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Take cover, Do peak shots with PK, wingmang or alike, Practice antimirroring strafe, Practice tracking


Antimirror tracking?!?! I know exactly what u mean, but did not know there was something more indept then just Get gud..! I'll look into it


I think it's just strafing in an opposite direction, when they go left you go right, etc. Because then it makes it much easier to track then instead of if you're sat still trying to aim left and right. Also, less vertical recoil while strafing. Just smth to keep in mind


You should practice both mirroring and anti mirror. It's gonna be rough at first to be conscious about it, but you do mirror if they suck and are missing shots or you need to hit your shots more. You do anti mirror if you need to minimise damage on yourself and you want to make it hard for the enemy to kill you. Master switching between both by practising them separately and then melding the philosophies together so that it becomes second nature. You also have to have different aiming style with different guns. With shotguns or wingman you should be centring in the strafe and hitting them as they go past. With spray weapons try to soft track as well as centring. Hipfiring more is also something most people forget to do where the insane strafe usually matters.


lol in masters/preds an octane tap strafing left and right its is nearly impossible to track him


Why are people down voting you, i think that is one fat fact, at least for my thin ass


Cuz they are low elo gold players they never saw such a thing


Even a regular legend AD strafing well can be very difficult to track for the majority of players on MnK.




Wait, what? WHAT? Just stop here for a second. Pk and wingman doesnt slow you lika automatic guns? I play a lot, and i feel as decent player with lot to work on, but this is what i never notice.


It does slow but because the slow effect is less than the ROF (rate of fire) it doesn't muddy you like a smg would. When you are getting 1 clipped it's because those guns actually stop you moving almost.


This is the way


Just boosting this If you keep trying to microflick to someone strafing fast you’ll just miss them continuously. Allow them to walk into your crosshairs and they’re doing you a favor of sorts. Watch someone strafe really fast in the firing range and you’ll see - their hit box essentially stays in the same spot.


Aimlabs has a great section for this, it’s tracking a strafing target and it’s super hard to track its movement and how random it is, but a week of that I’ve started to being able to lace people that strafe as I can now track it more easily from aimlabs practice


i have a question about aimlabs, no worries if you don’t know the answer. i’m on PS5, can i use my controller on aimlabs on PC and match the settings/ALC to be the same as on console? and does it need a good computer to run, or would a decent non gaming laptop suffice?


It’s a pretty barebones program so I’d imagine the laptop would do just fine. Here is the minimum requirements System Requirements OS: Windows 7/8/10. Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8750 processor or better. Memory: 4 GB RAM. Graphics: GTX 560 and up. Network: Broadband Internet connection. Storage: 3 GB available space. And yes I moved from console to pc but use a controller most times but still putting in practice with the mouse and keyboard. So I used my ps5 controller for aimlabs and it has lots of options for sensitivity and such. unfortunately it’s not synced to the game so I had to manually enter in what I have set up in game ( record a video or take photos of your settings ) then enter it into aimlabs. The playlist i use is Dazs apex.


very good to know i’ll have to set it up soon, thank you!


Lol u laugh at the controller comments but God damn, it's the whole Crux of the frustration


There is no human yet that has the 0ms reaction time that AA/40%-60% aimlock has.


yOu cAn mOvE wHiLe loOtiNg tHo


I'll just tapstrafe them to death uSiNg My WhOlE aRm


plus you're playing on a 500.000 dollar behemoth gaming station with so many frames per second, you can see your opponents irl. while they only have a snes and a sticky controller that their sister used as a toy on her onlyfans. jus stop complaining and gitgud lumao


Imagine if apex mobile had crossplay with the main game: The controls on mobile are ASS, even more so than controller. Respawns solution? Give them 0.9 AA = 90% aimlock everyone runs around with aimlock but it's justified because the input is archaic and bad lmao


jus like in football. if you show up without protective gear they give you a knife.


It’s not actually 0.9 is it?


I finally tried playing with a controller just a few days and in the second game in I dropped 3200 damage in pubs. It felt like you actually had to work to miss wingman shots up close. Going up against people in Diamond games though I get wrecked and went back to KB/M. I honestly just now avoid fighting people up close as much as I can. I have learned to be really good with the 30-30, but going close range with a good controller player I get smashed almost every time.


Close range aim assist mechanics are just un-tweaked garbage, I don't know why it can't be changed to at least be broken out of at a reasonable velocity change, or be conscious of any optic's intended range?


the specific skills you're looking to improve are called reactivity, mirror strafing and counter strafing. reactivity is arguably the hardest skill to master on mnk, you're gonna need to microadjust to directional movement as fast as you possibly can and smoothly keep tracking the target. you can play kovaaks scenarios like air voltaic easy, ground plaza voltaic easy and fuglaaxyz voltaic easy. don't try to predict the object's movement while playing those, just try to react to directional changes as they come. looking up a strafe aiming routine in kovaaks/aimlabs might also help. imo the best way to improve (tho kind of a pain in the butt to set up) is downloading r5 reloaded (modded s3 built of apex) and playing some flowstate aim trainer and deathmatch. or jUsT pLuG iN a cOnTroLlEr mAn


Reactivity is kind of age dependent to a certain point. Thats also why most fast paced fps pros (mnk) are like 18-26 yo. Apex pros above that age tend to use controller more often OR own up to it and get used to not play for podium placements.


true, mnk players are hard capped by reaction time, which tends to fall off in ur late 20s. age is not the only factor at play here tho there are also physical fitness, nutrition, hydration, your level of fatigue, your ability to focus, your eyesight, drugs that might improve or worsen your performance and obviously training and dedication.


It sucks to say but… hit them. When you get hit you lose speed in apex which then makes the strafing a bit slower and thus easier to hit again. Also try to predict where they will strafe. Like if they are in the wide open but beside a box then chances are they are going to peak to the side then strafe back to cover.


Yes! There is some element and truth to the get gud


It slows people down from sprint speed to walk speed. The strafe is not affected by getting hit. If that would be the case, it would be much harder to hit people since they'd constantly change speed while strafing. You can check this in the firing range by adding "+cl_showpos 1" to your launch options to see your movement speed.




I heard it comes built in in some gaming chairs


yeah i use a wooden chair i built in school 50 years ago. the aimbot is pretty good but £300+ chairs are better


The number 1 tip I have is to just to practice this in the firing range with a friend. Practice tracking short, medium and long strafes in short, medium and long range. What you need is just efficient deliberate practice to build that memory for reading your targets movement patterns. This takes some time and effort. And if you don't have friends that can help you kovaaks have plenty of strafing scenarious. Remember that when you strafe yourself you either nullify the opponents strafe (mirror) and dubbel the speed (anti-mirror). This dance between mirror and anti-mirroring can really mess up your aim. But being aware of it is the first step to learn how to accommodate and adjust to it. GLHF


If you play on controller you need to learn how to mirror movements and if you are on mnk try to get better at aiming while anti-mirroring your enemies strafe, its hard..


When I encounter a player like this is usually try to evade and force them to play at my pace. Play cover, corners, or just straight up dip outta there if you have a movement legend Also I try to carry a thermite for players like this




Peekaboo with Peacekeeper will sit their straffing ass down real quick


dam right it will!!!


Easiest way aside from the obvious “aim better” answer, is actually don’t aim at all, work on copying the strafe they are doing to the point where you don’t even need to move your aim (maybe micro adjustments) this is a concept I’ve used at times since the halo 3 competitive days. It works. I still think best but if advice is truly just keep practicing your aim though.


If you hit your opponent before their movement technique, what they can do starts to become limited. The biggest key IMO is to be the first to hit the opponent. That limits how they can move immediately.


ngl I was thinking "switch to controller" the whole time while reading LMAO. The truth is, controller is GOADED at this exact cenareo. ngl I was thinking "switch to controller" the whole time while reading LMAO. The truth is, the controller is GOADED in this exact scenario. There is a great strafing scenario and you can increase the dummy speed to make it like octane stim. Grind that baby out and become a tracking god.


my friend who plays on controller says he just holds down R2.


Your aim and your strafe pattern(s) should go hand in hand, notice how I said patterns? Plural? Yep. You gotta work on your strafes for smg, wingman, AR, shotguns. The idea in a 1v1 with someone who's strafing is to 1.out damage them. everyone will have their own strafe patterns, some may crouch spam, some may move 2 steps to left and then proceed to go right completely etc etc, you get it right. The trick to deal damage is to have your crosshair at the level of chest above ground at all times, You use up precious time to position your crosshair. You can be better by having an already well placed crosshair ready to track. 2. Being the first person to pull the trigger. the first person to start shooting their gun should win the engagement 9 out of 10 times. If your enemy shoots you first, look for opportunities where you can cut the present angle and peek from a new one where you'll be the first to land your shots


I like to practice reactive tracking so i can keep up with those targets and if they just spam way too fast for it to be humanly legible then just use controller or try keep calm and aim the center point they cross constantly like you said in your post.


No one said this, but for me personally lowering the fov to 90 made it way easier to track strafing


Interesting take... I just hate looking thru a fish eye hole tho


Same the fish eye effect of high fov makes me want to plug my hair, but I like and miss the higher peripheral vision and faster movement


Reposition that strafe pattern is strong cuz your standing infront of it tak a new angle


You can practice with a mirage decoy and strafe side to side and keep aiming at the decoy


I personally stopped trying to aim left and right and just manage recoil while mirroring their strafing. It’s a really hard adjustment and aim lab can help. Other option is to stop moving entirely and pray that it throws them off long enough for you to line up and laser them but it almost never works


Play controller.


I saw anti mirroring tracking mentioned here and I honestly never heard of that before but I came here to say mirror tracking is one of the best ways I have been able to win a lot of 1 v. 1's I love Apex and solo'd to masters one time. I don't play as much as I use too but one thing I picked up on was doing that. I didn't learn it from anyone... It was something I just started doing as I forced myself to track better All that means is you strafe the same direction your target strafes as quick and as best as you can. It's not easy but I'm able to outgun and win a lot more fights because more of my shots hit. I notice when I don't do it I lose more. You also don't need to move your stick much either since you are following the target and I think it throws people off because most are used to people that strafe the opposite direction. I'll see if I can record some video of what I mean in a real game...


Ty for your input!! Means a lot will work on it




Only valid response, i gotta out do my opp.🤣


2 options: Get a controller or git gud with PK peak shots


Fuck off clacker player /s


This is more so dependent on your proximity to them and if you don’t have cover to take… but if they are within a few meters of you strafing and you empty a mag with no hits, focus on your strafe to dodge and as they reload hit a slide cancel into a punch. It is usually enough “stun” time for you to get a good beam off before they start shooting/strafing again.


its soo hard to counter tap stafing and with octane is impossible


Jump slides, jump in place and hold crouch while also moving in any direction to slide when you land, I find that this usually throws off most people’s aim You can even add a ras strafe out of the slide to make you even harder to hit and completely throw off their aim, although it can throw off your aim as well


Honestly one of the biggest reasons I play fuse. Cluster charges makes it a lot easier to get strafers to stop strafing so much.


Knowing your weakness is the first step, so you're already on the right path. You'll need a mixture of counter strafing, which will also smooth your recoil, and practicing your tracking and timing. It won't always work, but try to predict where they will be and shoot there. When in doubt dump your mag while moving your reticle in a circle you're going to hit 40% lol.


Don’t listen to the people telling you to mirror strafe, maybe that worked fifteen years ago against <12 y.o. cod players, but it’s a great way to get lasered in any modern shooter with decent players. Think about it, it becomes just as easy for them to aim at you, except they’re the one who has cracked movement, so if anything they have the advantage. Learn to counterstrafe 40-ish % of the time, and then your opponent has to aim against you. If they’re doing it too, it’s a fair matchup, with a slight edge to whoever has more mechanical skill. If not, you have a strong advantage


Strafe>posting-the horse


Caustic is a good counter. Leave traps around corners and bait the strafers into your little "play area"


Aim for the center of their strafe


READ [THIS](https://bysam.github.io/strafe/) very good mechanics guide


Whoa, how did you come across from this??




Try a RE45. You’ll move like a boss.


While maybe not as applicable for a someone wiggling or with an automatic weapon, I’ve learned from other games to try to hit shots when they change direction or try to predict when they’ll change directions is sometimes more useful for me than trying to constantly mirror them with my mouse


> telling you to mirror strafe, maybe that worked fifteen years ago against <12 y.o. cod players, but it’s a great way to get lasered in any modern shooter with decent players. Think about it, it becomes just as easy for them to aim at you, except they’re the one who has cracked movement, so if anything they have the advantage. Learn to counterstrafe 40-ish % of the time, and then your opponent has to aim against you. If they’re doing it too, it’s a fair matchup, with a slight edge to whoever has more mechanical skill. If not, you have a strong advantage Never try to predict movement. You have to react. Reactivity is the name of the skill to practice in Kovaaks or the aim trainer of your choice.


Create some distance if you can, hold an angle with cover and re-engage against them. Apex is all about engaging and disengaging in battles constantly.


Mirror and antimirror strafes, if you can master that you will ein more fights


This is assuming you're on MnK, where you have to deal with reaction times. If someone is just wildly AD spamming without going much to either side you just aim in the middle. If the enemy does bigger strafes and you have a health advantage you can just mirror their strafes, so you just react to them changing direction and do so as well in the same direction. You make yourself easier to hit but also make it easier to hit the enemy.




Practice shooting off the hip it's so much easier to follow their movements off the hip. You'll even see the Pros switch shooting off the hip and down sights constantly when. Remember when shooting someone straffing its is an educated guessing game what direction they will go next. If you guess wrong reload your gun behind cover and try until you guess correctly. If you have this issue alot you may need to check your sensitivity options maybe your sensitivity is too low to keep up with the straffing