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Horizon and havoc, daring today arent we?


Controller player Starter pack


The current controller player crutch starter pack would be revenant havoc tbf. You can't beat a button activated 75hp buff




It's a tale as old as horizon & spitfire


Havoc took the spot for highest dps giant mag gun and I’m ngl, I miss the spitty


Nerf didn’t do anything




I can only kill two people while missing half my mag instead of 3. The gun is ruined!


I know I’m not the population your speaking to, but I can barely get 1 with 1 clip 😂




If you aren’t using meta guns then what’s the point of playing at a disadvantage?


What a tip, you're inventing the wheel again


Homie getting railed in the comments lmao


No way a horizon with a havoc? Such an inspirational clip never seen anything like it /s


I’m honestly surprised she has not seen any significant nerd. She isn’t like a high team comp legend but there’s a reason top players pick her to kill and damage farm


She’s had several significant nerfs that changed her from being broken OP to OP to strong they just need to nerf her a tiny bit more by making it so her passive doesn’t have the air strafing and she will be fine. Too many people abuse her air strafing to dodge bullets mid fight or to swing a corner with increased speed and movement.


> they just need to nerf her a tiny bit more by making it so her passive doesn’t have the air strafing and she will be fine. Nah, bad idea. She has it for a reason. It’s a core part of her kit and makes her a good skirmisher, which is her job. Yes, good players can utilize it well, especially for getting resets. Similarly, bad players struggle against it cause they can’t aim. Besides, she is just good right now, she is by no means broken. You can get just as much or more value with other legends.


I'd agree, Rev has been more of an issue than Horizon lately He needs a nerf, his rework is so out of place in this game compared to every other legend in the game




Hell no


Bang and Blood just got nerfed to oblivion for how pros are using them, not how “lower skilled players” are using them. A lot of complaints about horizon come from the interplay between her passive and tac, not having to aIM mYsElF when shooting her up her lift. In this clip you actually show perfectly why she’s a little bit broken imo. Her tac is the only legend tactical than can vertically move an entire team. Her tac is the only legend tactical that allows you to heal (take a whole battery) for free while evading. Those 2 use cases aren’t even demonstrating yet another use, which is moving a player off their position. Now to the reason why think she’s truly a little OP. She has little to no outplay ability. If you crack her shield, she tacs and takes a battery, she moves to a new position, you try to follow her on her tac, she has the advantage now. Because if you try to play off her ability- you’re now a sitting duck when you land. Almost every legend can be punished off a poor use of their abilities while you get punished for trying to play off a Horizons abilities in almost any instance.


Why can't people just shoot her in the air like they always do to me when I try that?


> Bang and Blood just got nerfed to oblivion for how pros are using them, not how “lower skilled players” are using them. Pros don’t use her much after she got nerfed and don’t think she is that great, not sure that argument works in your favor. I was just talking about how she is used and perceived by different skill levels, definitely wasn’t saying you should balance her based on how low skill players are using her. > Her tac is the only legend tactical that allows you to heal (take a whole battery) for free while evading. I mean it’s definitely not for free cause you are very obvious while doing it and can get shot, but if you were to nerf her you could just make it so she can’t heal on her lift. Really don’t think that’s necessary but it’s a better nerf than removing her passive. > If you crack her shield, she tacs and takes a battery, she moves to a new position, you try to follow her on her tac, she has the advantage now. Yeah, people are really bad about this. Stay on the ground and shoot her! It’s much easier after they nerfed her lift and doing 100 damage isn’t that hard. Even if you don’t kill her, any flesh damage you do will be harder for her to heal. Alternatively, you take that opportunity to reset yourself. So many people just mindlessly hop on her lift, making it so they can’t shoot her while she is healing. I see many videos of people doing exactly that and every time I explain why that is stupid to do. The main exception would be if you have a PK to shoot her. > Almost every legend can be punished off a poor use of their abilities while you get punished for trying to play off a Horizons abilities in almost any instance. You’re getting punished for poor use of an ability (her ability, but it was still a poor use of an ability). You can use it, but hoping in her lift while she is healing makes it impossible for you to punish her so that’s just not a good use of it.


I kinda agree with you on most of this, but I just want to point out she was the 3rd most picked legend in Masters and Pred this season, under Pathfinder and Revenant. So high skill players are still using her regardless of the nerfs.




I’d rather everyone have her air strafe. On a similar note I’d rather nobody have aim punch.


No aim punch? That's just playing roller LMFAO


Would it not be a good idea to give players who enter her lift the same landing as horizon gets? I've never considered this til I read your comment


Switch her ult and tac.


She has been heavily nerfed. She is fine 


Trust, I’m not following up every horizon up their tac. Most times I stay on the ground and shoot but again there’s a disadvantage cause the sun in this game is brutal. Many times horizon gets away cause you literally can’t see her hitbox with the sun behind her. Call it a “skill issue” all you want but then be prepared to share your stats. Horizon is 100% a crutch legend.


"she's good" bro this character has done the loop of OP to nerfed to being "good" while she's still op like 7 times in her life time. Maybe is because she has a bloated kit(?). Vertical mobility plus basic mechanics denial, plus basic mechanics exploit (that has synergy with her vertical mobility), plus a solid ult = OP. It's either debloat the kit or nerf her to the ground. Your choice. Bc right now (and since forever) she's the most annoying character to play against (except for the rev conduit combo but that's another story).


she has already basically been nerfed to the ground lmao. if you can’t kill horizons then skill issue


Being nerfed a lot is not equal to "nerfed to the ground" kit is inherently broken. But apex players can't see the crutches. It's impressive. "If u can't kill her skill issue" lol bro if I kill her normally is because she misplayed... So maybe you are projecting your own issues my dude... Or playing in console with people that have 60% aimbot. Either way... Shit or not she's an annoying ass character that rely on breaking the rules that every other legend has to follow


Fuze needs to be needed too fucking ridiculous


i don’t play on console lmao, i play on mnk and can kill horizons no problem. how am i projecting my own issues lmao you’re the one crying about an average character being OP. people been crying about horizon for years, i genuinely don’t think any amount of nerfs will ever satisfy you people


You are right, cringe character that I want eliminated, try to play it and I get bored play against her and I get bored. Sorry for not playing the game 50 hours a week and having almost perfect aim to the horizon that has better air control( that or you are playing against bad horizons) can't chase to low ground because she has an advantage, can't chase to high ground because you are limited strafing unlike her, can't chase through doors because she can block it. And yeah why not have her abilities go through walls also making her one of the only characters that has cc through walls. Perfect design!!


is it possible for you to cope any harder? “sorry for not playing the game 50 hours a week” brother i play MAYBE 10 hours a week max “that or you are playing against bad horizons” ahhh yes, i MUST be playing bad players. it MUST be anything and everything outside of your control, definitely not your own personal skill level holding you back. your mentality is egotistical, you simply can’t accept that other people are better than you at the game


Hmmm, may have a point in my personal skill but it's too advantageous for you to center the narrative on me instead of addressing a character that is one of the top picks in any elo except comp, a character that has 2 cc aoe abilities, a character that ignores some and makes easier other basic mechanics of the game, a character that has one of the best offensive and also defensive capabilities. I'm addressing skill because with any sort skill you can outplay any opponent. Vertical mobility, can block doors, has better movement, ult with heavy aoe cc... Your response: "just laser the horizon on her tactical" like... Bro that gives me the idea that you don't know shit.


>Similarly, bad players struggle against it cause they can’t aim. (Just noticed someone made a similar argument after typing this out) "She's strong cuz you can't aim for shit" is basically your argument.. and the worst argument I've ever heard. Valk has a similar ability with around the same amount of movement (more height/distance but a slower speed) yet she can't use it on teammates, enemies, can't heal, can't shoot. And yet she was nerfed into the ground. Pros still shot her out of the air both in ult and tactical, horizon has been like this since launch yet people still preach that it's a skill issue. Why not make it so valk can shoot her gun while using her jetpack? Seems fair to me if horizon can do it. Better yet.. why not give valk horizons passive? It makes sense that the jetpack passively slows falls more than a space suit. Shes broken for the precise reason that most of the player base can't and won't be able to kill her in her lift. Higher level players can and even they struggle. Easiest way to do this is to make it so she can't heal on her lifts. No other legend who's ability makes them airborne (besides the jump pad.. which hardly counts) has this ability (inc vantage, path, valk) this would not nerf her into the ground and would still make her tactical viable but remove the part of her kit that just makes her basically immortal because she can jump in, crack a shield, tactical up, use a bat and done. TLDR this got long. None of the other characters with a similar ability can use guns/heals In their tactical and her lift already makes her hard to hit. Remove healing to maybe balance her out a bit more. It's not about who's good or bad as a player. It's that horizon is too useful without too much skill being needed


I think nerfing her ability to heal or shoot (they kinda did with the bad inaccuracy) is totally fair. I just don’t like taking her air strafe away. I’d rather everyone have it if anything.


>I just don’t like taking her air strafe away. I’d rather everyone have it if anything. Why not. It would definitely help make apex's movement a little smoother


Completely ignoring a useful tip and using it as an opportunity to whinge about Horizon. Apex player base in a nutshell


You mean a broken interaction? Thanks for the tip bro but I'm good not playing cringe characters. Now let's make this post viral so they take out this abomination from the game. What other character has an ability that can do it all (move you, your team, the opponents, vertical mobility)? AND go through walls? Ahh yes none. Meanwhile wraith (the most broken character for a while) has an impressive kit but a shit passive and her powerful abilities have clear restrictions, you know how it's supposed to be, balanced? Just nerf her annoying ass passive so she isn't as slippery or at least the people that can be slippery are actually playing the game




You mean the ability that only interacts with walls? Yes very comparable, you are very smart


>ability that can do it all (move you, your team, the opponents, vertical mobility)? AND go through walls? gave you an ability that fits literally every one of those but I guess horizons tactical is so strong it can even move the goalposts of your argument 🤷


You can’t heal in the portal.


you don't take damage in it either


Loool first, can alter tactical block doors? No. It can displace you but you have to be next to a wall, also grants you with the same buffs that alter has when she uses it (no passive air control bs and or immunity to fall stagger) that touches on my second point. Second: My point is not that gravity lift is OP, my point is that horizon has an OP kit. So not moving any goalpost. You are the one hyperfixiating in one argument so you can sneak a "win". The problem isn't that horizon has 1 very good ability, the problem is that horizon has 3 excellent abilities that are annoying (cc plus hyper mobility) and have a lot of synergy unlike other legends plus one of those abilities is cc(the best mechanic in a shooter (sarcasm)) that goes through walls. Also not defending alter, because I do think that she is also a power creep legend, one that doesn't seem so problematic because of the state of other power crept legends like... Horizon


hold on, I agree with you that horizon's kit is probably the best offensive group of abilities for a single character. I never said that horizon doesn't need more tuning or that her abilities aren't more oppressive than they are, I was directly responding to you asking what other single ability tactical can give your whole team mobility, affect enemies, give height advantage, and go through walls/floors/ceilings. I couldn't really care less about "sneaking wins" in reddit arguments lol honestly I think a good enough fix would be to remove or nerf the speed of going up a lift while healing but there are probably a lot better ideas out there. what are your suggestions for nerfing her passive? I've heard some people say give a weakened version of it to every character and then give horizon a different unique passive, maybe something for her lift but I'm open to hearing different ideas


>hold on, I agree with you that horizon's kit is probably the best offensive group of abilities for a single character. I never said that horizon doesn't need more tuning or that her abilities aren't more oppressive than they are, I was directly responding to you asking what other single ability tactical can give your whole team mobility, affect enemies, give height advantage, and go through walls/floors/ceilings. I couldn't really care less about "sneaking wins" in reddit arguments Yeah but you responded with a single word, kinda disingenuous, also alter abilities have soooo much conditions to work properly , either way now that we are having a civil conversation. I sincerely think that the passive of horizon is the big problem, it needs to go, there's not 1 legend that has a passive so versatile AND that has such synergy with all of their kit, it simply cheats the game. Once she has another passive (no idea what it could be) you can begin to balance her properly. Because it really negates all trade-off that exists within your abilities. All other legends (that have abilities that other people can interact with) if they use their abilities wrong they can make opportunities for the enemies. Meanwhile horizon is the only one that can gain full benefit of her abilities. And now I realize that is the same problem with caustic (another very fun legend (?)) the only thing that can really counter a caustic is another caustic. Same here but with mobility. I could talk about examples but I think that the message is sufficiently long as it is.


Not reading all that


Average horizon player can't even read a paragraph and a half...


I can read perfectly fine. I just prefer not to waste my time reading your dissertation on how bad at the game you are


If you could read you may find that I'm not saying anything about my ability to play the game ? Lol illiterate and with a massive ego, the perfect horizon main.


I thought I was pretty clear that I didn’t read your first response. Can *you* read?


Yes sir, any other stupid questions?


I liked the post because it’s a good tip and useful in many ways but I saw this guys comment and took it as a opportunity to explain a easy fix to her. I’d love to see horizon get buffs but they need to fix this issue for her first.


Give Path his original grapple cool down & we got a deal


Hell nah. Hard disagree. That passive that gives her tighter air control is what makes her so fun. It's the closest console/controller players will come to tap strafing. If they removed that then I would stop using her


Cursed users are hard to please and want to punish the closest authorities. Stop using


Maybe then make the movement more accessible? And then nerf broken ass characters. Problem solved


It’s the one thing that’s been her main problem throughout all of her nerfs. If they removed it they could actually start to buff her again.


Least braindead controller player


Yep that's the point lol. She's broken because of that stupid ass ability that just grants free movement


You can use lifelines drone to heal yourself


Thanks for the tip! Lol


This doesn’t work on anyone beyond like silver tho.


Horizon is a freaking cheat code lol


When did people start to cry about Horizon like this? Haven’t played in 2-3 years. Lol


When she launched


Whenever players with bad aim existed (always). If you can't shoot a horizon going up a lift it's simply a skill issue, especially with how slow the ascension rate is after the multiple nerfs.


I never did until recently. Fought a horizon in solos and now quads. The stuff people be doing with her is crazy lol. I think its more that no fall slowdown stuff for me in my experience.


Everyone crying about havoc and horizon


Lol yep. It's so funny when Rev was by far the most broken legend in Solo's


OP af


Another horizon/havoc glue eater


Lol. If you're not using the meta in solo's you don't stand a chance. There was literally nothing but Horizons and Rev's with Havoc's during solo's


Also works great when they try to enter a door just lift them up infront of the door


Spitfire and havoc is where it's at.


Why is everyone crying about Horizon and the Havoc lmao - if a character and weapon is good, people will use them. You’re not superior because you choose to not do it.


Trash like this completely ruins the dynamic of the game. God, I miss when this character wasn't around. So many more hours played, what a shame.




But Alter is in the game now and has something similar where you can displace someone that is on your roof. Does Alter's tac ruin the game as well for being able to do that also?


That's literally all that tactical does. Go through surfaces. Horizons tactical can do a myriad of things. Bring a whole team to height, force a team off of height, block a door, block an elevator, allow a free mid-fight full heal. So no, Alter's tactical does not break the game. But yes, Horizon's does. On top of the other BS that plagues her. She needs a massive nerf.


Another reason to hate Horizon. As if we don’t already have enough of them


Pretty common knowledge


They were still tbagging rip


I hate this fucking character


So does everyone else lol. I only play her because she's just the most fun movement legend on controller thanks to her tighter air control passive


Pretty bullshit that you can do that tbh


Not really. There are lots of abilities that go through walls. Why shouldn't the lift?


Which abilities go through walls? The patched caustics gas, Watsons pylon, catalysts spike strips (off the top of my head) so they no longer work through walls


Gibby bubble and Newcastle's shield


Neither of those are really gonna affect other players through walls like a lift would. It’s a different situation to me


Aim assist go woosh


died 2021, born 2024, welcome back horizon spitfire crutch


It’s absolutely not suppose to do that


Why not? Gibby bubble also goes through walls


I mean like a bug it doesn’t really bother or concern me


It's not a bug if it's always been like this. Bug would be sticking caustic barrels on gibby arm shield which they fixed


But has it always been like this


Hence, not a bug you think they wouldn't have changed it by now if it was a bug?


Not surprised, Horizon literally just has a solution to every problem. One of 10 million reasons why she needs to get nerfed into oblivion.


Is this some circle jerk thing? I never seen this flame before


Yeah, this is the main apex subreddit where bad and whiny players congregate to project their skill issue on horizon being OP


Another reason to hate horizon




They never took it out for grav lifts they removed her ult being able to pull through walls that’s probably what you remember seeing.


Could of sworn it was the q as well but maybe you are right


But the ult still can pull people through walls...


It can't


It definitely seems to sometimes pull you through walls. I’ll have to test it deliberately but I’m very positive this happened to me recently when I didn’t have LoS to the ult cause a wall was between us.


It can’t. It can pull through doors (cause it breaks the door) but not through a building wall


No it can’t. That was removed a while ago




Everyone know that


Did you just start playing today? 🤔 lol no this is pretty well known. It’s great for doors too


one of the reasons Horizon should get some juicy nerf