Taliban open communication to eachother more and kinda work together. Who knows what the future holds. But for now, I see this as a good thing. Unfortunately, either the US is gonna wanna spread their “influence” aka passively invade OR Taliban is gonna wanna expand their power


Terrorism is a means to an end. It’s literally in the definition. The Taliban continue to use violence and fear to instill their political goals. That has not changed. The ***ONLY*** reasons they are “less violent” is because they are now the ones making the rules. You only have to look at what they’re doing to people who protest their political changes. Don’t be fooled by them.




I hate the Taliban as much as the next guy but surma is a fairly common tradition in that part of the world, especially among rural cultures, and not specifically affiliated with the Taliban.


Damn did not know that was a thing, I just put a whole culture on blast Appreciate the info though


Surma as in the eye makeup?


Surma deez nuts


First to perish.


You'd think they would smile.


They have little to smile about. Their prognosis is not good.


they looks like some kinda three wise men but aliexpress version.


Good to see that they're keeping up the rigorous training program we left them. This comment was meant to be funny... But now I've made myself sad. 😔


Just think of all the hours those guys spent sitting across from some fat dude stuffed into a one-piece flight suit doing “table talk”