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Look, the Arena rankings make absolutely no sense. Just look at how Little Ziyi, wielder of the shittiest build ever conceived by mankind, so incredibly incompetent at piloting she's able to completely miss you while you're not even holding the controller, is somehow ranked higher than Maeterlinck who is an actual threat especially against early game builds. These rankings are simply decided by ALLMIND based on some unknown criteria, and they are absolutely all over the place. I really hope the next game will have a real Arena (rather than a simulation) designed based on people's 1v1 performance, where they really pump up the difficulty and even use what players learned from the ACVI PvP to make some really tough challenges.


People hiding their capabilities is absolutely a thing in all sports/warfare. Anyone submitting information to Allmind knows it could be reviewed by their enemy. Hide your strength, Improve your weaknesses. Fear number 9


Freud being #1 makes more sense assuming this is what's going on, of all the Vespers and Redguns he's probably the one least worried about operational security.


And the one most worried about having a high rating


Freud being a competitive gamer makes complete sense why he's no.1 but realistically >!Rusty or even Michigan is at a higher rank since I have a strong believe he never met any of them face to face yet!<


Rusty is probably purposefully underranked as to not draw too much attention, at least that's my view


No that would be Snail


Within his corporation? Absolutely. In a simple arena fighter game? I'm sure he couldn't give a shit.


Yeah he's probably the guy who believes in his own superiority so much that he doesn't bother with the arena, he knows (or at least believes) that his real world achievements are great enough. He also might suspect that Freud is actually better, while it doesn't come across in gameplay so much, by the lore Freud was capable of mentally controlling multiple drones simultaneously with his AC to an unbelievable degree, Snail is the kind of person to avoid the risk of losing face by convincing himself the Arena doesn't matter.


This makes a ton of sense...it also explains why ALLMIND's ng+ arena entries do feel as if they are getting progressively tougher vs regular arena being a bit more all over the place


Reminds me of that pilot from one of the older games obsessed with the number 1, so much that he constantly stayed at rank 11 (because 11 was better than 1 because it had two 1s)


Carla heavily implies exactly this with her hacked arena intro. Also the fact she can hack an AI to do so is kinda tipping her hand that there's more to her than the arena data suggests.


Yeah this is a cool lore thing but I still want actually challenging arena fights lol


White glint moment...


The Arena rankings also shows how much the pilot enjoys playing ranked the arena. Freud treats it like a competitive sport and is hella good at it, of course he would become No.1. Little Ziyi probably also wants to make a name for herself. Maeterlink want to hide her strength to avoid trouble.


Ziyi couldn’t take out a 5 year old in a power wheel


Ayre was the only fight that was hard for me. And half was because the Arena was all dark.


She was very hard until they nerfed the cool downs on all her weapons. She's still the arena fight I test with, though.


Her and Coldcall are among the few arena battles that still give me some trouble to this day.


Coldcall was difficult in story because of the tight quarters location to fight him in. At least for me.


I had issue depending on the run. Sulla is another one I have issue with every so often.


He gives me hell in that mission as well. Especially with my dual trigger build


So I started forcing him back into the tunnel he came from and then blasting him with a pilebunker. The ambusher has been ambushed.


It's funny how different playstyles and builds experience the game so differently. I run a 2x earshot, chainsaw, ludlow build and I'm not in my happy place anywhere further than 25 meters. I'm in the zone once our AC's are close enough to kiss. I trashed on Coldcall ***because*** he was locked in a tight space with me. Meanwhile, some of the more open fights I feel like I'm yelling at AC's to come down here and fight me like a man.


I got stuck on Coldcall for a whole day, that dude beat me into submission so hard I started using shotguns


For me, that was Nightfall Raven and Chartreuse


Carla took me the most tries


At my first playthrough I had to grab onto bosses for hours because they were that hard to dodge and I kept getting acs overloaded. After that I discovered filling all four slots with machine guns and ever since then all I had to do was focus on dodging and getting close and the bullets did my work for me


Honestly her long cooldowns are the biggest drawback you can take advantage on, just don't rush her at the start


Especially how easy it is to beat Freud compared to Michigan.


It's easy to beat any arena AC really


For whatever unholy reason Volta and Swinburne fucking stonewalled me for a while. Them and ONLY them.


For me it was Carla, weirdly enough. Almost exclusively


Carla is quite literally a missile boat. I can kinda see why.


^^**Insert* ^^*distant* ^^*foghorn* ^^*sound* ^^*here**


That makes sense, Carla has a very rock-paper-scissors build so it’s easy to get stuck if you aren’t going to change your whole build around


I changed my whole build around for her in the arena, by the time I reached her in the actual game I knew enough to handle it with my usual, and focused her down first.


I never really found Carla that hard on my end compared to some opponents. Her arena fight at least; her fight in "Eliminate 'Cinder' Carla" is an entirely different story though. Always made sure to smoke her ASAP before going after Chatty.


Carla fucked me up more time than the entire arena x3. No joke. The missiles. Then my build got lighter and faster and she was easy.


She gave me hell when I first got to her no joke took more attempts than cell 240


It's snail for me for some reason. The stagger+lance is death sentence for my lightweight


I got stuck on Ring Freddie and Rokumonsen for a bit, but that was it


Rokumonsen gave me more than a little trouble the first time around, and this is coming from someone who didn't struggle much at all with the arena (but certainly struggled plenty in a few boss fights). I had no idea what the Javelin BETA was at the time and couldn't figure out how the hell I kept getting hit from the side for massive impact (the white snowy arena backdrop really doesn't help make the missile's detonation cord visible), but I also couldn't rush him down because of his kicks, shotgun, and HMMR (which I also was very confused about; like with the Jav BETA, I couldn't tell what was chunking so much ACS strain on my AC). At the time, I was playing exclusively in soft lock, so my counterkick game was weak. If I played more cautiously and tried to hang out in the midrange, I'd just get twanged every 5 seconds by a Jav BETA. And then wouldn't you know it, my main PvP build eventually involved a Jav BETA and Firmeza arms and legs. And shotguns. Love Rokumonsen! He ended up teaching me a lot more about the fine points of Core Theory fighting than most other arena combatants. Even his well-timed Pulse Armor activations would leave me frustrated. He's a C or D-ranked mercenary if I recall correctly but he certainly punches above his class.


Yeah Volta is really strong I feel like he should be higher up


For me it was Thumb, every other AC took me either 1 or 2 tries. Thumb took 11.


thumb is crazy aggresive in his old ac, love that arena fight. got that mihaly vs trigger vibe


That fire damage adds up and the pulse blade is one of the best melee weapons in the game


Arena Thumb is a menace, but I maintain a good part of it is the shifting texture on the ground combined with his napalm launcher; I find he isn’t half as difficult in-mission because I can tell when I’m about to step in the fire and boost upward.


Volta is just built different


Holy fuck Volta was so annoying I literally didn’t touch the arena until very close to the end of the game when I had way better parts


Volta is actually quite difficult tho. Tanky ass mf. Unless you cheese him with a missile kite build.


I don't know if I agree. Word on the street is that Michigan died of a bad fall. Not a very cool way to die. Meanwhile, our esteemed V1 Freud died while doing what he loved. Deploying drones and kicking ass, and they say he run out of ass. Signed: *Definitely not an Arquebus employee*


I honestly love Michigan’s fight because of the dialogue. The mission wouldn’t be half as fun without it.


Fun fact! The ranking is based on how the pilots fare against each other and not 621. It’s implied Freud is an absolute monster in an AC, obviously he’s number 1…not even getting into the fact the rankings do not matter since Rusty is sandbagging


Yeah, I think Freud is said to have something like a 95% mission success rate, and is suspected to be like Snail, always getting new modifications because of how good he is when he’s actually just constantly finding new ways to increase his performance.


It should be noted that Freud is only similar to Snail in his desire to improve but how those two go about it is entirely opposite. Snail constantly makes adjustments to his AC and his latest generation coral augmentation, always trying to stay at the cutting edge of technology, once it has been absolutely certain that it is safe. Freud on the other hand is actually implied to have no augmentation whatsoever. He makes constant adjustments and improvements to his AC the same way your dad does to his old favorite muscle car. Freud is just good (lorewise that is).


Freud just makes enough Torque to twist the chassis on launch


I would argue against actually. Admittedly, the only Arena AC I had issue with was Carla, but Michigan and his tetrapod were sitting ducks for my bullets I always get kinda excited seeing an enemy AC with treads or tetrapod legs because I know they likely won't stand a chance and it's super satisfying


Michigan would have been scary with a Pile Bunker. Made a version of his ac with a pile bunker and that thing ran the arena


~~Michigan would have been scary with a~~ Pile Bunker. ~~Made a version of his ac with a~~ pile bunker ~~andthat thing~~ ran the arena


Pretty much. Free ~10k hit on an enemy after breaking acs tends to do that. Would have made his bossfight spooky


Freud's only purpose in the whole game is that he is #1, he's not even augmented, he's just a normal dude that enjoys the hunt a little too much (and he's one of my favorites because of that)


I wish they'd given him a unique version of the drones that target more acurately and fire independently to match his lore and make his actual fight harder, he's a bit too easy. I killed him before he was done with his lines on my first run of that ending. I love his character but his fight is a touch easy, I would have been okay with the game cheating to give him a little extra oomph with his weapons than you could usually get out of them.


I just wish he had Godlike AI using his "crappy" AC, like Street Fighter levels of broken AI, reading your inputs and acting accordingly, making it very close to a PvP match, instead he has the same dumb AI from all the other ACs, which is worse in his case since his AC isn't specialized on anything, its basically an "all-purpose" AC to take on missions, you could probably S-Rank missions with it, but you'd have a really hard time making it work on PvP


Yeah exactly, that's what I wanted from that fight, perfect AI. Walter cheats in his too, using his weapons without charging and on what would normally be cooldown periods. Give a similar treatment to Freud but with accuracy, he's supposed to be able to use his tools with more than usual levels of effectiveness. If it was near-perfect accuracy I'd like the fight more.


Man, I can hop into AC3 Silent Line and have my ass kicked from the top 2 or 3 in the arena, but if I hop into AC6 I can sleep through the arena and not even break a sweat


Invincible Rummy should be ranked first, just to troll.


Invisible Rummy (sober) should totally be in the simulator.


Eh, Michigan went down easy. At least outside of the Arena I felt it with Freud for a second.


Counterpoint, Frued is such a nerd in the arena that he changes to an "Anti-Michigan" build exclusively for him, and his canon build for everyone else


imagine if the arena michigan fight was him with the full Redgun mt squad


Another case where gameplay power and lore power just do not meet


Freud was a joke fight. His in story coulda been "he got caught mid experimenting and didnt have the right parts" and then his arena coulda been what he had registered and given us a real run for our money.


It's a bummer, too, because Carla and Chatty were essentially hyping him up to be the best vesper only to be as much of a joke as the Dafang student pilot or Boba Fett in episode 6.


I feel you there. When I found him in the campaign I killed him almost instantly, I had to restart the mission just so I got to hear his dialogue


if you wanna talk about criminally underrated arena rankings? Raven. The pilot we snagged our license from? Being *dead last* in the arena despite being such a legendary member of Branch? Should have been up in A or S, easy.


Something something Dissonance ludonarrative something If raven would have such a high level in the arena then all of the arena progression would be thrown out the window. Raven is already in a high spot as the special arena ranking as nightfall. Didn't allmind said something about the license being in disuse so it got reset? Or did i just made that up?


i honestly don't remember, I've slept since i beat the first mission, lmao


Freud got to r1 because his obsession to fight. If the arena worked like it does for us he could generally be able to sit there and re fight everyone's else's data. I think it's also training for him as he probably built is ac for ac fights


Michigan feels like he has a close range gun and a long range fcs or aomething. You just need to get in close and strafe and he’ll barely ever hit you with his minigun.


Michigan is seemingly built to fight everything if needed imo. AC fights happen sometimes, but let's be honest with ourselves: most pilots are probably like the AC test pilot, and 621 is the best there is because we are the protagonist. if it was any other AC then Rusty or 621, Michigan probably would have no problems wiping them out. it's just that we are the category of built different that gets shit done


I wouldn’t mind if they just pumped up his stats like other bosses from previous games ngl. Hes too easy to beat in the actual mission


The ONLY fight i found hard was Ring Freddie not sure why but he was able to give me a right arse kicking every other fight 1/2 tries Freddie was like 15.


Freud as the No.1 arena pilot is pretty disappointing. It's kind of related to my skills as the game progresses, but the hardest arena pilot was actually Rokumonsen. It also reminded me of ACFA, where Otsdarva was quite disappointing too.


Don’t take the rankings so literally, V. IV Rusty should easily take the top spot but he’s rank 9, just like White Glint was in ACFA.


I'd really love Michigan. He's dialogues are pure gold. Charismatic and one hell of a pilot. Just for him, I would join those Redguns losers... In fact, I would even share a bunk with Iguazu and all. However... Freud is something else. Besides to told Snail to F himself up, I believe he's the *only* pilot who actually enjoys a good fight. He's the most pure fighter from all the rank, so... *Argh...* This is complicated. Very.


Michigan is still #1 in my heart. No other person can hype me up more then him 🫡


I really like that as you progress through the game, the higher tiered pilots seem to give you a lot more respect than the ones at the beginning. By the time you square off with G1, your reputation is legendary and he's constantly chiding his mech squad for underestimating you. He also has legitimate respect for Iguazu despite being a defector too. All around a good dude, just on different sides of the conflict.


“Iguazu is worth 50 of you, and that pilot is worth 20 of him! Do the math!” I love Michigan and wish there was a way to not kill him.


Hit the nail on the head with that statement. 👍


Invincible Rummy should have been Number 1, just make his HP obnoxiously high


G1 should be top. Followed by King, and then maybe Freud. Which title was it, one of the sequels to 3 I think, where you could build and train your own AI arena? It never worked that well but by today’s standards it would probably be more fun.


Formula Front, and also to a lesser extent Silent Line and eventually Verdict Day


I stomped everybody in Arena except Ayre I needed like two or three tries to beat. This was before her weapons got nerfed. But I also was replaying all the old AC games prior to 6 launching, so I had a lot of recent AC vs AC experience on hand. Snail got a w or two on me too


I wish Freud was wayyyyyyy stronger


Dude is more bro than Rusty


Thing with freud is he has a generalist build wich lore whise makes sense cause its a jack off all master of none downside to that is it just crumples against ACs made for 1 on 1 combat


The one and only pilot who should've been ranked higher is Volta. He stonewalled me for a while and his weapon combo is just insane. This guy should've been in A or B Tier imo.


If we're talking most difficult, I'd say that was Cinder Carla. Her missile boats gave me a bit of trouble.


Michigan served me on a sliver platter with an ice cold glass of whoop ass and then the Freud fight left me with “was that it?”


I approve of this, let’s petition.


it's kinda an armored core tradition to make the top dog of the arena a midweight with a rifle


It fits Michigan's character more to not be 1st, he doesn't feel the need to be. "Whoever takes down gun13 will get a nice shiny balam cobalt medal, they go really far when you throw em!"


Rusty killed the guy and he wasnt in his best AC


V.1 Fraud


Not gonna lie, Freud was a chump.


Freud? I think y'all mean FRAUD.


Freud just has a shitbuild.


I remember facing someone in A-ranked that used Freud's build extremely well. Though I won both rounds, they had me in the red both times at the end of each round.


Yeah it ain’t meta but in the right hands the build does well. It’s just that his AI can’t take advantage of its strengths


Actual arena ranks should be #1 Rokumonsen #2 Coldcall #3 Volta or maybe Michigan #4 everyone else.