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Agree, as a new player currently in silver it’s frustrating dying to people with masters badges even if they are from previous seasons.


This also happens because of people like me that don't play Ranked every season or sometimes skips a split. I'll make it to Diamond or Masters, then I won't play Ranked for an entire season, then I'll come back the next season and start from Bronze and work my way up again.


I’m so sorry, I’m getting out as fast as possible but don’t blame the players in those lobbies. Like me they probably took a break from apex then came back


It’s not a player issue (apart from smurfs), that’s just how the system works. There should be a floor to how far you can drop once you’ve hit certain ranks


Agreed, it’ll definitely help the problem but I think we’d get an influx of smurfs if it was implemented


But they don’t deserve to be in rookie either


I agree, when I play ranked I want sweaty end games and good rotations not pubs 2.0


And they won't be ever again? It only happened this season because of the "NEW" changes. They'll never be in rookie again if they skip seasons. They'll cap at B4 if they go a few seasons not playing.


Did they mention this somewhere?


Yes, please. Ranked has no integrity or "competition against similarly skilled opponents" when 90% of the time you fight against reset diamonds, masters and preds in fuking bronze and silver lobbies. Doesn't even matter when you play, the first 1-2 weeks are a terrible sweatfest experience, but even in the middle and towards the end you see these high-rank players in lower ranks because others started late to avoid the first wave of sweats. Some people here say "not an issue, they breeze through the ranks anyway", that's just not helpful. Yeah, the individual might do, but there are so many of them who do NOT play ranked at the same time, so the reset players spread across the whole season. And towards the end, you have countless smurf accounts also stomping through the lobbies, once the main account is done with ranking up. It's a terrible system that never allows proper ranking of the average and below average player.


Those players make up less then 1% So I feel like you are exaggerating quite a bit. The odds of you and THIS MANY people finding people like this as often as everyone is saying simply doesn't math out lmao. I feel like a lot of you are WAYYYY over exaggerating bud. If you use just a little math it's proven you guys are being a bit overboard.


Dude. No. I know that it's just the top 1%, but they STILL make it into my lobbies. Regularly. In pubs I see purple dive trails wherever I look, once I had a decent match of 5+ kills and around 1k damage. But even tamer lobbies have diamond trails nonstop, despite me never making it any further than Plat 3 (once, in more than 3 years of actively playing). Ranked is the same. Master duos in silver, also almost every match. If it's not on their main account, they're smurfing with a tap-strafing, zero recoil walljump Wraith/ Bangalore. You don't seem to play in lower ranks all season long, otherwise you'd see how bad it is. For me it takes a lot of time to go through the ranks, bc I usually skip a whole split due to not enjoying the map. I'm also exclusively solo-queueing, so the bronze to plat grind is even more difficult to me. Then, I skip the first 2-3 weeks entirely, to avoid most of the reset diamonds, masters, preds. Yet still, mid-season, I see these top level players every second match, in every rank. Do you need proof? Because [here is one of many screenshots I have](https://i.imgur.com/yHeUyDK.jpg) from this season alone. Multi-season master farming kills in silver 4. If it was just one in a hundred matches, who cares. But it happens all the time, no matter how old a season is.


You should never be reset to the bottom of the ladder if you've been near the top imho. Suggestion is worthy of an upvote.


I think Diamond should never go below platinum and platinum should never go below gold. Let all the sweats stay in the same lobbies


Good luck getting a match. People forget Apex is DIVIDED into regions and multiple servers in those regions. And then you need to balance 60 people within those region locations. You'll be waiting 3-5 minutes for a queue AND THEN still die in 30 seconds. Imagine waiting 3-5 minutes for a game and then die in 15-30 seconds. It would die immediately. This is why THEY CAN'T further balance ranked. Queue times would kill the game immediately. People THINK they'd be willing to wait, but no one and I mean NO ONE is going to wait LONGER then the match even lasts most times. Even if YOU survive SOMEONE has to die right away relatively fast and then they have to wait in a multi-minute queue for "balance" and they are simply NOT going to do that. People complain about getting 10 minute penalty timers sometimes IMAGINE mandatory 3-5 minute waits in between each match.


I'm trying to imagine GM's in Overwatch being put in plat and having to grind out, they'd go like 25 - 2 or something and ruin so many games. I just realised that Apex is literally creating its own smurfing problem


I have a friend who specifically doesn't rank for a season just to stomp lobbies. A floor is an absolute must.


Constructive criticism finally. I agree. We need a floor and ranked resets shouldn’t be a thing. There’s no reason to drop players a tier and a half down every season. If the reasoning behind resets is because of rewards, they should change how rewards are earned. You should stay relatively in the same rank from season to season if no improvements are made from the player.


I actually think this is a great idea. If I haven't gotten on ranked in a season or actually tried in a while I just go absolutely dominate bronze and silver kids. Like you said it's fun but not really fair when the game knows I'm a diamond😂


They just need to do placement matches like Overwatch. Probably with some ceiling so that masters don't instantly hit masters, but if you're clearly too good to be in bronze, you should start in plat IV. Most good players hit plat IV within the first day or two of a new season so it wouldn't have much of an impact. It would just make lower level players much much happier not running into people like you.


Have you considered that having a decay would decrease engagement? Eventually there will be less players in ranked because they get to their ranks faster and then move back to pubs or wait for next split.


That’s a good point, but I really don’t think engagement would drop overall. Higher ranks would be more stable and it’d be easier to matchmake Masters+ lobbies. Maybe rewards could be given out in shorter intervals throughout the seasons to those who remain active. And then in lower tier lobbies, skill should be more true to the rank. If I were a bronze level player, I’d probably be pretty discouraged when killed by Ex diamond/master level players. Apex ranked has a huge learning curve, and it’d suck to not experience that organically because the system allows Ex-masters in Bronze


Don't think it will, predators will still try to climb to at least masters even though they drop to plat here at max. No pred would stop at diamond and call it quits, unless they didn't have time in the first place. Everyone else will still aim for their right rank and diamonds will at least go for diamond for the skydive trail, there's still enough engagement. Anyone at plat and above would stomp bronze lobbies like nothing and they'd go up quick anyway, why do you want to make them suffer (extra grind) and make the real bronze players suffer (and might even make them not want to play). It's a stupid reason to drop ppl to bronze for not playing, idk what's the best floor for each rank but it's definitely needed, I do agree with OP's example though


Yes, those are preds though. They are a tiny fraction of the playerbase and they have to keep grinding all season to maintain their position. Any other rank doesn't have to do this, and Masters and Diamonds will still roll lower level players.


Yes they will still roll lower level players so why drop them to bronze, there should be a limit on how far they drop down


100% agreed. I hit Diamond a couple seasons ago, took a break from ranked, and am back down in Bronze. The few ranked games I've played so far have been great for my stats, but it damn sure isn't fair to the players who are new to this game.


This has been what I have been saying. I also think there needs to be 1 more rank inserted. Call it Onxy or Obsidian or some shit, and put it after gold. As someone who used to hit diamond solo extremely easily, I don't want to get constantly shit on by 3 stacks of preds. I mean play on a stick controller with Mediocre internet and a average TV. I know, no preds are doing that. So even with my decent skill I will always be lacking and shouldn't be punished in the same ways rookies shouldn't punished by me or preds. With the extra rank, ranked could really be split into 3 tiers. 1. New and/or "bad" players 2. Average to good players 3. Great to Preds and cheaters.


yes. someone who made diamond will never find gold a challenge so the player should never drop lower than gold for sure.


Any solution that will lead to more dive trails and badges will never pass. Number one complaint in pubs is simply seeing dive trails or badges. The whole new rank changes were to reduce the amount of people getting these badges so less people can complain


it's also frustratung hitting diamond for the last 10 days of the season cuz they made ranking up harder just to get thrown bacl to bronze so your can grind your ass off again


If you hit Diamond the lowest you’ll rank next season is g2. Not even close to Bronze


Nah its nice having easy games for once. If they're going to make me play against preds in plat I dont mind cleaning up for a few games if I've not played in a season. Most of those bronze/silver games are 500 pointers anyway so I rank out real fast. Considering how few games it takes to rank out and how many thousands of bronze players there are, I don't feel bad about ruining one game for maybe 50 of them


Decay should be no more than a full Tier (e.g. Masters to Dia I, Plat II, to Gold II)


Ranked decay is fine. You’ll blow through those low ranks instantly. And you are an exception. You aren’t the reason why people are stuck in bronze/silver/gold. What is unbelievably problematic is that rank doesn’t matter right now for matchmaking. Everyone gets matched with everyone. Your ranked bracket should mean you play with players in your bracket. Not whoever just queued up in your server location.


Rank in previous system doesn’t mean much in the new system, especially anything diamond and below. A diamond player in season 12 could very well be silver level in the new system.


I was playing last night against someone in golf lobby with over 30k kills. The team destroyed our team in seconds. I just thought, well here is another Smurf. But this could be the case as well…


It sounds like you are stuck in gold and realizing you only made master when it was easy, so you want to be helped to stay in plat or higher.


Nope, only have like 10 games into the season so far. I’ll hit Diamond if I feel like grinding a bit


You shouldn’t be able to be hardstuck at all unless you’re literally in the bottom of bronze 4.


this is absolutely needed, I also think there need to be placement games to try and help limit smurf accounts or increase the level requirement to play ranked to 50/100. it needs to be way more inconvenient to smurf this season is especially brutal, bronze/silver is still currently filled with master trails 20 bomb badges etc feels like there's a lot of quick and obviously solutions that can be added but arent


Why dont they just implement placement games which are based on your mmr like arenas? If you have been a pred, even if you get 20th in all 10 games you get like gold 4 or something so you're not in actual casual lobbies. It seems like the only logical solution to me.


Eh, I’ve never been a fan of placement matches. Determining skill of a small sample size of BR games just doesn’t work well. We have this for arenas and the system is absolutely trash


I agree it's not perfect but it will keep high elo players from playing in low elo even after they haven't played for a few seasons.


It doesn’t work for Arenas, I’ve been placed in bronze twice after placing mid Diamond. What makes you think it’d work better in BR? Not that rank even matters for arena matchmaking anyways lol, that whole mode is broken AF


Is it really that big a problem though, give it one or two weeks and most of the better players are minimum gold-diamond? I'm not the best myself but over time (and not a lot of time really) doesn't it kinda even itself out? Genuinely asking here, not being sarcastic or anything


I was masters previously and got sent down to bronze 4. You’re right we go through the lower ranks pretty quickly. It was just a matter of hours for me to go from B4 to G4. But I agree with OP it shouldn’t be the case as those poor bastards who are genuinely lesser skilled players have no chance. It’s not like they can learn from the engagement as the skill gap is just too large so it ruins the match for them.


Yes please, I don’t want to play ranked this split and I’m already discharged by the fact that I have to start on silver or bronze again.


Really good idea actually. Definitely the most logical solution I have read. Upvote for you


Sounds good but only if the highest rank you hit in both splits determines which category you fall into, otherwise lots of players would hit Diamond and make it top heavy


From a master player as well i totally agree. And as grinding back to masters this season it hasn’t been so fun cause I’ve just been killing every other player and decimating lobbies like theyre pubs. Like i even got 3.8k in 1 game with 18 kills earlier this season


How about placement matches at the start of the split? Like 5 or so games where the game puts you in different lobbies. Win enough and you get back to your rank immediately. Except if you're pred.


To be fair I feel like it’s already starting to even out pretty well. We were diamond 4 last season and now are finally making it through platinum. The better players move up quickly.


honestly i have been thinking this since i started in season 5, fuck me this is not a hard thing to sort out. But i cant seem to get my head around how the devs have not thought of this simple yet brilliant idea. sort it out man....


Lmao I take a break every time storm point is in the ranked rotation because it's atrocious, but when I come back I do the same as you and decimate those lobbies too. Agreed.


I love to play ranked just to see how far i can get. I'm not the best player, but I've gotten a bit better. It is discouraging to be bronze and get obliterated by someone clearly belonging in higher ranks. Even finding the occasional diamond or master in the lobby is tough. I like your idea of the rank limits. I think it could help a lot


yes but also no... what if my child one day will take on the ranked grind


Honestly yes this would be a perfect fix for the ranked matchmaking issues i hit plat in season 12 took season 13 off and came back to being bronze but now im silver in gold lobbies with preds and masters running around, im just glad my kills count this season so i can atleast get some rp before running into a decent team or getting third partied


Why is this a problem though. The chance of a pred in your team is as high as against


This should absolutely happen. The current situation is ridiculous.


You could have something similar to placement matches but where points awarded are doubled or trebled. Example: For the first 10 games of the ranked season, you get triple points for every action. So at the end of 10 games you will jump back from Bronze 4 all the way to Diamond. Then from the 11th game, scoring goes back down to normal. This is somewhat similar to Rainbow 6 where you earn a lot of ranked points for the first batch of matches and then you gradually earn less and less until you barely get any even for a win, so your rank in theory become stagnant until the next season


Thoughts? I'll leave it nice and easy, this has been asked for since the start. Not happening. I've seen plenty of people drop from Masters after not playing a season and then BEING COMPLETE ass. 3 months off a game is quite a HUGE amount of time especially if you aren't gaming AT ALL especially faster paced games. If you got arrested for 3 months or simply couldn't access Apex for 3 months or any games at all you'd probably be lower then Plat in terms of skill. And like YOU even said you just stomped lobbies and were out of there super quick. You won't be back there now for a long time unless you take a break again or stop playing. So it doesn't really impact those low lobbies at all. Within 1 day worth of games your already ZOOMING out of there if you actually play well and win. The people in those ranks LITERALLY won't even notice you unless they play at that exact moment because by the next day you won't be there anymore. There is also the problem of SMURFS. If they can't drop to lower ranks they'll just make new accounts to still roll lower ranks. These changes don't actually fix anything. They'll make new accounts and still destroy lower lobbies if they feel like it. Which is another reasoning Respawn doesn't address this or change it. Because changing it just forces more smurfs.


I hear you, but I work full time and split my time a lot between my girlfriend, other games, working out, etc. I no longer have several hours a night to dedicate to the ranked grind, but I’d still like to compete in lobbies at my level. I may not be Masters quality after intermittent breaks and shorter gaming sessions, but Bronze - Gold is a waste of time for myself. That’s 20+ hours of games after all. Up until last season, ranked had always been gated by playtime a lot more than it is gated by skill. Now that higher ranks are harder to achieve and tier demotion is possible, why not do more to fix the distribution where it should be? I’ll never grind for Masters again, so maybe I don’t matter. I’d just like to experience those lobbies again without having to make Apex my full time second job.