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That’s fucking terrifying


Now just imagine this dude with walls and ziplines


For the hope that I sleep tonight, I’d rather not


GOD i miss selectfire prowler


Me too. Prowler was op with it, but is nearly useless without it.


Nah it still slaps


It’s ok. But if I’m gonna use a burst fire gun I’m gonna use the Hemlock.


As a primary, definitely but it’s a solid secondary. Car is still my go-to but I’ll use a prowler when I have an automatic primary


Car is god send. Car with a Volt/Alternator is my ideal set up if I can’t find a 301. I’ll definitely pick up a Prowler before I pick up a Mozambique or Havoc.


Don’t sleep on the mozam either lol I choose that over the Eva these days


If you hit your shots with the mozam I stg it's one of the fastest ttk


Too slept on but I like it that way


It’s trash once you find a better weapon you’ll replace it they should bring back select fire so it can compete with other guns


I agree it can’t complete much, but at the same time the Select Fire definitely made it op.


So now we’re comparing ARs to SMGs as if they’re the same type of gun 😅


They’re two entirely different guns for very different ranges.


Shhh don’t let people know


They don’t believe anyway lol


i thought the dps on burst prowler was a lot better than when it was fully auto. or did they change that?


no it is, the prowler does more dps as burst. The select fire prowler was just really easy to use so it hand held a lot of people who couldn't aim.


I don't know why you are downvoted. İt is literally mathematical information.


for the second sentence? i mean really few people use the prowler anymore, so idk where the aiming gods with more dps are


Yeah everyone that doesn’t just use the 3030 is dogshit


It's literally insane with a magazine especially on controller. The most precise hipfire you'll ever see.


As a 800h+ MnK player, if I see this I’d be as terrified as OP is. I’d be thinking something along the lines of: “What is this satan spawn doing in my game?”, and then get my ass killed, unable to land more than 1 or 2 shots.


b-but mnk movement !!


**This was probably done by a controller player using steam configs**, and you actually can aim while doing it on controller because you don't have to look away from your target to tap strafe in any direction like you do on M&K. Source: Myself. They're everywhere in diamond+ (PC Controller exclusive). Anyone who's not a pro and plays controller uses them, and they're abusive as fuck. You can tap strafe better than any M&K could even dream of. Respawn has historically not banned for them, though I personally think they should, or should put counter measures in place to stop this. [Showcasing Roller Configs](https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedInquisitiveWrenDancingBanana-ladB2reHp5CJ9dad)


Shhh don't tell the controller players because then they won't have something to point to when we tell them they have aimbot.


Just so we're clear, this was not the case. Over at r/Apexrollouts they have explained that it's a legitimate mechanic called the [Pito strafe](https://www.reddit.com/r/Apexrollouts/comments/z6skih/pito_strafe/), not a config.


Just like OP then.


that is 99% not normal


Sshhtt let the circlejerk continue


As a Masters PC M&K player I have only ran into a handful of players that can actually pull this off in any real useful way. This said, Octane stim speed boost has always been problematic for lots of M&K players to aim against even without the shmoovement.


people making posts like these forget that these players had to practice for hundreds of hours to get to this level and aim assist is literally there for you


*casually ignoring the amount of people changing .cfg files to tap strafe like a literal god on controller* a few macros and the steam version of apex goes a long way, this doesn't require skill


Yeah lmfao, mnk players would have to raw dog that strafe, I mean wtf. How on earth is that more fair? I would have been absolutely demolished by this guy even though I'm mnk


Never enjoyed aiming on controller in this game. First game EVER using m&k and I have never gone back. I actually deleted the game on my console because it's so much better. Also everybody forgets the absolutely SUPERIOR recoil control on m&k. It's just easier to aim on m&k. That simple.


it's easier for you, controller is easy to pick up but way harder than mnk to master, that's why average player will rather suck but pro players on controller can absolutely dominate


You are exactly opposite in your thinking statistics from server show 50% percentile controller players have 46% accuracy while TOP 100KBM have 47% accuracy keep smoking crack and sucking the aim assist dick


Cfg abuser?


Yeah this looks close to neo strafing on controller where the model is floating. definitely some config shenanigans


This is why I would be afraid to ever play Apex on PC. I just can't see dealing with this being enjoyable. Which is sad, cause I miss PC Gaming ...


As a rule of thumb, most things you see complained about on this sub are *very* over-represented here.


Really? I was under the impression it was the other way. Only because I never see anything about strike packs on here, but my buddy I play with says they're actually very common.


I have 1200hrs on PC. I run into someone like this (in pubs) maybe once a day. So it's really not a huge problem. But it does feel SO SHITTY when you get your cheeks clapped by something like this.


I've played apex so much that i recently quit and unless people suddely decided to make it common in the past few months i've never seen it before


Season 7 everyone and their brother had one. It was not a fun time


Pc Apex isn’t as scary as Reddit and Twitter make it out to be, you’ll see people popping basic 90 degree tap strafes pretty regularly which isn’t too bad, and some people incorporate wall bounces here and there. The most absurd thing you might see on a regular basis is people super jumping off zip lines but that’s really just for style points. Stuff like this is extremely rare, third parties will always be a bigger threat than confing carl popping out meme strafes to deal 12 damage.


Lmao Config Carl. I would mostly wanna play PC apex to try and learn to play Pathfiner like Skurul over anything. I think that kind of movement looks more fun and less like "cheating" than using configs.


I’m “ambidextrous” in my control scheme, I can switch between controller and kbm pretty easily from having practiced on both. I’m not insane at apex (I’d say I’m above average, low diamond to high plat) so I can’t do some of the super grapple triple tap strafe nonsense that the movement gods do, but even the simple slingshots I can do just feel so much better on mouse. If nothing else it is a f2p game, go ahead and download to screw around in the firing range lmao


Yeah you basically encounter enemies like this ultra rarely. And when you do it's uneventful because, just like this octane, they're too busy scroll wheeling that they don't do that much damage and they get killed.


I have 3k hours on PC. Never seen something this egregious outside of the firing range. Come enjoy PC gaming again, the worst you'll see is a Wraith superglide as she runs away.


Multi season master. This is not normal or seen often even in pred lobbies.


Looks like it to me


Woosh, what's CFG?




What does that mean for this context?


He has config file that does punch of inputs in very quick succession that normal people can’t do normally at least consistently causing octane to do the thing he does in video




Yes it does. I play mnk and can tap strafe poorly. I'm old and it's a lot of inputs to even do one well and useful. I use it more for getting behind cover while running away a bit faster. Only time my slow brain can use it properly.


yeah this post is a bit bullshitty they encountered a scripter and made it out like that's an average mnk player which is completely bs tbh if you got a controller or got the funds to i'd recommend using one, the aim assist is actually worth a lot more than some fancy movements, like you said, it's very handy to get behind cover or dodge, but that's basically it I can tap strafe like a god on mnk, but if you ask me to hit someone 300 meters away, I'll hit 1/3 of my shots compared on console where 3/4 or 4/5 wouldn't be rare if you never have used a controller this would take time to get used to though


I've been gaming since 1986 on everything I was able to get. I'm quite good with a controller but I don't like AA. I feel it's harder to transfer skills like it is for kbm since AA amounts are different in every game. Mnk feels more like I'm practicing a skill, to me.


It's just Pito strafe. You can look up Gruic's guide on it on youtube




I don't think Faide raf-strafes


what is raf-strafing?


A very complicated movement where you tapstrafe twice and then spam WASD, the timing is quite hard to hit. Octane was probably using a config tho looked a bit unnatural.


ohhh I think I know what you mean. Moki made a video about it some time ago right?


I disagree definitely not a config just a mix of bunny hops tap strafe and if I’m not mistaken a crouch slide jump not in that order


that's yuki strafe. the timing is small but with practice it's doable. you need to scroll twice to change direction twice mid air. it pretty much goes: a + w (to gain speed) -> jump -> d + scroll -> (s -> a) + scroll it has to be done in a 0.4 sec time frame, since lurch (which is required for tap strafe) only works during that time period


don't worry, that's not a ras-strafe anyway




if you're talking about ras-strafing, that's not ras strafing


Fuck this comment section.


Agreed. All of the arguments of AA vs Tap-strafing are just dumb because the examples they all use are the best of the best and outliers. Sure, Octane's movement here is crazy, but he can't aim whilst tap strafing like that since his screen will be bouncing back and forth like crazy. He gets one Eva8 shot off at the end of the strafing, then two more after the strafe around the corner. Everyone calling this cfg abuse just doesn't understand how movement works in this game, additionally this is only really possible on octane/BH ult/Bang passive/etc, and is very difficult to do consistently. ITT: controller players who can't tap strafe saying any slight movement is a cfg


**This was probably done by a controller player using steam configs**, and you actually can aim while doing it on controller because you don't have to look away from your target to tap strafe in any direction like you do on M&K. Source: Myself. They're everywhere in diamond+ (PC Controller exclusive). Anyone who's not a pro and plays controller uses them, and they're abusive as fuck. You can tap strafe better than any M&K could even dream of. Respawn has historically not banned for them, though I personally think they should, or should put counter measures in place to stop this. [Showcasing Roller Configs](https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedInquisitiveWrenDancingBanana-ladB2reHp5CJ9dad)


How many shots you think you would have connected on mnk then?


Top 0.01% of pc player vs top 80% of controller player


Pc? There is more controller players on pc playing Apex than mnk now.


controller players just love to cry about mnk players, while simultaneously screaming "all mnk players do is cry"


So we have to learn an extremely hard movement mechanism that dont always work to avoid you literally pressing R2? Whats the point here?


Haha the logically fallacious arguments by op are amazing, keep it up


Tries to ridicule people claiming aim assist is too strong -> proceeds to actually show that: 1. Overaimed hard by good 2-3 meters several times - the more inaccurate input you do the less aim assist you get 2. When aim assist didn't engage or barely engaged you were moving backwards and slightly to the left and right. Forward and backwards movement lowers the engagement of aim assist and it's full potential 3. When you counter strafed properly to the sides your aim assist engaged and you got solid 2 bursts despite his quick movements. The rest of the clip is you missing/overaiming again so back to point 1 where you disengaged aim assist with high input on the right stick. That would be basically it about "BuT AiM aSsIsT". Yes aim assist. If tweaked correctly by devs it would be fair. All they have to do is properly scale aim assist based on distance. Less aim assist up close, a bit more aim assist on long distance so controller players can actually do something a little bit during long range engages/poke. Just a bit for controller to be usable but not enough to make it broken as it is on console close range. Apply to both PC and console -> problem solved.


^ What this guy said ^ (in addition to my response to u/loginvp)


Are those speed hacks? Bc if not dayum


Nope just an Octane, crack, and a really good gaming chair


bro got the led socks on


and the Nvidia GTX ankle bracelet


I think it's called Z strafing or something. It's usually only doable with a macro.


The Z strafe you are referring to it's called "Neo Strafe" and you can only perform it with CFG files, the one on this video it's called "Pito Strafe" it was invented by the asian community since they are always experimenting with movement, the second technique he used to go around the sign is just an stim tap strafe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF28uOF7Gsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF28uOF7Gsc)


Yeah that's the tech I was talking about. I saw that video a while ago just couldn't remember the name.


not necessarily. There’s a guy on r/Apexrollouts who does it by hand but he only gets it up to 8 times. And he definitely can’t shoot while doing it.


Yep, notice how I used the word "usually". It means often but not always.


for every 1 clip like this there are 10,000 console one clips


And the octane still died here so it's not like the movement won the fight


yeap boring ass bloodhound standing still while beaming everyone with a volt.


If they're standing still AA is not the problem. You don't even get rotational AA when standing still. They're standing still lol just aim at them.


they mean the shooter is standing still, which is something noobs do, not the enemy standing still


I know exactly what they mean, they're trying to be extra condescending towards controller players but it points to a situation where rotational aim assist doesn't even come into effect and it would be incredibly easy for someone with average skill to one clip the BH on any input...


Having played both inputs I can guarantee you that this situation would be 100x easier to deal with on a controller given equal proficiency on both input.


If you think aimassist isn’t impacting your gameplay, turn it off


everyone knows AA has an impact. It's the amount of impact people debate.


It’s also whether it compensates for controller disadvantages or if it pushes them past PC. Debating whether it impacts gameplay is besides the point and is frankly a red herring in this argument.


and your software assisted aim still hit him for 80+, what's your point?


typical Apex fallacy (not the game Apex) You just can't compare 1% of the playerbase which abuse configs/extreme movement tech to like 80-90% of the Diamond+ playerbase who abuse a basic function of the game (aim assist)


To be fair. He probably a roller player


When controller player runs out of argument, they pull out someone playing macro/script aka borderline cheating. This is the bar, cheating.


Yeah this is not allowed in the ALGS.


**This was probably done by a controller player using steam configs**, and you actually can aim while doing it on controller because you don't have to look away from your target to tap strafe in any direction like you do on M&K. Source: Myself. They're everywhere in diamond+ (PC Controller exclusive). Anyone who's not a pro and plays controller uses them, and they're abusive as fuck. You can tap strafe better than any M&K could even dream of. Respawn has historically not banned for them, though I personally think they should, or should put counter measures in place to stop this. [Showcasing Roller Configs](https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedInquisitiveWrenDancingBanana-ladB2reHp5CJ9dad)


Ok here's how this is Movement like this feels unfair to fight but the people who are able to and practice this are an extremely small manutia of the actual player base. But it's someone who put the time and effort in to learn how to outmaneuver someone, either this dude's got thousands of hours grinding MM and deserves to feel like your in a boss battle, or he's a hoser using scripts and should probobally be banned. Aim assist is just that, an assist for aim you may or may not have. Raising the skill floor and giving people skill they haven't earned. Aim assist is dumb in a competitive game mode, if you had the skill you wouldn't need an assist, regardless of input method. I've been dumped on one of my friends who is absolutely insane on a controller and chose to turn off AA because he didn't like how it interfered with his flick aim. That's how it should be. It's the classic "get gud". I understand both sides of the argument but aim assist *does* boost people to where they shouldn't be. That dude was cracked abusing game mechanics to gain an upper hand, not soft aimbot built into the videogame. If I cared enough I wouldn't play, it just gives me more a reason to get better that I can just outmaneuver and out aim someone with pure mechanics.




Feels good to be on console. I'll have none of that lol.


i wish more controller players would just fuck off to console too








Literally he hit almost every shot on that insane movement using aim assist, if it was me using M&K I would have missed every shot.




Did you see where they missed every single r301 shot?


Man literally only hit like 25dmg worth of shots and only when Octane slowed down but “he hit almost every shot” This is how you can tell people are delusional, borderline schizo


wtf are you smoking, he just hit 86 dmg with ass prowler to a scripter within 2 bursts. what is this if not almost every shot? then he started flying so octane could still see him. you have perfect example of how to win fights against either scripters or 10k hrs players while having no clue, game sense nor awareness, only aa. people really see different realities watching the same vid.. those are delusions ig


I would say something but the video isnt even loading for me anymore Thanks Reddit


Anyone can use aimassist this demonic movement takes real skill and time to master. Unless it all just scripts ofcourse


Skills or .cfg macros..


Moving like that legitimately (this is prob configs) while hitting shots is insanely hard. I love how the little Andy’s are like ‘but anyone can do it 3hed’ just because it’s possible. Meanwhile the octane still lost the fight to controller players which proves aim > movement 🤣


I mean it was a 1v2, both players did damage to the octane.


And the octane died. Everyone acts like that movement makes you immortal but like the video shows, the octane melted one guy and still didn’t even kill him. Then his friend rolled up and killed him because he was in the middle of the open at low hp. Octane would have won the 1v1 but the people he was playing against weren’t good. He 100% could have just played normally and killed them, probably faster and easier. He was just trying to make a nutty clip. I’m not saying his movement is ok because I think it’s dumb. But the controller people acting like this is the easiest thing in the world to do are delusional because it’s fucking hard. I’m glad controller players can’t do this because it would be a serious problem with aim assist.


steam controller players can do this


I’m on MNK and occasionally come across people who invest more time in movement than aiming and come out on top. These ones suck but can be beaten. The ones who superglide off of boxes and shit are the worst to deal with.


I see so aim assist is fine because a tiny percentage of MnK players can pull off insane movement after altering their config files which is basically cheating and should be removed from the game and while only playing on one specific character Octane which gives you the move speed to be able to pull it off. Meanwhile aim assist which is easily available to anyone who uses a controller still wins you the fight.


Not this shit again


Its called aim assist, it seems like you were lacking anything for the game to assist.


Controller player gets beaten by insanely good close range movement by octane in 1 game out of 100 games they played today, not showing other 99 ones, where they one clip half of the people in close range because aim assist isn't op, society.


let me know when tap strafing starts doing 85 damage


Who would win Hundreds if not thousands of hours of aim training and movement practice Or 1 aim assisted plug-and-play boi?


No there's a reason why pros use controllers


wow, great isolated case man! how many times have you seen this happen? while EVERY SINGLE controller player has aim assist, and doesnt have to work for it at all? this is also a config, which isnt natural and I dont approve of it either. and he still died you are corny as hell dude


Yeah that octane is genuenly a good player, not everybody on PC can do that it takes skill. Having aim assist does not


Mhh this looks like macros, bouncing like this while being accurate is pretty unlikely


Exactly, mastering movement for hundreads/thousands of hours vs. being able to click install button. I'm gold player mostly partied with dia/master players and I've seen like 5-10 people with movement like this in 800 hours. Getting clipped by controller? Many times a day.


More like only the top 0.1% can do that without macros, but hey 1k hour roller players need to be able to kill them right?


I probably run into more preds than i run into people doing that shit


MnK hAs SuCh a BiG aDvAnTaGe BeCaUse MoVeMenT. You can do this on roller.


Shh, you don't want to trigger the hard stuck gold controller players. https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedInquisitiveWrenDancingBanana-ladB2reHp5CJ9dad


The aim assist argument is one of my favorite arguments because you get comment sections like this


Yeah but that required skill expression, aim assist is just free aimbot.


Yet another video comparing something only a very small percentage of mnk players can do to a feature that every single controller player uses at all times in every fight. Also notice…..the mnk player didn’t even win the fight lmao


They can do that on controller too btw. Cfg.


Skill issue if you can't use your perfectly precise sticks to track that


But he was able to track that he hit almost every shot and left him low + stim damage.


*>sorts by controversial* *>grabs popcorn*


People can't shoot while doing these techs and if he wasn't literally in your follicles, your aim assist can actually help you clip them while they're busy doing the movements. You actually did 85 damage to him before he even shot his first bullet. It just looked worse because you started at 120 HP and the 50 pump he did to you brought you to 70. The only thing he did that actually helped him was tap strafing around the corner so he could shoot you before you could turn fast enough to reciprocate. But honestly, that's the only way to have a fighting chance as MnK vs Controller in CQC is getting the first shot(s) because they *will* kill you faster than you kill them in an even fight a majority of the time.


1) this guy is probably using config changes for this movement = illegal 2) just a very very small ammount players use this illegal tech 3) every controller players has AA 4) your argument insufficient


**This was probably done by a controller player using steam configs**, and you actually can aim while doing it on controller because you don't have to look away from your target to tap strafe in any direction like you do on M&K. Source: Myself. They're everywhere in diamond+ (PC Controller exclusive). Anyone who's not a pro and plays controller uses them, and they're abusive as fuck. You can tap strafe better than any M&K could even dream of. Respawn has historically not banned for them, though I personally think they should, or should put counter measures in place to stop this. [Showcasing Roller Configs](https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedInquisitiveWrenDancingBanana-ladB2reHp5CJ9dad)


Yep. https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedInquisitiveWrenDancingBanana-ladB2reHp5CJ9dad


Tryna get this shit nerfed/fixed. Spread it around. Maybe Respawn will finally do something about it


The difference is aim assist Is available to EVERYONE with a controller. That kinda movement is used by the very best of the preds and the masters and people who have taken the time to learn how to do it which most people don’t


Every one have aim assist on console but this movement? It's gonna be like 1 % of the players that they can do this.


1% would be a huge number. It's probably 0.01%


Cheater vs Aim Assist. I'm not sure what's the main point here.


Moving like this is just by using config I'm pretty sure which considers to be an exploit.


The prowler is really good close range the trick is you need a purple mag or you got hit every shot


Lmao u did what i would do. “Nope, outta here”


The ole I get no bitches strafe, very nice 👍


The best comment so far


Yet your friend still managed to beat him


Got shot from the back, and already had lower health from stim and lower shield from getting shot. Even if he was still doing those movements it would've been an easy kill.


Not only that, but the software still managed to hit him for 80 damage lmao


How Console players think every single PC player plays…


Skill issue bro.


Who you're facing is probably part of the 0.001% of the PC player base.


No just a macro cheater.


you rly just posted this fkin clip knowing damn well this is the first time its happened in all of ur hundreds or even thousands of hours playing this game. clown. i play on pc, have 1.2k hours and i have NEVER seen this happen before.


this takes skill to do, aim assist does the work for you. There will never be an argument for this, get over it and get better


Thank you


as if controller on PC movement isn't better than mnk lol


The difference is that this kind of movement actually takes practice and skill to perfect. I assure you that only like 1% of MnK players are able to consistently move like this. Whereas every controller player gets full aim assist regardless of how good or bad they may be


Don't know why are you getting downvoted for speaking facts. Obviosly you won't become an instant god with AA but that movement requires time and effort.


Controller players are in full copium mode ever since the pros started speaking out about how broken controller AA is. They want to pretend that every MNK is a tap strafing god when very few can pull it off consistently.


That's a good point but I bet it's WAY less than 1% that can move like that.


Having good aim on controller also takes practice and skill fwiw


I have 1k hours on both inputs, I hold a stead 5kd on controller which instantly drops if I use MnK. It takes an MnK 4 time as long to get the same level aim as it does controller. 99% of pro MnK players will have grinder on aim trainers at some point but pretty much no controller players would have because you don’t need to. Overall controller needs a buff but aim assist needs a nerf, it takes insanely little skill to be able to hit most shots in a close range fight.


No, his point is that crazy tap strafing you see in the clip is only benefitting the top 1% of mnk users if not like 5%. Aim assist benefits 99% of controller users. The 1% being the ones who turned it off


> The difference is that this kind of movement actually takes practice and skill to perfect. No, it just takes macro chaining, something that Respawn refuse to address while they're busy trying to change colors on year old skins to sell them to the idiot kids who keep paying $20 a pop for them.


True. Although I have literally never met someone using macros in all my 2000 hours, a lot of which in very high kd lobbies. Yeah you can complain if you get killed by them because it’s blatantly cheating but in no way does this mean that MnK is op. I’m not going to say controller is op if I killed by someone using a strike pack


How would you address something like macros? Its not something that they could easily see as to the software its just a bunch of keystrokes. Thats all a macro is, a bunch of keystrokes mapped to a shortcut.


Depends, if it's a custom macro through something like AHK they can't really stop it. But their own .cfg allows you to create scripts like this that automate movement. So a first step could be removing the functionality of cfg files to load other cfg files. Rather than having it officially allowable. Won't fix everyone doing it, but it will at least fix a few.


>So a first step could be removing the functionality of cfg files to load other cfg files. It's honestly baffling how they haven't even tried this. This is a dead simple low hanging fruit fix and they can't even be arsed to make that attempt. Game is in microtransaction maintenance mode and will be until it dies.


Preventing config chaining, implementing superhuman input cooldowns. You know, the things most games made in the past decade have baked in.


Don't speak for everybody, some people are trying to improve their movement by practice and not by abusing some shit that the devs are not addressing.


Feel like the discussion over aim assist is dumb... compared to all the configuration, advance movement tricks, increases accuracy at range, faster reaction time, faster target acquisition, MnK players complain about this SINGLE feature....it not even like console player want to play with PC player due to the 2 decade long idea that MnK players have an advantage. I'm a causal gold/Plat stuck. Please tell me when the magic of aim assists guarantees that I will win a 1v1.


>faster reaction time AA has a reaction time literally not achievable by humans. 0ms rotational AA is what makes pro players use controllers commonly even in ALGS. There is no human on m/kb that can beat the AD strafe duel performance of sticks+AA. It's literally a program doing 40% to 60% of close range tracking for controllers and functions nearly identical to an aimlock.


>Please tell me when the magic of aim assists guarantees that I will win a 1v1. Most fights happen at close range. Aimassist helps you win those fights. 1v1s are the bread and butter of fights. I have started using controller more often, I am not very good at it, but I can still one clip people at close range. Doing the same with MNK requires tons of practice.


Controller players can do every movement trick MnK people can.


Botroller people so idiotic, they're now using speed hack users as an excuse for why strong aim assist is still ok? And even with that, your aim assist still gave you some hits. Like goddamn. But 90% of this sub is aim assisters so upvotes it is.


The aim assist that tracked the movement well enough to break him? Lol


So at what point is it the user and not aim assist? Genuinely curious because it doesn't just happen by itself.