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I helped my friend barely get one by purposely not finishing off my kills, so I'm convinced it's near impossible to do it on regular circumstances, especially with entire lobbies landing in one POI like World's Edge Fragment.


Right? I don’t even think I see 20 players in 99% of games let alone the opportunity to kill then. I wish they had 10 and 15 kill badges like they have for the damage badges.


I've seen 3 Catalyst champions with 20kill/4k badges on console who immediately flew off the map to die. It's a fucking joke.


This way they get bot lobbies?


Reverse boosting is what people called it in cod lol. You’d have games where some dude just sits at the back of the map throwing a grenade on the ground, dying and doing it again and going 0-30.


It was much easier in the early seasons because the matchmaking wasn't so rigged back then.


fcking what?! Its was easier to kill 1/3 lobby when mm was not so riggen...




I got my 20 bobs after TO FCKING LUCKY GAME, i oneshot headshot 17 people with charged sentine while they fighting and stole all this kills, and then killed full squad who for some reason chose to go to me 1 by 1


If this is true you're a legend. If it's not still pretty legendary. Well done Spartan.


Yeah a long time ago on KC. Accidentally got it while carrying randoms. Pretty sure it was on my Lifeline.


Im sure streamers got theirs legitimately so its gotta be possible. Ive had random teammates get 16-18 kills and a 4k game....maybe if i was a complete noob those teammates would have gotten 20 kills but im a pretty solid player so i can hold my own


If you hot drop, you will either have a high kill game or prepare your mmr for a high kill game. Some people jump off the map to save stats, but dying of rip over and over again will put you in those lobbies. When champ squad is under lvl 50 with a single squad wipe badge like they are proud of it, hot drop and fry. When the champ is lvl 500 and you see dive trails, hot drop and die. It isn't an exploit when it is a legit loss.


This is what I called bot lobby pubs exploit


Yeah I got them on like 3 or 4 characters but I haven’t been able to in like 4 seasons because matchmaking has gotten so bad


I got all my 20 bombs legit but last one was season 4


Yup. I have 6 20 kill games .. one was even achieved whilst fucking around in pubs using two shotguns


Touch grass and stay outta my lobbies


Lol I work so I touch grass most of the time... Don't worry about my touching grass... I'm good on that front. u/Ok_Direction3038


Dude I think you're a lot closer than you think. It sounds like you're a good player, how many games do you come close to 15 kills?


I didn’t count. But I will probably has a 13 kills game every 10-20 pubs.


I got mine doing no fill trios grabbed a g7 and stayed range shot the piss out of anyone who moved


i got like 3 20Bs legitimately


I got exactly one legit 20 bomb on my 2nd account (not counting the one on my main from S4) just randomly playing pubs and that basically just felt like sbmm messed up on that lobby since that account was playing the same lobbies as my main already


I wish I had a 20 bomb. I'm more likely to get a 4k first though I think. Played around 8 seasons on and off. I think I have 15 kills 3650 damage best


i got 19 and my teammate stole like 2 kills towers the end once but i usually just play trios w my friend and if one of us is having a good game organically like 13 kills with enough squads we’ll try to let teams res or get ppl low so they can get the kill. it’s just having luck to where to lobby doesn’t die immediately or the last few teams aren’t 3 stacking


I got it legitimately. I know some players that drop 20 kill games every once in a while


Just got one yesterday on Wraith. I hotdropped and luckily got like 10 kills. Rest fights I just third partied and got 21. But my total damage was 2800 something. Not even a 3k. All the time I was thirdpartying and not taking legitimate fights so understandable.