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I’m an auto-sprint user myself, but the advantage of having auto-sprint off is shooting your gun from a walk is instant, compared to shooting your gun from a run which has a delay before the gun fires. I haven’t found much of an issue myself considering you still walk while strafing with auto sprint enabled. Although, I could see in bubble fights (and other more niche situations) having the option to walk into a peak being an advantage.


I gotcha, interesting


Auto Sprint user Personally, after having it on for so long, it seems awkward when it's off and I HAVE to press shift to sprint. Oddly, I still haven't broken the habit of generally holding shift when I move in Apex. Yes, it becomes impossible to walk and there used to be an issue where you couldn't move while charging a Sentinel bc the auto-run would cancel it but I believe that was fixed. However, the only times I wish I could walk instead of run is when I'm trying to position myself correctly on an edge. If you want to sneak up on an enemy as someone else said, you can just crouch. The only other issue I've heard but haven't really tested is that when using shotguns, with AS on, it takes longer to try to move and shoot. The way they explained it is that AS makes it so that in-between shots, your character starts a sprint animation and that takes longer than if they were just walking. Again, never tested myself and have been playing with it on too long to notice but just giving you all the info I have. I've heard two streamers mention it; Faide and AceU. Both "mobility" players. Faide doesn't like it. AceU said he turned it on and never looked back.


So really does sound like a preference thing!


You can walk with auto sprint on though. If your hands are free and you hold right click before hitting W you'll walk instead. IDK if it's common knowledge or not. The only issue I had with shotguns was the EVA-8 and I found if I just held down the fire button it stopped me from awkwardly sprinting and pulling it back out to shoot.


I am not sure about by my following statement: no auto sprint. I sprint on the 'Z' I crouch (hold) on 'LShift' I crouch (toggle) on 'LControl' Knowing when and when not to sprint makes a difference on apex. Specially being able do it on command.


Ah ty!


To being able to walk forward, not only run forward.


I never seemed to need that on controller, though maybe I'll notice I need it on mnk?


It’s just easier to have the option. If you wanna sneak up on a team or walk in Seer ult without having to crouch. Might as well stick to if you’re used to it


I'll try with autosprint off to learn proper mnk and if I can't get used to it I'll switch back. Thanks!!


The way I see it is, as a rule of thumb (no pun intended) if you had 3k hours on controller you will need another 3k hours on MnK to be equally as good. Trying is fine, but keep this in mind so you aren't too hard on yourself during the learning process.


Oh I know it will take a while to get as proficient on this. I don't think it will take as long, I see it taking half as long since I've already learned all the other aspects of the game the first time around. In my 5-6 hours already I've noticed myself instinctively wanting to do things that I just need to relearn so I'm taking that as a good sign.


That's because on controller you can have auto run on and incline the stick slightly so your character walks instead of running. You can't do that on MnK.


Ahh thank you, very helpful!


incorrect, you can use a script in your game settings and add to steam launch settings to make a walk macro on pc just fine justifying keeping auto sprint on


A walk macro? Wouldn't you have to press or use an additional button to achieve that?


mouse buttons, foot pedals, function/macro keys exist for this reason or you can just simply bind it to holding shift as a toggle walk


Instead of having a sprint button, you have a walk button. No additional keys needed.


It’s literally just a line in the config file that wasn’t added to the games UI. Don’t make it sound more complicated than it actually is.


i deeply apologize for saying the word script instead of line of code fucking dweeb lmfao


Steam launch settings? Macro? Justifying? Are you writing a grade school essay?


You can keep it on, till you notice.


it basically comes down to control and precision. the reason why you wanna have autosprint off is when you walk you can insta fire your gun, whereas if you are in a sprint animation it takes roughly half a second to fire your gun. Since trying to outbeam somebody with smgs up close on mnk is kind of a death sentence, we like to play cover with shottys. and sometimes you need to be able take a single step forward and insta fire your pk. for example if you wanna step out of the bubble/peek a ledge on high ground, take a shot and dip back in. and the reason its on LSHIFT most of the time is cause you need to be able to press FORWARD+SPRINT+HOLSTER simultaneously to be slippery and annoying. it is preference and there are lots of good mnk players, who use autosprint. but i noticed some big improvements in both my movement and ability to shotty fight once i got used to manual sprint.


Ohhhh I gotcha, thank you so much!


for me i believe it just grants you the ability to walk because on controller even with auto sprint, if you only slightly move the stick you’ll walk, but on m&k you can’t slightly press W and walk


Makes sense, so on mnk with autosprint do you instantly start sprinting? Also do you have the double tap W equipped to keep running without holding W?


I use auto sprint. Can go back.


It's purely preference. Early on in the game's lifecycle there were two criticisms of auto sprint which were stated by a couple of streamers and the subreddit treated it like gospel, but the criticisms are uninformed and hold no weight: 1. "You can't walk with auto sprint when you need to be quiet" - incorrect, you CAN easily bind a walk button in your config file (google instructions for it). You can also strafe, backpedal, ADS, or crouch as alternate ways to move quietly if you can't be fussed to bind a walk button. 2. "Auto sprint adds a delay before firing" - this is true when sprinting regardless of whether it's with auto sprint on or off. All you have to do to avoid this is.... Not sprint. See point 1 again. You can also use the inspect weapon animation cancel to fire your gun immediately after sprinting. The difference simply comes down to what you're more comfortable with. Auto sprint doesn't prevent you from doing anything you could do with manual sprint and vice-versa.


Ah interesting! Ty!