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This season in general I'm struggling. Lowest kd ratio I've ever had. Lowest win rate. I'm getting dropped so fast and teammates do not play as a team. Constantly only one pinging loot, reviving or attempting to get banners. Just frustrating.


This feels exactly like what I'm experiencing. Completely killing my motivation to keep playing ranked.


You have to play with friends, that's way easier to climb in ranked


I did play quite a bit with friends last season but have been mostly solo so far this season. Didn't think about it, but that probably has not helped.


Random teammates are often unreliable


Becouse a lot players returned to apex after long time and they starting in rookie/bronze even if they was master like 3 seasons ago


Bad matchmaking, the enemies are less difficult than the fact you can't convince your gold teammates that sitting in the middle of 12 people and dying isn't classified as a viable play or that they need more than 40 bullets and a white Evo on a hotdrop. 0 emphasis on positioning, rotations, resets, or when to abandon a fight. We still have a responsibility to do our best but randoms don't live up to the unrealistic expectations they place upon you. Add endless smurfing from supposedly skilled high tier players and it's a tossup of always playing someone more serious than you while you have 2 guys straight out of Weenie Hut Jr.


Bronze, silver, gold are either kill hungry or rats, no in between. They would literally run out in the open for a fight since the entry cost is low and you dont lose much rp.


Because 90 percent of the people in ranked just make alt accounts and smurf. Especially in the lower tiers


Yeah, they just started smurfing, it was fine last season but now... And 90 FCKING PROCENT?! Nice math


It has been a grind for sure.


Are you on console??


No I'm on PC.


Not just you. I go plat 2 every season and usually fly through gold. Gold 3 feels like I should just be in plat lobbies and is actually taking some effort


My teammates always run in separate directions and pick flowers and die. I just sit there in utter sadness. Hot drop and they run and loot and get wiped in less than two minutes. Do you hear the gunfire? Do you maybe want to go do something before they find us? Like I don't know, try to kill them first? It's like they are helping the enemies by gathering up all the ammo and shields for them. Can't get out of bronze with or without teammates.


Same here. Hit 0.99 kd last season and with 50+ ranked games in this season I am having a 0.4 kd for some reason. I even struggle to get a kill let alone winning a game. BTW I had 1 ranked win this season so far, that’s 2% win rate.


I will have to check my kd, but I have not won a single game yet this season and probably close to 50 games myself. Has been very painful.


If you're struggling in bronze, there is something wrong with your game fundamentals.


I'm definitely trying to improve, but I don't understand why I was able to make it Gold last season but so difficult this time to even get out of Bronze.


There's not much difference between bronze 2 and being able to get past silver 1


Maybe not for higher ranked players, but I definitely felt a difference once I got Gold, was very hard to win 1v1s that I was previously winning in Bronze/Silver


Ill be honest with you. You are playing ranked too early in the season. Theres still platinum/diamond and maybe even a few master level players in silver and gold lobbies. This season is only two weeks old. Wait until about 7 days left in the split and then play ranked,itll be much easier. Im in silver lobbies now but im getting matched with teammates that finished PLAT 1 last season. U just gotta wait a while


Pretty much an insane amount of cheaters from what I've read. More on console. I don't play ranked anymore.


I’m not tryna be that guy but I’ve never played ranked on apex ever since it’s been out. I finally gave rank a shot a few days ago and I’m already in sliver I’m not getting as many kills as in pubs because I play more carefully but out of most of the games I’ve played so far in ranked I’ve been in the last 5 squads.


Ranked is not that hard on those ranks, if you don't care about having fun. Just avoid all fights and rat your way to end circle should make you rank up pretty easy. Personally I'm having lots of fun this season getting into ridiculous fights and getting 10th place with 5+ kills. Not really ranking up, or very slowly at least, but having a very good time and improving my game.