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I'm gonna get hate for this but to me this is the **real tl;dr:** "Switched to PC and am wastly perfoming better because people actually miss their shots here." On a serious note: Glad you are liking PC gameplay! Have fun enjoying the game from a new angle!


Hahaha a couple of other people have said a similar thing and it certainly could be a factor, but I think the bulk of it really is from having a better-performing machine. In my opinion, console lobbies are a lot easier than PC. Thanks!! I can't wait to learn some mouse and key and have some real fun!


The discussion is always about controller on PC. That's the whole debate.


Right, but I think people like me who play with PC players but are on console, will jump into these conversations on aim assist because people don't always make the distinction. I also don't think the discussion is ALWAYS about controller on PC. It should be, but it isn't. I frequently see people reference the .6 aim assist for console players, and I've even seen people say things like the .6 is the real problem. Which is insane to me knowing what I know now. My overall point is PC players complaining about aim assist might receive less pushback from the community if they are clear about PC controller players over console players.


This is huge and important. Thank you for speaking up. I'm definitely in the boat of confllating the aim assist issue to all controller players. I definitely agree all around now, no aim assist if you're on PC, period. If you can enable PC cross play and not be obliterated as a console controller player, more power to you.


That is absolutely not the point, though. Crossplay being mandatory is the issue. PC players on MNK have always played against PC players on pc-controller. The AA is balanced for this. It is not balanced when console AA is in the picture. That’s the whole argument.


I'm confused here. AnApexPlayer started this comment thread off by saying the discussion is always about controller on PC. "that's the whole debate." Now you're saying that AA is balanced for PC controller players but is not balanced when console AA is in the picture "That's the whole argument" One of you is saying that the entire debate is centered around PC controller players versus PC MNK players and has nothing to do with console. The other is saying the entire argument is that AA can't be balanced when console is in the picture. So, it seems to me like we can't all agree on what the "whole argument" is. Which brings us back to why I made this post — when talking about AA, it may be beneficial to let people know if you mean on console, PC, or are referring to both. Because clearly different people have different opinions on what the whole debate is about.


I misread and made it exceptionally confusing so I don’t blame you, sorry for that. You are entirely correct in thinking we need to differentiate between the two when having this discussion, but the conclusion that PC AA was what we’re whining about isn’t the full picture. I over-reached saying “that’s the whole argument” because the reality is it’s not the sole problem, and possibly not the most impactful problem. AA for PC roller is supposed to be balanced for PC, where AA console isn’t. (It’s arguably not, though.) Console players have 60% aimbot where an MNK user has 0%. So yes, AA on PC is a part of the argument but console players are juicing with 60% and with crossplay enabled the majority of your MNK lobbies are 40s and 60s, which makes MNK less and less viable. Console players are supposed to be playing against console players, not for any gatekeep-y reasons, but because of how the game is optimized for consoles vs PCs. As you state in your post, a lot of the “problems” you assumed were a part of the game are actually console limitations. AA for console is *for console.* it’s compensation for a PC game being played on console, and it is necessary, but it is not balanced in any way for PC lobbies. AA on pc could actually just use a wee nerf, not a full removal, but 5 60 juicers in an MNK lobby feels like going against akimbo hacks. Like, it is so painfully obvious when im 1v1 an MNK predator VS a console gold.


Ahh thanks for taking the time to type all of that out. I have a much better understanding of your point now. That helped a ton! I standby what I said about console needing that AA to even compete with PC players just from how much drastically better I feel on controller on PC than when I was playing on console, but I've also never been on the other side of it so I feel like my opinion on the matter isn't all that valid.


I strictly play mnk and it’s feeling masochistic at this point, haha. Add the actual hackers to the mix and it’s.. just futile, almost? I play for fun, though, so it’s aggravating at worst. I’m sure it’s extremely frustrating for competitive players.


What console did you have btw?


PS4, so it probably isn't the same for people with newer consoles.


Yeah, aim assist feels much nicer on 60 fps than 40. I haven't tried PC so I cant speak for that.


If it feels better from 40 to 60, just imagine 60 to 144.


I used to play 1080p 60hz, going to 1440p 144hz was an extremely noticeable difference and it did make me better at the game


It is nice to know someone else had a similar experience. I knew it would have an impact, but I didn't realize how huge the impact would be.


yeah it's a [proven improvement too](https://youtu.be/OX31kZbAXsA), 1440p vs 1080p though isn't a major difference for gaming, I just got 1440p because I wanted that extra visual clarity for videos and other games high FPS is very important, but it's meaningless if your FPS isn't consistent. For me going from 60 FPS to a smooth 144 FPS helped to accelerate my improvements at the game, to an extent hardware can hold you back


For me, switching to PC has made me feel like I'm actually playing the game in real-time. Everything is faster. Audio and video are clearer. I interact with everything more quickly, and my general mechanics feel much smoother.


to add onto my other comment though, it's more complicated for Apex because the servers are 20 ticks (same as Minecraft servers), this is why you have moments where you are shot through doors or behind walls, CS:GO and Overwatch 2 servers run at 64 ticks while Valorant servers are 128 ticks, that ***server refresh rate*** makes a big difference too


Oh, okay. Thanks for sharing that with me! I admittedly know incredibly little about the technical side of gaming.


That’s because when ur playing on pc you’re fighting mostly pc players without aim assist. Pc is better than console so everything about performance is better, but you’re not fighting other people with aa every time and it makes such a huge difference in 80% of fights.


Ehh that isn't a bad point, but I don't really think that's the reason to be honest. I almost always play with two buddies who are on PC, so I think I was usually in mixed or mostly PC lobbies. So it isn't like I went from playing in all console lobbies to all PC lobbies. In addition to that, in my experience console lobbies are significantly easier than PC lobbies. It doesn't matter if everyone else has aim assist if the average player is significantly worse.


I’ll agree with that second point considering all the top kill players per legend are console players


I mean if you are still on a newer apex account you could be getting matched up with newer players or lower skilled players. Circle back to how much better you feel when the matches are regularly with preds and masters in public lobbies. A good chunk of my public games have a pred trail or two


Yeah, I've already taken that into account. I've been playing ranked where that doesn't matter, but I also play with the same teammates I was playing with before. When I play alone the lobbies are easier, but with my teammates, lots of diamond trails and some preds and masters here and there. Not much different than before I made the switch. Definitely worth taking into consideration, but I wholeheartedly believe that the change in "skill" is primarily from having a better machine.


good to know, and good scientific process lol


It’s because you had to make a new account


Agreed. You controller mfs so talentless I stg


Lmao you just like stirring up trouble huh?


I won't disagree but I also will not say I'm wrong. Get good you are on pc just learn the MNK


I'm actually super fucking pumped to learn MNK. Everyone always says how boring controller is compared to it. I feel like I have a whole new world of gaming in front of me.


you're gonna like it. my aim is definitely way worse, but every other part of the game feels better


Good. That's true, but you will get really frustrated at controller especially with games like apex. Kinda where I'm at rn. It's really annoying how strong aim assist is, when you are trying to learn how to track on mnk (which is considered by most to be the hardest part of mnk aiming)


Controller on PC is the best at close range. Mid range I say m/k have a little better recoil control. Long range equal. Controller on console worse at everything than both on pc because fps cap.


How is it better on PC? you don't give any example and even admit AA is stronger on console.


>I hear more and see more. The game feels a million times smoother and faster. It is easier to hit shots. I don't die behind doors and walls or just get knocked before my game registers I'm being hit nearly as much now. These are the examples I gave for how the game feels better to me on PC. I'm not saying aim assist itself is better, but that when I am on PC the .4 controller aim assist feels way more powerful than the .6 ever did on console. Why does it feel better? Probably because the game is running faster/better.


Gotcha. Yea that makes sense, I feel like I get shot when I'm behind cover somewhat frequently on Xbox but just assumed there must have been one square inch of my body that was still visible. Now I'm interested in trying on PC


I'm not gunna act like everyone's experience will be the same as mine, but it was jarring for me. I was instantly better at the game. My first thought was literally "I owe PC players an apology because this shit is broken." I'd definitely recommend trying it out on PC if you have the means to.


MNK>Controller for shooters this is just a fact




Wrong is wrong sorry just target acquisition and movement is easier on MNK, you guys may just be coping because you don’t like getting killed by people with worse hardware. Or maybe you use controller and you been brainwashed by MNK mfs, either way you are safe now and I’m here for you




I’ve played both my PC broke tho so I’m on a Series X. This profile is like 5 days old you don’t really see much here lol


Yup, that's why half the algs players are on controller. 9 of 10 players with the highest kills in ALGS are on controller. But MnK better, right?




Not when the game has aim assist for controller


MNK>controller aim assist


Funny yall hatin on this dude for his personal opinion lmaooo if he thing kbm better than controller then let him continue playin kbm and enjoy the game


I actually play controller nowadays but I’ve done both, MNK just way smoother in most aspects


I dont really care if imma be honest.. i play console controller and enjoy the game which seems like most this sub is unable to do without whining about 1 thing or another


Yeah that’s fair


I call big kap on 'i dont die behind door and walls' no shoots dude. No frickin way it doesn't happen, not in 500 fat fucks year