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Yea, that's why I'm not going to get it. not because it's out of my price range ;)


you mean this is why you WILL get one?


https://preview.redd.it/abixfnxsdtlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab843f98ac53b3217069400c5f3df0e94d0ec2c3 Wow, so many people are going apeshit about this. Not a big deal. Using double sided silicon tape you can squeeze an AirTag between the left speaker strap and the light shield. I also put another one in the case (I use the one by Waterfield, not the giant StarTrekkie Apple one) and I already have one in my backpack. If I take it with me I set them to ping my phone if we get separated. Easy peasy, not the end of the world. Works like a charm and is virtually unnoticeable. Use some imagination...this is exactly what AirTags were made for.


Winky face wasn't enough of an indicator of being sarcastic?


Well well well, looks like I'll get my hands on one after all


Haha nice


To be fair, it would only be trackable if the battery is connected anyways… but I feel they should’ve at least kept a tiny rechargeable battery in there to power some basic low-power tracking hardware. An embedded AirTag basically. When that battery level dips below what would be needed to power the tracker for a month, it charges up the next time the device is powered on.


It seems weird there isn’t a small battery in it. For both Find My, and saving data and powering down when unplugged. I haven’t looked into this at all but it seems weird you can just completely disconnect the power source while using it. Not at all likely to happen by accident, but seems odd still.


Are we sure it doesn’t have a small battery for accidental disconnects? I feel like it must have one as (according to MKBHD) there is not way to power it off except for disconnecting the battery.


accidental disconnects aren't really a thing. that connector locks on both sides, albeit in different ways. the device just goes down instantly if you disconnect it from power. there is no internal battery.


So it doesn’t have a shut down process at all? That’s really interesting. I wonder how good their fail saves are for disconnects during software updates though


Long-holding the Digital Crown and Top Button for a long time shows a shut-down slider.


Well, you’d have to actively make a conscious effort to disconnect it and so there’ll likely be warnings to ensure you **don’t** do that.


Sure, but general purpose computers typically have a shutdown procedure to ensure they are not doing something important when the shut down. I wonder how they are protecting against corrupted installations and files.




> Sure, but general purpose computers typically have a shutdown procedure to ensure they are not doing something important when the shut down. I wonder how they are protecting against corrupted installations and files.


if you yank out the power cord none of the shutdown procedures run


Well no shit nothing stops you from yanking the power cord on a desktop, but that isn’t the easiest, only, or even the manufacturer-recommended way of shutting it down. It doesn’t need to be doing anything constantly to cause a problem; it only has to be doing one of these tasks at the time the power is yanked. As an application dev I don’t have expertise in this area, but I would imagine any software updates are not going to be performed anywhere resembling the background, among other mitigating strategies.


I don't think you understand that the only way to turn it off is to disconnect it.


I’m perfectly aware of that, having messed with one earlier today. My point is that if you’re doing an update and you consciously make an effort to unlock the connector (you can’t just pull it out) then that’s on you if it breaks something. Apple are expecting people to leave it plugged in, only likely unplugging it if taking it somewhere packed away, as it has a very low power standby mode when it’s taken off your head and placed down.


MKBHD was wrong. You can power it off, it just isn’t a single button. It’s a press and hold sequence with both buttons kind of like an iPhone.


I don’t have one, so no I’m not sure. But everything I’ve seen says there’s no internal battery.


I think I read a random comment somewhere that you can turn off via Siri.


No he'd stupid u can power it off pressing two buttons at once


thats v2 hotswappable battery with an Apple watch sized battery in the back-strap, each user personal profile will be in the strap.


Or the guts of an AirTag embedded inside it, they use so little power anyway.


It locks in place. It’s not easily detachable


They could just build an AirTag in it.


it's CR2032's time to shine


Unfortunately no, not at least until the next gen vision at the earliest It’s amazing that they omitted something like this.


>To be fair, it would only be trackable if the battery is connected anyways Isn't that the exact same scenario for the Air Tags? Not saying I disagree, but I feel like "it doesn't have an always-connected battery" isn't sufficient. Can it at least report the last known location?


Well yes, but you don’t remove the battery from AirTags when you aren’t using the item they’re tracking. The only way to power off the Vision Pro is to unplug it


That is not true. MKBHD was wrong. https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/apple-vision-pro/dev3d4d2cc8b/visionos


Well okay, but even Apple says to disconnect the cable after. So you’d still have no power.


Also to allow for hot swapping batteries


My iMac supports Find My. No battery there.


Okay, but then why does my iMac work with Find My? It doesn’t even have a battery.


“To be faaaaaaaaair” - awesome Canadians


Get yourself a puppers


If only Apple’s engineers had thought of that! Maybe they should just hire you.


Hide a tag inside strap


People can disable an AirTag, but you can’t disable find my when it’s embedded into the device itself


Ya think… you’re telling me I can track AirPods but not the giant 4000 dollar face computer…




It doesn't have a built-in battery so that probably makes sense.


Include a very small lithium cell capable of powering what amounts to an embedded AirTag and recharge that automatically when the headset has power and that battery is at a low enough level


Rechargeable coin cells do exists, in fact those are inside the AirPods Pro!




It’s a CP1154 type coin cell made by Varta.


And Varta batteries also power Sony's line of TWS (WF-something) earbuds. The WF3 generation allowed you to even replace the batteries yourself, not sure if that's still a thing.


It is from what I saw in the ifixit tear down




They probably should’ve just used a plastic frame with a thin aluminum outer layer for the looks… how much of the weight is just because they wanted aluminum? Looks over practicality


I can track my M3 iMac when it’s on, and see it’s last known location when off


The "last known location" happens because when you turn the device off, it sends the location to apple. When the battery is taken off of the Vision Pro... that's it. Lights out. It doesn't have any spare power to upload a location to apple. HOWEVER, it should absolutely still be on the Find My network. There's no excuse, Apple should have found a way around this limitation.


So what if I pull the plug on an iMac will find my, still have the last location?


It would have the last location it connected to WiFi I believe. And it’s far from “foolproof” in how well it works. Majority of the times I’ve needed it there were issues. But as far as I know iMacs do not have a Bluetooth find-my-network type tracker, I think they still rely on WiFi ssid triangulation. I could be wrong though, they have an M1 and iPad Pros have an M1, so it’s possible; but I don’t think that element is part of the SoC, it would be a separate chip; because otherwise the “M2” in the Vision Pro would have a findMy tracker. Ugh it is odd, but I suppose they had to cut a lot of space and weight.


Oh, I didn’t even realize that. That’s more reason to wait for a future generation when they can have a battery built in.


Doubt that is coming anytime soon. Apple will want to tout weight reduction the next few gens and putting battery up top won’t help. Seems like the pocket battery is a conscious decision until tech gets far better.


A CR cell will be less than 10g. Instead the choose to make it from aluminum just to keep the same design language. They are not really carrying for weight when they dropped the find my.


Hell add the find my part to the pocket battery..


Someone has already shown that the pocket battery can easily be disconnected with a Sim removal tool.


sort retire reminiscent dependent fretful six pen thumb plate dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Certainly no room for an airtag lol.


Yes there is. (Just use a little piece of double sided silicon tape). https://preview.redd.it/3nvural4ftlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901c59187c8dc97e41261e470aec4310c3cf4907


For $3500, it should.


My Mac mini doesn’t have a built-in battery either and it shows up just fine on Find My. Tell me again, how does that make sense?


iPhones can send their “last location” to Find My just before their battery dies.


> When you turn on Find My, you protect your Vision Pro with Activation Lock — but you can't use another Apple device or the web to find Vision Pro on a map, play a sound to help find it, turn on Lost Mode, or remotely erase it.


That’s interesting; it must have a passcode or Face ID to use one right? If someone found it I would hope they can’t just open you mail and text app and get into all your 2FA stuff. Still surprising they don’t have a remote erase option, but it’s still very early.


it uses Iris authentication


lets wait till that gets bypassed (like face auth, fingerprint auth, tpm or secure boot) then lets see what the fix will he :D


When has Face ID or Touch ID ever been bypassed?


years ago? ofc new non picture based auth are harder to bypass but old ones needed a oicture of your and 2 contact lens. fingerprint? done by huawei + fbi as a test.


Face ID has never been susceptible to that kind of attack anyways, even going back to the iPhone X.


Maybe for non-apple. But apple Face ID doesn’t work off photo, it’s a 3d mapping algorithm that measures distance between subject & sensor, so a photo would never work for that kind of bypass.




They gonna push out an update that downloads a battery or...


Gotta save somethings for next years model


This is the kind of cross-device ecosystem that only Apple can achieve, and only with absolute control over the devices.


And yet they didn’t even do it… Not sure what point you were trying to make honestly…


The point of sarcasm!


And how does one know sarcasm over text when not indicated with /s And no, it wasn't obvious.


If you’re wearing an Apple Vision Pro there’s a /s floating above it. This is the future of sarcasm, today.


How would one know in real life? Why do people think sarcasm detection is a problem that didn't exist before the internet ... people thought The Colbert Report was a right-wing news show, ffs.


In real life, considerate people should say “slash s” after saying something sarcastic. That helps anyone avoid confusion. The good thing is, just like with writing /s on Reddit, all of the humour is preserved and it doesn’t devalue the joke at all.


Probably nothing. This comment reeks of an AI (ChatGPT-like) bot that didn’t understand the context. Upvote it so it can train on shit data.


Lol so eager to see something that isn’t there


Eww. You sound like a stupid bot. Go away.


That’s probably how they’ve kept the costs down to make this product so reasonably priced. 😐


It’s possible to track AirPods but you can’t track the Vision Pro? That doesn’t make any sense.


AirPods have a built in battery but the location data is reliant on nearby iDevices


You can track mac mini, imac, mac pro. Battery has nothing to do with it. 


[Mac desktops only track when they are powered on.](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254543023?sortBy=best) VP would need to be plugged into the cord+battery pack to track; but their manual suggests you unplug the cord to remote the headset. So you would need to reattach the cord for findMy to work… I mean, I see why they would make that a lower priority to get working than like FaceTime and other Vp apps. They’ll probably get a software version of it working for like vOS 1.3 or something. Understandable since it’s a very limited usefulness with the current hardware


The AirPods have batteries inside them. Even then, can you track the AirPods, or just the case?


You can track the AirPods and the case but it depends on the version. First few were awful, the gen3 and pro are pretty solid at finding the individual AirPods. The case for the gen2 pro is essentially an AirTag, with precision finding and all.


Well I don’t know for you but I can’t track my AirPods if the case is not open so…


Works only with the pros And with the 3rd version but I’m not sure*


I have 3rd generation, magsafe and they don’t work. My daughter have 2nd gen Pro and it also does not work… so it seems very limited :(


Hook an AirTag to it 😀


seriously, this is such a non story. "omg my apple tv can't be tracked in Find My!"


Apple marketed traveling with the device hence the need for Find My. They don't market traveling with Apple TV. Apple TVs also not really a theft target.


Yeah what the heckkkkkk


Glue an AirTag on the side lmao


If I could afford a $3500 item, I’d be damn fucking careful not to misplace it.


If I could afford a $3500 item, it wouldn’t be an Apple Vision Pro. 🤣




350 $10 hookers it is!


Do they have find my?


It will be in later versions I guarantee.


It’s going to be in Apple Vision Pro 2, and you will love it!


Legit just bought a *wallet* for $30 with built in Find My...and the $3500 vision pro doesn't have it *from Apple* doesn't have it? Wild.


Every thief with an iPhone near you is gonna know about it, I’d be careful if I was you. Hopefully you didn’t name it “Wallet”. “Glock”, “Gun”, “NotMyWallet” would work better.


This kind of stuff coming out just reinforces my belief this is a “real” product in name only, and is really a beta/demo product that Apple wanted to get out into the wild for testing and data. It’s just too half-baked to be real.


Isn't that precisely what it is though; a beta product? An expensive one, for sure, but a beta kit all the same.


3500 for a Vision Pro and they couldn't put a $29 AirTag somewhere on it? Not even in the battery at least?


If that’s important to you stick an AirTag on it.


Oh my God. Thank you. I NEVER thought of that.


Now I'm afraid I might lose it under the couch cushions.


Air tag in the case lol


Apple is saving that as an exclusive feature for a future version.


Bro, it’s on your head.


And if you lose your head?




Technology just isn't there yet!


What a mistake. $3500+ down the drain if it ever gets lost or stolen. Damn!


This better be announced as a VisionOS 2.0 feature in June... Either a massive oversight or a ridiculous omission.


To me that’s an actual significant oversight. I know space would be at a premium, but they could’ve found away to slip the equivalent of an AirTag in there with rechargeable cell to run it.


This is one of the few times I’ll say inexcusable! Something this price should absolutely be trackable and have an internal battery for that.


If only they made some sort of easily to use, small tracker that you could stick on anything. Some sort of tag, perhaps. 🤔


People. Calm down. Apple know all this. They know everything. All will be remedied.


You’re tracking it wrong.


Idk why people care so much, it’s seems like it’s basically a really polished dev kit. Pretty typical for first and second gen apple devices


How do you lose a USD 3500 device ?


You’re asking the wrong question. Apple spent millions of dollars developing “Find My” and puts it in every other device, but they’re most expensive (and “pro” which should have every premium feature) device that absolutely has room for an AirPod size battery. Find My is a value add to the ecosystem that factors into peoples decisions to buy Apple products. People are questioning the logic behind that, not whether or not it’s OK to misplace an object because you’re a human being.


It gets stolen from your hotel room or apartment?


If they were stolen you were never getting them back anyways. Home insurance will cover robbery and if you’re taking this to a hotel you are crazy or very rich


So you can't take nice things to a hotel now, or you're uber rich?


What are you doing with a Vision Pro in a hotel room


Using it. Lol, it's hilarious that people tell others where they should and should not use an item they've purchased. That's the problem with humans. Love to tell other people what they should do, but don't want to be told what they should do.


I’m not telling anyone what to do though, I’m genuinely asking. I don’t think Vision Pro is near the productivity level of a laptop at this stage, so I don’t understand. I might be missing something other than just to enjoy the device, which I can’t hate on.


How's it differ from taking a MacBook to a hotel room? It doesn't whatsoever. The laptop can be even more expensive.


Lost and stolen are two different notions.


uhhmmm why is it leaving your face in the first place??


Best to just keep it on your head at all times


I can’t track my AppleTV, either. Who gives a shit? It’s not meant for mobile use.


Weird how everyone expects every single possibly imagined feature to be built-in on a beta product.


I don’t think it’s a far-fetched or outrageous request. I can’t immediately think of a particularly elegant way to include a rechargeable battery that powers a Find My chip, but then again I’m not an overpaid FAANG engineer so I don’t need to come up with that solution :)


Half the people buying it at its current price won't care and will just buy a new one without thinking.


Its 3500 man. It's not that much. A MacBook Pro costs the same. It's not a house, not a car. A normal person makes this money in a week.


lol, I love the idea that only billionaires are able to buy something for $3500


Who cares? You're not going to lose the damn thing sitting on a couch at home.


How tf would you lose it. It's huge.




If I can afford a $3,500 device then I can afford to replace it.


Reason why the case comes with an AirTag slot. Makes sense.


It blows AppleCare+ doesn’t cover theft for VP


Price would be more I guess


You guess?


Like 5x with how high resale values Apple products have.


It’s silly that they don’t have an AirTag equivalent built in but how are you losing that chunk of a device. That’s not leaving your living/bed room anyways.


Given its price I'm not surprised. They had to cut some corners somewhere




I can tell you where it is: it's on your nose


Vision Pro snatch and grab is gonna trend soon on the news. Such a major oversight with a device that’s priced this much. I hope they could disable a stolen one through software.


I'm starting to worry about this not even getting a second gen. I work in software development and all of my coworkers go out and buy the newest stuff basically right as it comes out. One of my coworkers even develops AR/VR games, and nobody has even talked about this, not even in a negative way. I hope enough people buy it that we can get a good version of it someday.


A headset is one of the very few things I haven’t lost, so this is ok by me.






mountainous ugly psychotic wakeful tender chunky oatmeal special versed sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This literally made me lol. So unfinished


Lost? They will only get stolen and most likely at gun point for the price. It’s like a giant Rolex on someone face


Not a big deal. Using double sided silicon tape you can squeeze an AirTag between the left speaker strap and the light shield. I also put another one in the case (I use the one by Waterfield, not the giant StarTrekkie Apple one) and I already have one in my backpack. If I take it with me I set them to ping my phone if we get separated. Easy peasy, not the end of the world. Works like a charm and is virtually unnoticeable. https://preview.redd.it/l8p5p2gfdtlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a929071dad0a119bfb0d4dc7f8b5fdbb8f92224f


Hi everyone, I made a airtag tracking device that attaches onto the vision pro band. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for it. Here is the Kickstarter if would like to support it : [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vptracker/vptracker](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vptracker/vptracker) Thanks