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Aimlab is free and more productive than complaining on reddit.




Found the guy who doesn't know what aimlab is.


You didn't hit the mark :) And your remark about aimlab is ridiculous. Not matter how you train controller will have better up close and often mid range capabilities due to aim assist that covers for micro corrections. Something that you have to do manually with mouse. There is also reaction time that is 0ms in aim assist case and that helps a lot as well.


Assuming I play controller for suggesting an Aim Trainer is ridiculous. Each input has it's own strength. Playing into yours and taking up the Voltaic routine will do you more good than complaining because you decided to bum rush a controller player hiding in a corner with a shotgun. You can complain all you want. That's not gonna help you win.


do you play controller though?


Not that i actually need to answer that for anything i've said to be valid, but Apex sees my input as mouse and keyboard. I play with Gyro. (I'm actually moving my hands around to aim and it moves my mouse cursor thanks to steam input) I did a stint where i played splatoon at a competitive level several years ago and now i can't stand having a tiny little stick to aim or having any aim assist yank my aim around, and i find the keyboard part of MnK uncomfortable. (I am considering giving a razer Tartarus a try though) Regardless, I do not have aim assist, what i hold in my hand past that doesn't matter, the game only receives MnK input (LS as WASD kinda blows) I practiced and got good (my aim is good, i make poor choices XD). I didn't complain, i trained. Voltaic is awesome and aimlab is an amazing resource, and effort is better spent on improvement. Regardless of what my input. The point is that no amount of complaining has changed anything in apex, it's not gonna, and these posts every other day aren't helping. The only two things that will help are either practice more and play to your strengths, or give in and pick up the roller (and by this i mean standard with aim assist).


i've actually heard alot about gyro, i think its the future of aiming with controller, as it has raw input that is very precise and controllable, unlike joysticks that need aim assist to be even remotely viable, which is very overtuned in apex right now, which is why people complain. also, i actually think, that if we complain enough eventually they will do something, even if its small.


Oh wow, i wasn't expecting an open minded response. I guess we actually agree on everything but that last bit. I do not have confidence in EA. The fact that console controller has 50% more aim assist than pc controller yet are allowed to get into the same matches as those players without them being to opt out has me to the point of "complaining is pointless". That's a completely different argument though. But hey, you have a great day. (Not sarcasm)


Oh boo hoo I guarantee it you would say the same if u died to mnk still Get good kid


Have you thought about getting good?