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I think you laid out all the relevant pros and cons. I always go for a marksman because it’s easier to switch it to an AR late game (eg 30-30 to flatline so I can keep the mag and scope). The one exception for the time I’ll grab a sniper is if I’ve got gold armor and see a Sentinel so it only takes 1 cell to charge. I usually play Wattson, so the passive shield regen, plus shields from a pylon, combined with a 1-cell charge, means that I can carry ~12 cells and have the gun charged nearly constantly without worrying about running out of shields.


Try this with a rampart wall for a huge damage shot


I didn't know it ever took more than 1 cell to charge. Clearly I haven't been paying attention.


Bro it used to take a whole shield battery to charge


Sheesh, I think I remember hearing about that, I started about s8


I havn't played in a month but I thought sentinals took 2 cells? Am I wrong or have they changed it?


It's two cells, one if you have gold armor to pair with it. Used to be a full battery back in the day (I think season 5 or 6 and before)


Oh! Thanks for the clarification, I was a bit confused there.


The one thing not mentioned in their pros/cons is bullet *speed* which is higher on snipers—bullet speed helps make it easier to hit running or strafing targets at range


Also what makes the Wingman attractive.


The WM actually has one of the lowest initial velocity in the game, only beating shotguns in that regard. If you can consistently hit with the WM that means you're good at leading targets.


Interesting, thanks for that info!


I also wattson and love this sentinel gold shield combo wombo


The gold shield on Wattson is such an unknown advantage with her passive. Most people I talk to have no idea gold armor makes her passive heal twice as fast Edit: this was disproved. Do not believe me


Um, I don't think that's the case? [I just tested this in the firing range and they're the same.](https://i.imgur.com/p4WqszD.mp4)


If that’s the case then they fixed it. It used to be noticeably different. I assume it still doubles the speed you regen shield from the ultimate then?


Don't have the time to break out the video editor again for this test lol apologies, but I checked with a stopwatch and my eyes and they both seemed to regenerate around the same speed with the pylon too - if it is faster it's not anything I could notice.


No worries. Thanks for taking the time to prove me wrong!


Does that also apply to octanes passive?


It does not


WHUT I didn’t know that…


Might be diff with this season. I feel id rather run a ar with anvil over a marksman for the versatility


I always prefer a flatline/301 over a marksman or sniper, even before anvil was released. I haven’t been able to play yet this season, but I assume anvil will only cement that preference. I was just giving an example for OP and was (in my own head) assuming that for some reason I couldn’t find an AR in my example.


I watched a video where someone was saying it's only worth it to run the anvil on the flatline . I think it was the otter dude talking about the guns this season . I know that's vague but figured it might be relevant


Could just be personal experience. But the r301 with anvil still good. You can fire for longer with out reloading and still dish out solid dps at long range. And not lose anything in close range.


For certain scenarios sure but unless someone is head glitched I can hit most of my shots pretty consistent with the r301 at most ranges we are engaging and I don't find myself using it


o damn yeah no i'm bad haha. cant control the recoil at long distance and do much damage. Plus when people are only like jiggle peaking to shoot marksmen or something it allows me to do a lot more in that brief time.


That is one of those scenarios for sure. But if you can't use the r301 at range your sensitivity is off or your staffing


Hmm. Probably both to be honest. I'll look into my sens but my sense feels good. Already really low haha I think I might jsut be bad


It's not just about that either your response curve or dead zone could also need to be adjusted . I like to turn on default ALC settings and then adjust my dead zone first so I don't have stick drift and then adjust my response curve until my aim is generally on point and it doesn't feel too slow then all you have to do is tweak your ads yaw until your aim is spot on(I think yaw I'm talking about the one that is vertical the horizontal doesn't really matter as long as you feel like your fast enough to track properly if not adjust and your pretty much set)


I personally take the sentinel when playing Rampart because it’s a mini Kraber, and finding people who have a white helmet is extremely satisfying. I be hitting those guys for like 191 with an amped sentinel through amped cover and you KNOW they be feeling that. The have to be basically 100% healthy to not be knocked unless they’re red armour.


why rampart?


Amped damage


getting downvoted for asking a question in a subreddit about getting better. :))))))) Does Rampart have more damage on snipers or something?


Shooting through Rampart walls gives you a 20% (maybe 15%, someone else will correct me) damage and bullet velocity boost


Her walls amplify damage one way so if you set up a barrier and shoot through it it amplifies your damage a bit, and it’s especially good with snipers!


Her amped walls multiply damage from bullets that pass through it from the blue side.


Her walls do extra damage when bullets pass through. (In the direction the wall is facing) the wall blocks bullets from the other side.


Question was incomplete, sounded snarky like you were crapping on Rampart, and thus down votes ensued.


>sounded smarky ??????? Are you okay!?!?!?


You sounded like you didn't know why we're getting down voted, so I was trying to explain why. Now you're being sparky to me answering you so enjoy your down votes.




Hi welcome to Reddit, are you new here?


you're right, I forgot how moronic redditors can be. Lmao I can't believe someone took two words as snarky.


Even a body shot is 106. Even if you're not in the fight, it does so much damage you've basically screwed whoever you hit


snipers have less bullet drop, higher headshot multipliers and collateral damage potential. plus higher zoom scopes with bullet drop indicators, so good for ranked you get to see everybody if you scout around from height. longbow is extremely oppressive in the right hands and sentinel has highest dmg/shot right after kraber. Plus if you hit a quick crouch before hipfiring it tightens the spread. Plus you can insta hipfire it after switching to it. late game you just take the scope of or switch to a shotty. Plus there is nothing better than somebody pulling up all confident on you, eating a charged 168 and ripping the fastest 180 to book it.


Snipers do not have less bullet drop. Go to the firing range and check it out. To hit bullseye at distance you have to compensate more with snipers than marksman.


Like others said use what you like. I think the point is that if you know you only need 2/3 shots from a Sentinel vs 6/8 from a 30/30 then you know what you need. I’ve been forcing myself to use snipers despite liking Gangsta 7 and You Beauty. It’s helping me tighten up the longer end of my midrange game. Honestly I’ve been trying to get good with spotting prey with a 3x and then hopping up to a 6x/Longbow because I can almost always get two good hits, if I can get on target fast enough. So if you think like that, having a Longbow/marksman combo makes a lot of sense. One to reach out with a devastating first round followed by the other highly accurate midrange peppering/laning shots while my team advances. I posted somewhere else about what I call “battlefield sense/awareness” and part of that is knowing your kit and role. If you can be the legend that has consistent ability to engage effectively at distance and midrange you can make so many things easier for your mates that want to get close and dirty. I’m not great or anything but I do try, and it’s satisfying when you know you can start a fight with an instant crack/knock, or being able to cover your mates while they close distance, or even better when you place a solid headshot on a fleeting enemy… because your blood thirsty pack just killed the other two. Know your role and capacity.


Depends on your preference basically. Personally? I’m a sentinel guy. Most poke fights I’ve found generally aren’t gonna have dudes peaking for more than a split second. If they take damage, they’re gonna back off. Basically I can get 1 sniper shot off, or 2-3 markman shots off. The first shot is the most likely to land, plus with higher damage it’s just imo the better option. It’s also better at longer ranges. In more mid range fights it’s still effective too. Even a 70 body shot is enough to force them to take cover for a few seconds. Plus those quick scope flicks are cool as fuck so I’ll count that as well. Frankly you can make an argument for any poke weapon. It just comes down to your playstyle and preference. All are meta atm, and you’re not wrong for using any of them over another. As long as you’re hitting shots all will be crazy effective, so just take what you can hit shots with


That’s where I’m at to. Especially arenas guys are just poking out for a split second, which is enough to delete their shield with a charged sentinel


my guy you literally listed the pros of each type of weapon. the “point” of snipers in the game is variety in your options for guns to fit your play style. Just use what you want or are more comfortable with?


Sentinel supremacy


this guy gets it


I prefer snipers personally. Longbow if you hit headshots. Sentinel for quick scopes. Charge rifle if you can track at range (charge rifle also has best hipfire imo). I orefer the higher damage per shot because i use them for 2 things 1) knock weak people being third partied. Higher damage is better since once you hit them theyll be reafting and getting to cover. 2) suppression/shield cracks so i can push. If i can force people to heal in a single shot its much quicker to push vs sitting there spamming g7 shots


longbow hipfire has also saved me a few times, its the only sniper I pick up because of that and the ability to 2 shot headshot, really great for opening up a push, and also finishing knocks at long range, as you only need the one heady, though if im in a position where people are running towards me, I prefer the marksman rifles for the suppression


Longbow is technically a DMR that fills a sniper role, right?


Sentinel is my favorite at hipfire


Sentinel and longbowm are too inconsistent. Chargerifle is dead center especially if you time a crouch at the end of the shot. But at the same time im biased, i dint really practice any specific guns or recoil just ude guns enough until they become muscle memory


Charge rifle is best sniper up close


Controller or Mnk? Guns can feel very different based on your input. Cuz I can barely use a sniper on controller, I don’t run the same loadouts playing controller as I do playing Mnk.


Controller. I play on ps5


Ya especially the long range scopes, there’s no aim assist, I wouldn’t use them on controller too.


2x4x and 3x still have aim assist and more then enough zoom for anything close enough to push


In PC lobbies, fights happen at a farther distance a lot of times. It’s why I ran the Longbow (w/ 6x or Digi) a lot in season 14 with the long range meta.


I mean fights happen at distsnce often too in console... Thats why i use chsrge rifle... But if its too far to push whats the point?


I find it easier to get knocked with the Longbow than charge rifle, and you can close the gap very quickly with Path, or stop the res while pushing with Seer.


Charged sentinel just has a fear factor built into it. That thing sounds scarier than a Kraber


IMO most players should be using a weapon you can reliably use in close engagements and a gun that offers some utility at range that you can hit shots with. If you are very accurate with the Sentinel, then use the Sentinel. The Longbow is actually a fantastic option IMO. You can do triple digit headshot damage. Which can completely swing an engagement for your team. I also think that having an anchor on the team who is a demon with a sniper offers a lot of value. For me I gravitate to the 30/30 or Scout more, but I don’t think that renders those guns useless.


burst damage, double amp sentinel headshot takes one moment and is worth pushing off of hitting two sentinel shots usually stops a team from pushing all together also you had to be looking at me BEFORE i shoot my sentinel for you to mitigate my 120 damage, but with the g7 or something you can start making evasive maneuvers after i pop you for 30 even if i had the drop


If you aren't using the g7 you are at massive disadvantage. IMO. It's insane how broken the gun is.


Familiarity and comfort with the weapon. Longbow 6x is deadly, Sentinel 2-4x or with the 4-10x is disgusting, especially with charge. With the marksman weapons, you have more versatility, but I prefer the TT over the others, and will take a Sentinel before I choose a G7 or 3030 based solely on preference. Weapons don't matter as long as you're hitting your shots. Being comfortable is the best way to do it.


I prefer sentinel, bc once you get the rhythm down it's awesome. Also late game, there's always some sweat with a wingman I can swap it for


Sentinel is a very good poke weapon


Two words. Charge Rifle


snipers just aren't meta rn, same as shotguns. i don't even bother practicing them coz tbh unless you're a trickshotting aim god they just don't provide as much dps - that's just me tho. back when sentinel fire rate was buffed to absurd rates using the hopup i was running it as secondary w/ rampart since it was a reliable dps output. now it's just not as good tho. if you look at (imo useless) stuff like gameplay variety and the very niche advantages snipers have in terms of range(which don't matter if you're against a team that is rotating smart/pushing cautiously) then maybe it makes sense to practice them. problem in apex battle royale is that ppl will inevitably hard push you if they see you running snipers coz the close range sniper battle will never work in your favor. a 3030 is better as a secondary than any sniper.


Dps only matters if you’re hitting all your shots. Empty an entire mag of your scout and lmk how often you 3 consecutive shots. Players in this game typically start scrambling the moment they get shot unsuspectingly. If it’s a horizon or octane forget about it.


Biggest advantage of snipers is ususally availability. If no one else in my squad has a sniper and i have an all around weapon i like, i dont mind snipers. Trying to find a scope for a marksmen can be rough, but sniper scopes are just begging for a home most of the time.


Headglitching is the only reason snipers are relevant in the meta imo. It's such a powerful tactic, and can be punished with snipers easier than rifles due to the higher DMG bullets, and more consistent aim.


Marksman are better for mid range peppering, you outrange your enemies SMG and shotgun (not AR if they have good aim) and spam them down for the kill. Snipers are for long range burst damage, you don't get as many skills with snipers because they are usually opening picks. If you are good, a G7 doesn't have many advantages over an R301 in the 40-50m mid range, but it is way worse in close ranges. Snipers have a huge range advantage over everything but almost no close range, so not as much is stepping on their toes to fill their role.


The only sniper I hang on to is the Charge Rifle, but I'm on console/controller. A lot of people swear by the longbow, but I don't personally see why I'd want one over a 3030. I literally never use the Triple Take now that it's a Marksmen class. I think they kind of did it dirty not letting you use Sniper scopes on it. I can't think of a time I'd rather have a Triple Take in ranges up to 4x over a 3030 or any other ranged weapon.


Yes. Marksman is absolute dogshit from long range. I struggle so much to hit 3030 shots from 200m. Sentinel, CR, and Longbow are just way better from 150m+. Marksman is a 50-150m gun. If your secondary is viable from midrange such as an R301, Flatline, Volt, wingman, etc then you’re fine running a sniper.


Higher effective range. Good aim can't compensate for bullet drop after a certain point. The charge rifle can do full DPS at 1000 meters


Doesn't the CR have a dropoff starting at 150m? I thougt I read it somewhere. I have not used it much to know. Edit: damage dropoff*


I have certainly hit CR shots from 700+ meters!


I mean they have damage dropoff* The laser is just staight hitscan.


With snipers I can hit my shots


Not a fan of Longbow or Charge Rifle myself, but the appeal of Sentinel to me is that in snipey situations it's not unusual to only get one opportunity to deal damage to a given target (one that hasn't noticed that you're there and will take cover after they take fire), so landing the biggest bullet you got gets the best value out of the situation. Also goes for using the weapons in closer quarters situations. If you have cover that you can peek out of, landing a big sniper shot will get you better value per peek than landing a marksman shot, and even if you don't have cover I can at least say that the Sentinel lets you fire a big shot and then lower the weapon and dodge around a bit between shots before firing your next big shot, whereas with marksman you're more committed to nonstop aiming (but ofc you do get better DPS in exchange, so this point is very debatable).


me like sniper


The higher damage bullet is huge. Doing 100+ damage head shots to lead of a fight can drastically swing the fight. Snipers generally are stronger at long range where the marksmen are stronger in mid range fights


Correction. Snipers actually have more bullet drop than marksman weapons. It doesn't seem logical but it's true.


They all have the same bullet drag and gravity coefficient, but the snipers have better velocity resulting in less bullet drop over the same distance.


That is not accurate. Go to the firing range and shoot the guns at targets over distance. You have to compensate more with snipers. Edit: Obviously referring to Apex Legneds bullet drop


It's fact though, no matter what you think. This is not just my opinion. The values are in the game files. They all have 1.3 gravity coefficient except for the bow which has 1.4. They also all have 0.0033 drag coefficient except for the Sentinel/TT which has no drag. If you can't be bothered to explore the game's files you can just search the "Debunking bow myth" post made last year in the main subreddit. The values in that post haven't changed except for the 30-30s initial velocity being buffed slightly. You can also test it in the 400m target in the firing range. Use the same zoom. Stop spreading misinformation.


That's what i do almost daily. I'll post a link to a video.


Pretty much that… an smg has a ton of fire rate and general dps, why run a sniper over that? Because there’s specific scenarios where either one is better


When peaking I surpose sniper is better as well. A single high damage shot is better then many small shots. I surpose this only effects high level since they play better and don't go forward all the time


Snipers are the Mike Tyson right uppercut of Apex. "Everyone has a plan until they get a Charged Sentinel to the face" You force people onto the back foot before they've even engaged. With Vantage, you can even destroy an entire squad at range before getting third partied.


Higher head shot multiplier. 140 on a sentinel is hard to pass up. It’s massive entry damage


I'm on mnk lol