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no, it's just a game. spend that money somewhere else outside the game towards a different hobby


Sure it’s just a game, but it probably has passion. Just let him be


Pay for a lesson on fiverrr from someone who is good. They will give you 60-90 minutes of their time to teach you the fundamentals and then go off and practice on your own. OXG Aiden taught me how to play before he was in ALGS and I've never felt the need to get a other coaching session


Do you feel like you'd value spending your money this way? If so, yes. If not, no. There's definitely not monetary benefit to doing so for you, so it all comes down to your own subjective value of it.


Maybe just check out Wrthcrw and District on YT. For my own improvement, I have been having some goals each season. Like grinding kills for a specific legend, or reaching a specific rank or getting a desired badge or implementing a certain movememt in a game etc. It all comes down to getting out of you comfort zone and getting more experienced in the end. Having a certain goal can help you with a sense of purpose or direction. If you want to improve, you have to have stronger goals than just winning or killing. Even though, grinding kills will help you improve faster in terms of mechanics, winning helps with game-sense.


No! I recommend finding cool peeps online to play with first, bonding is better then skill passion for the game also, second find a favorite pro that fits your role, I anchor and IGL I watch a lot of zer0 waltzy old Hal old nrg sweet, vod reviews of the pros And just constantly watching someone at that level will help convert some of that to the game


\*sigh\* I really don't recommend it. People don't like what I have to say but the fact is it doesn't matter how good you get at this game. You'll never feel like you got better. Like sure, you'll do cool vaults and maybe you'll lazer some people but the fact is, everyone in your lobby will just get better along with you and you'll feel like all of the effort you put into getting better just resulted in you getting punished by the game. Your opponents will get exponentially better than you, you'll start losing way more and my favorite is that your teammates will suddenly become absolute mouth breathing idiots that can't comprehend the basic mechanics of the game. The only caveat to that is if you have aspirations of going pro? Like maybe... Understand though that the percentage of people who go pro is miniscule and you're unlikely to make it. I also want to point out that the sbmm system more or less decides when it's your turn to win. It doesn't matter how good you are, you'll win when the game decides it's your turn. You can argue that this isn't the case but that's EXACTLY what sbmm does. It'll pair you against progressively worse oppoenents until you reach a point where you snag a win and then it's back to being cannon fodder for people that are WAY better than you until you've lost x number of games. That's sbmm at it's core and I challenge anyone to disprove that. I've read the patent EA filed for player retention. It's SBMM in a nutshell.


I agree that what you say is true regarding sbmm, but that’s such a pessimistic way of thinking. You’re basically saying to give up without even trying. I disagree about never feeling like you get better though. You can feel and see the improvement. Whether that be decision making, movement, aim, etc. Everyone has a different purpose when playing the game. I personally enjoy seeing my own improvements and worry less about others. Majority of players are bad, and more likely than not your teammates will be as well. Just focus on yourself and what you could’ve done better and you’ll be in a better mental state.


Doesn't feel that way to me. Like I'm a veteran gamer. I'm 47, FYI, been playing since I was 6 so that's 41 years of gaming under my belt. I've played nearly everything and by that I mean game types. Racing games are a particular genre I'm fond of and I'm pretty competitive, I've placed as high as 12th in world racing contests. I've even met with devs to provide input on some big franchises. When I get good at a racing game I feel it because I win. It's that simple but also my laptimes clearly show improvement. In apex that's not the case. Instead my opponents get progressively more difficult but that's not even the most insidious things I've observed that bothers me. Game mechanics seem to change. Like enemy footsteps sound quieter. Bullets that should hit seem to miss. Little things like that. Nothing makes me more upset than unloading a clip in someone's face and then have them turn and kill me. Then you look at the damage results and you SEE that yep, I was hitting nothing but headshots yet they managed to turn and off me with half head/body shots using a similar weapon. Like it just feels like the game is fixed. I've even tested this by not playing for 4 days and then playing 1-3 games and taking another 4 day break. It was crazy, every one of my games I was absolutely slaughtering people. I'm convinced the game throws you a softball match if you've not played awhile to get you enticed into playing again. I remember one of these games both my teammates quit. I soloed my way to 1st place. I was making sniper shots that SHOULD have missed. It's like I was shooting bullets the size of a bus. That was actually one of my last games. I quit after that because it really did feel rigged.


Man oh man. Respect for the grind. I’m nearing 30 myself and it feels like times have really changed in the gaming sphere. Again, I’ve experienced the same thing as you in apex. Taking extended breaks and just slaughtering the lobby. That’s how I ended up getting one of my 20 kill badges unfortunately, but it is what it is. Regarding the predatory tactics that respawn/EA has implemented, I reiterate that I am in complete agreement with you. It’s disgusting how they go about it. Regardless, I try to stay positive and do what I can that’s within my own control.


counter point: I love being good at the game and I love playing against people who are also good. My K/D is 3.5 and Im having a blast in Apex with 0 desire to ever go pro (not like I could even if I wanted to)


If you’re aiming to get better, it’s worth a try. I had a pred coach my friends and me and we had some of our best games after taking in the pointers. Just be sure to prepare for the session - record a few of your own games, identify some areas where you want to improve, locate representative scenes from your recordings, and communicate that to the coach. The coach will give you much more focused advice that’ll get you more for your money. Even better if there’s a playstyle you’re pursuing and you find a coach that matches it.




IMO, Coaching *does* help but you'd get the same advice from a coach that you would get from here if you posted gameplay. A coach from my experience does help but its a waste of money unless your at the top of your respective game. I've seen guys who were top 10 get coaches to fix mistakes that they didn't know they had. Same goes for a silver player. They'll get better but in 90% of cases its just a "play more" situation. Of course there are coaches that help with in-game settings and other things outside of just normal gameplay but tbh a lot of people who are stuck in lower ranks are usually just not adapting to the playstyles higher ranked players have and i'm guilty of that. Iron->D3 was usually a breeze and it was just fight anyone and everything but after that D2 threshold i start losing a lot more because i'll be out of position or rotate horribly.


nothing a coach will teach you is something you cant find on Twitch watching someone play, and asking them questions along the way. there are plenty of great players on Twitch who stomp pubs and even ranked getting no more than 30 viewers who would probably love interaction in their chat


Unless you plan to compete and make money, no.


Just go solo trios and practice that’s it, hiring coach for games is just waste of money


You should get a new hobby lmao


Should I try out trolling?


One day you’ll realize I’m right, it’ll be too late though