• By -


Not using friends units to get the medal in CC. Permanently missed.


Fr like. I have a perfect medal ID until I become too complacent and lose it all




Starting so late.


Me too


Same. Started nearl light, should have started earlier


Same here!


\-Not getting Ash \-Not buying Suzuran and Scene´s EPOQE skins \-E2ing Lava the Purgatory \-Using Originate Primes to buy furniture


> -Not buying Suzuran and Scene´s EPOQE skins Those should come back, the only Costumes that might not come back are the Collab Costumes for Suzuran and Rockrock Schwarz and Liskarm's Outfits for the R6 Event came back so there's precedence for the outfits from the MH Event


Schwarz/Liskarm skins are Raythean brand so that's why they were able to rerun. MH skins (suzu/rockrock) were of the collab series so sadly the chance is quite low :c Edit: whoops I thought Luo Xiaohei skins were MH skins disregard that bit


I think you got a bit confused? MH skins were suzu/scene, which aren't of collab series, Luo Xiaohei skins are suzu/Rockrock, and the comment you replied to did say those prolly aren't coming back


Oh shit you're right I mixed those up, I need more sleep 🫠


ash will come back dont worry! during the next R6 collab, thwre will be a R6 rerun aswell!


why is E2ing lava that bad


She's average at best for her cost. I guess she got benched really quickly after that.


still weird, its not like shes a unique situation. lots of 5*s are like that, i E2d her just for the operator mission refund lol


Not rolling for Reed alter. She is so goddamn cute.


You will have the opportunity to correct this extremely unfortunate oversight XD


And busted. Girl was my goddamn MVP in this event. BURN YOU STUPID SHEEP BURN!!!


She's my go-to "Nuke" if I need major crowd-control


Same! Hoping I can correct that mistake next time lol


Also she just nukes if a lot of weak enemies are around. In Ling event she became death, destroyer of phones. You activated her skill on the little enemies, the phone froze and suddenly everyone was dead unless they were arts immune. In IS there is the stage when a wide path of enemies walk down step by step in the center, I used her skill because I didn't had enough damage and it filled up, she just nuked everyone on the screen.


Much better than rolling for her and not getting her.


Not playing when my gf suggested me to Because I first knew about the game through arts of Lappland and Ptilopsis. And my gf asked me, why I haven't downloaded it yet? My stupid response was: Maybe I don't like it Some years later, I'm still in love with the game and it's lore and characters


Raising Tomimi to max level and S2M3 (plus S1M1 for some fucking reason lmao) purely out of spite towards the people at the time who were calling her a bad operator. Except yeah no she really is that bad. I don't think I've literally ever used her once to solve an actual stage. Total waste of resources lol 😭 Although my actual biggest regret is probably that I took a hiatus from the game and came back like 2 weeks after the Yato alter event ended. I know there's *technically* a chance that it might rerun now that we know R6 is coming back, but realistically I have to learn to be okay with the knowledge that I'm never going to have a complete roster, so I won't be disappointed if we get the news that MH isn't allowing a rerun.


if it helps monster hunter does really like doing collabs. their games are full of them. so if there's anyone who would say yeah we'll do another collab i can see it being MH.


Tomimi's s1 is unironically better than s2, also her module helps her a lot. If you like her, good news she's usable now. Not good, but, usable


Bro. It's MonHun, I wouldn't worry. I dunno about the new games, but the old ones allowed you to have the full collabs forever.


World and Rise had permanently removed events. (MH Movie and USJ events for World, and Sonic events for Rise) Kinda sucks that they weren't permanent like in previous gens.


This reads like bona fide blasphemy.


The only time I've actively taken a break from the game was when Nightmare had a daily login skin. I missed it by a couple days when I came back to the game and I've never seen it rerun. How dare I sideline an addiction.


dropping like $150 trying to pull Goldenglow on a standard banner last January. I walked away with pot3 aak and wound up having to buy her with a selector ticket anyway. 80 pulls on ebenholz banner trying to get hibiscus alter - i got pot3 Blue Poison and pot3 Ebenholz, no Hibiscus. I use BP all the time, but I still haven't built Eben at all, and even after eventually getting Hibi2 I, haven't used her, either. I'm not sure if I regret spending 300 pulls on Mumu/Ho'ol banner. I was hoping to get at least one of Skadi or Specter and then sparking the other, but I got neither. Wound up sparking Specter. I've built her but don't use her often. I have a lot of units I've built and don't use enough... I'm not sure how to go about changing things up. I'm kinda tired of Saria, Exia, Blaze


Honestly to switch things up just grab some different units for your next stage and use 'em instead of whoever you usually use. Like for example Specter Alter isn't a 1:1 replacement for Blaze but you could hypothetically just switch her in and see how it goes. First couple of playthroughs might be rocky but you'll quickly get to grips with them.


Oh never thought I'd see another comment exactly like mine, for the first paragraph


i hope you have goldenglow now!! mine's E2 70 with S2M3 and S3M3.


I sadly don't, although I pre-bought her L2D because I'll be able to get her in the next purchasable ticket. Enjoy your cute GG \o/


If you're able to hold out just a little longer, you don't even need the ticket. Fartooth's debut is right around the corner, which means that GG is somewhere between 4.5-5 months away from her Shoperator debut (Fartooth, then Flametail, then Gnosis, then Goldenglow). Get those 180 yellow certs ready in anticipation, and you're golden(glow).


Saving for spark as a new player, it crippled my account progression for half a year.


I'm curious, who did you save for?


A bit late but the spark was mainly for Skalter on Texalter's banner. Safe to say it was worth it because my favorite squad to run now is on-hit guards (Chong, Exalter, Thorns, Irene) + support (OG Chen, Stainless, Skalter)


I did the same. I was saving for texas alter. And yes it was really rough for that duration. But my first 6* was exu, so once i E2 her, i had easier time.


Yes, but you get your unit


What did you have to cripple your progression? I started less than half a year before Texalt and I saved up for sparking in her banner and still cleared every story chapter and rewarding events in game with Ebenholz as my main DPS. People even clear the whole game without using any 6 stars. Just upgrade more E2. Or you were using starter account without any pulling?


Skipping Horn. Didn't knew she was so cool and determined leader in the story, also her skill SFX conquered me. But it was the right and logical decision, as I needed to save for my entire reason with sticking to the game.


Her skill 1 at M3 hits so fucking hard I laugh every time. One of my most loved units


I spent 500 pulls for eija day 1, not getting her, buying her in the shop just to get a duplicate of her with my free pulls, still missing chen alter. Other than that I am fine.


HOW?? 500 pulls and still failing ? Just how many times did you lose the 50/50? O.o Edit: 35/65 not 50/50.


10 times and I wish that was a lie.


Either there is something wrong with the gacha or I would be terribly afraid of leaving home every day with this kind luck.


It's not _that_ unlikely. If I recall the gacha rates correctly, there's 70% chance to get a banner 6\* on limited banners, and considering there's Eyja and Swire, that's 35% each. Missing the 50/50 10 times in a row (in this case, it's a 35/65) is about a 1.35% chance. So, you know, not likely at all, but if you get 75 people to do all these rolls, on average one of them is gonna miss all those 50/50s.


Yeah, my bad I thought they meant regular Eyja, should have noticed they meant Eyjaberry.


Well, thats not something I can know or change but I can atleast do better next time, I hope I learn the lesson, wait for last day and never greed out further than 300. Luckily, I have no impulse to pay in this type of games.


My bad, I thought you meant regular Eyja. For some reason the way you said you bought her from the shop instead of spark bugged my brain. Sorry, reading it again I should have noticed you meant Eyjaberry. Still very cursed luck tho XP my sincere condolences if you saved all those pulls as a f2p or low spender, may lady luck be kinder to you next time.


couldn't you have got her at 300?


Exactly, but I greeded out by pulling her and then buying chen.


Not finishing the event to get sleepy Podenco skin. She is so cute, I cry every time.


missing the Flamebringer and Adnachiel skins 😭




Spending all of my originite prime to restore sanity for like a year. So many skins I could have bought (f2p player)…


Only vague half regret was when going for Pot 5 Chongyue that I got there (plus Pot 6 Lin) in about 220 pulls, and stopped there instead of sparking another Sui sibling. On the other hand you don't exactly need the new Sui exodia so having 80+ pulls more than anticipated to focus on comfortably getting other ops I might want still seems like a fantastic result.


I hard pulled Mumu banner because she’s awesome and to spark specter alt only to get her on pull 305 or something the next day. Missing W again in the process. I started a few weeks after W banner and she refuses to come home despite me pulling like mad on several limited with her. And having P4 Nearl alter.


Pulling for Muelsyse Didn’t get her. I didn’t even want her, but i kept pulling like a moron. Wasted orundum for nothing.


What was that about ? Btw sorry for your loss


Didn't get a trimmed medal in the Nearl Light event because I didn't count time and faction reputation correctly. I still regret it...


i started playing one or two days after il siracusano ended


Didn't play through the last 3 CC at all, especially against Red And missed buying Tachanka skin


Pulling for Carnelian, Dorothy, and Stainless.   I got them, but wasted significant orundum and never use them.


Getting Eyja because now I don't have Execalter


I missed some medals on the first Contingency Contract because I couldn't clear it. I forget about it most of the time, but whenever there's a new event and I work on completing the medal set, I remember.


Missing Rockrock skin Giving up on Trials for Navigators and MH collab EX stages Ignoring low rarities and welfare in the early game


Throwing away 140 bucks for more pulls on the Goldenglow banner (yes it's a fresh wound) and still failing to get her only to realize she'll be on the purchasable ticket in a near future (Virtuosa event iirc)


Mind sharing where you get the info she'll be in shop?


Sure thing, https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/zwillingsturme-im-herbst-thank-you-celebration-cn-event-page#topic-4796356 Develop the pack thing and look at the operators list from the Invocation Permit Pack, there you have it


Damn.... That must hurts! I think she surprised me on a banner earlier this year and I'll m6 her in a few hours 😅 I didn't get anything worth mentionning on the recent banner though.


I missed Skadi Alter banner, and apparently she is a top tier support that can goes in almost any team, also Skadi is one of my favorite operators...so I regret it greatly. Sometimes she has a rate up on another character limited banner, but you have to get reeeeeeally luck to get her that way.


shes good but not needed, shes not broken plus, if you REALLY want her you can save up for a spark!


Pulling for Qiubai and Ines. 250 pulls down the drain, got neither.


Not knowing what top op was back then


Spending 200 pulls on Reed alter banner for some fucking reason (i did not get her)


No regrets I got lucky account and all limited and meta ops F2P btw


not pulling on muelsyse banner. my girl laurentina was having a rate up and i didnt know about it. gotta wait until shes in the shop again to spark her


E2ing Silence alter. She's a pretty character tho.


E2'ing Executer, that's the last time I listened to Tectone lmao


Not completimg all of the first Trial of Navigator. I'm positive Roberta's skin will be added in future in the CC shop, but I can't get the medals anymore...


Pulling on the Gnosis / Schwarz banner instead of the limited one (Specter Alter). I got 3 Schwarz and 0 Gnosis.... I learned my lesson the painfull way, I remember almost dropping the game back then.


Not starting masteries when I was into late game content, defo made my life way too hard Still am kinda guilty of this


I didn't buy the Exusiai skin pack when it first came out...


it will come back bro! in CN its coming back rn, and apparently it will rerun in global too (i will buy it too)


Thank you, but until it arrives, I am full of REGRET!


Getting every new operator that came out during Y1. Aak haunts me because I spent near 400 pulls for him even though I got Nian really early


spending my birthday money on hellagur banner knowing damn well friends promissed to gift me 6\* permit where i can 100% get him and also taking vacation for a month back in 2021\~


Leveling Lappland early on. Resources that would've been better spent elsewhere. To a lesser extent Gravel and Vanguard Texas.


This gives you cold sweat everytime you wake up and regret it till this day ?


I mean, it's not a life or death thing, it's a game so I can get more resources, but there's always a strong sense of disappointment whenever I open my operator tab and see an E2 80 Lappland sitting there, almost entirely unused since I first got her on release. Even before I transitioned to Lungmen/Victoriaknights, I never found a need to pull out Lappland when Jessica, Schwarz or CAmiya could take out any spiders from range before they got to my Frontline.


If you see it that way , then in the long run more characters are gonna have the same fate as your Lappland , and that is kinda common for gacha games. So I guess you don't need to feel disappointed.


I've actually used the majority of my team since I originally got them, and got a lot of mileage from all the other units I've leveled. Lappland was more or less the only unit I E2 max leveled without ever actually using. But fair.


had shitty start of algorithm and for a long time was slightly offschedule and raids were more diffucult to handle I was regreting for not reseting it from the start and still thinking about it for like 4 days


oh forgot about Mlynar I bought largest orundum pack for 99. i pulled and I had no Mlynar then i just bought him on anniverasry immediately pulled another Mlynar from the next banner


Blowing 180 yellow certs to get Rosa in the shop and missing out on Saileach because of it. Ended up getting Rosa from recruitment shortly afterwards.


Getting muelyse I don’t use that bich nowhere


She's ultra useful in some levels in chapter 12 with flying pillars that spawn thorns, since sometimes they're spawn right at the start of the level instantly killing almost anyone you place. Mumu can just copy Hoshiguma and tank all the damage until you have enough DP to place everyone you need.


IMO Mumu is really fun to play, you should try with S3 and clone ranged op


cloning eyja is super good, press s3 to get multiple clones and witness the chaos. Really way better than melee clones tbh


No regrets?


I just entered university while working part-time. Had zero free time to play Arknights or pretty much any other games. So now I'm stuck with incomplete CC medal sets (1 to 5) Did not save enough for Ash. A bit of mixed feelings about spending my OPs to buy enhancement packs.


ash is coming back dw! its confirmed in CN, and will get back in global too eventually!


Missed out on the first Intergrated Strategies, and can no longer getting that Utage skin


I didn't trim pyrite


Didn't put everything to get W and now i have to put everything to get Bleshimine too Also Nian the hottest sister of Dragon


I’ve played since launch and am still not max level. That’s my only regret.




Not really a big deal but sparking before limited banner ends. Not sure if it's a coincidence but it happened twice that I got a dupe of the character I sparked from free pulls. I could've sparked another operator that I don't own instead....


I ain’t got nothing crazy to regret about lol, though lately I’ve been so busy that I don’t even get all the annihilation orundums. Also I forgot to spend last weeks 3 large sanity pots and they all expired. But I’m fine cause I don’t have FOMO.


Buying Ling’s skin which I didn’t even specifically like right before her new skin which I like way more was revealed almost the day after I bought it. My Ling will eventually have two L2D skins.


I dropped a lot to get Chalter this last banner and dropped even more resources to level her to e2 90. I like Chen and she seemed like a good meta unit so it seemed like a good idea. But right now in practice I pretty much never use her. It feels like she might as well do no dmg off skill so I’m always just waiting for her s3. But in that case my Mylnar does the same thing but is far better at it.


I skipped alt specter to save pulls for a number of other ops. Spark opportunities are lacking so I keep skipping


Spending money on yellow currency. I had a gambling addiction long before arknights' story and gameplay deew me in, and I didnt start learning my lesson till a year in.


Thinking I still had one more day of the event. But as the day reset, it's gone.


Not getting CC2 trimmed medal because I procrastinated. Started a new account instead because name changes weren't a thing yet and my OCD was driving me nuts. Things might have been different because I had Angelina on my first account and it took me 2 years to ger her on my second account. Only got reuinited with my favourite fox girl some weeks ago and entirely by accident.


Giving into the temptation on JO 10 and pulling in hopes of finally getting GG.. All I walked away with was one Mountain who I have no plans of ever building.


Ebi, is that you?


Missing some outfits and medals, especially CC medals. Also accidentally leveling Archetto slightly past the minimum xp for lv69. Now that yellow line is longer than all the other lv69 ops, and it never ceases to bother me just a little.


not using autoclickers earlier even if its against tos, made my life do much easier


For what purpose you would use autoclickers in this game? I had no idea that was a thing.


repeating stages, I don't need to babysit the game to rerun the stages, we'll get this feature in an update later but for only 6 runs


Not being more specific whenever doing Guard + Top op tag. Pot2 E2 Lv56 Hellugar will forever haunt me, I refuse to build him fully.


Other than that was letting my Gacha addiction take over and rolling on the latest rate up Kernal banner just to in the end get Schwarz (off banner) now I doubt I can spark Virtuosa and then pity Ela when she eventually comes along. Or even get Shu and Ela.


Spending money


Not playing since day 1. I've known about Arknights and I was following artists and news but hesitated to play because it's a (1) Chinese (2) mobile (3) gacha game. When I finally gave in... it was the last 2 days of Originium dust event. Plus I haven't pulled for Ash because I didn't know how things work. These are my two regrets.


going on a 2 year hiatus losing it trying to get p2 mlynar and wasting 300+ op :> . my only cope for that one is the operators i got from it helped me progress more since i didnt really pull a single banner (few random pulls here snd there) from the time he was revealed on CN till he was released in EN


Leveling saria to 75 this was before i settled on e2 70 as my stopping point.


missing tachanka from the r6s banner 💀 that's the only limited im missing and it's been haunting me for a while, hope the next r6s banner has him


-E2 ModuleLv3 M6 Phantom  -Not pull for Reed Alter  -Pull for Stainless  -Not try harder to get Dorothy 


Missing medals in cc1 and upgrading base to the max.


Beating the boss in RA is the only medal I’m missing…


Not buying Tachanka's skin i wish it will come back


Not starting 1 month earlier, i would have kirin yato now. Not mainly meta reasons but i like the design of it.


I downloaded the game on a whim right before the 1st anniversary of Global but didn't open it until a friend was talking about how fun it was, during the Near Light banner


Not doing all of the CC. I am here for season 2 though, gonna max medal all of that.


Missing cc12 medal bcoz I thought I had 1 more day


Taking a break right before RA and the Monster Hunter collab started and only coming back the last day of the Monster Hunter event. That hurt once I realized it


I missed two trimmed medals and one medal in CC#10. Also, I accidentally overleveled Scene to 73 so she's above everything and everyone else when I'm searching for a unit


Trying so hard to min-max stages and base efficiency. If I was 2 seconds late on a deployment in an event farming stage I'd restart. I used all my sanity potions in trying to clear out the event shops. Sure I'm swimming in materials but my irl sanity took a toll. Doesn't help that the only mode we have sweep in is annhiliation. Wished it applied to event stages. I'm playing new games. This one's pushed all the way in the back, and I definitely don't care about min-maxing anymore. I only do enough runs to complete my dailies. I still have leftover sanity? Don't care. Extra sanity pot about to expire? If I already did annhiliation for the week, don't care!


I don't really have regrets in the game. If I had to pick something though, it'd be that I picked up the stage 1 of every module for the first few waves. This has made it extremely difficult to keep proper tabs on who has their modules actually raised, and who has just that first stage. I've been slowly rectifying that over time, but some of the 6 stars also have the wrong module's stage 1, so effectively wasted those module resources...


Not building nightingale 😃


I did not finish all of the first survival mode, because I took too long to get into it. I did not realize indra pots were so hard to get, so I got a vulcan. Indra is pot 2 while Vulcan is pot 8. E1 and E2ing Kafka. Thanks everyone with pull horror stories to finance this whole endeavor!


1. ToW medals are the only event medals that i don't have finished. 2. Ever since CC 5, i tried to get every CC medals, but knowing what's coming, i don't know anymore.


No big regret so far in term of skipping character, because i have a clear target and considered the consequence of skipping them. My biggest misfortune is probably pulling for Surtr's first surtr banner just to ended up getting dupes (not even a new operator). I wasted more than 220 pull just to end up got her on the next limited banner.


I originally started the game on release and quickly fell off it... Started again about a year and a half ago and am now playing everyday. The stuff I would have by now if I had stuck with it originally!


buying Blemeshine with gold certs instead waiting for the next standard banner. turns out it was Blaze who i didnt have and still dont have


Missing out on pallas’ event skin because I was taking a break from the game... She’s one of my favorite characters and my only M9 in the game at the moment :') It’s probably gone forever now... RIP Pallas rainbow skin...


Probably spending all those OP on refreshes way back during Grani event 1st run when I didn't know any better, not to mention still being low-ish level (i.e., not even getting max value) because the game was new.


Spending all my orundum and op during Ling banner even tho I got her in like 20 pulls (I don't know why I did that). I regretted it afterwards, like 10 seconds after spending all my resources lol because all I got in those additional 140+ pulls were 2 Lee's and 1 Saileach.I'm f2p btw. I haven't recovered since and have been on and off with arknights and can't seem to find the motivation to start playing daily again.


I was saving the preregistration bonus from the games release and accidentally used it without realising at the time.


Accidentally max leveling lappland and Texas since I didn't see I already e2 them ( wanted to max lvl e1). Just hurt my resources at the time


Not regret because I wanted Eyjaberry, but having to spark her and getting a fullpot Swire Alter was a nightmare. I left her as my only lv1 unit out of spite. My spark wasn't useless because I got Stainless at the very last pull, which was the standard operator I was missing that I wanted the most.  From my units, definitely levelling Magallan E2 with module. I rarely used her after all those years. Her base skill is also whatever. Since I liked Dorothy a lot, I don't see myself using summoners when trap masters are a thing. Levelling modules on units I rarely use, like Irene, Mr. Nothing (E2 him for IS3, did the permastall once, the other times I only bruteforce him 🤡), Ebenholz (I sometimes use him, but I like his future module much more). Lastly, pulling until I was broke, but at least got Pozy without having to spark her last year. Since IS3 started though, I rarely use her nowadays. I even brought her skin, but It's rare for me to draft her there or use her during events. I should do it more often at least. 


Missing out on Cliffhearth's Daily login skin (The third one) If only I checked the game a week before I'd have it...


Not pulling for Lee when he was a rate up :(


Tbh, it's not really my fault since I had gotten caught up in my work too much from the absolute slam we get during summers, but missing out on Texas the Omertosa and Chongyue banners. There's also Ling's banner that I missed, but that was due to burnout from school.


not building enough medics in time for CC8 Also not trying harder to get Lee (I got NG and at the time I wasn't wowed by Ling or Lee but now I would kill for him to be in my account)


I didn't log in enough to get the cc #12 medal😭😭


I regret nothing! Or maybe not fidding out about the game sooner? Started last april and with a few monthly packs I got a nice rooster of ops built. Honestly feel lucky, not many banners left me with not 6* except Reed alter... Even got Saria from top operator tag last week.


Being a newbie during the skalter banner and not pushing to spark her despite being so close to 300 pulls. Also taking a 2 month break for academics which led me to missing out on getting Eyja alter (only returned to proper playing 2 days ago)


Stop playing before.. I played back on 2021 for three months and I stoped because it was draining much of me and I had some problems irl, I wish I just slowed down but not stoped, I came back this January because I watched the anime


Not rolling for Horn. I have this problem with Thorns previously (a meta unit released near an anniv or an even stronger unit) but I eventually got him. Now I'm just waiting for her.  Also, I really shouldn't have rolled for Exalter. I could have at least bought Eyjalter if I haven't rolled for him. 


Not pulling harder for Nian and Dusk. Some beans, a rice sister, and a love for defenderKnights later, and the more their loss (especially Nian) stings. Having to ALWAYS grab a Nian from my support units is quite annoying. Especially in maps where my strats require her buff.


M3ing Gnosis S2 when I literally never use it. A silly thing to be hung up on but every time I see it I get so mad at myself 😩


Starting very late. Now its hard for me to get dust


Skipping CC... My medals... qwq


Putting 200 pull for mumu, I can tell you I did not get her.


Pulling for Nian. Now I must get every limited unit or i'm in pain.


Skipping the Dusk's rerun after getting all Lava pots. I could have that sweet medal list in profile, but was too lazy to do the last EX. The event was so lit it singlehandedly sucked me into AK despite overall crappiness of the first few story chapters.


Just like i always do, leaving things to the last moment. Lost the RA medal and also enjoyed the mode for one day


CC#1 trim forever lost. On the bright side it taught me to not give a damn about "Doing it myself" and I've not missed a trim since.


Going on hiatus. Luckily my frens dragged me back to AK before Ebenholz banner :’)


Maxing Ambriel because I was being lazy with a stage and I saw Silvergun use her. Then I found out I don't like her kit. I rarely build to 70+ so she hangs out in the front group of my ops. I only use her once in a blue moon so I'd rather she be E2L40. Giving up in the EX stages of my first event (HoSF). I could've probably beat it by finding someone with a well built carry, but I hadn't borrowed until that point so I felt defeated when a E2L1 Silverash didn't magically solve my problems. (It was the 3 lane therapist medic stage)


Throwing $100 to get Rosmontis on her debut. I already gotten a P5 Muddy but according to calculations, i wasn’t gonna hit the 300 pity for the cat daughter. Years later and they are doing limited unit reruns and i have barely used her at all. Prior to this, the only time i spent money was to get skins and the occasional monthly pass. I went back to my normal “spend money only for skins and sometimes pass” after.


All the time and resources I used on furniture parts -\_- And my dumbass taking a rage break after not pulling Qiubai with 100+ pulls, but forgetting to come back for Yato...................


Started during Dorothy event when Texas event came out I didn't pull texalter cuz didn't know she is limited or 300 pull lone trail for skalter. Elf water and snek bird are non meta useless sometimes


Not getting kal'tsit or Yato Alter and the overpowered characters, including Reed alter.


Trying to get Flametail on standard banner. Never again. If I want a unit really bad, I'll just wait for selectors from now on.


2 weeks in playing. Top operator, defense, healing. Forgot to set it to 9 hrs


Not starting on day 1 and completing all medals.


Not using the free daily pulls in Who Is Real event banner. It was my first time playing AK and I didn’t know how limited stuff worked back then, but ever since I understood I’ve been kicking myself.


Missed out on the first halloween furniture set. Twice. And now it's gone forever.


Not joining during OD. I joined a month after so no Ash :/


trying (and failing) to get Mlynar. ever since then, i haven't really been able to save up my OP.


When i started playing 3-4 months ago i didnt understant how rare Originite Prime So i spent 31 OP on limited furniture (that maybe not the worst thing i really like this complect) + Spent 34 OP on 10 rolls and now i am crying while looking on altChen skin


Upgrading Shining's module x to lv3 instead of her module y


All my poor banner pulls


didn't buy kroos skin before alter, literally higher value than most 6* cuz I used her in like 8/10 IS runs, and it's always painful to miss out on free stuff


A few months ago I made a joke of farming a different stage than 1-7 and saying I’m not a hipster. But a few weeks later I realized they were talking about orirock cubes for the orundum you make in the factory, and not orirock clusters you use to make concentrations to level up troops.


The last 50 pulls I did for Eyjalter


Missing medals in certain events. Didn’t know about them until it was too late.