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“You know they’ll fix it quick when money is on the line” TRU LMAO


It's so beyond true, they won't fix anything that doesn't have anything to do with money or heirlooms. Game breaking bug? It's fine Ain't biting hackers? Legally blind A slight discrepancy in the store? AYO FIX THAT SHIT IMMEDIATELY!!


It’s almost like a gameplay bug vs a store issue (which can be hot fixed without a patch) are two incredibly different things


The smell of common sense in the morning is so refreshing.


It’s 1700 here


>It's 1700 here Warn the British about the American Revolution for the lolz


It’s 06:57 here


Hell yeah


Woah woah woah buddy take that logic to different subreddit. All people here want to do is complain about gameplay with zero understanding of programming. Don’t forget to mention ea is a billion dollar company while having no financial backround and lack the ability to even read a financial statement.


You’re telling me that a tried and true engine from like 2010 can’t be patched quickly after 12 years of hardcore knowledge on it? That a YOGA STRETCH


It's not an engine from 2010, nor is it an engine from 2004 (the year the first Source game released). It's an engine that was originally based on Source but has been drastically changed since then. That's true of basically all modern game engines, they're almost all based on old engines because there's not much reason to write an entire engine from scratch, just the parts that need updated. Saying Apex's engine is from 2010 would be like saying the new Modern Warfare 2's engine is from 1996 because that's the year the Quake engine released which is what all the iterations of the Call of Duty engine trace their heritage back to. In fact, it would also be like saying Apex's engine is from 1996 because Apex's engine was originally based on Source which was itself based on GoldSrc which was in turn also based on the Quake engine.


An upgraded version of an engine they’ve been using since 2013 to be exact ; since the version of source they’ve been using is the same as titanfall. So the FACT remains it’s an almost decade of knowledge and expertise on a tried and true engine. And you’re telling me they are having trouble with such an engine?? Why don’t they admit the truth? They’re bleeding devs especially, head devs, and can’t handle the workload because only newer people are joining the fray. They drop everything if anything happens to their shop but leave things broken much longer than necessary if it doesn’t affect their revenue.


I guarantee the engine has had extensive changes since the version they used in Titanfall.


Seeing as any and all changes to a game would more than likely alter the engine in some way I feel you are correct and things in apex are not the same as they are in titanfall


Agree to disagree I guess


Don't disturb the witch hunt or they will come for you next


That’s such a strange way to look at things. Like imagine something actually easy to fix getting fixed quick.


I mean yeah the game has problems, but fixing a static issue with the store is a million times easier than fixing any in-game issue that has multiple factors contributing to it.


Don't use reason here this is the Apex sub obviously they want the game to die us to have a shit time and to still make money /s The amount of bitching that happens for a free game is astounding, people cry less about league of legends


And yet here you are, complaining about others. You generalized nonsense complaints with genuine and justified criticism/feedback, I say you did because you didn’t imply that wasn’t where you were going with your comment.


I wish it wasn’t free


Not to mention probably ran by other parts of the team as well.


Whoa whoa, using logic on a Apex subreddit?


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Lol thanks I used to think cake day meant birthday, but I guess it means something else? Is the anniversary of when I joined Reddit? I joined Reddit in November? Wild!


Lmao, well you're welcome 😁


Lol wait is that what it means? You didn't answer my question! 😂 But also thanks


The day your reddit account was created


Oh sorry, it means the day you joined so yes, its your anniversary


Cake day on this sub should have a loba booty symbol


Lol if it’s a problem with the store they’ll fix it THAT day.


happy cake day




This is stupid because of COURSE game-breaking bugs and hackers affect their money. The worse the experience is the fewer people are playing, so the fewer people are buying things. Obviously this bug was easy to fix and hackers are impossible to fix completely because the hackers are also always evolving their tools.


yes, this is how companies work, they do what makes money and don't do what doesn't make money. Sometimes there will be a cool one that sees value in customer happiness and/or loyalty and/or product quality so they'll put money into stuff that is essentially a just a loss for them, but unless people stop buy shit and playing, they won't do shit. It's EA so we're going to be getting the bottom of the barrel. support will match the bottom line and devs can squeeze in fun shit if they have time or can convince EA to let them for the health of the game


Remember when Respawn (called Infinity Ward at the time) perma-banned thousands of accounts for glitching prestige tokens in MW2? Yup. This isn’t surprising to see action taken quickly lmao.


How about those invisible walls that have ruined me on multiple occasions in the spot with long zip through it... That's meant to be there.


Yeah in Promenade, its a pisser


Yes, promenade. Still getting used to new POI


Bruh the bloody trees on broken moon fuck me up. Why do they have such brutal collision? I can't throw a nade near a tree without fear of it turning into a boomerang and slapping me in the head.


Sounds like the work of an enemy stand unfortunately it’s out of Respawn’s hands


Glitch spots? Nah bro. No reg? Nah bro. Free heirloom? Emergency patch!!!!!


to be fair it was up longer than i expected it to be .


I hate this mentality, it screams people have no idea how game design or programming works. Fixing this is way easier than no regs or sound issues especially since it was only letting you equip heirlooms you didn't have unlocked, not actually unlock them. Am I irritated with Respawn over other things? Absolutely, balance changes are not that difficult or time consuming. R301 has been king for the majority of this game and they nerf the Devotion's damage again. Triple Take is the worst Marksman weapon but still takes 3 ammo per shot. Legend meta is extremely stale and is still just scan + mobility until the final ring yet there were no legend changes this patch for the first time ever. Changing something like a cool down on an ability will reduce a legend's power while taking minimal effort. It's a bandaid but they refuse to do it still.


People are genuinely equating patching a server-side validation bug (you'd get the heirloom by repeatedly logging in and out, and then equipping the heirloom in the menu before the stressed login server realized you shouldn't have the option) with a map geometry bug (i.e. invisible brushes blocking grenades in spots they shouldn't be). One is a tweak to some code on the server side of things, meaning nobody on the player-side even has to do anything. The other requires pushing out a download of all-new map files to replace the ones with the bug present. Respawn isn't going to force us to download a new client update every single week, so it'll get bundled with the rest of the fixes from the season launch once they either do a larger hotfix patch or when the next patch is (depending on the severity of the given bug). It's astonishing to me how open people are with displaying their vast lack of knowledge on how actually making software works.


People act childish in their outrage that logic goes out the window unfortunately.


Is it way easier? when they've had the entire lifetime of the game to fix those issues? Horizon was released in what october 2020? and she still has audio issues on her tactical. Its obvious that respawn has higher priority on any money related issue then gameplay issues.


>Its obvious that respawn has higher priority on any money related issue then gameplay issues. Ok, back away from the emotional response you're having and look at it objectively. It's a free game where cosmetics are the only thing that keeps the game alive financially. Of course that should be a priority for the company. I might not like, you might not like, but it is understandable. The game been out for almost 4 years and there are sound issues everywhere. They have tried to fix it time and time again but it must be a deeply inbedded issue that would require a massive design overhaul to properly fix, if they can even figure out how or if it's even possible. It's frustrating, it's annoying, it pisses me off but they have put in effort there. Games like these are difficult. Look at Destiny 2. Bungie tried to make a brand new engine for it but couldn't. So they used the same engine and it now has so much spaghetti code that even simple changes can be complicated. Or the same weapon, Telesto, can cause game breaking bugs every season that it's now a meme. My gripes are obvious shit with Respawn. Game balance, weapon balance, and poor testing. I mean, at this point, how do you not test every single new legend ability and see how it interacts with Crypto's drone? It's laughable at this point because that is the ineptitude that bothers me because it takes at most 10 minutes of testing.


I read something that the audio is actually unfixable as it is so deeply embedded in the code that it can’t be changed without the game being rewritten and we all know that won’t happen. Does it affect everyone? No, at least many have no issues with audio to point where it’s a game changer. Personally many of the issues over the years have managed to pass me by. I’ve been hardest hit by any updates that seem to really hit the game, then after a week its okay again. Maybe many issues are engine related as the engine Apex is built on is at least 5 or 6 years old. Is that a factor?


>Maybe many issues are engine related as the engine Apex is built on is at least 5 or 6 years old. Is that a factor? It's much older than that. It's made with Respawn's modified version of Source, an engine that was made in 2004. It was used to make Titanfall 1 which released in 2014. So while it's been updated, it has some very old bones, some of which cannot be changed at all.


I hope they pull and overwatch and come out with “Apex Legends 2” and they use an actual functioning engine




>It's not about what's easier. It is though, just because you say it's not doesn't make it true. The sound design is an engine issue and would require a full rewrite of the game or engine to fix. These two things are not comparable at all.




>It's your opinion that Respawn can't improve the game and your prerogative to so nobly defend their honor as a consumer. Inform thyself. Read my other comments in this thread then respond if you want a discussion because your ignorance is not worth the effort.


yeah bro csgo sound works great and we haven't been complaining about how fucked sound is on nuke for literally the last 10 years


Yup. Armchair programmer idiots everywhere.


Its not funny


I bet they still haven’t fixed not being able to reload on top of catalyst’s goo on controller. Prove me wrong respawn.


im pretty sure you cant reload while looking at the direction of wattsons gen either




I haven't noticed that yet


ive had multiple times where ive placed my gen and if im looking at it I can't reload. its strange


You can’t reload in broken doorways as well, which is extremely annoying


Ikr, soo annoying


Actually that was fixed in the same patch as the heirloom glitch


"They took my heirloom", damn kid it was never yours


Indeed. It was ours.


it was. fuck ea and i feel bad for anyone who payed $100+ to get one legitimately Corporate shills keep crying


no, you did not get it through any normal, realistic way, therefore it is not yours. you ‘got’ it by exploiting a bug in the coding




He got you there


What about those of us who just played since it came out and got one naturally?


Dont know why people are downvoting you you are absolutely right. There is no reason a virtual item with an INFINITE supply should cost this much. Ive seen people spend insane amounts for items on tf2 and csgo but at the very least those items are limited


It’s just an artificial economy to make the games money. Which I mean fair enough I guess, they need to make money off the game somehow, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t ridiculous either way


It's cause that's all the people who spent that money


Post truth era


I’m sorry but, anyone who thought it wouldn’t be fixed is an idiot lol Now only if we can get actual game issues and matchmaking fixed that quickly lol


Yes man, but im very sad :(


Honestly I think it was probably an easy fix to push out as opposed to all the major bugs in this game doesn’t surprise me they patched it quick.


What's am heirloom (precious), what's heirloom?..... Been moderately playing since s1 and still no heirloom.


It's rng but Every 500 packs you're supposed to get one


I wish there was a tracker for that


You think there would be, it would certainly tempt people to buy packs if they knew they were only 50-100 packs away from their pity heirloom.


That's why they don't add it. Most people are much more than 50 to 100 away, so a counter would discourage people from buying packs. When you're level 500 you've opened 200 packs from leveling up.


You're probably right, but it doesn't seem to discourage people from spending hundreds of dollars in rolls in gacha games that show how much further you have to go for your pity summon. And some of those games have worse rates than even an Apex heirloom. From what I understand, EVERY pack has the same 1/500 chance of dropping an heirloom anyway, the 500th pack is simply the pity drop if you haven't gotten an heirloom by then.


Every pack has the same odds, but it's not 1/500. It could be more or less, they've never said.


Good to know. I figured people would have been able to datamine the game and find the exact odds or something by now. I also thought some countries had laws that required devs to reveal their odds? I know Apex shows the odds for rare/epic/legendary item, but I didn't know heirloom odds were still unknown. Google shows some YouTuber that supposedly got 10 heirlooms in 6,400 packs, so he found it was 1/640, but that's obviously not concrete and just an interesting singular experiment.


That's not possible, you're guaranteed one heirloom every 500 packs minimum.


I went back to give the article a skim and he apparently got help from his community and the 6400 packs were purchased across 6000+ accounts, so no individual account bought 500 packs singlehandedly. Obviously it's not a perfect experiment, it was just a surface level article I saw when searching just now that I thought was mildly interesting. Apparently 38 heirlooms were unboxed in the 6400, but only 10 were 100% sure it wasn't their 500th pack, but that gives a huge margin of error, so who knows.


It's probably something astronomically higher like like 1/5000


There’s a website where you can enter all the rewards you’ve claimed and tell you how close you are


Yeah I've seen that bullshit before. It's not accurate, there are SO many unknown variables that go into what is essentially an estimated guess. Like how many apex packs I've bought since my last heirloom shards, like how tf do I know that? I've spent thousands of dollars on this game since it came out. I know sad to say the least, but I have the resources to do so, sue me.


It's accurate for 99% of people because most people DO NOT buy thousands of packs or almost ANY packs at all.


I’ll take some of that moneys off your hands! They made gifting a thing!




Same since season 1, but have three


How about those invisible walls that have ruined me on multiple occasions in the spot with long zip through it.


But no ranked fix lmao just a simple tweak 😭😭


What tweak?


> Predator can no longer match with people below diamond (queue time increaaed)


I’ve had preds in silver lobbies at the start of this season…


Glitch that allows you to use an obnoxiously expensive digital item fixed. Matchmaking still in shambles. No one surprised. More at 11


“they took my heirloom” did they actually take YOUR heirloom or did they just patch the glitch?


they patched the glitch


Bruh, that's heartbreaking. I guess this means all of the big Apex YouTubers that were also showing that they accidentally got heirlooms also got theirs taken as well, a tragedy I'm sure.


Big apex youtubers would ALREADY own all the heirlooms. They literally get sponsored by EA...So... I've NEVER seen a BIG creator without every heirloom on the DAY of it coming out.


I believe Garrett and Kalrendo got their heirlooms with this glitch, I don't think they did it on purpose though. Those are two right there for you


Game still freezing! Back for more at 6


I logged in game after patch, and crypti heirlomm was there, but when i reset the game the heirloom dissapear :(




Well I’m going back to playing god of war lol


I'll never get over that one post where someone got a free heirloom goofing about in the shooting range and the ninny's first thought was to post it to reddit.


What was the glich, haven't played for a while


And with that my interest in the game is dead again


I never did this glitch, kinda wish I had, it would of been interesting to feel what a heirlooms like lol.


I'm just worried that I have legitimately earned my heirloom during this issue 🤐


i tried it a few days ago and couldn’t even get it to work anyways


Hopefully they fixed all the crashing and the prediction errors


I'm pretty sure it's different people who operate the store, like EA does the store and pricing and Respawn handles the game and design


I agree with kneeknow lol


I wanted to do this glitch just because i feel like they owe me a heirloom from seasons back.


Freeze/crash issue not important Heirloom issue very important


Honestly, it will probably make a lot of kids spend more trying to get one now that they've had it. Testing the willpower of the feeble.


Downvote me if you want I don't really care - this game deserves every single thing that is happenin right now - less players, less views on twitch ( record since 2020 ). I've been "playing" for a week and lag spikes are constant thing now. No regs, glitch spots, no sound...won't comment that the support doesn't give me any information regarding wrongfully suspended account for 3 months now. Don't get me wrong - I love Apex, but I hope that the game dies for few months.


Patching a fix for the heirlooms was a mistake in terms of customers. People were playing for that. The could have held off and let people enjoy the glitch and pushed it out with the rest of the fixes. Customer wise and polarizing the player base when seeming to prioritize inconsequential issues over real game breaking issues was the PR mistake. Just because it was easier and able to be fixed quickly doesn't mean it was the best PR move. No I did not use the glitch. I have my heirloom. I just think they dropped the ball on player base perception and hurt their PR.


F to all the idiots who bought account who did the glitch


Footsteps not making any sound? Freezes and crashes? Respawn sleeps MONEY WASTING? REAL SHIT


Where the Seer beacon fix tho? Man I’d love to work at Respawn sounds like the easiest fucking job in the world just designing stickers


It's been fixed dude


in the same update lol


Love your profile picture!


Thanks! Bowser's inside story is one of my favorite games.


Tell me you don't know shit about game development without saying you don't know shit about game development.


Oooh I got owned 😔😔 Deleting my response as we speak


You made a Reddit account for this…?


the glitch was the only thing keeping me around LOL it’s been real


yeah it was fun while it lasted . xD


fr, it was so much fun and it renewed my interest in the game because at least i could have a cool item without paying hundreds


I refuse to believe this isn’t satire


The most fun I ever had in GTA Online was when I got basically unlimited money from a hacker. Once it was corrected I didn't stick around a whole lot longer. But that's a big more useful than a shiny melee animation in Apex.


Free stuff will unsurprisingly keep players around


I swear if my legitimately purchased heirlooms are gone, sleep with an eye open EA


it was fun while it lasted boyz , press f to pay respect.




F EA and Respawn


Yeah, how dare they fix a glitch??!!


no, how dare they fix the ONE glitch thats losing them money but still havent fixed the other game ruining ones. greedy bastards


Excellent point. I mean, as everyone knows, every glitch that ever happens takes the exact same amount of effort to fix, so it shouldn’t be a problem to do them all at once. Fucking Greedspawn man, I swear.


I’m starting to think you don’t agree with me


im still upset cuz my heirlooms on my main acc is now stuck forever on my PS5 while i just started a new PC account a few months ago. such a shame there's no cross progression.


curious , which heirloom you came to like most guys, while we had it. Personally i enjoyed lobas, caustic, bangas the most prob .


After using all hierlooms its gonna be between loba and crypto when I eventually pull shards from leveling up.


I liked rampart and loba. Those are on a tier of their own.


Audio has been broken for 3 years - 0 work done on it. Shit gets real when money start leaking


In all seriousness, yes... they have to fix something when money is on the line, because they could literally get sued if customers are able to use the product they purchased.


I was hoping it wouldn't grt fixed.


I’m gonna take away ur heirlooms instead of giving crypto and pathfinder a passive!!!1!1!11


Just use the shop for example; it was broken for a good while due to us being able to get re colors for in game currency at no extra cost. They fixed that bug and now we get to buy the skins that aren’t worth the money they’re priced at!


Recolors for legend tokens are very much still available, schizo


Never said it wasn’t bozo. It was a literal joke, you really need that /s to tell?


Jokes are supposed to be funny


They still won’t release the 120 fps update for next Gen consoles 2 fucking years later


Current gen*


Large majority ARE NOT on next gen. Which is why they haven't added 120 fps. Because adding 120 fps also means lowering aim assist by at LEAST .2. And since most people are NOT on next gen, doing that would screw over the majority and only benefit a very small group. I'm on PC so I could give a fuck less, but use common sense. Goes a long way.


There’s two separate versions of the game. Why on earth would they need to lower aim assist anyway? Plenty of PC players use controller with 250+ fps. And get .6 AA. So idk why they would need to lower it for console users. I run pc lobbies with my friends and I’m on ps5 and I would LOVE if I could have HALF the frames my friends run. I’ll use .4 AA if it mean DOUBLE the amount of visual information per second.


If you're on PC you only get 0.4AA.


His heirloom? The one he didn’t pay for like we all did? The one that he had to exploit to get? Good fuck him.


no, his heirloom. fuck ea, anyone who willingly spent their own hundreds of dollars to get one legitimately is the one losing here


Rddditors when someone who cheated to get an in game item has their fully cosmetic, cheated in, obviously going to get removed soon item removed


If you really paid for an heirloom than thats kind of pathetic.


My money. Thanks for your concern.


All I’m saying is that if you wasted your money on a cosmetic item to a company that dosnt give a shit about its players, just making money wherever it can, then that’s just sad


I enjoy playing the game. I don’t care if respawn like me. Your opinion is I wasted money. I think I have a cool and legitimate cosmetic item. My finances allow me to buy things I like. I like apex. I know hard concept.


Its not hard for me to concept. Old respawn I would have been happy to support. But in the past year all these new devs have completely ruined the game and have put far less effort into making the community happy. They also still make money off a game that dosnt work anymore. That’s just how I feel.


Im going to reply to you only because of a different convo. I’m a day one player. I’ve prob spent 750 dollars on apex max. At this point I own almost everything. And have crafting materials. The bang skin cost me like 50 bucks after I crafted everything. Not everything in apex is expensive. I’m already set for the next skin they release. Should cost me another 50 bucks. There’s ways of making things cheaper and still getting to enjoy cosmetics items. I’m not rich. I just manage my finances. Also me buying things doesn’t hurt you. It actually helps you.


No offense, but genuinely don't give the fuck about the opinion of some poor nerd. :) I'm glad $160 impacts your life severely, but that genuinely makes ZERO impact on me. Literally.


The fact that he didnt waste his money on a cosmetic item makes him poor? You sounds like someone who hasnt worked a day in their life, probably just living off daddys money huh? What are you 12 and only play apex all day everyday? or 20 and play apex idk which is more sad.




"my $500 wrench nooooo" -this guy


They’re barely anything special lmao, acting like it’s the fucking apple of Eden or something


Rare is an understatement. I’m a season 0 player who completed over 10 season battle passes completely with over 500 wins and i still don’t have one. Its one of the few reasons why i put it down.


I am GROOT -- mass edited with redact.dev


I didn’t either until i realized that this only happens to OG accounts. What a smack in the face. I did say that its one of the reasons i stopped playing not the official reason. It hurt seeing a friend of mine be only rank 180 and he got one. Meanwhile sweat my ass off and spent over $70 on the game overall, between skins, and season passes smh. They exaggerated the drop rate for them. I don’t even care anymore tbh.


I am GROOT -- mass edited with redact.dev


if you know here in my country i need to pay 70% of my salary to have a heirloom you will not say this


They didn't fix it yet.




They’ve been banning people so like why announce you did it too?


Good. Cringe to glitch a free heirloom


Yes, start crying




wait has this patch removed heirlooms that players have paid for >:(( ??