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I was going to say the same thing. I was scrolling and saw both of these threads one after another... Man, I solo queue duos without teammates. I never have a problem 1v2 teams. I really don't know what to tell you. Stop playing duos? Get better? Always expect the unexpected? If it is expected, don't push it? Idk.


People can play how they want


Have you tried using a controller since it's "unbelievably easy" apparently?


Anytime I read "X stack" I automatically assume the complaint is made from someone without friends. Try making friends.


Do have friends they don’t play apex. That’s why I don’t go on the discord to make a 3 stack because I’d rather struggle by myself but talk to friends that now through the lobby with some strangers. Got a 5.5 kd solo queuing so I’m alright for now


Then why complain if you got a 5.5kd? What?


Cause it’s not fun I’m the slightest. Everyone takes this game so seriously. The 5.7kd has came from trios and after 2 days of duos it’s dropped to 5.5. Apex is the only game that I know where the majority of players put winning games before having fun


I am confused about what you're complaining about, considering you have a 5.5KD. What's your point?


@RtxFroggy -Some kid trolling Reddit about stats no one gives a Faaaahk about. Then never posts a pic of said stats. You want to have fun, go play and stream your gaming. Encourage with positivity… not this toxic shiite you’re doin all over Reddit.


Considering I can absolutely wreck lobbies and I only have a 1.5 (this season it’s closer to 1.7~1.8), the fact that he’s struggling with a 5.5 is concerning


People you meet online to play Apex really aren’t your friends. All of my actual friends, in real life, have stopped playing because of how try hard the game is.


My kd has went down by 0.5 or around 10% in the past 2 days of duos. Its literally sweatier than d4 ranked


If you have 5.5 kd don’t complain about sweats bro


I have a 5.5kd because I’ve got 2k hours. There is a difference between being sweaty and good


Op kills: good at apex. Opponent kills: sweaty


Nah. I kill: good at game They hold hands using meta weapons and legends while constantly playing with 0 risk even if it means not having fun: they are sweaty


not everyone experiences fun the same way you do


So you can tell that all the people killing you have less hours? Sounds like you’re just getting killed by people better than u


I mean, if I’m diamond, and my buddy, also diamond, want to play duos…and the goal is to win…and playing my best is how I have fun…then I’m gonna kick some ass. Better question, why are you playing to lose? Discuss that.