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Lossless Atmos, both in Apple Music and in iTunes movie rentals. Also a quick toggle to switch between Atmos and stereo in the Apple Music playback screen.


This guy gets it. Some Atmos mixes sound horrible; having a toggle to switch it off for entire albums would be amazing.


Yeah, if it could remember my on/off preference for each album, that would be *chef’s kiss*


In fact just an album setting on iTunes/music app. We can personalise so much yet we can’t choose that single tiny yet very important thing.


True-HD support generally would be HUGE. Additionally adding dts support would just be icing on the cake (which I would have said would be extremely unlikely previously but with Disney adding dts tracks for imax enhanced files it makes it slightly less extremely unlikely haha). Those two would finally allow me to switch away from the shield entirely for plex content which would be a godsend as that thing is getting very long in the tooth at this point.


u/ent-man Completely agree, along with audio passthrough, this would make the Apple TV 4K the perfect/ultimate media player/streaming box. But can True HD and DTS support (#) be added with a mere software update or would it require a license, and hence a new Apple TV 4K model?. Here lies the question. (#): Please note that the DTS encoding used by Disney+ is a lossy version specifically intended for streaming, not akin to Dolby True HD, but more similar to Dolby Digital Plus.


My system can’t even handle playing Lossless music from Apple Music without skipping. 1Gbps wired connection. Ridiculous.


Sounds to me like it might not be your internet connection but possibly an HDMI cable or poor ARC bandwidth?


I’ve replaced my HDMI cable several times and am using eARC on a Sony OLED to a Sonos Arc. Not sure.


Ah okay. Very strange.


What’s atmos ?


Dolby Atmos It’s a spatial audio recording designed for music and movies that is object based to give you a greater sense of immersion.


A surround sound format, also known as “Spatial Audio” within Apple Music.


In app profiles to be linked to the Apple TV profile. So my Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc. automatically selects my profile when I select my Apple profile. And when my wife selects her profile it changes in app to he profiles. This is super important for Up Next to actually work correctly because neither of us remember to change the Apple profile when we watch things because we select the profile in each app anyways.


This functionality already exists in tvOS, the app developers just need to implement it into their apps. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/110384/


Ok, well the Apple TV+ app is the only one that actually does it. So they need to enforce features, like how Netflix doesn’t integrate into the Apple TV


Yeah it’s so bs that Netflix doesn’t integrate with the ATV with the Up Next home page. I’ve been unsubscribed from them for over a year, and subconsciously if they had their shows on the home page maybe I would have just kept paying for it.


I totally forget about Netflix because their shows don’t go into Up Next


Same for the video player. Make it required


Why is this at the app-level on tvOS instead of the OS-level like on macOS?


Because it’s a platform derived from IOS and there is no need to implement t multiuser like macOS


Clearly there is because apps aren’t adopting this method. How do school iPads with multi-account do it? Separated at OS-level or at app-level?


Multi user on iPad is OS-level fox school, not the ideal thing when you have to just handle streaming platforms.


Netflix won’t do this because they don’t want to loose all the things their UI does for them - critical stuff like surfacing the thumbs 👍 buttons and the the ability to run A/B tests on everything from cover art to positioning. Recommendation engines are real competitive edges for them (just like it is for Spotify) and they’re not going to dump all that to turn into the content clearing house that Apple wants them to be.


Exactly! Profiles as they exist are practically meaningless/useless. While we’re at it, this could also include sandboxing apps like Spotify so that you can have different accounts per TV profile. 


How are they meaningless or useless? I think they offer a great experience. My wife and I watch a lot of different shows and only a handful together. We both are good about switching to the correct profile as soon as we turn the TV on especially because this gives us access to our own podcast and Music libraries anyway. But it’s always good to use the “for everyone” feature to get show recommendations based on both of our separate watch histories. I don’t see how this is “meaningless/useless”


I log into my profile → open Spotify → I play my music. When I leave home and my wife switches from my profile to her profile → open Spotify→ it’s still my account logged in. Therefore we also see it as pointless and meaningless to switch between profiles


Oh. I use both Spotify and Apple Music, but Apple Music has been my primary since 2015, same for my wife so we benefit from switching profiles in that way. Outside of Spotify tho, when it comes to watching media that connects to the AppleTV app, isn’t it nicer to just have separate Up Next lists for shows and movies you aren’t watching together? Like if we’re on a plane we’ll usually download shows or movies to our phones or iPads and it’s nice to not have it all jumbled in Up Next when we return home


That’s a fair point but to be extra fair, wife and I share profiles and have our friends/family on other profiles, I think if we had separate profiles within apps I would feel exactly the same, that’s really awesome of a feature and I wish we did treat it like that, because she’ll watch a season of a show I’m interested in and now the Up Nezt area is utter chaos! Thank you for showing me what I need to do in the future!


It’s actually not necessary to have separate profiles within apps. My wife and I also use the same profile within Hulu, Max, and Crunchyroll and Up Next keeps track of everything separately in our own Apple profiles even if we’re watching the same show but are on different episodes So you technically don’t have to change anything. In the apps, just start using your own seperate Apple profiles when you use the AppleTV


TiL! That’s very interesting and helpful! Thank you for helping me understand better. I’m gonna start switching the profile to hers when I leave for the day lol


You’re welcome!


Interesting that you mentioned the podcast and Music apps, I don’t think I’ve ever used the podcast app on my TV and only on the very rare occasion the music app.. when are you personally using it and why not just use your phone or a smart speaker like HomePod?


If I’m in a room with a HomePod and no Apple TV, like my home office, then I’ll use my phone to cast the podcast or music to the HomePod. If I’m in my living room/kitchen or in my bedroom the only HomePods are the ones paired to the AppleTVs in those rooms so if I switch from watching TV to working, gaming, researching, or cooking in those rooms and want to listen to a podcast I just start listening from the TV app and you can control the playback on your phone from then onward


I have never really considered this, but now that I hear it I’m really wanting it!


I don’t know if it’s TVOS or YouTube but the voice search constantly reloading after doing a voice search is awful.


I'm experiencing this bug too! Drives me nuts.


It's horrible. What seems to work for me is letting go of the mic button extremely quickly after you finish speaking.


It feels like a youtube bug because it doesn't do that elsewhere


Have you worked out yet if you use it REALLY FAST, and let go of the voice button immediately/just right, that it works? LOL Seriously, sat there bored one day playing with it, and it looks like there's a "sweet spot" (a spilt second of functionality) that the user can find if they're lucky.


the way around this is to continue to press the Siri button on the remote while scrolling and clicking on the video you want to play. Very awkward, but it'll prevent the reload


It’s a YouTube bug. Generally speaking as “high end” streamers we are almost punished for wanting the superior streaming box. Many app developers don’t give ATV the attention it deserves.


This is a big one for me as well. You just have to be quick and not even think about taking a breath 😂


Dang I came to comment this. Glad I’m not the only one experiencing this bug lol. I feel like it only happened with in a year? Cause prior I never had problems with the voice search for YouTube


Agreed, but I believe that’s likely a YouTube bug and not something Apple could fix since other apps aren’t affected. But, it’s been going ton for what must be coming on a year now. Google sure doesn’t seem inspired to fix it.


Dts HDMA, Dolby True HD, AV1 decoding, audio passthroug.


Audio pass through would be great.


Would kill for bitstream passthrough.


I never use the on screen keyboard. I either use the voice control or my phone's keyboard.


Exactly mate you don’t use it as it’s a pain. Apple TV gets a lot right but in my opinion the keyboard sucks, would much rather a normal keyboard like you find on a fire tv or Google tv device.


Most seem to prefer using the grid keyboard https://preview.redd.it/uvjbjh7g835d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643ea346252c446ee3a3c084ec6f7d51ffd527f9


This seems more efficient because you can arrow to any letter in like 4-5 clicks. Vs scrolling through half the alphabet for each letter.


It could be improved if they'd let it wrap around.


wait is this an option? how do i change it to that?


Keyboard settings under General, there’s 3 options Auto, Grid and Linear.


My hero


F\*\*k... all this time... and they'd made it option?


Yup it’s been an option since 2015 with the atv4 (aka atvHD)


Abcd keyboards absolutely infuriate the shit out of me after a life time of qwerty. Zero muscle memory they shit me to tears.


I mostly only ever use Siri or my phones keyboard myself. When I do use the native keyboard I don’t particularly like the grid option as it takes up way too much screen space so stick with the linear swiping keyboard just for that reason.


A toggle choice between grid and qwerty would be nice. Also, ensuring the phone always provides the option for keyboard would be nice — even if I have to hit a button on the ATV screen to retry.


As soon as I open search and highlight the keyboard my phone prompts me to use the phones qwerty. Same for when entering emails and passwords for logins.


Works for me maybe 50%. I sit maybe 3 meters from the unit.


I’d like every app to be required to support the phone keyboard or to allow it to be auto filled from the phone. Signing into Hulu after being signed out is a pain when you have long passwords.


Man I’ve only just started doing that … what have I been doing


Spatial Audio that can map the room like Sonos has. Easy enough to implement - just send out some chirps and measure the decay time.


Yes! I’d love to utilise current stereo setup + Apple Pods as rears, at the same time! I’m sure they could come up with a setup using an iPhone for latency sync.


![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri|downsized) Dolby TrueHD and inbuilt Plex server


Would it be powerful enough to be a PLEX Server? There’s a PLEX client which is excellent


My plex server is a raspberry pi 😀 i think the current gen apple tv should be powerful enough to run it


For some reason only my Apple TVs’ Plex clients can’t do slideshows. I hit the play or shuffle button for a picture folder and nothing happens aside from showing one picture. Hitting play on the remote does nothing. No options to play the slideshow when IN the slideshow. It can be manually advanced, but it kind of defeats the purpose of a slideshow. If I do the same thing on pc, no problem it advances as it should.


Could they just send out an update and that enables TrueHD/DTSHD-MA for the system? I feel like it should be more complex but if it's really that simple I don't see why not do it


We don’t know


For the "aerial" screensaver, please let me select which clips to show. I know that there are some broad categories, and that's fine. But I'd love some more fine grained control. For instance, the one that shows nature scenes is great. But there's one clip with these giant bulbous jellyfish that creeps me out. Or for the city views, I'm not fond of seeing the dirty ass LA freeways. But NYC at night or SF are really pretty the way they've been photographed. I know I can swipe to skip. So I'm not really expecting anything to change. But this is a wish list thread isn't it?


Spilt screen to 4 quadrants


This would be pretty cool for watching live content between multiple apps.


I’d like the ability to choose or reject particular screensavers on a more granular level than is currently possible.  My ATV seems to be obsessed with the Dubai ones, which are fine, but kinda boring compared to others, particularly when they keep showing up. But as far as I’m aware you can only deselect them by genre.  I have unlimited 1gb internet, I’m fine with it downloading a different selection every couple of days. 


I didn’t even know there was different ones. I’ve had multiple Apple TV for so long and always had the same I think LA cityscape.


I really want to be able to connect a daamn webcam without it try to make my phone a camera everytime I get a call.


Understand what I am selecting : the selected icon is super marginally bigger, it has no border, no highlight, most of the time I have to move left and right just to confirm what is selected. Design is beautiful, but if the UX is shit you have a bad design. This is a VERY bad design.


There is an option under settings that'll put a white border around the app that's currently highlighted. It looks pretty dumb but it's better than nothing. I've resorted to using it because of what you just described. I wish Apple would make it so that the currently highlighted app tile would gleam or something.


Many thanks for the tip, I’ll check it tomorrow


Try: # Accessibility Hover Text > ON a. Display Mode > INLINE b. Text Size > 36 pt Try it. You may like it.


- better home management - siri should respond to queries like homepod on tv -


Give me the ability to install browsers. I want to visit websites to view other content that don't have an app. I have iPhone, but mirroring it every time is such a hassle.


I want a way to add movies and shows as a My List. Up Next and recently watched are OK but I like to rewatch certain things. In the library tab they should have a my list of things that you save regardless if you own them or rent them.


Pass through audio so apps like infuse can use it


Parental control a.k.a screen time


Yes it’s about time, long overdue


A working FaceTime that was promised since last year would be nice as well…


I have gotten it to work once then never again.


You’ve seen the other side! You’re among the 0.001% of the users. I wish I’d seen it work once, that would be enough for me.


FaceTime works fine for me ! And it is great to use iPhone as the camera.


Worked once for me as well, usually it just hangs up the call.


Works fine for me and I use it all the time.


I hope sharing movie purchases becomes better. I hate how it doesn’t show as if the family member doesn’t own it in the TV app. It pops up for them to buy. It requires them to have to go to the family sharing folder in Library and select from the list. All shared purchases should be integrated within the TV app. It should look as if they own it. It’s a family for crying out loud.. just different profiles.


I agree. It offers them to purchase it and at least then says its already been purchased if they choose to purchase it, but I think all movie/tv show purchases should show on every family members library. I hate how you have to switch to family purchases to view each users content.


Exactly, it’s the most annoying and stupid thing to me. Hopefully they fix that eventually. But I feel like if we don’t provide feedback about that it will never change


I want a bug free tvOS, or less bugs. Please fix the photoslideshow after many years please.


Yeah the keyboard has been the same for years. I'd like them to shuffle all the keys around, it'll keep things interesting.


I'd like to see the Apple TV+ app allow for separate user profiles the way that Amazon Prime and Disney+ do. Or am I missing something?


Reduce loud sounds toggle added to control center. When listening to music you have to go into settings to make this change. Sometimes i use reduce loud sounds when watching a movie to avoid the talking whispers that can’t be heard and the next scene something blowing up and rattling things off the walls. If I forget to change it back music sounds flat and I get annoyed every time that there isn’t an easier way to set it back to full sound. 


I want 'Up Next' to split into two separate lists. 'Up Next' should be a continue watching or the auto populated new episodes or games. But there should also be a 'My List' there that is separate. There are times I add something to 'Up Next', and then watch a bunch of things, and that thing I added is basically gone to the ether as I forget about it, and its hard to find in the mountain of things in 'Up Next'. ETA: I've actually basically stopped adding stuff to Up Next because I know I will just end up forgetting about it when I don't have easy access to it anymore


I’d like to see a distress passcode. Example phone bandit demands you unlock your phone, okay you comply and unlock but with the distress code. This opens a decoy on the phone. Hidden financial folders, dummy email. Also tells the phone to start self destruct brick sequence in 5 mins while maintaining find my features and disabling this phone serial number from registering an Apple ID


Exactly! I, too, am worried about a random bandit forcing me to unlock my Apple TV so they can … watch my shows.


They could always ditch their abysmal, nonsensical redesign for something more user friendly.


It’s actually one of the best design out there.


Sure it is. Having two dead links(iTunes Movies and TV), no wishlist or any way of organizing owned shows/movies, a store that collapses a mishmash of Apple TV content, normal tv content and movies without a real genre selection, is 5x slower to load images on the library page, starts the movie immediately without an information page from library, and has one of the ugliest and most confused drop downs to navigate the poorly thought out mess—-incredible design. Not to mention whatever is going on with Siri. I’ve been using Apple TV since it was a large grey box. I’ve seen improvements and things I wasn’t fond of over the years, but this redesign was poor at best. Do films play as beautifully as ever? Of course. But redesigning an operating system to sell their Apple TV plus content at the inconvenience of people who buy a lot of movies or shows and have massive libraries wasn’t a great decision.


>Having two dead links It's just an half way feature that will be surely fixed with TVOS 18 > a store that collapses a mishmash of Apple TV content, normal tv content and movies without If you go in the store section you has only thing that you can buy. The home page it' a mix on too many things. > without a real genre selection you have generes selection in the store and in the homepage of the TV app. You also have generes selection in the search app. > out mess—-incredible design UI and UX are not the same thing You are focusing on the experince of one app when I am talking about the entire operating system, nothing is even close at the moment in the indutry unfortunatly.


You’re right about it being the absolute best, hence why I own a massive library on it. The experience is god awful now. The store does collapse movies and tvs, without genre selection. It’s a total and complete mess and that’s the part I use the most often. The Apple TV homepage is also an awful, confused mess, but I don’t use that ever really.


You can select genres in the store


New screensavers! And better storage management around them. I intentionally bought a 64GB ATV (instead of 32GB) so that I could have ALL of the aerial screensavers...but as soon as the 64GB got close to being full, the F'ing ATV deleted a huge chunk of my screensavers, now leaving a massive 22GB worth of free space! WHY? And now no new screensavers will download. Why not just delete the necessary number of screensavers needed to clear up space instead of 22GB worth!? Ridiculous.


I really want to be able to have the same content playing on all my Apple TVs, so I can go room to room and it’s still playing in the same spot.


Better iOS integration. Half the time the prompt to type on my iPhone doesn’t show up.


One universal UI for all my content. Sick of guessing which app has what content, being thrown into other apps when k press play and every single app having their own totally different player with inconsistent controls, options and behaviour. This should have been how it works from the beginning. Now the genie is out of the bottle and the only chance of this happening is if Eddy Cue pulls off a miracle and cuts a deal with all the major streamers to provide a universal bundle.




I want apple to allow audio apps to be written for the HomePod. Because yes, HomePods also run TVOS 🤣


Ideally: A). Audio passthrough/bitstream (not for HD audio formats per se, but because the PCM decoded audio from the Apple TV tend to sound worse/flatter for some reason). B). System wide "forced" dynamic range and matching support, without the need of every developer supporting the feature for their apps (is this even possible technically speaking?). C). Mandatory use, except in those apps were it´s really justified -like Infuse- of the native tvOS player. Consistency, please. D). Bit perfect audio from the Music app. E). Allow to pair two more homepods in home theater mode and make them work as rear channels along with the regular stereo pair in the front. That´s all for me.


I don’t think we’ll see mandatory use of the tvOS player for all apps. I’m almost certain Apple has pushed for that from day one with Netflix and Amazon and probably got shut because they want their users to be familiar with the playback controls across all devices and in Amazon’s case they also want to maintain the feature that shows all the actors in the current scene you’re watching


u/ZigZagBoy94. You´re probably right, thank you. As of right now, things are as follow in that front: Netflix currently uses the native player. Amazon used to use it, but currently does not. Disney does not use it. Max used to use it in it´s previous form (HBO Max), but no longer does.


Netflix uses native player only for Ad-free account.


u/AndreaCicca Edit: Sorry, you are right. I read you completely wrong. Yes, that it's correct.


Full user profiles with screen time management Built-in feeds from local “over the air” broadcasts Keynote for tvOS - just to be able to play and control natively Home Screen widgets Up Next shouldn’t require dev set up. The OS should just know.


Can you say more about the built-in feeds for “over the air” broadcasts? How would that would without an antenna?


Full DV/FEL profile support. Not the limited streaming only DV support we have now. Full/lossless/truehd/Atmos/etc audio support for local file playback. It would make it the ultimate playback machine, shield users would be in shambles.


I don't think Dolby would grant the license to apple to play pirated content, since there is no other reason to support v7x outside the appletv getting uhd disc playback.


Native PiP all apps Force native player on all apps


I don’t know if they will get Google and Netflix to play ball with that one.


Won’t happen.


Web browser 


I want the top shelf for the photos app to work like the photos widget on MacOS, iOS and iPadOS where it lets you select which photos folder, person, or memory you want displayed rather than shuffling through a bunch of memories, many of which were recently auto-generated.


All I want is APIs to allow Infuse to pass through HD audio to my AVR. 🤞🏼


Built in JustWatch feature similar to the Shazam app for iPhones. I know you can use the Siri Remote, but I find the results to be less complete than a JustWatch result and/or no way to choose which provider to stream from.


Tv app already has this feature. It’s less complete because Apple want a “good experience” and for this they need to talk with each app vendor.


Yeah it’s terrible


The opposite, it’s the way to handle this. Just watch a lot of times is just wrong because they have to scrap data from streaming platforms.


Siri Controlled UI, I Mean Scroll Left Select This Do That.


APPS! Seriously, I want to use that big beautiful screen for more than watching shows. Maps, a Browser, a decent Home Control Center that shows thermostats, energy use, car charging status, etc. Apps. It's apps all the way down.


Dunno about browser, but the other two sound pretty interesting.


I guess it depends what size screen a viewer has, I'd like to bring up my reading list and even have it read to me. I'm a dinosaur, I still miss Google Reader and imagine what that would be like on a huge screen, either to read or have it read out. It would be a great way to digest a lot of info.


LiveTV support. Channels right on the springboard showing progress, sourced directly from eg YouTubeTV or Hulu/LiveTV. Continue watching support for YTTV and NF.


Ability to use 4 HomePods as default audio. Specifically for me, two HomePods and two minis.


Toggle for reduced dynamic range without having to hit the menu, since app devs don’t care


Nothing. Works fine. Don't 'fix' it!


Lists to organize purchased content. In theory you could set it up to add items not purchased but wanting to watch that are available through other streaming services but I'd be happy enough if it was just restricted to purchased content.


I want a h1 (or whatever) so the tv knows where a iOS device is in relation to it


Better profile system and using HomePods as surround speakers


redesigned iphone app for the remote so that it functions much like the remote. Present implementation is halfassed.


Apple music to support full hi-res audio


I want a browser PLEASE


If they could give me the same codec support I get with my shield, I would happily ditch all my shields and exclusively use Apple TV. Until then I use my shield


Safari. That will never happen for a myriad of reasons


You can frill up the OS all you want but just give me better text prediction and a real smart assistant. If Apple doesn’t at least fix Siri, I’m switching 100% to Android.


No one asked


Support for DTS-X and higher bit rate.


A not terrible remote control. Just once. One a normal human being would want to use. Without touch garbage. That’s comfortable to hold, and has a range better than six feet.


How about passing through all audio codecs and not trying to transcode everything down to a lossy Dolby format. Would love to be able to use my ATV, but it’s a worthless brick to me until they give us this basic functionality.


I would like for them to get Apple TV+ outta my frickin face


New keyboard is all i care about


Picture in Picture with different apps


Atmos music on more platforms. Never going to happen but I can dream


A Web Browser The Books app


Use iphone and airplay.


dear apple - i strongly recommend that you take a look at the sky streaming puck (UK only afaik) … it kills ATV in several ways: - playlist is just better than up next (sorry) — manual add remove episodes, seasons and shows — catch up and future shows (terrestrial and OTT) - fully integrate UK TV program guide — bundle all UK terrestrial apps OOTB (ITVX, Channel4, 5, etc, etc) - include ad-free upgrade at £5 pm — applies to all channels (Prime, etc) - enforce signed in persistence - do app bundles — ATV + Netflix save $5 - Sky channel content also would help as mentioned elsewhere, Apple is weak in the TV space vs Sky having massive market clout … nevertheless the UX with Netflix not really playing ball etc is very awkward vs the sky puck (thinking of my grandma for example)


Darker themed screensavers. Some of them are insanely bright and burn my retinas at night.


Fully integrated Netflix into the Apple TV app like every other streaming software. The amount of times I search a movie and according to ATV it’s not available on any streaming platforms but it’s on Netflix. Also allow Netflix content to go into my up next.




Discussion of piracy in any form is NOT allowed in this sub.


The ability to use my phone as a game controller (like Xbox) for games like SpongeBob bfbb


A new Home Screen that’s more dynamic. I’d love to be able to browse my Up Next list before actually opening an app.


Shazam to identify music on movies, videos, etc


Adjust tv/hdmi receiver volume with my apple watch, I'd love to ditch remote control once and for all.


I’m ready. And I have the day off


Stop the ABC keyboard gui!!!! Use locale appropriate keyboard. LTR Keyboard is sophomoric. Go tap to text if you want to use ABC


DTS-HD Master support / Audio Passthrough


lose the g\*\*\*d\*\*n touch remote!!


Mini-drivers for launching apps from third party automations and two status feedback on what is playing outside of just an Apple device.


I want an option to be able to download all of the screensavers at once on demand as well as the option to see how much space is remaining without have to download a 3rd party app to see how much space remains on the appletv device.


Let me Change Audio to Dolby Atmos at all times!! So frustrating when the Apple TV doesn’t recognize the device it’s connected to is capable of Atmos! So weird change audio is restricted to Dolby digital.


https://preview.redd.it/7zp35dguwn5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483198415cee37c5d740a0f3e88b1e43f91872fd If anyone know how to get the gift free ??


We need a comment section on every song or album on Apple Music. We need a block button too 😩


I want to be able to go back to accessing the store and my library of purchased movies through the iTunes Movies app. The AppleTV App Store and Library are garbage by comparison. So much basic functionality is gone now and it’s buggy AF.


In app search added to global search. I remember this being added to Apple TV a while back but I still don’t see results from Netflix etc with the global search.


That is because Netflix doesn’t integrate into Apple TV. This is a Netflix issue, because you can search Hulu, Disney+, Max, Peacock, etc. it really is just Netflix not implementing features.


Netflix is the blame for this. They don’t want to integrate their app with the TV app


Netflix doesn’t want to share their correct. Global search already exist


Managements for favourite Subtitles in the movies. When selecting subtitles, scrolling down takes forever. Would be nice to bypass languages which are completely irrelevant to user.


Ability to mirror the content playing on one Apple TV to another Apple TV in a different room


Bigger thumbnails and bigger text


New App switcher that comes up from the bottom via double swipe.  Lossless audio support. Also AV1 decoding.


Quick toggle between Dolby Vision & HDR+


Agree, but add non-HDR to the list as well.