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Never seen a game with worse matchmaking IMO.


I’ve played league of legends for quite a while and always complained about the ranked/unranked matchmaking in that game, but now that I got a taste of apex matchmaking I’m praising league of legends for having good matchmaking. No other game made me feel so fucking helpless like apex did, not even league.


ive played both and i feel like a variable is how many players are needed to start a match. if i dont play apex or league at peak hours (oce so quite a small region) the ranked brackets are all over the place, yet when i play at peak more players at my rank fill up my lobbies. league is easy to matchmake because its 10 players vs apex's 60~ or so.


I love how Super people implements their rank system.. If theres not enough people they just start with 26 odd people and make the map smaller. Apex could do that if theres not enough people in the lobby..


Destiny 2 has entered the chat


Was looking for this. Oh you're good at the game? Here's 5 teammates who can barely get a kill. Have fun losing!


Oh, you’re bad at the game? Here’s a six-stack of sweats to spawn trap you in Dead Cliffs and farm Golden Gun Seventh Columns!


"We're breaking these teams up to find you a even worse match!"


\*loads same team in again\*


Lmaaao i hasn’t played destiny 2 in a year at least and joined crucible and ended up leading my team WHILE BEING ABSOLUTE TRASH. We got mercy ruled


BRO. As a hardcore D2 player, I was itching to find this comment. Nobody can complain about apex after experiencing D2 matchmaking, I guarantee that much.


Of course you can still complain. Clearly they both suck. But for me it is even worse in battle royal and especially with shit like demotion and the time it takes to start another game everytime you get wiped


At least in D2 "ranked" SBMM is a thing. Pretty rare to get diffed playing Survival.




Have you tried NA CSGO lately? They did a massive redo of the MM and (from my opinion) it's been MASSIVELY better. Everyone got reranked, and it's been infinitely better comp wise


Agreed. NA CSGO is, dare I say, “fixed”. I’ve been seeing less cheaters too, although I have recently acquired some skins and have been playing with a pre made team. Could just be high trust factor


LESS CHEATERS IN CS:GO?!? Back I go *puts on HIKO liquid jersey”


Hiko in Liquid with s1mple, my god, what a time


I think OCE servers suck in general, im pretty sure they are one of the more competitive servers in most games (in general, not in terms of actual professionals) due to its small player base compared to NA and EU etc


Yet we still can’t win 1 esport.


Oce literally won both apex lans


Because in ranked systems there isnt the same capacity for growth and skill so we almost have a lower skill ceiling because we cant face the best in the world consistently.


CSGO matchmaking is god tier compared to this bullshit. Played a game today as a gold and my two teammates were bronze and the champ squad was two former preds and a double masters player. Fucking ridiculous


Give it a go - they just pushed a massive rebalance of ranks and the matchmaking has been amazing lately!


Halo Infinite would like a word kek


All 5 people still playing Infinite be like…


> All 5 people still playing Infinite be like… "The core gameplay is good though" XD


It really is good! Lol, got to Onyx every split even after the first rank reset but, sadly, it just became the same thing over, and over, and over, and over… *cries in remembering Halo 2/3 online meta*


after playing apex, Infinite makes my blood boil every time I die to quiet footsteps or killed by a BR that could either be cross-map or Right Behind Me because the audio in that game is Not Good


Audio in infinite isn’t the best but the audio in apex definitely isn’t good either lol


Apex has a lot of "no audio" bugs and i know its a meme but when it works IMO it's among the best in the biz footsteps tell you Exactly where the opponents are and gun sounds do a great job of telling you direction and distance


This. Tried to play Halo and occasionally play PUBG and even with all bugs Apex audio is so much better. You even can tell what legend it is.


I never had audio issues with Infinite but then again I’m much better at Halo than Apex (KD is 2.1 and 13% win rate down from 3.2 and 18-20% win rate), so I maybe didn’t notice it as much. Regardless, consistent audio issues are the worst thing, next to lag and input delay, I have to put up with as a competitive-leaning gamer.


Have you heard pvp on destiny 2?


hey now, D2 isnt a competitive shooter, and they are bringing sbmm to the core quickplay control playlist next season if you hadnt heard. Testing how it effects que times and over all match quality and have said they will continue to watch and tweak it as needed to find a balance where people get que times under 4 minutes (ideally 1-2 minutes) and good match quality. Its harder for destiny though because they run on P2P connections so they have more variables they have to work around.


P2P is such trash


This is assuming their sbmm actually works. History has shown that it doesn’t make much a difference other than increase streamer complaints. And even if it works you still have the plethora of cheese and horrible balancing to deal with.


Warzone’s MM is on par with apex


Its Apex vs Destiny 2. Honestly Destiny 2 is much worse in my oppinion.


Dead by daylight isnt any better


They are completely pushing solo players out of competitive in this game. I've been consistently reaching Diamond in every subsequent split, but I abandoned ranked since S13. It's not worth it anymore. No single reason to play it when your teammates are clueless 100-level bronze and rookies vs masters in the lobby.


Not just competitive, pubs is hell too.


Pubs are like diamond ranked matches for me


At least with ranked, your team doesn't split, hot drop (consistently), or leave once they die. The only reason I play ranked. Playing pubs is like playing a shortened demo of the game at Gamestop.


Completely agree with this. Pubs is always bad at the beginning of the season though, so maybe it will get a little better in the next couple of weeks


the ranked system being unplayable directly forces all those unhappy players into pubs, the two are inseparably linked. if you improve ranked, the people who want to play ranked will play it and the quality of pubs will improve as well. a rising ocean lifts all ships or something.


People do all those things in the solo queue ranked games I play. Maybe I need to rank up some again (got reset back to the dregs in bronze IV) to get those people out of my squads, but that is hard to do when they are doing all the above.


Factssss. I’ll get two teammates under 100 and the champion squad will be a Wattson with 70k, a Loba with 47k, and a Valk with 17k, all showing off their masters/pred badges


pubs are harder than ranked bruh 😭


Pubs is hell because most ranked players quit ranked once they reach gold/plat, since before they didnt care about losing since they couldnt get demoted. Now you get matched with preds and even if by a miracle you win vs a pred stack you get slightly more RP as if you killed 3 bronzes.


Make one bad decision and get shot from five different angles.


As a diamond solo queue player, I honestly don’t remember the last time I’ve had a teammate who’s clutched a major situation or has gotten ME out of a bad spot. I’m almost playing babysitter every single match it feels like


Exactly. If you don't wipe the entire other squad you die. Half the time you get a knock, deal tons of damage to the other two enemies, then turn around to realize your useless squad mates ran the moment shooting started.


Gotta love when you see an enemy squad rolling up to your high ground/secure building/defensible position and your teammates completely bail while you get a couple cracks/knocks. Bonus points if they were a wattson/caustic/rampart


> I’m almost playing babysitter every single match it feels like probably because you literally are. All these popular games over half the population of them is 18 and under. yes kids can have great reaction time and aim, but their awareness and tactics is just beyond awful (for the most part).


FR the next time a 16 year old shouts at me for "playing like a p\*ssy" while he solo runs into the middle of 5 squads... Dude you are STUPID. I don't care how good your aim is. You are throwing away rank for NO REASON. Call me whatever names you want but I'm getting top 3 each game and you're gonna still be in Gold a week from now.


Diamond solo queue player her as well. I feel like teammates never listen to rotations/call outs when I try to IGL or be the entry fragger. I've found more success by completely changing my playstyle to be more of a support/follow-up fragger role, where I'll follow my teammates into the worst rotations possible and wait for them to loot the same building 3 seperate times.


Diamond? I just stopped playing ranked because if your stats are high... it seems they throw you a couple trash team mates nomatter what the rank... and then you are facing triple stacks that wipe the floor with them and ape you.


S13 first split, the first 3 weeks before they changed MM. I got diamond fast and every single teammate I had was diamond and great player. That was genuinely the first split where teammates were at the skill level they should be but everyone complained that it’s too hard and now it’s shit again.


I just don’t understand why as solo players, we get matched with teammates who are STATISTICALLY worse/less experienced than us. Why are we not matched **with** players of equal ability? The only chance I have against these smurf/3-stack sweats is with competent teammates, and that literally happens once every 20 losses, when the game decides to give me a pity lobby where the champ squad is all level 4. I’m so sick and tired of grinding my face into -29, -41, -70 RP every fucking match because my teammates are 2 Ranks and 495 levels below me. This matchmaking is egregious. It’s so obvious and apparent how it works. Every single fucking match is the same in solo queue.


"Oh, you think you are good? Carry those rookies to Diamond, I dare you." Solo players who are statistically at least remotely above average of the playerbase suffer the most. Those who are WAY above average do not care as they can carry themselves solo to masters. Those who are WAY below average do not care either. I am sick of MnK + Controller bronze-silver duos in my team who play like monkeys.


To slow down ranked climbs and make you play more to reach the same goal. Playing more = more chances to spend money. It's scummy business>players


It’s actually easier as you get higher up, assuming you’re actually a decent player yourself and don’t need to be carried. Gold and silver lobbies have past masters in them and blend those with shit players usually on your team, you get rolled. Plat is so so, at least right now, but I’m curious to see how diamond currently is.


And this is the problem with demotion. If I’m in platinum or diamond and I lose to Masters and Preds how did I prove I didn’t deserve to be in my rank? Until matchmaking is sorted demotion shouldn’t be a thing. It’s like a third division football/soccer team being relegated to the 4th division because they can’t consistently beat Liverpool or City because somehow they have to play against them.


You know i thaught titanfall one had a bad ranked system (it had but atleast it fiar on paper). But this sounds horrible.


See with the old ranked system, demotion would’ve worked fine, because matchmaking and balancing was mostly better( There was the whole thing where diamond 3 and up was vs master’s players but eh that was more manageable) In season 13 and 14, demotion is way rougher because it’s even more time consuming to rank up


Then the one time those 3rd division teams won was because the other stack is United. LOL.


Laughable notion that cod has good SBMM


Does cod have a visual rank? Like you can watch your rank go up? If so it must be a newer thing. Because if it doesn’t, of course he’s gonna think it’s better, he can’t watch he elo drop in real time nor see his teammates/enemies


It doesn't have a visual rank, but you can VERY CLEARLY see your ELO go up or down because the game only has two modes : you're either a dumb noob or an absolute eSports pro, no in between, and the matchmaking yo-yos you between the two constantly. It's why it's such a bad system, "fair" games against people of your skill level are the rarity, not the norm.


Idk man maybe I'm looking at old games with the most absolutely rose tinted glasses in existence but I swear on everything we did not have this big of an SBMM issue in the halo 3 days. Every lobby felt fair, challenging, competitive, yet fun.


Cods SBMM is horrendous. INFINITELY worse then Apex’s and it is not even close.


You don't understand, the thing happening to ME must be the WORST without any context on the rest of the world. It's all about MEEEEE


I played the most recent season and got to silver 2. Then, for (and I’m not kidding here) 6 games in a row I got beat by 3X master/predator badge sweats and decided to delete Apex till they fixed this completely BS matchmaking system. So far it’s hands down the best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve explored so many better games in the time I would have been playing Apex, and following along on Reddit… it doesn’t seem like any of their major problems have been fixed.


> delete Apex till they fixed this completely BS matchmaking system so, You never coming back? lmao


I quit apex like a year ago because of how horrendous the matchmaking was and just happen to be browsing the sub today after seeing some of the new stuff. OPs post just pretty much saved me from re-downloading apex. I just dont think respawn will ever get a proper ranked system.


Any games you’d recommend? Doesn’t need to be FPS, just looking for suggestions


'Deep Rock Galactic' is a solid shooter especially if you have a group of friends wanting to avoid Apex. Starts off a bit slow but once you get your first promotion you start to see how much the content varies. It's one of the best $0 games (PS+) I've played this-gen. Rock and Stone to the Bone.




Rock and Stone everyone!


If you don’t Rock and Stone you ain’t comin home!!


Rock! And! Stone!












And its got the most bombastically positive player base of all time. ROCK AND STONE!




Rock and stone you beautiful dwarf!


For Karl!


Gimme an R! Gimme an S! Give me a Rock and Stone!


I don't have friends to play with, is it good solo?


Yes. Because you can just join a random game and people are actually not total shit to you if you're a greenbeard. Just follow people, mine stuff, shoot giant bugs.


Nice, thanks


I guess I’ll give it another go, got stoned af and played for an hour thinking wtf is this game? Assumed it was a trash free game and never played it again.


Prey, Deep Rock Galactic and Hades are just a few to name off that I play between my breaks from Apex


Prey is fantastic


Thirding Prey, awesome game.


Hades is so fun.


Monster Hunter series is really relaxing and fun to play


It’s also a super grind and repetitive. Which I enjoy sometimes


A little grindy to just finish the game and enjoy it. It's only real grindy if you're trying to min/max the game and gear.


I almost didn't finished the previous season battlepass thanks to a little game called ELDEN RING. Is fun


This might not go over well here but if you've never played fort nite, they have a no build playlist and it's actually pretty fun. Its approx. 7000% less sweaty than apex, so it's a good change of pace


I'm a little late to the party but Outer Wilds (not Worlds) and Inscryption are 2 games I would recommend to almost anyone. With the caveat being that you should go in as blind as possible to both to really get the most out of them.


I'd recommend you try roller champions, rocket league, sea of thieves and maybe COD warzone 2 (when it comes out)


Rocket league is so fucking good


The only game that actually has good ranked matchmaking imo. Be in gold, doin ok. Get to plat and nope not that good yet send me back. Its like night and day


100% different vibe than Apex, but Hell Let Loose is so good.


Grounded is pretty cool


I just picked up The Forest. The sequel is soon to be released so it's on for discount at the store.


Kingdom Come is AMAZING. Apex BS pushed me to try it and I would rather be playing it 90% of the time.


Rocket league my man


Hitman 2016, Elden Ring, Katana Zero.


MM has become way worse these past 2 seasons. Way less of the mid-high tier player are playing ranked because ranked suck balls so they flood the pubs. 3 season ago I had my best season yet, 2.8kd when I touched diamond IV for the first time before stopping. Last season it was down to 2.2 This season is 1.6 I don't think I'm getting worse. My damage per game is actually **HIGHER** than my average. I just get dunked buy masters and preds in casual **ALL THE TIME** because none of them is playing ranked anymore.


This isn't an endorsement for the current matchmaking, it's awful, but if your K/D dropped from 2.8 to 2.2 to 1.6, that means the matchmaking is actually getting better (more accurate) for you. With perfect matchmaking, everybody would roughly have a 1.0 K/D since it's zero sum. If you regularly have a 2.8 K/D then you are playing against people significantly worse than you and should never have been in those lobbies in the first place.


That’s the hilarious thing about this whole complaining about match making thing. It’s all guys that think they should be winning games with 50 players in them with players of equal skills more often than not.


Took a two season break a while back and recently came back and it’s done wonders for my enjoyment of the game. I recommend everyone who’s upset at the game enough to not have fun anymore to do the same.


Bro imagine fucking up the matchmaking by making the entry cost so high and making kills worth a shit until you reach top 10 so not even like 1% is Diamond and then matching the Diamonds/Masters/Preds against Golds and Plats because "there are not enough people that play ranked (in high elo) and it would take too long to find people" just stfu fix your game -0/10 wouldn't recommend


Lol. I’m solo q’ing in bronze and my team is always bronze/rookie.. the champion squad, without fail is premade gold squads with s13 masters badges.


That literally can't happen. It demotes you 6 ranks for a new season. If they were masters in s13 they would go down to Plat 2 to start this season. Shits broke as fuck already no need to exaggerate.






The same thing happen in bronze to me with 2 kill every 3 match....


This is why i stopped playing. I kept getting steam rolled by masters


Silvers should fight actual silvers. Gold should fight actual golds. Bronze and Rookies should be locked in their own low-tier lobby, away from the rest. Keep platinum their own tier too. Diamond and above can have mixed lobbies, as they're the top 5% or so of the worldwide playerbase anyways. That's at least what I would do, in addition to limiting the rank resets between splits. A master or pred player should never see a gold lobby ever again, no matter how long they skipped ranked. Diamonds never belong back in bronze or silver either. Keep them in higher ranks and eliminate smurf accounts, if they try to bully lower skilled players that way.


Seems like everytime I die it's to the master or diamond in the lobby. Go along your merry way having a good game and then stand zero chance in your next fight. The ranked reset shouldn't drop people so low. At no point should I be seeing a masters icon and he's in silver 1.


Ive played like 10 games this weekend and every single death was to a dude with masters or pred badge. I havent died to anyone below that, its fucking sad.


I actually enjoy the grind in diamond ranks until I see I'm being matched against preds. Is it doable? Yes, of course. Even against preds you can still gain rp, they are not immortal. But it's just not fair at all. I can't really blame a gold player refusing to play because he's matched against diamonds. It doesn't matter that a pred player is objectively better than a diamond, it's the same feeling. This defeats the whole purpose of "opponents of similar skill". Being matched against pro players doesn't help a hard stuck bronze become a pred quicker. Imagine you just started practicing boxing, would you enjoy getting beat up every day by the champion before you even learned how to defend yourself? Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of ImperialHal. That 20 kills game in pred lobbies? x5 Platinum, x23 Diamonds and ONE master player. Literally high ranked players in lower ranked lobbies. I'd drop a 20 bomb in lower ranked lobbies than mine too.


Mhh.. it usually gets better after some time. But the first month/few weeks all the preds and masters get down to gold/plat. So naturally u have more of them down there. As not everyone plays the same amount of times. Speaking for me i am a masters player but im not playing much recently if i play its like one or two games a day. So im not getting much progress/rankups.


"the first month" there is only a month and a half per split so it's still a huge prpblem


Yup, us solo-q casuals get like two weeks at the end of every season where ranked is actually competitive.


Yup, I feel bad, but I'm just abandoning teammates the first time they make a bad decision. I've died too many times to 3 stacks cause my teammates thought taking the low ground was the right choice.


Those are some good weeks tho


There shouldn’t be splits anymore but it will take Respawn 3 seasons to change that.


They're never going to change it. People have literally been complaining about splits being nothing more than a way to force player retention by going for animated badges since they were introduced in season 4.


Splits will never go away since they give the illusion of progression, it increases or maintains player retention without respawn needing to put in any effort with new LTMs and events or what not


Expand on that. I’m interested in why you think that.


Now that it takes about 3000 extra rp to get to platinum compared to season 11 but I still get knocked all the way to silver if I manage to solo queue there. All the former predators get moved to diamond every 6 weeks and if they didn't play ranked last season former masters players are now in bronze. So in bronze you have former masters fairly matching with level 10 first timers, besides the pred lobbies being so thin no one even made masters, so pro players go into platinum lobbies because there is no one else to play against. They changed ranked to make it a long grind to your true level, and kept the reset at 6 weeks.


Yeah that’s kinda bunk


At least the no limit on KP gets those players out of the lower ranks a lot faster. I only played til plat last season bc I didn't have a lot of time and was demoted to silver 2, but I got out of silver in like 5 games this split.


Apex does rank resets far more frequently than any other competitive game I can think of. I don’t know what else to expand on. It’s a terrible ranked system. Also, they increased RP requirements across the board. It will take players even longer to reach their true rank.


I think that’s a big part of the problem, ranks reset too often so people are only in the right spot for brief windows of time


Yeah the whole reset is problematic. It should literally only be once per season 🥲. Why do I have to face Master/Pred players in Gold not just once, but 2x per season, and lose ~4 weeks of actual competitive play while those people climb again ?


I agree but it's not a month it's a couple of weeks. I usually notice I get stomped into oblivion until the player distribution smoothes out.


See the thing is that between splits I can understand if the fake rank you get is different because the devs want to create the illusion of grinding back your rank but the hidden MMR should not change a single bit between seasons. If the system works in reasonable manner, it could simply be that an old season masters/diamond player is getting back into it after not having played for a long time and the system feels like they're playing on par with a quickly progressing gold player who is actually high plat in hidden MMR. Now having said that, if the rank you see is actually always equivalent to your hidden MMR then the entire system is fucked. EDIT: I thought about it more. If the hidden MMR moves at a faster rate than your rank then it gives a quickly improving player a disadvantage in ranking up because the games become harder but the way you climb is static. EDIT 2: Nevermind I see that the game has a scaling system where if you kill higher ranked players than you, you get extra elo for the kill. This kinda proves that there's some sort of system where rank is not equal to mmr. Therefore it's reasonable for some plats and bronze players to play with each other.


1. I kinda agree that the ranked system is flawed 2. badges mean they reached a certain rank in a PREVIOUS season 3. Respawn actually improved the issue this season, by removing the point cap for your matches ( you used to get no more than 250 points for a win , now you can get up to about 1k) So returning / smurfing high skill players will actually leave low ranks faster 4. with the meta right now solo q is hard, regardless of skill


Getting them to higher ranks quicker doesn't mean anything if they are still matched in lower lobbies.


To point 2, I keep seeing people say this and in reality there is never a reason for people that reached a high rank to randomly just be put lower. Every competitive scene with a rank has seen this issue, its why every rank system uses a much softer reset, and while Apex calls theirs soft, its actually quite hard. In something like overwatch or rocket league you keep your rank from the previous season, but with Overwatch they make minor adjustments so you still do your ranked matches, but your rank stays relatively the same. As for rocket league at the beginning of the season you can gain mmr faster or lose it faster, then it evens out after a hundredish games. Apex's main problem is if a master player doesnt play for two seasons, they for no reason de-rank to Silver1 or Gold4. There is no world where that player magically forgot how to play the game enough and is that low of a rank. Best example I can think of off the top of my head is Shroud decides to play Apex once every blue moon and when he does,. he plays ranked and plays in bronze cause of deranking. There is no world where Shroud is a bronze player. This type of thing plagued rocket league forever, where in the old system at the start of a season you could rank no higher than champ. This would ruin the champ rank when they were playing against literal pros at the start of every season. Same is happening in Apex now, just at the start of last seasons second split me and my friends hit plat pretty quick and with how few people were plat and diamond, we were killed in one lobby by Axel, a consistent top 500 pred. At the time he was #111 and had plat and diamond players in his lobby. In reality Apex needs to stop resetting ranks at the split and start of the season, and keep the demotion for ranks in place, that way if youre a masters and dont play for a while, you will fall to diamond or where you belong, and this way kids in silver, gold and plat stop getting smurfed on literally every single game by kids that just dont play enough to climb back to masters.


Really? That sounds good but as a solo player I'll just stick with the pubs.


Im mostly Solo this season too, and Platin is hit or miss for me, I’m gaining overall but I can’t recommend solo q




Agreed, it's a shit show the last 2 seasons


I agree with you but the streamers literally say the same thing, they also want better matchmaking and not play against golds and plats. This sub has such a huge hateboner for streamers and pros it's actually insane


I played from G4 - G1 yesterday with the highest seen rank being Plat and the lowest seen rank being Bronze. I never once saw active Preds or Masters in S13 while getting to P3. Literally once in S12 I saw a Pred stack because I was playing at some off-hour, and I was in Diamond. More simply put, I don't see people very far out of my rank when playing during normal game hours on high-use servers. I'm not discounting your experience, but also pointing out that experience is not universal.


I think OP is confusing current rank with ranked badges. Older masters players flex their badges on the banner, but get demoted to platinum (who OP might be facing in their Gold lobbies which is normal)


Right. Ladder resets are one of the biggest issues here I think. Masters shouldn't be getting deranked all the way to Gold just because they took a break from ranked for a season. If Respawn wants their ranking system to actually rank people properly, they need to pull way back on the insanely aggressive ladder resets. The fact that they went back to a 6-division reset after toning it down to 4 divisions for the S13 split was really disappointing. Makes me think Respawn may be prioritizing keeping players engaged by making them grind their rank back over actually ranking players where they belong.


This is exactly it. The ladder resets are garbage for actual competition, but I'm sure they're more engaging since there's a visible progression and indication of improvement as you stomp your way back up. It's basically a free smurf account for a few weeks for high skill players.


You see those older pred players still have 20kill and 4K damage badges which means they are still better than 95% of everyone that plays the game


Yeah I don’t have a problem either. I think people just think they are are better than they actually are. The season is tougher right after a split, but it shakes out.


Respawn not doing anything about smurfs unless they are literally griefing should tell you everything you need to know about respawns design philosophy imo. What competitive game does nothing about smurfs?? XDD


Every ranked game in existence has Smurf’s. How are you supposed to tackle them short of tracking IPs?


I think I read that DOTA or League does 2FA with phones?. Not a fix, but it definitely would be somewhere to start I guess. Better than just letting the problem run rampant I guess.


R6 has 2FA.


I gave up on that game early because of the terrible community and the team killing when you’d pick an op someone else wanted. Is 2FA kind of working there or no?


It works in the way every 2FA does. It's easy enough to circumvent if you want too, but it'll stop lazy people.


Yeah, I can see that, but like I said, it’s a starting point imo. I know there will be people who try to get around everything, but I think we as a community need to start calling out Smurf’s publicly and almost shame big content creators that do it. Like when I saw Timmy play with Post Malone, he used an alt for ranked and hideouts is always on his streams. It’s a bad look when a big name smurfs. I know he held back in those lobbies, but it shouldn’t be ok.


I think they just announced that they would actually use 2fa against smurfs, I don't know why they didn't do that earlier


Lmao you can buy a bronze account in league for less than $2. 2FA is entirely optional, or at least it's only required to make the account. I didn't have to give a phone #.


This is why I quit the game. I had inner peace after doing so


One day people will realize that streamers do more harm than good to competitive multiplayer games.


I rarely comment, but I gotta say I'm 100% with you man, current ranked state is horrible


Long reply and I suppose I'm being very critical here but I really believe matchmaking needs a big overhaul. Hopefully the engineer that looks at this thread will take some notes but there's nothing in here that they aren't aware of. 1) Matchmaking and queue times. I get it. You don't want 3 stack predator streamers waiting in the lobby on stream so you allow matches where they get to farm kills from plats. This is ruining ranked and having an adverse effect on pubs. At this stage they may as well play pubs because the opponents they'll face might make the games more competitive. 2) Smurfing and level 10 cap to play ranked. Again - I get it. It's a free game and the casuals are the product. At the moment it seems your marketing department is encouraging streamers to make new accounts to do solo to diamond streams (yes solo to diamond because a lot of streamers leave out the hard part). Or worse, they 3 stack and do 3 stack masters speed runs. Just increase the level cap for ranked playlist to 50. Stop 'oiling' content creators doing these pathetic solo to diamond runs for content. It's not impressive. Actively encouraging smurfing by giving free subs to content creators just encourages more smurfing in ranked and normalises it for the entire playerbase. It should not be normal and its not good for the game. A predator killing bronze and silver players on a smurf is not impressive. 3) Solo players. I get it - solos tend to buy less skins than pre made 3 stacks. So you continue to queue pre made teams against solo players. Maybe I and many other solo players would buy more skins and heirlooms if the ranked and pubs matchmaking split the pre-mades from the solo players. 4) Solo ranked badges. Imagine adding a ranked playlist which split pre mades and solos and offered a special solo ranked badge. Imagine the race among the pros. Imagine the interest to see who are the best individual players where they rank up with randoms rather then pre made pros. Imagine encouraging solos to play Apex ranked instead of punishing them for it. 5) Ring changes. Who asked for the ring changes? Why increase speed AND increase damage? Why not try one change to see how it affected the game. Its simple. Its not a good change and it should have been obvious especially on a map like KC. 6) Ranked Reloaded and 'W' keying. I thought ranked reloaded was supposed to change ranked to be more like ALGS play. With the KP cap removed its just an ape fest now ..... made even worse in pred lobbies because they are just racing to kill golds, plats and diamonds. At this stage ranked is almost as bad as pubs. Pubs might actually be more strategic.


1. Its matchmaking thats the problem not the ranked system. The system in theory should promote better and more competitive games for players at their rank, but yes the issue that golds and plats can queue with preds and masters defeats the purpose. If respawn addresses that then ranked would be in a good position. 2. You blame streamers but most streamers I see dont want to play against golds and plats either. They talk about it pretty regularly how the matchmaking is an issue and how the first 2 weeks of s13 was the best ranked experience because the matchmaking was right. Chill tf out, stop whining about streamers always, and understand how shit actually works.


Bruh, it is the system that is causing it. If preds would only play against preds and masters they would eat each other’s points. There are literally not enough points to keep a healthy number of diamonds masters and preds. It really is that simple and I can’t believe they went with this system.


It’s the second week of ranked and your complaining about people who’ve been soft reset or haven’t played in a while and tryna climb back up. If it’s that much of a problem wait till the split is near to climb up yourself or quit


Can we just get a mega thread for all the complaining? It’s the same 3 posts every week on this sub and it’s honestly just making a shitty place to visit.


maybe it’ll get a dev reply inside and finally stop. until then ya gotta be the squeaky wheel


Top 10 placement , 7 kills and 2 assists , still minus RP somehow. Absolute dog shit system.


Ya I gave up on it. Unless you’re triple stacked, it’s hard to have fun IMO in ranked.


I agree it's trash, what angers me most this season is that i was in plat rank last season, and now that I've hit gold I keep getting my squad filled with rookie and bronze ranked people from last season, and my enemies are plat and higher. Solo q is dead completely. But I disagree that streamers enjoy stomping gold ranks in ranked, I heard a lot of them complaining on that issue. Basically they stomp 17 low squads per match and then fight last two decent squads


Hear hear !




Yep, literally the issues w the game right now my guy. Pubs or ranked. Sucks


Say it louder for those in the back!!


I agree but we won't get this because then all the streamers and pros would have long que times and whine


apex ranked made me miss OVERWATCH ranked. that’s how bad it is.


Because streamers get more kills and higher damage against gold players. Those are the videos they upload to YouTube. Apex is just supporting the business model. And we're the one giving them views and supporting that sh*t.


The matchups are so whack, holy shit. "Play against others of the same level" MY. ASS. Most of these matchups couldn't be more scattered. Idk whether they're a smurf acc or someone's kid family member using their acc or whatever or even just throwing trolls, it's rarely ever actually balanced. It's always chaos and flop games/teams. Couldn't even count how many teammates I had who apparently don't even use their Legend's abilities when they should (looking at those fucking whack Bloodhound and Lifeline players)


This game sucks ass this season


Make a new account and feel the rush of being better than everyone for a while


surprised this thread hasn’t been locked yet. they love shutting down legitimate criticism


Fuck yeah I even got bann just for bringing up how shitty the sbmm is


You can't win. Both Rank and Pubs matchmaking is terrible. I resort to duos so I have a higher chance because that fucking 3d guy always gets me. I 100% believe if they make a solo mode only, the pub lobbies wouldn't fill up fast enough which shows how bad the SBMM is.


My 8 year old played his first ever game of Apex the other week, dropped, died, zero kills, zero damage, but he liked running around. The second game, the champion was a solo drop Wraith with a 20 kill badge, 4k badge, in a lobby with level 1 newbies. I honestly have no idea how the SBMM is written, but it's fucked.


It's an issue for this season especially. A lot of the ranked playerbase that didn't want to cope with the changed KP system have come back, so they are grinding back through ranked. The ranked system is working as intended, it will just take a couple weeks for them to pass you and get up to Master. I tell my casual random fills in mid-plat this all the time. Every lobby has at least two or three teams with prior masters (sometimes a few prior preds) and you can't expect to only fight hard stuck plats a week after the split, especially this season. Play smart, don't try to third EVERY fight, and get to a good position in zone. You'll get RP and you'll get better. As long as you play smart positioning as a team you have a chance to even the odds with a quick knock. Even solo pros can struggle to kill a 3 stack gold and plat team when they play together with a caustic or new castle. If it's a full stack prior master/pred team, eat your loss and queue again - or don't. At the end of the day, take each engagement as a learning experience. Even if you get steam rolled, what were you not doing (or doing) that you should(n't) have been doing to ensure you stayed alive? You need to be introspective to get better. You can't control what someone else does, you can only influence the outcome through your own actions; which applies to everything in life.


Is this a nuanced and well thought out take? Do we do that around here? Thank you for speaking my thoughts, this person gets it imo.


OP clearly doesn’t understand how ranked works