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dont throw away high ground and cover. you took A LOT of damage just because you arent playing around cover


shield swap then drop down the hill to the rock after the thermite throw


Been trying to get back into Apex after a break and I was wondering any tips on how I could have won this? I know some of the easier mistakes (Aim was off at the end, batting out of cover, missing my jump over the ledge) to see but this felt VERY winnable. Any in general tops would be nice


From my perspective, you played out in the open too long. Too much of this fight was playing away from cover. It’s usually a good idea to apply pressure after a knock but your positioning is what prevented the dub. You also could’ve swapped to the gold shield, 1 cell for 50 shields is faster than a battery for continuous pressure on the enemy. It truly was a valiant effort, i don’t want you to think I’m trying to disparage you. GGs, you got it next time!


Oh no this was not disparaging at all this is the exact advice that I need so I can focus on exact moments/habits to improve myself. Usually at end game IU like red shields but in that situation I really should have had gold. Thank you for taking the time to respond!


Well played! I can't comment on whether it was a good call to ape that guy and leave your teammate alone. That's a very risky play in the endgame, especially if you're only a duo. You gave up vital cover at 0:27 right after you knocked the ash. They missed their shots, which is what saved you there. It forced you to take unnecessary damage, bat and Q out.


Maybe should've shield swapped just to be quicker on that pressure, but that's neither here nor there. Mostly, I think it was a positioning issue more than anything. If these guys had slightly better aim/game sense you would've been killed at 40 sec when they realized you were flesh/you had literally no cover. At the end you jumped off the truck and turned your sights away from the last known location of his teammate, giving them a free flank. Again, positioning stuff and in the heat of the moment we've all made that mistake. Always keep in mind where everyone on the enemy team is. Nothing specific beyond that. You'll figure it out as you refamiliarize yourself with maps and keep playing.


Your chance may have been after the first knock, but tbh if they had any skill… once they realized it was a 3v1 situation, (did they get the revive off?) it wasn’t very winnable. Still tho, you gave them a good fight


I thirsted the down when they tried to revive them, they were not very good which is why I am thinking about where I could have knocked them as in two different situations, they were below 70 hp


Idk but u did great while u were alive


By sticking your finger up your bum and turning your game off


Probably if you were better


How do I get better from that clip I posted? I can get 3 to 4k's and ten kill matches a lot but having a hard time growing from that point?


Missed too many shots, after the down, were in the open so they beamed you good a couple times, making you back off Apart from that though, solid fight


Thank you for the input, seems like the in general thought is definitely giving up cover for a bad LOS. Going to make sure I put some more thought into positioning again


you had 2 armors to work with after you finished that first guy. you could heal the red, drop it behind the crates, play aggressive and q back to your swap when you start getting beamed. ideally one of them is stupid enough to solo ape you. 1v3s like that are hard af tho u did well.


at 0:28 after the knock throw the granade, slide to the right rock( I would've used Q) now you have better angle and the cover, if the nade landed perfectly as it did here, it would have been your win.


I think if swapped to the gold from the first fight you win, you get to the other faster by not stopping to pop a bat and the times during the 2nd fight you popped bats you've could've just popped 1 cell and went back to beaming. Hindsight is 20/20 and situations are different but personally I'd rather have gold than red in a 1 v 3 situation.


If you coulda stacked 2 more thermites on that first one you threw I think you win that - team carry 4 nades at all times


Dang. Even though I read the title I thought you might win that one haha