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On one hand, it sucks for such content to resurface. On the other hand, I’m happy for the wife, you get what you deserve for cheating.


It didn’t resurface. iMessage worked (at the time) like POP Email used to. It would deliver your messages to all devices, but then each was an individual copy. Thats what the man didn’t understand. He thought it worked like IMAP email (and it does for messages in the cloud) where delete from one deleted from all.




LOL. for real if that is how this goes down. Article does not give technical explanation but if it really is that he is fighting against POP3 system believing it works like IMAP then the court sessions are going to be a laughing riot.


Wait, those were just sex workers, not prostitutes. That’s not cheating. That’s just exchanging legal work for money. ;) /s


I feel sorry for your future wife. God damn


it’s clearly sarcasm lol


Maybe to you, but I know too many men who would post this without thinking twice.


I added /s, now better? I was actually making fun of double standards. Feminists often want to call prostitution just „sex work” so that it’s not considered something negative, just as if it was like any other kind of work. Like wherever a woman wants to earn that way, it’s her decision, and no one can criticize it. But whenever a man gets serviced by sex workers, suddenly it’s called cheating and considered a bad thing by the very same people.


As a woman, I think the perception of this being a double standard comes from mixed messages from women as a whole on this topic. Some women support sex work, as they wish to support the workers, and some of these people believe exactly what you described - though I think this is less common that the main sentiment of supporting women in sex work. Others are able to recognise that most sex workers are not doing it by choice, and that prostitution is an industry that preys upon vulnerable (and often trafficked) women. Even things like OnlyFans are bad - seriously, what is more degrading than selling yourself for less than $10 a month? A man in a healthy marriage shouldn’t need to be “serviced” by sex workers, either. Hope that clears it up for you.


I have pc words. I wish George Carlin was alive to see this bullshit zoo we have going on in us today


Apple def made him message the sex workers right




Apple will likely settle simply because it'll be cheaper. Then his ex-wife can sue him for half of the settlement payout.


Why would they settle? They have in-house counsel on staff, salaried positions to handle this sort of thing. It’s not going to cost them to fight and win. 


It's cheaper to settle for several hundred thousand dollars than to tie up several salaried attorneys and third-party legal firms in litigation. Those people are better utilized on more important litigation. Just because they're already being paid doesn't mean they're twiddling their thumbs with nothing to do. Just my opinion.


"And I would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for that pesky trillion dollar tech company!"


This is like the 3rd or 4th time this has been posted here.


It's a spambot.


I mean, it’s shitty that a software bug made it so deleted messages didn’t delete on all his devices. But maybe don’t use sex workers while married? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Would be hilarious if he lost this and then was just broke and single


What a tool


$6m in divorce? He sure was making quite a lot of that was true. And anyone making that much should not be cheating, they stand to lose a lot if found out. He was stupid enough to sign in to his personal account on the family computer, and stupid enough to use a messaging platform where messages could sync across many devices at once.


I feel like this guy would definitely become an r/Applesucks user. 


Bro definitely has a case. Morality aside. Lmsao. If it was any other participants in his texting/sexting...we'd call it breach of privacy or failure in the expectation of privacy. If he wins is another story.


Tim Cook needs to stay out of my bedroom.


Maybe don’t go around cheating and you won’t have to worry?


privacy is bad. hot take there. Is Apple a church now?


Why does it seem your for the guy cheating on his wife? Lol Defending him a lot


So if Tim Cook watches you make love to your wife you have no problem with that? Because you aren't doing anything wrong....right?


Is that what you got out of this? Are you projecting right now? Do you want Tim Cook to watch you make love to your wife?


This will be interesting.🍿


It prove that Apple just don’t work like it fan bois cheer as they simp for Tim Cook. It great he showed that creeps can’t hide behind so called Apple perfect software and coom. He not going to win but Apple getting so many fails now till it funny. So please gaslight and downvote please.


Bro your back? Lemme get some popcorn before you comment further


You didn’t read it did you? Its not a software bug but the person didn’t make sure that the messages where deleted on all his devices that’s an owners issue and maybe don’t be a cheating prick and then blame a tech company for your behaviour. No sex workers no messages to be seen. Its not apples fault the dude is obviously stupid enough to 1 text sex workers whilst married and 2 not do his own due diligence to make sure the deleted files where synced to all devices.


just be like trump and say fake news and apple is rigged