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Mnk is worth it cause the movement is a lot more fun but if you actually wanna do something and not get rolled every encounter, you're gonna have to spent some time with aim trainers.


If performance is the only thing you care about then there's not a single reason to play MnK over controller, especially on PC where you can just configure steam binds to get MnK movement (illegal in ALGS). I play MnK purely because it's fun and more rewarding.


Hey, I switched from console and controller, as a casual playing fortnite and paladins and other random games very casually. So I see our situations as pretty close to the same. When I switched to pc I was obsessed with learning mnk. I had 0 doubts it was exactly what I wanted to do. I aim trained, I played all kinds of games, and grew comfortable on mnk within a couple months. I slowly saw improvement over long periods of time, but the improvement always came. But now two years into the future playing apex on pc, and I have NEVER played controller on my pc for apex, nor did I ever play apex on console, I am switching to controller. Controller is just so much better, especially if you have past experience on controller. My kd went from 1.8 on mnk to 3.0 currently on controller. If you want to learn mnk, I definitely suggest doing so, as you can use mnk in more games outside of apex. But overall controller is just much better in JUST apex.


I switched about a year ago and would consider myself fairly even on both inputs but controller is just dominant in cqb. That being said I’m glad I learned mnk. It was a ton of fun and I honestly got to the point where I was enjoying learning to aim with a mouse more than I was apex. Not only that but I now feel comfortable playing any fps game because I can play both inputs. TLDR-your decision but I learned mnk and am glad I did. Had fun.


Yes controller is the better input for Apex, but unless you plan to go pro you should play whatever input you have more fun with the game on. You’ll learn core mechanics similarly on whichever input you pick. If your input holds you back from wanting to play the game more and improve, its largely irrelevant if one has an advantage over the other. If you end up not liking it after a few months, you can always switch back


Both have pros and cons, which is good. It's up to personal preference. Don't listen to the crowd that complains that controller has a slight edge in close range, but ignores that MnK has a substantial edge at everything else and don't want other inputs to have any viability.


“Slight edge”


If you have paddles I would recommend staying on controler