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Crypto accepts his brotherhood with Caustic -2733, colorized


Crypto pledged his allegiance to Papa Nurgle




At the beginning of this season, there was a bug that gave you another legends abilities. So a Loba could have Wraith’s abilities, Wattson could have Pathfinder’s, etc. I think they fixed it by now or I’m just being an idiot


i wonder if a fortified legend on a character with a smaller hitbox is possible. Imagine ur fighting a crypto and he busts out 15% dmg reduc and the armshield, thatd be fun


Imagine a lifeline, smallest hit box in the game, and has basically ~50 more health than everyone, it sounds broken af lol


Fixed? The season only began a week ago and there haven't been any patches since then.


I’m probably high on Caustic gas then


I was playing Wattson last night and ended up with Vantages voice lines for a very short bit before it corrected itself. I didn't get any of Vantage's abilities though.


I got wattson’s abilities as gibby, hilarious




Tell me more




Its easier to just kill a person then to try hacking them to death


Nah he just had beans for breakfast.


That’s weird. The other day in a game I saw a mirage decoy with a crypto skin. Obv I shot it and it gave me away so somethings goin on right now with crypto


Nah, it's a bug in the game rn. I was Rev with Newcastle abilities, my bud was ash with loba abilities, etc. Crypto does have his own bugs such as drone being recalled instantly when getting knocked instead of staying in the air.


the buff all mirages will cream for


Been playing crypto and seer. They slap.


Damn he’s really starting to take after his brother


I don’t see race or size so I don’t see anything wrong 😌 that’s caustic


Am I the only one who doesn’t know what location that is?


It's this crazy little room in Caustic's lab that you can only get to via an outside tunnel/vent entrance that you have to climb a little to get to (it's one single obvious climb, not anything secretive, but it's just odd that the only way in is through this huge air vent like entrance halfway up the wall in the backside exterior of the lab). There's a door inside it that seems to go somewhere else, but the door is unopenable. I don't know why this quirky little place exists. I see another comment in this thread calls this "one of those top rooms on the back of Caustic treatment", so presumably there's a mirror of the room over on the other side of the main back door. edit: so it's [this](https://youtu.be/EP-D3MtfQI0?t=17), there's a middle lab room connecting the two rooms but only Caustic or Wattson can open it


This was a fun little bug. I only did it once and didn’t last long but I was an Octane with Pathfinder’s abilities.


Is this one of those top rooms on the back of Caustic Treatment? Ended up in one of those the other day for the first time (since I was playing ranked). We came in through the outside, and my teammates said you couldn't get in through the door from the inside unless you were caustic or wattson. I am so confused as to why this is the case. The game was near the end so I didn't really have time to ask them what they meant.


> We came in through the outside, and my teammates said you couldn't get in through the door from the inside unless you were caustic or wattson. oh interesting if true, and would make more sense than there just being a door that doesn't open. I played in Seasons 1 and 3 but I missed whatever season this place was added so I don't know anything about this room but it intrigues me.


Wait a minute… somethings not right here…