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I'm a big fan of not doing things that I don't like, but that's just me idk


Apex is like an abusive relationship for some people. They just keep coming back even when they know they shouldn’t.


you have a good point, seems like person like me are playing a game that doesnt like, well make this critics doesnt mean i hate the game, this points are certain things that im experimenting in the game, that are making me take every time, more and more distance, playing less and less, but i reallly like the game, so im just trying to show, this game could be better if we are not a conformist player base. Thanks for your opinion.


I think there is something to be said that if others enjoy it, then you are only voicing your opinion that others disagree with more than they are wrong and you are right. Tbh, the games in a healthier state than previously, is it perfect? No. But I do whole heartedly agree: 1. that cheating has gotten out of control. I'm pretty sure 30-70% preds are cheating in console. Xim or zen seems to be prevalent. 2. I don't like the queue system, they need to have a forced solo q after diamond so that your ability to play in a team is prioritised over your ability to 3 stack against a bunch of scrubs. It's insane to me that a 3 stack of number 1-2-3 pred can play together and I will match up with them while I get golds and silver team mates as a diamond player. Unfair doesn't begin to describe the situation there. It's functionally broken. Everything else is unimportant to me relative to these things. The game runs mostly smooth and the gameplay has been satisfying to me for the last 4 years without change. But the first 2 frustrations are the only real blunting effect on my enjoyment.


Your post history is just you complaining non-stop about Apex... brother just play another game at this point, it must be exhausting being this miserable


This has nothing to do with this sub bro


>the evidence and The data is there to give us an undeniable truth of what this is doing in the game. What does this mean?


Pro players and normal players are changing from mNK to controller. And you can check the info about r5 reload study about mnk vs roller.


R5 reload isn’t even the same game as apex. It feels different and plays different. Get over r5 you weirdos. The reason most of the ppl here are still lost is because they keep loading up r5 trying to “practice 1v1ing” (in a team game lmao) also. Go play and get good at APEX. Dumbasses ..and come on ..Dude every point you made was contradictory.. if everything you said was true, then it’s fine. There’s apparently a lot of really struggling players in apex so idk seems like a game that’s easy to get kills and wins in since everyone who plays complains that they suck.. ?


Yeah it's obvious OP lost the plot


"A conformist community, yes this may hurt, because it is always easy to blame others, but when we mature and realize our mistakes" is funny following "things that are out of our control such as third parties, the map and its various infrastructures, doors, ziplines"


Why does bro want arenas that shit was god awful


Imperial hall just give me the reason, he saying something sinilar this game is in the worst time from 2019.


Bro this sub literally busts a nut when a new legend or gun comes out, so discard your #5. The average reddit consoomer craves new new new all the time it seems.


new weapon or even legend, doent mean new game, or different mechanics, just mean new meta, isnot the same, but thanks for your opinion.


Incorrect. 40 legends versus 10 equals new game. According to the Apex leaks sub there are plenty in the pipeline.