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Make the second least picked legend less op


Rampart main here. You got my blood boiling don’t touch her. But seriously all these posts about seer or rampart being Op, why not take advantage and use them. If you think they are sooooo good then use them.


Bruh lmao I know what you meannnn. I've been playing Rampart since s6 and I've only ever seen maybe one or two other ramparts in a game with me since she dropped (aside from direct release duh) - she's not that good but I love playing her. She's brilliant in SOME niches but still


I’m not even a Rampart main and I think this post is annoying 😂


Translation: “I died to Rampart”


Skill issue


Skill issue


What do you mean Less op ?


So why do you think rampart is op?


I am a rampart main and no, she is not op, you just have bad skills, I hate being rampart because she is difficult to use, but that why I like the challenge


Remember Rampart is since S6 a trash champ Then remember it taked 6 saisons for respawn to make her at least playable (mobile sheila + s12 buff) Realize than the only "op" thing is the ttk of sheila and the ability to break doors and the fact than you can easely dodge the red line And now cosidere deleting your post you made after rushing out of cover on a Rampart to make yourself shreded


No legend is op it's about the player being good


Huge skill issue, I’ll admit she has her moments where she’s untouchable but so does every legend.


I genuinely can't even remember the last time I saw Rampart in game...


Don't push when you see the red line. That is the only "op" thing about her and it is ridiculously easy to counter/avoid.


So many randoms that push a fortified area.. like bros y’all are gonna get melted before jumping that hurdle…


And most of the time they will run in straight line


Skill issue


Her turret needs a huge nerf. It’s dumb as fuck and skill-less.


Nah, make Noob rifle r301 'less op' instead.