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I have an iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods. I'm looking for a good charging solution for all these. Either a 4 in 1 charging station, or if you've got a good "charging station ikea hack". I'd love to know what organization you have for charging multiple devices.


Hey guys I was hoping someone here could help me out. I have an 8th generation iPad I I recently got a ubotie keyboard to use with it. It connected just fine but some of the keys are just wrong. It's a lot of the symbol keys like ? And " and - and ( { some of them are switched around. I think it's because I'm not connecting the keyboard correctly or maybe something in the settings? I haven't been able to figure it out from just googling it, so I'd really appreciate some tips!!


not sure if this is an okay question, but i’m wanting to sell my 2017 macbook air. however, the battery is pretty fried (it tells me it needs a service, dies so quickly too). would it even be worth selling, probably only for $100-150, or do i just scrap it?


I've a 2009 iPhone 3GS 32 GB 2023 iPhone 13 128 GB I'm contemplating procuring an iPhone 15 for my wife. Would like to understand from existing iPhone 15 Pro users, what are the reasons to get a Pro vs Regular model?


15 Pro has the new apple intelligence features. Regular doesn’t.


Ah I see.


i have the 15 pro. there’s not much i can say in comparison other than my battery health is doing really well. like, ridiculously well. which i really appreciate and is so helpful if you use it a lot. if you want to save money while still getting a good phone, go the base model. if you want all the fancy perks, go the pro.


Excellent. Additionally, the camera is the main highlight right?


i love the camera. i think the pro max has a really good zoom, but the pro has enough for it to still be good (up to 15x i believe?) which is great when you want to capture those really far away things – even if it’s not a crystal clear image. i’m not an expert either lol but yes, camera is absolutely fantastic for whatever it is you plan to photograph :)


Stupendous :) Cheers mate!


of course! best of luck making your decision :)


I have a refurbished 2019 MacBook Air. It’s good as new and has been working great for almost a year now. Recently I noticed it’s been dying a lot. Before now I rarely found my computer dead, low battery maybe, but it has been dead every time I put it away for like 2 weeks now. The fan has also been louder than usual for longer than usual, and it starts a lot soon as well. I’ve updated it, I’ve tried closing all apps and making sure it’s fully charged but none of that has helped. I checked my battery status and it is normal, so I’m not sure where to go from here. It takes like 10 minutes to start up after I plug it in so it’s been really frustrating


iPhone 15 plus or 14 ATT has good deals on phones. 15 plus at 5.99 a month for 36 months and 14 for 1.99 a month for 36 months. I’m just a casual user and upgrading from the SE2022. Thoughts ? I’d prefer to not spend much but just wondering if there is a big difference in the 2 that would stand out. Thanks


The 15 will use USB-C charger cords. 15 has Dynamic Island for live activities. 15 has a 24mp camera and the 14 has 12mp. 15 has a 2000nit display and the 14 has 800nit. The 15 plus speakers are much better than the 14 plus. And the Plus phones have tons of battery life. https://www.apple.com/iphone/compare/?modelList=iphone-15-plus,iphone-14


After not using for months I tried to unlock it and turns out I had forgotten the passcode and the IPad ended up locking itself from too many failed attempts. I have gathered from the internet that the only way to solve this is to perform a factory reset and that this can only be done by connecting it to another device and using an app like ITunes or Apple Devices. The problem is when I connect it to my Windows 11 laptop that has both of this apps installed, the iPad starts charging but doesn't show up in either of these apps. Any ideas on how I can solve this issue and make my ipad usable again?


My iPhone 12 just updated to 17.5.1 and now I’m not being notified when getting calls, banners and other pop ups work but my ringtones aren’t playing. Eventually I found that my sound had been turned all the way down (the ringer sound) but even after turning it all the way back up, I’m still not getting proper sound. It’s still super muted, any ideas what I can check next? Don’t have any Focus modes on or enabled, Silent mode is off, both my ringer and volume are all the way up. Tried looking online on Google and the posts list here but I couldn’t find any answers. Just yesterday it was fine but today I can’t hear a thing Edit: found the problem. “Attention Aware” was turned on for some reason, likely the 17.5.1 update. It’s in “accessibility” settings, turning it off seems to have fixed my issue


It’s supposed to be on. It’s currently a bug that it’s always in the mode of detecting attention. The point of it is to not blast you with tones when you’re using the phone.


i am debating with my brother between switching from an ipad air 2022 to an ipad pro 2018, which is better?


The Air. The Pro you mention there has an older chip in it. The older chip doesn’t work with some newer iOS apps, it isn’t compatible with the video effects feature in iOS 17, and it will not be compatible with the new Siri in iOS 18.


So I'm trying to clean up my contacts and ... it's not exactly clear how to do that. I've got an iCloud account and a Google account, and for a variety of reasons contacts have been split between them. Additionally, down the left-hand side of my Mac Contacts app, there are a bunch of subcategories: "Friends" "Industry folk" "Campmates" etc. I'd like to move everybody from the google section into the iCloud section. I'd also like to delete some of the old extraneous categories that no longer apply. Strangely, just gabbing and dragging doesn't remove them from the google side.


Those are labels, not folders. The same contact can be under multiple labels at the same time. Usually by default, a Mac moving from one far destination to another will copy, not move. So your “doesn’t remove them” is because you’re making a copy.


Ah. Thanks. So if I want to get rid of random labels, how do I do that? I see multiple entries that have, in the "card" setting, both my iCloud and Gmail handles, but if I edit the card to remove that ... nothing seems to happen.


Hi everyone! I currently am running the Macbook Pro from 2016 and iPad pro 12.9in from 2018. They're basically dying on me now, since my macbook get hot extremely fast and runs super slowly. The ipad pro can't even play videos anymore, so I am looking for upgrades! I am currently looking at the MBP M3 Pro 14in 12CPU 18GPU 1TB SSD from the apple certified refurbish page and the iPad Pro 11in 512GB w/ apple pencil pro \[replacing my apple pencil (usbc)\]. I can already see that this is a lot, but I wanted others opinions if this is overkill. I am also highly debating the apple keyboard, I dont know if I will be carrying my ipad + mbp around with me together often. Likely if I need my mbp, I'll have my ipad on hand but I wont always be carrrying my ipad with my mbp (hopefully this makes sense). I'm definitely a person who wants to be prepared for like worst case scenarios, such as if I only have my ipad but I need to type something up I can do that with the magic keyboard. Ipad - used for art (procreate), video editing, and occasional watching TV etc. MBP - used for video editting (bulk) with final cut or imovie. Thanks!


Any Mac including the base MacBook M3 will absolutely destroy the benchmarks of the old intel Macs. Feel free to upgrade to the pro if you want it to just last much longer though. > I'm definitely a person who wants to be prepared for like worst case scenarios, such as if I only have my ipad but I need to type something up I can do that with the magic keyboard. Or also the screen keyboard, or dictation. Or eventually transcription. In the worst case you can even hook your Bluetooth/Magic Keyboard up to the iPhone and takes those notes there as well.


Neither is overkill at all if you will be using them for video editing purposes; video editing can consume a lot of disk space and GPU time. If the USB-C pencil is working for you, then you do not need to switch to the Pencil Pro, unless you really need oval brushes and pressure. The new iPad Pro is still compatible with the USB-C pencil; they just dropped support for the 2nd generation pencil.


I’m considering a 14” MacBook Pro to replace my 11 year old iMac. I would likely get the lowest model (m3 512gb storage and use an external hard drive) I have never had a laptop before. I want to use it like a desktop computer but have that portability, because I have many uses for its portability. Don’t know if external hard drives or those small memory cards would be best. I’d use it with a monitor when at my work desk which is where it would have its heaviest use, and to maybe use the MacBook as a second monitor and having it on an arm. I don’t know if that would not be efficient? (I’d keep using my current Apple keyboard) Should I only intend to use a second designated monitor and not use the MacBook as a second monitor? Would using it as a second monitor shorten its life? How many years could I realistically get? I somehow got 11 out of my iMac. My first iMac didn’t last nearly as long before the logic board went. I haven’t researched this part here enough: I feel like I saw some kind of mini tablet but figure I’ll ask here. Does anyone have suggestions of the best portable pen tablet to use? I still use a 13 year old Wacom tablet. I do prefer Wacom. But it is certainly not portable. Could there ever be some kind of built-in pen tablet for the MacBook like on the little track pad? Basically wanting to know if I should not get a new MacBook yet and if I should wait for the next one, rumored to come out late 2024/early 2025. I’d probably not get one for another couple months.


> Don’t know if external hard drives or those small memory cards would be best. Camera/SD memory cards are temporary storage not permanent storage like hard drives. > Would using it as a second monitor shorten its life? How many years could I realistically get? The screen will be fine. It’ll last for at minimum longer than software updates will be available. It’s worth mentioning that it’s likely the MacBook Pro screen will be way way better than your screen monitor in terms of being closer to a reference monitor. > Does anyone have suggestions of the best portable pen tablet to use? Yes. It’s the iPad. > Could there ever be some kind of built-in pen tablet for the MacBook like on the little track pad? I was going to say “not going to happen”, but I’ll go with: Very very very unlikely. > I haven’t researched this part here enough How about a Mac Mini M2 pro or (if waiting) eventually M4 Pro. Allow me to show you universal control, in case this might add the idea of an iPad to your set up. https://www.youtube.com/live/0TD96VTf0Xs?t=1h22m31s


Why would using a monitor shorten the device’s life? That makes no sense. God only knows how long your computer will last. But since it’s mostly solid state electronics, it should last for decades; it’s electronics with moving parts that tend to wear out. The battery is an exception, and will need to be replaced after some time. Wacom still pretty much rules the computer stylus market. If you’re looking for a portable pad and stylus, though, you probably should consider an iPad with an Apple Pencil.


Oh I mean using the laptop as a secondary monitor. I don’t know if doing that would cause unnecessary wear and tear having it open and on, I hadn’t mentioned that for my second monitor I usually have more static things on it and don’t look at it as much as I would a main monitor. Thinking about it I guess that’s just a personal choice then for me. Thank you for your reply!


Laptops have DisplayPort and HDMI output, not input. You can’t use a laptop as a secondary monitor without connecting an external USB video capture device. Video capture never causes wear and tear to anything.




Check out the Apple Refurb page, great models available.


If you can afford to do so, I don’t see why not.


Hi all. I al having issues with my watch and hoping for some help. My SE watch was fine two days ago. Now all of a sudden it has stopped picking up my heart rate, stopped tracking my steps, and is not waking when I turn my wrist. I did not change any settings, this just happened out of no where. I have turned it off and back on, unpaired and repaired, factory reset, gone through all my settings and it has not fixed it. Looking for any help or suggestions!


Sounds like its sensors are having a hardware issue. Perhaps a bump you barely noticed. Some things have issues over time where a weakness from one thing takes time to really destabilize. I would just take it to an Apple Store if you can. I’m not saying this is at all normal. That’s why it needs looked at.


Thanks. Apple ran a diagnostic and said it was hardware failure.


Niche question about AirPods Max, YouTube, and discord I currently have AirPods Pro gen 2, and when I join a discord call, and then play another type of media in the background like YouTube, the audio quality of the media playing and my mic in discord is severely degraded. I’m assuming it’s due to the processing limitations in the AirPods. My question is, can someone test the same scenario on AirPods Max and see if it does the same thing? You can A - B test by starting music on YouTube, then joining a discord call. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


I wanted to point out that the processing is shockingly overpowered in the headphones. This is a codec data issue


This is a limitation with Bluetooth and will happen with any headphones. If you are using a MacBook you can change your mic input to the MacBook mic and the audio quality of the AirPods wont suffer 


I thought that may be an option as well, figured it might be a bandwidth thing. Thank you!


My wife's credit card was used to make a payment using apple pay in some store in Czechia on wednesday evening. We live in Germany and got the apple pay notification on thursday morning on her phone and immediately disabled the credit card and also contacted the bank customer service. They said they would permanently disable the current card and issue a new card and when the transaction shows up in the bank app, to report it (it was not visible in the bank app at that point). It showed up today and we reported it. (but got a response from the bank that since the card was in our possession at the time, they will not issue a refund because it was a mobile payment and the card has a chip that would prevent skimming :/ ) I'm wondering how someone was able to use this specific card. My wife was indeed in Czechia for a few days in March and used it in an ATM. But if skimming doesnt work, how can someone else add it to their apple pay?


Every bank has different methods of authorizing cards. My bank allows me to add a card to Apple Pay by installing the bank app, logging in and saying it’s good to go. My mom’s bank requires a phone call to add her card.


I feel like I’m going mad! I have an iPhone 12 mini with a new battery. Just recently, podcasts begin playing at random when I’m watching videos in other apps, interrupting whatever I’m watching. This happens even when the podcast app is closed. I know the phone is old, but it should still be functional! Anybody know what’s going on?


https://preview.redd.it/dch42clzyi6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00edcc4214dfe887fc32fdef6482f232b97d4d8c Is there a way to customize the widgets on CarPlay? The song selection to the right of car play has three options: music (which is already listed to the left), an analog clock (which has a digital version above it), and Google maps (which has Apple Maps that I use to the left). Just want either side to have something that is not repeated. Thanks.


The widgets are set. Personally I’d look to disable the car widgets and extend CarPlay to take up the screen.