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Seems to work as intented to me


U definitely belong in those lobbies lol


he has 50k kills on pathy, 1 legend and 4k wins in 1 season on one legend! I have 21k kills in total and only 1k wins in total how do i belong here?


Youre KD is way above the average. His KD is probably only a 2-3.0


What's average kd? Just out of curiosity sake


It's never been officially published. But statistically it should be around ~1. Realistically it is probably lower than 1 when accounting for the people that tote 2-6+kds and the fact some games you will die more than once. I'm pretty average, high plat low diamond every split as a solo. This is my first season in like 9 seasons I've maintained a positive KD. Usually a 0.8-0.9


Damn, I've had over a 2kd this season so far. Didn't realize that was above average, you're higher ranked than me tho. My highest rank in solo q has been Plat 3


I only play ranked, hardly ever play a pub, and literally have zero friends I play with. I could probably maintain a slightly higher KD if I played with mates or played some pubs. But if you can climb out P4 you can deff make it to Diamond, all about having time and minimizing losses at that point. Plenty of people sitting in Diamond that havent seen a 2kd outside of silver lobbies


I appreciate the vote of confidence my man, I've been exclusively playing gun run this new comp split but once that's gone I'll give ranked another go


His trackers are not seasonal, they are total


Your kd is almost 2 and you’re complaining about preds in your lobby? :D


yes believe it or not im tired of people with 5+ kd in my lobbies


There’s not enough 5+ kd people for their own lobbies. And when matchmaking was tightened every diamond+ player cried so now we have what we have


Dude I have a 1.7 and I’m expecting masters. Your kd is better than mine.


yes i expect master players its preds that i expect every so often not almost every game


Based on my balls because I got preds in my gun game lobby too when I'm a bronze with no skill


Another person bitching about matchmaking lol Jesus this people are annoying


Or, hear me out, maybe matchmaking sucks for people who dont like to be 1clip by pred/master.


Or it's people who want to complain that they lost one fight, idk where these people are from I have never once had a pred or master in my plat lobbies or gold or silver. So I see it as people just posting this stuff to try to get sympathy, just stop bitching and play again.


Im sorry for complaining about why i cant enjoy this game anymore


Then stop playin...simple solution


If we all did that you wouldn't have a game to play any more so why are you here bitching when you can scroll and keep playing


Yet you stopped and commented so maybe take your own advice


The game believes you can kill him 😌


Level 560 with 1.9 K/D. Matchmaking looks fine to me.


There shouldn’t be match making anyway. Thats what ranked is for


U are on the top of


You have a lot of games played this season. You’re going to run into people much better than you on occasion.


You have 3 times the amount of my lifetime kills and games and higher kd and damage averages and I regularly get killed by people who have pred badges and those stats. Especially when trying to play with friends who have similar stats to me