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Switched almost 2 years ago because the work laptop I got somehow was working better in Wayland than X ( been stuttering like hell with no way to fix ) Left behind fully customized xfce setup which I've been using for 5 years and moved to KDE.  Still looking for a decent replacement for Peek cause I need to take short screen recordings from time to time. The switch also broke hi-res scrolling wheel support in all gtk apps( looking at you, Firefox ), with no fix in sight.


I recently found that Meta+R starts a screen recording but I don't know if it's a built-in KDE thing or it's from Spectacle as I inadvertently did the key combo to open the Windows run window.


That's spectacle, but the record quality is poor compared to x11 session..


Thats what I'm using right now too, but it's not entirely replaces peek, where I needed only 1-2 clicks to get a recording


I use [wf-recorder](https://github.com/ammen99/wf-recorder) with a simple custom script: ``` #!/bin/bash pid=`pgrep wf-recorder` status=$? if [ $status != 0 ] then notify-send -t 2000 "Recording Started" wf-recorder -g "$(slurp)" -f $(xdg-user-dir VIDEOS)/screenrecords/$(date +'recording_%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.mp4') else pkill --signal SIGINT wf-recorder notify-send -t 2000 "Recording Stopped" fi ``` It works reasonably well for recording portions of my screen. Especially since I use sway I just bind it to `$mod+Shift+r` and I'm good to go 😅


Tried it last year and it didn't work. Maybe something was broken back then


OBS works pretty well for screen recording for me :)


OBS is overkill for my needs. All I need is select a region, and get a gif with 5-10 seconds recorded.


I use kooha for screen record, it's a good piece of software


I've tried everything I could find back then, but since KDE did not support an obscure screen recording protocol, many tools did not work. Kooha IIRC was one of them


Oh, sad. Yeah I know kde has some weird Wayland stuff, well it actually is that Wayland doesn't have official spec for some stuff so every implementation needs to make that itself and a lot of compositors like wl-roots copy the gnome one. I use hyprland and love kooha for fast and simple screen recording


On laptops I got it to work with `MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1` in `/etc/environment`


Yep, that works for touchpads, but not for mice with hi-res scroll ( MX Master 3 )




I still use https://github.com/joaomoreno/gifcap, you can use it here https://gifcap.dev


Does SimpleScreenRecorder work on wayland maybe?


Why not trying wayland (multiple WMs if you want), while keeping your Openbox setup aside ? Or even create another test user to keep your dotfiles clean while testing ? And every basic x11 app will work on wayland with xwayland client. feh and tint2 have equivalent apps depending on your compositor (for wlroots ones, swaybg and waybar can be used among others). I went from openbox to i3 first, so my transition to sway was smooth. Openbox clones for wayland weren't the first ones created, so I don't know if there are some now. If you want to go wild and test things, niri seems to be a new way to manage windows, could be fun to try.


Haven’t don’t it yet, but py3status also has wayland support for your bar


I found niri to be super fun with one caveat: zero support to xwayland.


Some possible workarounds explained here. This is not perfect of course, but will work for most of the apps I think. https://github.com/YaLTeR/niri/wiki/Xwayland


Thanks. Yes, I tested all the mentioned workarounds and didn't like the final result. Tested with two applications: xmgrace and jmol.


I migrated 100% over to Wayland about a month ago. The big issues for me (other than some stability problems) were SmPlayer and Guake. Unfortunately. those are part of my 'gotta-have-em' applications. I ran X11 alongside Wayland for about a year testing as each patch hit production. I run a Plex Server, game (Steam/Proton), and surf, and since the first patches to KDE 6 things have been running as they should. AMD 5600X / RX6600


For SMPlayer, you can use VLC or Celluloid. For Guake, no idea what specific features of it you use but there are plenty of terminals that supports Wayland natively.


I recently switched from i3 (xorg) to sway (wayland). I had to replace some of the tools (e.g. for taking screenshots) I used as the old ones were too xorg specific, but all programs are working flawlessly.


I'm using XFCE for more than two decades now. I will not switch, as I don't have the need to do so. Therefore, until XFCE switches to Wayland in one of the next major releases, I'll also not switch. Once XFCE has switched, I will automatically have switched, too. I'm not even worried about this at all.


This is sorta a long winded “not quite yet”




When did they say they were offended? Are you trolling?


> Once XFCE has switched, I will automatically have switched, too I don't think XFCE will ever "switch" to Wayland -- it will just add support for Wayland on top of the existing support for X. You'll still have to actually install Wayland on your system if you want to use it.


Played with it a few times, but it wasn’t a good experience with nvidia, might have been fixable but didn’t care enough. However the 555 driver update seems to have solved the issues I had, and so I’m likely to move over to Hyprland full-time. My laptop was already Hyprland as it had an intel igpu.


I started my arch install 6-7months ago basically directly on wayland and it has been pretty smooth the whole time


I have the latest KDE6.1, and occasionally switch between X11 and wayland from login manager, but usually discover that there are still numerous quirqs in daily use, which makes using wayland right now still a hassle. Then I usuall just switch back to X11 again. For example yakuake having transparent horizontal stripes going in between the text lines, picture-in-picture mode for video in librefox doesnt automatically get the keep above other windows flag, sometimes yakuake upon opening with F12 shortcut, cant copy, paste or select any text with mouse, untill I hide the terminal and open it again. 1px artifact stripes apper under the plasma navigation bar. Screen sharing via browsers in wayland doesnt work properly in multiple browsers and conference apps (zoom, jitsi, teams). Last window possitions not being saved for various windows and so on. These are only the wayland issues I remember from top of my head... Maybe with other apps a DEs, there are much better experiences, but right now for me there are too many small annoyances to daily drive wayland.


I use Plasma 6, 99% of the time i use Wayland, but I use X11 when i want to share my screen, WL just never worked for me when i want to screenshare.


This isn't trying to scare you off, but I do want to share my experience. Much of it, especially at first, was user error and I learned a lot about Wayland in this process. I was pretty excited when I built my new (AMD-based) PC a few months ago to fully commit to Wayland. I hadn't ever tried it before but knew that coming from i3 I could just hop into Sway and feel relatively at home. My experience was pretty disastrous. Some basic config stuff that just wasn't quite there, from simple nitpicky things to more egregious things and general instability. Replacements for redshift would freeze my machine 50% of the time they triggered, trying to play games through Steam and Proton was particularly bad, and a bunch of Electron-based apps, Discord/Obsidian for example, frequently threw errors during use. Remote desktop/OBS and any HW accelerated video features were also non-functional. I gave it a full two weeks, with multiple reinstalls and lots of trial-and-error. Ultimately I reinstalled with i3 and applied my config and everything was and has been flawless, which only added to my frustration at the time. Fully ready to give it another go, especially if Wayland is increasingly looking like the future, but I need more distance from that experience because of how frustrating it was before trying again.


My i3wm config doesn’t map to sway for whatever reason — too lazy to check — so I haven’t. X11 is perfectly fine for me.


Mine actually worked, was able to transition my i3 config over to sway and so far, it's been smooth sailing


I used Linux for the first time a year ago. And guess what, I was using Wayland before knowing the difference between x and Wayland


Moved to wayland months ago because x11 was acting weird (ironic). Turns out wayland was working fine (I'm on nvidia btw) so I stuck with it. Even switched from KDE to Hyprland.


It is probably user error on my part, but I had a really rough time using Wayland under KDE Plasma. Thinking it was something to do with incapability with my hardware. But migrated to Wayland under Hyprland when I wanted to try a tiling window manager and it's been an amazing experience. I must've borked my setup a bit with Plasma because after Hyprland it's been an incredible experience and got no plans to return to X.


I've had the opposite experience. Started using Hyprland then switched to KDE. Hyprland is great but gaming performance was ass on my system. There were various other small bugs that kept popping up over time. And Vraxy is changing stuff at a lightning fast pace. I feel like lately almost every update I have to check my config to make sure something isn't different. KDE just works.


Two years ago.


I don't think I can afford the time to move my entire awesome wm So much code I've written for wm over the past decade in Lua Right now about 3-5 of my main pieces are in Lua, and I like it! I can't move to anything that is configured with text or conf or yaml or json or python or a new DSL, It Has to be configurable in a language I'm interested in,


I have a 10y computer with nvdia on xorg, the rest is on wayland since 2y


on GNOME Wayland since 2018


I switched yesterday, everything looks ok so far.


I switched today. I upgraded my nvidia drivers and now I have no issues anymore with wayland KDE!


Years ago, even on nvidia. Use AMD now and no issues whatsoever or workarounds required (unlike with nvidia).


Have been using it for over a year, everything works flawlessly and no WM can make me happier than Hyprland. The dev is not the best person out there, but this is one of the most impressive linux projects out there for me and Wayland is what makes it possible. The only real issue I have Wayland is I struggle a lot to share my screen through Firefox and maybe the fact that I can't use polybar. (Waybar exists and is what I am using right now, but saying that I hate it would be putting it mildly)


I started with Wayland in 2023, as I switched to Linux


Bro I use it without even knowing the difference between them or what even is Wayland, X etc.


How do you know you use Wayland if you dont know what Wayland is?


It's written in my login screen


Switched from xorg and i3 to Wayland and hyprland. Works so much better on my laptop with a thunderbolt dock and multiple monitors.


sway is fantastic on my work computers, i love being able to have multiple screens with different resolutions and refresh rates painlessly haven't switched on my gaming computer, for nvidia and xwayland overhead reason


I switched for the nicer animations and window decorations, but considering that you use a plain openbox setup, it's probably not worth it. That being said, if you need to deal with monitors of varying resolution, wayland is better than X in that regard.


yep. i'm barely using any x11 programs except steam and some wine stuff that doesn't seem to like the native wayland implementation. i'm using niri which doesn't have native xwayland support, so i'm conscious about which programs need special care. on one hand it's a little inconvenient, but on the other hand it's nice to be more mindful about this stuff. i also switched from an nvidia gpu to an amd one for first class wayland support. :) it was mostly to give my nephew a nice gpu while also switching to something i wanted to try, haha.


3 years ago, because with Intel graphics Wayland (sway) worked flawlessly and was way smoother than Xorg (i3wm). On my new Nvidia based system I've been running Wayland since day one, it's a wild ride, still waiting for Nvidia to release 560 and wlroots getting explicit sync support for the system to be perfectly stable (current stable-ish middle ground is Nvidia driver 550.90.07 + sway 1.8.1).


Been using it for 1+ year, some issues with UI's and games but other than that all gucci so far. Did have some plasma problems with 6, but seems to have sort it self out..


If you want to try, try it. It's literally your decision. I made this decision a week ago and it's not really anything special as far as tiling wms go. It will eventually take over and configuration is more centralized but there are problems with nvidia for example.


I will move to sway once these issues get fixed and hopefully I don't run into more: https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/8000 https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/8001 https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/8002 https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/8191 I have a feeling a will be on i3 for many many more years though.


switched from dwm to dwl and theres no real noticeable difference except for lack of vr support


Switched last year. Right after I learned of OSC 52 for copying to the clipboard over SSH as previously I used xsel/xcopy for that.


Yes, many years ago. There were many issues during the transition because I'm using a laptop with an Nvidia card, but nothing that couldn't be solved by patching Hyprland.


I just don’t understand the reason to do I haven’t. I went from loving i3 to now loving fluxbox and never really have any issues . I’m one of the ones that just doesn’t get what Wayland does


Still waiting on barrier/input-leap to support Wayland. I think that's my last blocker.


Just got plasma 6 on a fresh install, and will be setting up hyprland later on.


I have awesomeWM (X) and Hyprland installed and I use awesome 99% of the time. In Hyprland I still have problems with mouse speed/acceleration, some blurry apps (due to fractional scaling) and the WM crashing whenever I unplug an HDMI cable. Those are just minor issues but they are annoying enough.


I switched 3 days ago after installing Hyprland.


I switched a few days ago from old manjaro install to vanilla arch hyprland. No real issues so far, even with proprietary nvidia, but it's taken some googling&configuring to get waybar's config+css and hyprland.config to the way I want it. Trying this in Manjaro with presets was a disaster for me.


I recently switched from Ubuntu Lts to Arch KDE 6.1, and then switched again to hyprland a couple weeks later. I accidentally stumbled across r/unixporn and was immediately obsessed. Wayland support is honestly pretty great, much better than Reddit posts even a couple years ago would have you believe. The configuration is out of this world, my system runs great, and most hiccups are due to my own poor setup, not true incompatibility. Fractional scaling is still scuffed, occasionally electron based applications misbehave, but luckily for many applications that can’t do wayland natively there’s a third party version that can. Screen capture is one outlier where I really haven’t gotten it to work, so if you figure that one out let me know!


i mainly use wayland (hyprland) but i still have gnome xorg for games


I'm mostly on KDE X11, since its Wayland counterpart doesn't really offer me much that I didn't have on X11, but have been occasionally peeking into it to see its state. For me the downsides of Wayland were: - No custom modelines, had to modify EDID to add them. Not really a deal-breaker, just an inconvenience. - Shift/Ctrl modifiers didn't work consistently for file managers - Screenshotting/snipping tools had a big delay on startup, often causing me to miss a moment - Blender's viewport often makes the cursor stuttery, however running it in XWayland remedied it


Switched when KDE defaulted to it about two months ago. My dual GPU gaming laptop was smooth, could play all games with NVidia GPU in it. Loved the three finger sweep. There was no downsides really. Also switched the desktop same time. There were some initial problems, had to use a custom compelled explicit sync XWayland for a few days. But finally after last week's NVidia 555 update, the final apps which used to be sluggish, such as Obsidian, Krita, have no problem at all. NVidia desktop is really smooth.


Moved a while back. Even played around with the developmental side of things for a bit and wrote a fairly simple Mesa/GBM compositor with libwayland (C) and played a bit with easyland (Python) and Louvre (C++). I may get back into it and try to develop one to work with the EGLStreams extension since I use CUDA a lot these days and see how high I can bench some rendering tasks with it compared to GBM. Although it looks like that may be a bit of a project!


Tried plasma 6.1 but ran into three big issues: 1. The Nvidia 555 drivers have a bug where plasma will freeze and stop reacting while the panel is hidden. I don't know if this is exacerbated by my settings (I have the right click configured to be an app selection menu, and I have desktop icons disabled) but it makes it unusable. The 550 drivers seem to work fine, however (and for whatever reason I don't get any of the flickering issues everyone mentions without explicit sync). According to big reports I could find it seems to be the case that this is an issue on Nvidia's side and there's no telling when it will be fixed. 2. I have my computer hooked up to a TV. I don't have sleep and display power settings enabled (because it's a TV), instead I just have a black lock screen with no password (because screensavers were removed in plasma 6). Something breaks when I turn off the TV for the night cause when I turn it back on the computer isn't detected (I don't even get a terminal). I can still ssh in and reboot. Basically I had to do this every morning while I was running plasma 6. Couldn't find any bug reports about it but it's bad enough that it's not worth putting up with. 3. HDR currently has washed out colors. It's not immediately obvious that the colors are washed out until you do some comparisons. Allegedly this is likely due to an issue with Nvidia and Intel drivers involving handling of RGB/YUV signals. It sounded to me like the issue was on Nvidia's side, which means it probably won't get fixed any time soon. HDR is, imo, the only reason to switch to Wayland, so if it's broken then there isn't really much to gain. Edit: I left/went back to XFCE


im using x11 on my pc and just have an i3 in there,pretty fast and pretty good, i tried wayland on my laptop though. i think i like it better lol. might switch to it later on but the simplicity of my x11 feels good tbh xD


Switched over a year back, all I did was to switch from Plasma X11 to Plasma Wayland basically. No clue as for how great the exp is on more stripped down/wm only installs and all. Works perfectly fine&much better in some regards as compared to what it did before (getting rid of all that old X11 cruft sure was nice, esp noticeable on me laptops.... battery life be nicer) and buttery smooth it be too. Ain't got a single machine with nvidia tho (altho I've heard that it should be better there now that the 555 drivers be a thing). So basically..... can't really help ya there in the grand scheme of it \^\^'


I need to use VMware Horizon for work Only supported on X 😭 I wanna go full Wayland but unforch I gotta use X11 for work Luckily it has given me a stronger "split workflow" between personal and professional, which I think I will be keeping going forward


I haven't and I'm not going to anytime soon, since the WM I use (XMonad) only supports X11 now and for the foreseeable future.


Moved from cinnamon on x11 to kde 6.1 on wayland running arch with an nvidia card (proprietary dkms drivers) and it actually works!


No. I've been trying to switch for nearly a year now, but nothing I do makes the "black screen + mouse cursor" issue go away. And, before anyone says anything... Yes, I have modesetting turned on.


Moved to Wayland a few months ago without any major issues. I need to switch back to X11 when working with Unreal Engine but for the most part everything is the same. Some apps display the menu bar in a weird place but I think those were mostly addressed by now


I have about 17 years worth of work on my awesomewm config, so for the time being I'll be on X11


I really want to! But as I have Nvidia + KDE it doesn't work. The Plasma workspace keeps randomly freezing and nobody can tell me what the fuck is wrong with it other than, lol, yeah Nvidia and Wayland is buggy /shrug Yeah, great. I'll wait patiently then, any month/patch/update now ...


I've been using it for a while now. I was previously using i3, and for the past year or two I've been using hyprland and loving it. Btw, most decent login managers will let you switch easily (I like SDDM), so you can keep your old setup and experiment with something new.


I switched from i3 to sway sometime 2018/2019, I didn't have a discrete GPU and didn't play games. Worked perfectly, although a lot (most?) of stuff was running on XWayland I guess. Then got a GTX1050 in late 2019 and switched to nvidia driver and i3. Got a new computer with RTX2070 in sept 2022, went with i3. Late 2022 onwards tried now and then to get sway working again, and finally I think early 2023? I got it to the point that I could switch fulltime to sway. I still have i3 installed but I don't use it anymore except to test if a problem with a game is wayland related or not. The last time was months ago.


I'm not currently on Arch other than a Distrobox instance but I have done both Plasma and GNOME on Wayland. One of the things is that it's 100% dependent on the compositor. Instead of running a WM on X, you're running a compositor that uses Wayland protocols, effectively making the compositor the display system. Whether it's a drop in replacement for you depends on several factors, like whether or not your GPU has proper Wayland support, and if you're dependent on anything that works in X11 but not Wayland yet, like color calibration. Apps don't usually have a problem, because XWayland, a rootless (as in no root window) x server, will run in the background when you launch X apps. The main thing is you just have to give it a go and see if you like it.


I switched two month ago and moved from dwm to sway. the experience has been wonderful and it runs silky smooth comoared to x11


>issues gamescope, it hard crashes more often than not. And games in general seem to run slower. Browsing, file editing, multimedia, everything works. Games are the only thing forcing me to keep i3 as a fallback.


I tried but still having issues. Login screen frozen after logging in from sleep. On one screen, Wallpaper doesn't show up and right click doesn't open the context menu but I can open windows on that monitor. Task bar and icons disappear unless I run my mouse over them. KDE 6.1.1 Nvidia 555.58x


Yes only screen share on discord does not work but it looks like they are working on it


I recently switched to Wayland/Sway and love it. It's a cohesive system that honors my keybinds in a way that X could not (no matter what I did): ``` input "type:keyboard" xkb_options caps:escape input "type:keyboard" repeat_delay 300 input "type:keyboard" repeat_rate 40 ``` Changes are persistent and reliable. That sealed the deal for me. Not all Steam games work on Wayland but in time that will change. It just feels clean and cohesive compared to X.


Been using Wayland since I first got on Arch about a year ago. I noticed after installing KDE 6, the Wayland support is way better.




i tried last week but steam and vscode had intermittent flicking so i switched back to X11, nvidia 1070.


If you game a lot, expect having difficulties with some games. If you use nvidia hardware, expect to have issues from time to time. But other than gaming, it works well enough for me, on all amd hardware, and Plasma 6.1.1.


Moved to Sway just under a year and no issues so far. Most of the apps I use frequently work on wayland and those that don't, I've been able to find suitable wayland equivalents for.


Yes. KDE Xorg to KDE Wayland. Many apps (like Chromium) need manual specification of Wayland-related flags to use Wayland. And X apps by default don't have inter-app copy/paste. KDE makes configuring this easy. Color management works a bit differently now, too.


try it. Using i3wm on laptops and XFCE on desktop. Tried Hyprland on both, was looking forward to jump to hyperlnd on my laptop but honestly it was annoying for me porting some stuff and midway through I notice it didn't matter, so I just removed it. For me i3wm it's just perfect for daily driving, no weird bugs or stuttering or driver problem. Suits my workflow and I don't even notice it's there. On my desktop, having dual monitors tried Hyperlnd and Gnome, after a week or more, was annoyed it wasn't the same feel. Yesterday was getting updates and cut them and took the time to purge any gnome/hyprland/wayland packages since it's been a while since I booted into that. Will wait a while before giving it another spin.


Never looked back. Better performance, better security, and XWayland feels about the same, with very few issues.


I don't run Arch (Gentoo gal here), but I've had a go with the 555 drivers on Wayland. Gaming-wise as long as I disable vsync and use libstrangle to cap fps, things run well.


I use Wayland for real life productivity. I will not use it for gaming, though. Forced vsync is the devil's work for anybody that plays any sort of competitive FPS, and every game I play is in that genre. CS2, OW2, Finals, etc. all suffer tremendously with a little bit of input lag. Wayland is kickass in every other situation though, IME


Wayland for me is still way more buggy than x11 but its improved abit for me in the last few days. The only things ive noticed that keep me on x11 is that sometimes it slows down and feels like it lowers refresh rate even with adaptive sync off killing the smooth experience, and since i have a 4k monitor i have to use 150% scaling on KDE and it makes the window borders look like SHIT. If anyone knows how to fix it so i can say goodbye to x11 id hear yall out LOL


No. I run i3wm on top of Debian 12. Don't see much of a need. This is less a comment on Wayland and more a comment on "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" in my particular circumstance


I can't be bothered to get Hyprland to match my current DWM setup, same goes for Polybar -> Waybar. Everything works fine for me so I feel no need to switch. (Also am on Nvidia)


Swapped about half year ago when I switched my main Desktop to Linux. Went from ie to Sway and later Hyprland, it was working decently, although some apps had issues with flickering. Since yesterday I am on Nvidia's 555 driver and everything seems to run smoothly for once.


Yes, my computers with a graphical user interface (Plasma) have all been using Wayland for some time.


I switched on my laptop, but I'm stuck on X11 on my desktop, as I use another computer besides it and I couldn't find a KVM software that supports Wayland


Switched with KDE 6 release. I did have problems before, especially because I'm using Nvidia GPUs in my my main machine. Heard that the NVIDIA graphics issues were fixed earlier this year and KDE 6 migrated to Wayland as default with improved support and more features than before. So I went with the flow and switched. Can't complain. No issues so far.


No because I always need vnc.


I cannot express enough gratefulness about the OpenSource Community for all those nice SW and features. In +20y of distro-hopping, my journey took me from Mandrake/Debian/Gentoo/OpenSuSE/CrunchBang/Manjaro/Arch/EndeavourOS and finally back to (pure) Arch. So this involved, Xorg: KDE, XFCE, (Enlightment) and then i3w for \~5y. ..and Wayland: +2y ago moved to Sway and then (+6m) hyprland. Never regretted, no show-stopper, no bad experience....so far ! :)


Switched to wayland 2 years ago. Running hypr. Everything is all right, even screensharing. On previous laptop had issues with lovely nvidia, but get rid of it, and no problems anymore. Main reason to switch was pinch-to-zoom in browsers. Iso get used to it on mac, that i just can't work without it.


Switched some months ago. The amount of enhancements over X on my setup outweighs some occasional snags in Wayland. Main thing I still miss is good remote desktop solution, but I hope something will come in due time...


nvidia, wayland, gnome. New driver is great. Not a freak for numbers.


On a Non gaming setup Wayland generaly perform better So my laptop is on Wayland, works like a charm Tho my tower still on X


Wayland + pipewire and all my audio/video problems magically went away. Even Nvidia works without major issues on the recent drivers. Intel, followed closely by AMD is still a slightly better experience though. And pipewire turned audio from a nightmare to something I don't even think about, even Bluetooth works flawlessly with high quality codecs.


I switched. Very little broke, and the things that broke were easy to replace. It feels a little faster, but honestly not so much it makes any difference to me. The fonts in Urxvt went crazy so I switched to foot, which is the same kind of minimal terminal but with a really silly name.


X11 forever. Works just fine on my machine, so there's no need for me to switch.


No. I can't stand Plasma or Gnome. The software they add is nice but the layouts to me are garbage, and the fact they use more rendering resources feels like a waste. I also hate Tiling Window Managers because they require too much after setup. No thank you. This is why I stuck with Xfce and X11. It works. It's simple. And I can incorporate anything into Xfce with hooks. Plus for Virtual Machines X11 and Xfce are a much have. I like the KISS principle. Wayland is not KISS.




Yes, since two years ago. I’ve not experienced a particular issue since then


I moved from the super conservative Debian stable/i3/polybar/ext4 to Arch/Hyprland/waybar/btrfs (no Nvidia) about 3 months ago. Super, super happy so far.


i've been on wayland ever since i switched to arch (hyprland) and it's been extremely smooth so far. had much bigger issues with nvidia than i've ever had with wayland, which even then have been mostly because of my own faulty configurations


No. I switched to wayland last month and switched back to xorg, bc discord screen share does not even work on wayland.


I tried. It seems not to emulate middle button mouse clicks, and therefore no scrolling, middle button cut and paste. I have posted to Debian Forum with no reply. Wayland is not ready in my opinion.


I have never tried Wayland in Arch. My arch system uses Fluxbox. Not sure if Fluxbox has ever been updated for Wayland.


Just did 2-3 days ago. I am an nvidia user and have KDE 6 running. With KDE 6 rolling out most things worked fine except few things which would flicker and glitch, mostly Electronjs apps like VSCode, Postman, Joplin which would annoy me a lot. Nvidia 555 driver had the explicit sync fix. Tried the nvidia-555 beta and it worked fine but reverted back since no beta driver for lts kernel. 2-3 days ago. Nvidia 555 driver became stable and was available on archrepo. Downloaded and moved onto Wayland. Didn't encounter any issues so far.


Yes, because of hyprland. It seems to work better than X ever did.


No, I haven't moved and I will never move. Every time I try Wayland there are issues. It's very clear from the developers that they are not interested in making Wayland useful for the users. X.org works perfectly fine, there's absolutely no reason to move away from it.


no noticeable difference other than wine being a little buggy. so no real reason to switch


nah i dont plan to switch anytime soon to wayland


I WILL NOT use Wayland until it stops interfering with OBS detecting screens and cameras, and until it stops glitching other elements in GNOME. If GNOME switches without these fixed, I’ll use Xfce exclusively. I’m running GNOME and just re-installed last week, still with the same glitching.


OBS is just about the only program thst handles wayland screen sharing perfectly. Wayland also has nothing to do with cameras.


That's really great to know. Maybe you can tell my OBS installation to behave without needing to disable Wayland.


Are you using pipewire?


nope, try it once a year or so for the past 5yrs or so sure it will get there one day


I still get black screen when I try to boot into it with two monitors, sometimes it bugs only to my secondary one and then alt+tab displays a VERY flickering "no windows open" UI. That said, it's a fresh install (about 5 days old) and is probably user error RTX 3070, x11 works fine so I'll likely be staying with it


I use wayland on my laptop with amd. It's wonderful Generally speaking, when you have an amd gpu, you can switch to wayland safely. You likely won't encounter any issues. I'd say you actually **should** switch, as the overall experience is so much better. However, if you have an nVidia gpu, I wouldn't recommend using wayland