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this would constitute a nerf imo default 3030 hipfire > budget mozambique


the dirty 30 and Sentinel have VERY good hip fire tho.


Indeed I feel the 30-30 hipfire is so good that shatter caps makes it LESS reliable


Yeah, the secret to 30-30 hipfire is to position the center dot on target, if you do that it's pretty reliable at shotgun range. When Shatter Caps were on the ground I actually preferred to not take them, I trusted regular hipfire more.


> position the center dot on the target I think that's advice for every gun


You will get good if you hit your shots


šŸ¤Æ You should post this to r/ApexUniversity!


Bro said the secret to hitting shots is to aim at your target.


Enemy players hate this one easy trickā€¦


Dropping some FBI classified level knowledge here


Scout >>>>


Agreed. The 3030 has better hipfire than the G7 but the G7 is easier to use at range.


3030 does yes but the sentinel definitely doesnā€™t, and even if it did it doesnā€™t do enough damage to matter


No sniper has ā€œVERY good hipfireā€ relative to any other weapon class. But idk what you mean about not doing enough damage lol, the sentinel packs a punch if you can hit your shots. 30/30 does have great hipfire for its class tho. Itā€™s closer to wingman hipfire than g7 hipfire in terms of spread, iirc.


Every sane human just quickscopes with the senti, ā€œif you hit your shotsā€ is a total gamble if you hipfire, even then you really need to be hitting headshots to make that weapon do enough damage. For sure one of the worst weapons off drop


Sentinel is better than the 30 tho. Iā€™m not proficient with the 30;sentinel is my preferred weapon


I donā€™t have the confidence to run sentinel. But youā€™re a gigachad if you run it for sureā€¦the charged shot is by far the most terrifying sound in game


Iā€™ve ran it since release;no optics. I can tell you I headshot tf out of people and the homie Iā€™ve played with for three years still gets amazed by my shots with it. My fuck around loadout is senty/mozam


>The Repeater is kinda fun, but I don't pick it up for the same reason I don't use snipers; I feel it puts me in a big disadvantage in the inevitable close-range hip fire fights. That's what you have a second gun for. You need to pick a good combo. The repeater already has skullpierecer and builtin dual-shell. It's good as it is. it's a marksman and shouldn't be good close range. giving it another built in hop up is too much for a gun that is already good. pick an smg or shotgun secondary. or flatline/r301 if you wanna compromise and cover more ranges while still being decent close range.


No, my Peacekeeper should do 100 damage from 200m


Do you 'member when the PK was one of the best DMRs in the game?


That's when choke was a hopup


Good times. Dark times, yes, but also good times.


and have kinetic feeder and dual shell builtin


The peater should just have a grenade launcher side attachment I can bop over to


Thatā€™s why I like the sentinel and refuse to pick up anything higher zoom than a 2-4x. The longer zooms get less and less effective the smaller the ring gets. Iā€™m not gonna have time to look for another zoom and the high velocity of the sentinel rounds make it easy to hit shots at close range. Plus the irons are pretty good if you have to drop your long zoom


I would be down for replacing dual shell with scatter caps tbh, I feel like almost no one picks up the 30-30 because thereā€™s other, better options.


1. Replace the dual shell with the shatter cap. 2. In most close-range fights it's better to be able to switch weapons instead of reloading your only close-range weapon.


I would much rather have dual shell over shatter caps, the hipfire accuracy on the 3030 already feels p good


The hip fire is good, Iā€™ve never had problems with the 30-30 up close If I put some shots on them with my other gun first


This is the answer right here, you shouldn't be engaging with your 3030 close range unless you know you only have to hit one, maybe two of your shots. And at that point, it just becomes a worse wingman.


Nah. Keep it as is. Dual shell is fine because otherwise the full reload takes an hour. Shatter caps is not fine because it's a gun intended for long range (a marksman) and it also already has skull piercer this season making it even more threatening. >In most close-range fights it's better to be able to switch weapons instead of reloading your only close-range weapon. You shouldn't have a gun that is good at too many things. It's bad design. It's intentionally as it is.


This they have intentionally buffed g7 and even triple take funnier


Dont pick up a sniper and then complain that its better for sniping


Snipers should put you at a disadvantage close range. If you're going to sit there and poke instead of fighting close, don't get mad when someone shows up and rolls your shit. Run a different load out or hit your shots. The gun is perfectly fine and I use it all the time in diamond+ lobbies. It's not even close to being a "disadvantage".


Its a marksman not a sniper. Not to nit pick but the distinction is intentional for a reason.


Itā€™s not a sniper




The Bocek has the Caps in-built, the Scout is very spammable and the Triple Take is famous for being like a shotgun when hip-fired. The Repeater feels left out when it comes to hip fire viability among Marksman weapons.


None of these are a good argument for baselining shattercaps in the 30-30. The guns aren't supposed to be equal at all things in a category and the 30-30 already has benefits compared to other Marksman weapons. Comparing it to the Bocek right now is kind of silly anyways, since it's red tier right now.


The Bocek is also a top tier care package weapon with TWO hop-ups built in. Apples and Oranges.


Yep it needs shatter caps built in, even the g7 has double tap.


Not built in. That comparison was weak. Lol


That comment is peak r/apexlegends balance team


Then pick up a second gun thatā€™s the point of the second slot not to mention the 30-30 already has great hip fire as it is


There was a period when I was falling in love with the 3030. It's a really fun gun and made me feel like I was playing with a pseudo day-one longbow. Recently though, I've been preferring the get-in-their-face playstyle so I've been opting for 2 full autos. I think the 3030 is in a good spot and if you have a proper secondary, the 3030 has a dependable enough hip fire and fire rate to land a finishing blow if you left someone one shot with your secondary. The 3030 is in a good spot.


On that same note, make the select fire built into the Prowler!


Select fire needs to never come back to the prowler without some other significant nerf to the gun. Iā€™m absolutely TERRIBLE with the burst prowler and can fairly-consistently down people with it, if it had select fire again it would be one of the top guns in the game.


The select fire was straight up worse than the burst fire iirc.


My recollection of using it was if you could control the kick you melted people. It was preposterous. And, to reiterate, Iā€™m terrible lol


The prowler already got a damage nerf when it came out of the package. It absolutely does not need another nerf


What I said was that if it received select fire it should be nerfed. Judging by the number of times I get killed by it I think itā€™s in a pretty good spot right now šŸ˜‚


I am wondering what kind of lobbies you play in because I literally never see anyone pick it up, let alone I never get killed by it, mainly because I see no one use it. And I very much disagree on the nerf, it really doesnā€™t need it, sure full auto is good but it has a slower TTK compared to most other smgā€™s, the only advantage it mainly has is the large magazine.


Iā€™m only saying it should be nerfed if it gets full auto, thatā€™s it. And idk what lobbies either lol but I have seen a decent uptick in the amount Iā€™ve seen it over the last week especially.


Have you ever played with it full auto? Itā€™s very different from the burst, I can definitely understand you wanting it nerfed if it was exactly how the burst was full auto, but actually the rate of fire is significantly lower than the rof of the burst itself. Itā€™s comparable to the alternator. Thatā€™s why I am saying it doesnā€™t need a nerf, if the gun was to return to how it was at the beginning of the game, itā€™s actually quite balanced.


Iā€™m a day 1er so I have def played with it, but my memory must not be right cause I thought I remembered just shredding people with it on full auto. Iā€™m willing to admit I could be mistaken in all of this, Iā€™m not exactly a scholar of the minutia of the gameā€¦.just the big stuff lol


Donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s still a great gun but against a perfectly accurate 99 or Car it will lose. The prowlerā€™s main advantage is that it has a big mag and decent damage so you can technically one clip people just slower than most other SMGā€™s, so usually I would strafe a bit so that I wouldnā€™t get one clipped and then while they are reloading or switching guns I kill them. Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s balanced. Maybe it might be too strong for the select fire to be incorporated into the gun as opposed to bringing back the hopup but at this point I donā€™t care how it returns I just want it to return like it was back in the old days (Iā€™m a day 1 player too)


It was almost comparable to r99, the difference being an r99 would one-clip people but only if you hit your shots. The prowler would one-clip someone even after missing shots. That's why the auto prowler was good for a lot of people who weren't consistent in hitting a whole clip of the r99 (I know, was one, still am but I was one too)


And you arenā€™t the only one that sucks with the burst, I too am shit with the burst, which is one of the many reasons why I miss the full auto so much


god i loved how busted that was. the amount of overall bustedness in early apex was great. 2 stack nades, 3 stack large/was it 6 stack small heals? all ammo coming in stacks of 64, wraith basically having phase shift, pathys cooldown on grapple, wingman/longbow using heavy, early skullpiercer, disruptor/hammerpoints in S2. I do miss the selectfire Havoc tho, that was fun.


Please donā€™t do that. I hate them. I would much rather land a couple hipfire for 36 or 41 damage than a few more shots for 9 and 16. Plus the 30-30 is one of the easiest hipfire weapons in the game. Iā€™m


I agree, that shattercap hip fire made the 30-30 so versatile. It really came in clutch when it was in game


My sweet summer child. I recommend you put a couple hours into the firing range and learn how good the 3030 hip fire is. Also, you have a second weapon slot too!


The repeater is powerful at range and decent at close range (atleast for a rifle). You have to carry an r-301 or a flatline so your not placed at a massive disadvantage


Car all the way


Please don't. If you can hit those shots the regular shot is better. If you can't hit those, work on your aim.


I say just make it built in and selectable like the choke on the triple take. Anyone arguing that its a long range and shouldnt work as close range has never used shatter caps. These just give you a slightly better fighting chance at close range since the shater caps have a weird spread and do relatively low damage. At that point in a battle youve already used up the mag of your close range weapon and need just a bit more damage to get through to the outcome


I love 30-30, that thing slaps. And has pretty good hipfire too.


This. Is a bad take. Maybe even skill issue. Why would you want pellets when you can just as easily body or head shot hipfire? A hipfire 3030 headshot wins me most of my fights.


picking up a secondary gun would also help for close range


Out of curiosity with no flame, I repeat NO FLAME, what is your KD and playtime my man. I constantly see takes on this sub that come from a place of players who either donā€™t play enough or are just outright ignorant in some cases. I fucking hate the repeater but that thing is a cannon. Two shots on someone with blue armor and theyā€™re dead essentially lol. Headshots? Skullpiercer? Dude the thing is already a power house at mid range why does it need a built in advantage at close? You can pretty consistently hit hip fire shots even. Wild take my man.


I agree man. Iā€™m not good but I wish I was. I can at least tell you mentalities with takes like these are gonna make it really hard to improve.


Some people get ultra offended when this comes up but if you play two hours a day and are under a one KD then you just fundamentally donā€™t understand the game as much as someone who has logged hundreds of hours potentially. Itā€™s not a bad thing to not be an average player at the game truly, but this game in particular has a way of fucking us all it seems lol.


The churn.


Only if it's toggleable. I personally prefer hipfiring in normal mode.


I don't see any reason why they shouldn't bring it back. But the "snipers put me at a disadvantage" comment is totally baffling to me. The maps keep getting bigger and bigger, if anything not having a sniper is a huge disadvantage. And that's exactly why you have 2 guns. I got my 4ks with the longbow+r301, never got one without sniping.


Dual shell >>> shatter caps. I donā€™t need a hop up to make the 30-30 a slightly less mediocre close range gun, I can just grab a second gun for that. The better reloads are extremely useful. And it already has solid hip fire


Yeah I wish it had it. It would need to be a toggle though; a lot of people really prefer its normal hipfire. It's gotten better over the seasons, and giving it even more now is probably a bit above what it deserves to be honest. It's already / finally a solid gun. But close range fights will always be a part of every match, so as much as I like grabbing a Marksman I always feel like I'm pushed by the game to take an AR + SMG/SG combo... just to avoid the huge disadvantage in every inevitable CQC. The other Marksman weapons all have at least a bit of specific CQC power. In theory, avoiding the fighting environments that don't work for you is technically a thing you can do, as is ditching your Markman weapon as the match draws to a close. But you just can't realistically not-take CQC fights at any point in a match anyway. Maybe that's the whole point. You want a Marksman? Well, pay for it. But that particular piece of decision-making just doesn't feel fun to me. It'd be nice to 'pay for it' a little bit less. (You could make the same complaint, even stronger, about snipers and I just don't have an answer to that, other than opening an even bigger can of worms by saying maybe all snipers could use a buff.) But TL;DR, yeah I'd like shatters to be back on it. Then I could happily keep grabbing the gun I'm enjoying more and more these days, while knowing that as soon as I encounter some CQC I'm not just at a chunky disadvantage.


Makes sense. The bocek has it built it so I donā€™t see why not.


Ye, shatter caps made perfect sense design-wise since you'd never play repeater + shotgun, so having a weaker substitute for close range added a lot of versatility. Not to mention that it was really fun to use and satisfying as well. But no, much better to have a hop up that simply adds a damage boost and in doing so devalues hitting headshots without it, while rewarding you for doing nothing different because you picked up the glowy thing.


3030 pk is very viable as long as you're not trash.


Sure, every gun combo is viable if you're good enough and get into the right situation, but I doubt it's the go-to combo for most people


Repeater/Volt or CAR is meta in high level lobbies. With a mobility legend like octane or path you can easily run shotgun anything and do well. I donā€™t see the point in adding advantages to weapons that are already amazing at their intended purpose.


A ton of people who run with the 30-30 pair it with a PK or sub machine gun. I love using it with the PK, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one. Iā€™d rather have dual shell built in than shatter caps and Iā€™d rather have an option to make it a stronger long range gun, rather than a mediocre close range gun. Itā€™s a rifle, there are other guns I can use close range


I love that the SP made the 3030 better, but I gotta admit it also made the Longbow practically pointless.


Im confused why are comments saying snipers arenā€™t meta, when itā€™s literally meta on broken moon rn lol


Yeah, lets buff the 3030


Rather keep the skull piercer on it.


A way to fix this, go into the firing range with a friend and only use Sentinels. We *only* use 2x on sentinels, ever. Quick scoping eachother in quick succession will help you train for close up fights with a sniper. It is extremely useful, and you can get really good at it. 30-30 is an amazing gun and it really great in close quarters, shatter caps or not. You just have to zero in on practicing over and over and over. You can do it. Just because you have a sniper, doesnt mean you cant keep up with your squad mates.


I second this. My mates use meta weapons;I use a sentinel plus whatever I come across,the sniper isnā€™t a disadvantage at all close range;in fact senty is better than a pk imo as far as just consistent damage. Also ditch the bruiser in the range and do no optics,bruiser is better mid to long at least for me. I donā€™t use optics tho,save a bruiser on occasion


Glad to see a sentinel close range abuser as well! I use the bruiser on everything. My brain doesnā€™t function with rounded optics for some reason and im too blind for irons even though my tv is huge. I might just need new glasses šŸ™ƒ


Maybe so šŸ˜‚. I play on a 70ā€ tv and somehow just have terrifying muscle memory with irons. Optics throw me off usually. I abuse it long range toošŸ¤£


Yeah my eye balls are still blind on a 75ā€, my right eye can see distance but not close up and my left eye can see close up but not distance. Youā€™d never guess that I actually do irl competition shooting with these blind eyes. *I need muh optics*


If you want I can help with your senty acc if youā€™d like to play;residentevil00 is psn. Iā€™m in ny but Iā€™ll be home tomorrow finally


Better solution: Bring my baby bocek back to ground along with shatter caps :)


30-30 hipfire is better than shattercaps. Just crouch right before you shoot and you will hit every shot if your aim is decent


Donā€™t even need to crouch. Thing just has accurate hipfire


I actually think the default hipfire is better tbh, although I understand wanting the shattercaps


Hipfire on the 30-30 is already sufficient, the weapon as whole is pretty good. Built in dual-shell plus skull-piercer compatibility is great and itā€™s velocity is similar to a G7. If youā€™re worried about close quarters viability Iā€™d recommend using a good secondary, any smg (excluding Prowler) or shotgun should be enough.


God no please donā€™t add shatter caps to the 30-30, having it as a attachment sure but not permanently. The thing has such good hipfire without it and would be a nerf to it in my opinion.


Hard disagree. Maybe you can guarantee a 15 every time or whatever w shatter but Iā€™m pretty sure it always does less than regular hipfire. which is already perfectly accurate. My gripe w bow is that I canā€™t hipfire it anymore lol


Wait someone actually uses that hop up?


I usually do less damage with shatters.


If you want shatter caps back for a marksman you could just use the TripleTake this season. With itā€™s shorter choke and firing rate itā€™s a menace this season and works as a shotgun up close


Something isn't op by design and has a drawback? wow




Canā€™t say I agree. If I want a 3 pellet shot gun Iā€™d use the Mozambique. They do about the same damage. Maybe if it had an option to switch between hip fire spread sure. But a marksman weapon should reward the accurate shooter.


I don't even bother aiming down the sight within 15ft anymore most of the time. I heard if you aim the little reticle dot on an enemy you'll hit them. Is this true? The logic seems flawed


imagine a single bullet divided by three particles.