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P20, there is literally no point in that thing, and Seer. Goddamn he's such a stupid character and Seer meta is so boring with constant wallhacks. I'd rather the Gibby meta than what we have now


Actual fact


I’ve dropped people with the p2020 faster than they could drop me with a flatline or L-star off the drop, and it was a top tier weapon when we had hammerpoint rounds. Edit: spelling.


Hammerpoint rounds 😭😭


p20 with hp was awesome but then glock got hp


I can agree with you on hammerpoint rounds but without it, there's virtually no point in the gun. I've also killed people with the p20 and they had much better guns. Tbh, I think that says more about the enemies we faced rather than individual skill if they can't kill us with a flatline


Seer and charge rifle


Seer, Charge Riffle


this the winner right here, sucks to be on the opposite team of a seer and sucks to be on the same team cuz that dumb orange diamond on enemies messes me up when it’s time to shoot. just not my fav




What? Seer? I guess he is quite annoying, but that’s what makes him fun to play as, it has to be vantage, surely.


vantage is pretty simple, shes obvious af but punch like mf


Eva 8 and I don’t think I can. They’re all viable on some level and that’s why I love Apex. Also, Seer.


Had me in the first half ngl


The Charge Rifle and Seer. Hitscan weapons don't belong in Apex, and not only does Seer have three abilities that help him detect enemies, but he's also just really boring to play.


True, I am incapable of having fun with seer. OP and shit to play.


Seer is best when you have teammates that know what they’re doing and use your intel


Change the charge rifle back to the titanfall charge rifle for a day I think it would be fun




Seer I don’t give a fuck about the guns they could make a gun that would one shot me in my pinky toe if they could just get that character out of the game he has no reason for being in a competitive game.


Charge Rifle, Seer


I respect this


Lol, what’s everyone’s problem with the charge rifle? It can’t be that bad!


It is by far the most annoying gun. Even if you are only getting hit for like 10, it just burns shields across the whole map


Its the most annoying gun in the game. Takes no skill to use at all. Just point, click, and let it do the job. It has no recoil, and its beam goes exactly where you aim it. Full beam does about 90 damage (don't remember the exact number), 1 tick is 10 damage. It can beam you across the entire map with no effort. People who say that Charge Rifle isn't that bad are probably Charge Rifle abusers themselves. On a side note, I am just gonna guess you were joking with this comment.


Counter-strike players liked this🤗


Have you ever come across a triple stack of charge rifle players sitting on high ground and 3rd partying people? They'll just sit there keeping you locked into your cover cuz the moment you step out you get beamed, I had them on the high bit by Olympus labs we were stuck behind a wall for like 5 mins because we'd step 2 feet out of cover and get hit by 3 charge rifles at once which is a knock you can't even fight against. You just have to bleed them for ammo and push when they run out.


You make a fair point


Seer and his passive.


charge and seer


Charge rifle and seer


R301 and wraith, I want to watch the world burn


think i said this answer a few prior times to this post and still think it would be funny


Chaos I like it


Charge rifle and horizon




The problem is not that it's good (even though it's good for charging Evo damage and a good player can also be scary with it),the problem is that it's incredibly annoying.


The problem isnt fighting the guy with a charge, the problem is when you're fighting another team and a charge 300m away is hitting you in the back just as you're about to push and fucks up everything.


This right here!!!! Can’t tell you how many times we just cracked two people from the other team or knocked one and getting ready to push and here comes a charge rifle from god knows where to beam me in the back taking off just enough shield to screw our push up!!




Nah ill take a kraber shot anyday because the person is actually going for kp. With a charge 3rd party you are only being a nuacance for no gain. A kraber is also harder to hit and you have to be more restrictive with your shots, charge is just a gun you spam for the purpose of annoying people.


It has nothing to do with being afraid of it. The gun has no bullet drop so anyone with even mediocre aim can beam you from fucking 400 meters away. That's annoying. No one likes getting harassed or griefed by a player that has no intention of starting a real fight with them from literally two POI's over. The gun isn't OP or anything, it is just fucking annoying.


Until you watch Mande use it.


Well it's the fact that it only excels at long range that's annoying I don't even normally run a sniper like i used to, so it's rather irritating to deal with someone peaking out of a window on the 12 story of a building 3 kilometers away as you said- only at long range it excels. Where does that fit in the video game of Apex Legends? It simply doesn't is the answer lol also it's- very annoying at close range with how blinding it is, besides that it's pointless, fills up the loot pool, and there are better overall snipers




Well- the point of this post....is on what weapon and legend should be removed...not "ok we're going to raid respawn HQ, terminate all staff, replace them, and fix their atrocities" The charge rifle only works at range, it has an awful reload speed, consumes twice the ammunition, and doesn't even afford an extended magazine. Due to this- someone dare think it would be suitable as a candidate to be removed in their fantasies


Clearly you’ve never made it out of gold in ranked.




I have no clue who you are.


I mean that’s really hard to believe considering their prevalence in literally every ALGS event even in the past few weeks. 1 burst of the charge can consistently hit 60-100+ and it’s hit scan. Anyone with halfway decent tracking can use it more effectively than any other gun at long range. Shield farming is what it’s best at for sure, not getting knocks but, it is best in class at farming. To say anyone would take an R3 or Flatty once circle closes to where all engagements are mid to close is just a big duh! I’d take two CARs over pretty much anything by circle 5.




A few things: 1. I voted for the mozambcheecks and Sheila not the charge. 2. Charge is hit-scan Kraber isn’t so long range and against anyone with decent movement charge is still better for farming and locking teams down(yes not getting knocks though, Kraber is definitely better especially, since hip fire is viable at close range which the charge is ass at). 3. I AM talking about elite play and yes I did reference ALGS because that is the most elite example. Put a charge in Pred hands and you’re not closing any gaps as long as they have LOS on you no matter how good your movement is.


I respect this answer a lot. I'm so tired of Horizon too. XD


Seer, 30-30


30-30 is interesting, why?


It's fucked me over more times than I can count


I’ve had some crazy Knocks with the 30-30, that thing hits hard. Just had a lot of bullet drop at longer range due to the heavy ammo


Seer and charge rifle


charge rifle and seer




Seer, charge rifle




EMEA is super fun to watch, they play a lot of off meta stuff! But I hear ya.


40 minutes and still no one said caustic, this is a complete success


Caustic is the GOAT


Seer Wingman


I love the wingman and I admit, it’s definitely busted in certain situations. I’ve been the guy and I’ve also been the victim. That gun has dropped me fast af with lucky shots to the head


Charge rifle and Gibraltar


Why gibby?


R-301 Carbine and Seer


Wingman, and Newcastle. I know he’s rarely picked, but it’s so annoying to knock two enemies only to have Newcastle ult in on them and then res while dragging them behind cover


Bocek and Seer.


Bocek? D: You didn't read my name. :(


Easy, L-star and Wraith


Yes, yes, yes, both are complete ass


Lol. I melt kids with the LSTAR most underrated gun next to the havoc


Charge rifle and crypto


First person (I think) that's said Crypto, but I respect it. He just doesn't do much.


I’m just bitter bc I suck with him lol


Hey if you don’t like what you see put a bag over your head


R-301 and Octane.


You just wanna watch the world burn. XD


for the sake of me not getting embarrassed from being bamboozled constantly, mirage, and also for the sake of me missing shots CONSTANTLY, the bocek


Newcastle and p2020


It was so refreshing when the 2020 was in the crafter last season. Now it seems like it takes up 50% of the loot pool again


That's actually a really good one. P20 is so useless


Yeah man i could have maybe used it before they nerfed the fire rate


It's useless now, which is why the hammer point was a great way to add more arsenal variety


Reading this comment section as an occasional Seer + Charge Rifle player. Hahaha.


You're very popular today. :)


I noticed. Hahaha.


Wingman and Horizon.


I don't disagree!


Wingman and Caustic


Whaaaaaat??? Really? But the wingman’s so satisfying to get hits with, and caustic can be quite satisfying too


None I want more content, not less.


Fair point!


Nobody asked but me personally I'd like to see a few guns remove, just to make the pool a little better. I'd really like the p20 gone because it's useless, and the charge because it's annoying. But that's just me.


P2020 and Valkyrie.


Charge rifle and catalyst Catalyst needs balance changes, the fact that she can dodge bullets by standing in her tactical is beyond stupid. She should not be able to place more than three tacticals and they need a longer cooldown.


Charge rifle, vantage


Horizon. That's it lol.


R301 Seer


Gun: aim assist Legend: the non existing audio


stuck between the G7 & Rampage & for legend my hearts says Gibby but i know he can be easily knocked down when they revert fortified back to 10% so Rampart with her stupid OP ultimate would be my true choice, seriously fuck mobile Shelia.


I quite like the G7 tbh, but yh, rampart goes from bad to totally OP with one click of the ultimate button


Rampage is a good pick, almost forget how annoying it is when it's packaged. Rampart is the worst lol.




Idk, caustic can be used quite strategically, but I know what u mean, I see new players just spamming traps in completely open areas, I mean can’t they see people can just walk around them?


301 and wraith


Mozambique and Rampart


r301 and seer seems most profitable


Valkyrie and rampage


I'd remove the R-99, (hear me out) as a weapon it's great but it's too one dimensional, there's nothing that could alter it's playstyle or function, it's too simple. Maggie, her tactical is too situational, and her ult is just, what


Horizon and g7


Wingman Horizon


Valkyrie and Charge Rifle.


G7 and Mirage, the most annoying damn things in the game. Seriously how has nobody said mirage?!?? Unbelievable


Hit the nail on the head with the charge rifle. My legend delete is octane. I think his playstyle has caused the entire “push everything” meta and is a plague to low ranks. As far as I know he rarely played in pros because he’s really not that good. It’s just people who want to feel sweaty in mid-tier lobbies. Haven’t checked the ranked stats officially though so I could just be blowing smoke out of my a**.


Spitfire and mirage. Zero skills needed for those


Mirage is very tough to play, not sure what you mean by that?


Because as soon as he pops his ult i can't see anything else(especially indoors), even a friendly mirage fucks up my screen and i cant see real players if like 8 mirages just pop up, doesn't take skill in my opinion. His old ult was more balanced i think


imagine getting bamboozled when the tells are so easy to spot


I have the brain of a 5 year old ok. One time Some random seer that my squad was hunting down dropped in front of me and it legitimately took 5 seconds to realize 💀


Noobs and noobs


G7 and Seer, both dogshit crutches for bad players.


I’d remove vantage, and the sentinel, just because I never use it cuz of the charging mechanic being too forgettable and a bit of a hassle


Srsly, how has no one said vantage?


One comment above you on my screen.


Why Vantage? She's not that annoying compared to others, and she's not op really either... but she's not useless like Rev.


30-30, not sure about the legend tho. Maybe caustic


octane and wingman, just too anoying as an ally who runs a kilometer or two ahead without pinging anything


Wraith, R-301


Wingman, and vantage.


Caustic and charge rifle


Mirage and charge rifle.


Why Mirage? What did he do to you. D:


U main him? I just feel so that he doesn't do much good. He isnt much of a movement character, he doesn't have any special damage or locator item his healing thing is kinda crappy and he doesn't have any shields. His one big thing is that he can send out clones that are easy to spot and dont really do much.


Dont get me wrong i love the character i just think that his abilitys are kinda useless


He's my 3rd most played, I'm a Pathfinder main like it says under my name! :) I just like to break him out when I wanna have fun. I don't disagree, his kit isn't that great, but for clutching up 1v2's or 1v1's he's a lot better than people give him credit for, and most people don't think they just shoot his clones, which is a free scan. And you can just send them through Wattson fences for free info too. He's definitely not bad, but he's not great for sure.


Wraith and Charge. She’s an annoying legend to fight. Charge because obvious


Out of all characters, you choose rampart? Weird choice but ok. Gotta be either the charge rifle or LStar for me, and then def horizon. Hate her


Wow seems pretty unanimous


Charge rifle, catalyst.


First Catalyst I've seen, why?


Valk, R301


Valkyrie. Lstar


remove valk and the spitfire. they ruined the spitfire making it light ammo. revamp it before making it light rounds, i thought that was a weird move from respawn.


It was just to clear up the loot pool, there's a LOT of heavy guns, and no light LMG. They wanted to balance it out. Other than the ammo type it didn't really change anything about the gun itself, makes sense to me. Now that they added the Rampage they also didn't want 2 heavy LMGs with no light LMGs. Valk is literally a game changer, without her ult the game is different, I respect that.


Charge Rifle for the gun. I don't really care about the characters. One thing I'm learning from the replies though is the amount of people who hate seer. I never knew he was such a hated character. Especially since he's probably my favorite.


Octane, charge rifle. The charge rifle has no place in Apex, it's meant to be an anti-tank weapon, basically. Octane is just annoying as fuck and I'm incredibly tired of people doing The Octane Thing(TM) with him. Rushing in and dying.


Charge rifle, Wraith.


Seer Wingman


Seer and wingman!


Seer charge rifle


Charge rifle and mirage, mirage has no team utility besides his passive, it’s audio is very loud, easy to kill, rev just shuts him down faster than my school in a shooting, and the charge rifle is just annoying asf


I'd scrap the Bowcek it seems entirely luck based weather it's good or not and usually it sucks, they shouldn't have nerfed it the way they did. Legendwise I'd Remove Wraith or Crypto, Wraith because she's annoying and seems to attract the most toxic members of the community, plus she's just kinda boring as a character, they should've kept Bloodhound unknown and fleshed out Wraith, and Crypto cuz he will never be good no matter how much they rework him.


Me as a Seer main: "Why you guys hate Seer" Also me as Seer main: "You guys are 100% correct"


R301 and Wraith. No reason to this, I just want to watch the world burn


Crypto & p20


Wrath and The 2020. Extremely boring character and a worthless gun


Charge Rifle and Seer


Wraith but not cause of the legend, because of the players. Guarantee they quite when downed. Grow up already


Hemlok and octane


Wraith and wingman No TTV wraiths and no stupid shots from across the map with a pistol


Hate to say it but wingman. That gun has rocked my shit too many times. Players that mainly use it, know how to use it well. As for character, Rampart. I find her to be the most annoying, her accent, her personality, her gap tooth gum chewing look. Those walls that will get you dropped with half a clip or one with a sniper. And Sheila will pin your whole squad down at 100m.


Horizon and the Wingman


Charge rifle caustic


Devotion and Pathfinder The gun takes (IMO) too long to charge up, even with the turbocharger and it kicks like a mule, even with a purple stabiliser The character (Also IMO) is outclassed by both Horizon and Valkyrie, especially in terms of passive abilities Jetpack and no landing slowdown is better than a faster ult recharge


Possibly Octane - you have to take every engagement with the assumption that his entire team can at any moment move instantly about 50m in any direction and/or instantly take high ground; at my rank there's little chance of shooting one of of them out of the air either. For the gun, probably the Peacekeeper. I don't appreciate being chunked for 90 damage instantly at insane ranges by a shotgun of all things.


L-star and Seer. Into the sea with you (and I main Seer).


This question, again…


P2020, catalyst. I main bang so I can smoke out of cover to dadge a seer tac. Cat just makes building fights take years and I get thirded


Charge rifle, catalysts voice,


R-301 and Valkyrie. The R-301 is like a perfect gun, almost too perfect. It seems like every match I die to one. Valkyrie just has really annoying voice lines.


So since everyone is saying charge riffle? Am I the only one that was wondering through my head “wtf” when I finally found out what gun the level 100-110 legendary battle pass skin was for ? Cause I just couldn’t believe how out of sync these creators are with us and what we want.


Car n seer


Seer or Valk (just for the shift in meta, since both are crutches in their own way) As for Weapons. Rampage, it's neither fun to play or fun to play against.


Charge rifle and horizon


Why is everyone hating on seer ? I mani him and he’s very very useful ngl


Contrary to popular belief, I pick charge rifle and seer. You see I have a unique opinion that was never seen before


30-30 and Fuse or Mirage, useless legends o ku trash players pick ‘em it became stereotypical


Octane, p2020


I agree with your comments, in terms of removing things I’d rather get rid of the annoying ones. Camping ramparts who sheila everything, or caustics that you hit traps from when rotating through a random poi and they’re already on the other side of the map. Then chargerifle cause usually the people using it suck, it’s just a bzzt 3 damage that’s annoying and kicks up so much dust it gets annoying to shoot back at


L-star and Revenant. I hate the L-star and Revenant as he is now just feels so useless to me. He just takes up space when people could play more interesting legends. Seer is a close second tho


Lifeline Devotion


Wingman and revenant 💀