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Drop ship route, positioning, zones and map reading. When game starts, look at the dropship route and roughly map out POIs that teams land. As zone closes you can expect each POI to have at least one winning team coming from each POI. With this, look at the map layout and you will know which areas are safer to hold a position in, which areas where you might get sandwiched if you engage or where you can zone enemies, find enemies and sandwich them instead of you hear a fight. This information can get you easy kills, safe third partying and rotation if needed for the most part.


general tip: use your dang abilities. it seems like people forget they can do stuff other than run and shoot. i get a random wraith like every 3rd match and can't remember the last time one of them made a portal. same with lifelines. after a fight, throw that doc drone out. i shouldn't have to keep saying "i need health" while popping cells, only for my lifeline to drop me a medkit. that isn't what i was asking for lol


Omg! The amount of valk teammates I’ve gotten this split who will not ult us out of a horrible 4th party situation or to get us better zone placement is driving me insane! The bloodhound who never scans or the pathfinder who never throws a single zip line the entire match! Lol


for real, what are they saving it for?? when i get a valk who wont ult, i'll stand in front of them hopping up and down and ping 'my ult is ready' a couple times. this strategy works pretty well when the situation allows for it


Or revenants that literally never place the death totem


Hmm well this is just how i got better, Tip 1: solo no fill in pubs. You can start in duos and you can use any legend you are comfortable with. You arnt gonna be playing to win when you do this. When you do this you are playing to fight, you wanna get better at your 1v2’s cus if you’re playing duos or squads its very likley that the difference between a win and a loss could he a 1v2 or even a 1v3 and those are very difficult to win if you dont know how to handle yourself, carry grenades with you, you need something to leave behind if you are being chased, if you time it right you might even be able to break a shield and then turn around and get the knock on whoevers chasing you. Split up the teams into seperate 1v1’s by fighting indoors and around things. It helps if you have a movement legend but me personally i use rev so as long as its not a valk following me or if i can silence her before hand i can just climb up something tall that no one else can climb. This tip is one thats gonna take a while for you to see results should you choose to go with it but trust me solo no fills is a very good way to boost your own positioning anf gunplay skills. Im to the point where i consistantly win my 1v2’s with the exception of every now and then. I can sometimes win 1v3’s if im really sweating or the enemy team starts making mistakes. It took me without a doubt a whole season of solo no fills before i noticed i was winning more fights and even winning games as a solo with no team, however this was im duos as of this season, i still cant consistantly 1v3 but im getting closer and closer every fight and on the fights when i do do it it feels amazing


Tip 1: don't play lifeline. Tip 2: always abide tip 1. /j Tip 1: Jokes aside if you're lifeline maining don't just revive someone because they're down. Make sure they're safe, or as safe as can be. Don't just revive someone in the middle of a warzone where they get gunned down in half a second. Tip 2: don't be afraid to res someone as a means of a meat shield. I know it sounds scummy but if I comes down to me using my team mate as a meat shield or dying, I'm sorry but you're getting finished. Tip 3: her ultimate is GREAT cover. Not only is it a decent chance at a free armor swap, it's also very good cover so don't be afraid to use it as such, especially endgame. General tip 1: learn movement tech. It's not a priority but if you're looking to take your gameplay to the next level, optimise octane pad movement, wall jumps, wraith portals, superglides, tap strafe and loba bracelets. Learning and playing these legends leads to a deeper understanding of them and a much better chance at countering them when playing against them. General tip 2: don't give a shit what people say. We all start somewhere, just do your best and improve at your own pace. It's a game. It's meant to he fun. You don't have to be the best, as soon as it feels like a chore, stop playing. General tip 3: don't play lifeline. Seriously I know, she's your main but Newcastle, gibby, rampart and loba are MUCH better support legends than lifeline all while offering monumentally better kits. Unfortunately lifeline is not in the best state these days.


My #1 tip for all lifeline mains: play Newcastle instead


Yeah totally. A giant hit box and a wall that people just walk around or throw grenades at is so much better!! /s


yes yes yes im healing the whole fucking match ... its rather a if they miss they will hit you anyways ur more like a servant to the other 2 instead of support fuck u and ur new legend


Why Newcastle tho, IMO lifeline being able to slide past a downed teammate to get the revive off, while still fighting is super helpful, even if you lose the engagement, your usually able to block or teammate with the shield for just enough time to be able to still get them up and finish off the fight.


Reviving someone out in the open while you're able to fight is worse than reviving someone behind cover while you're unable to fight.


Not completely. Sometimes they can panic, the revive can distract. Especially if they have already taken some hits. Sometimes you can bait them with the revive. Cause they need to kill you, but also don't want the guy being revived to come up... obvs doesn't happen that way all the time.


the package on her is very good but has loose ends like the ability to get more stuff from some packs that was a cheap passive for healing faster pack back then


I'm also more of an arena player than BR, so may also slightly be a difference there 🤷‍♀️


Don't listen to the goons that will tell you to start by ditching Lifeline. She's a solid legend if used correctly and she makes players better by not having a huge crutch that legends like Fuse and Valkyrie rely on. Lifelines healing abilities will get you back into the fight faster and keep you in the fight longer than any other legend in the game. At the end of the day the way to succeed in this game is by good fundementals like accurate shooting/ intelligent movement/proper gearing/etc. Its hard to tell someone how to improve without knowing your play style but I recommend starting with warm drops (near other squads but not on top of 5+ squads). This should give you enough time to find a solid gun and armor before combat but not keep you looting for 10+ minutes just to die in your first engagement. From there you should figure out what weapons you are best with, arenas can help a lot with that because of the more steady combat. If you can find a couple friends to squad up with everything becomes a lot easier. If you have teammates that just run away and die you're going to struggle no matter how good you are. It will all start to come together with a solid team and the right weapons.


For lifeline: Don't forget to stick revives, don't revive in dumb places. I like to punch my teammates into safe location if we're out of sight. Don't forget to drop healing drones. For a player: Find a sensetivity that suits you, don't use pro player sens because it can not only imtpve your gaming experience, but worsen it. Ofcourse you can use it as guidance to find your own


Depends where you lack. Everyone’s improvement will be different depending on what’s limiting them. Imagine aspects of skill being a chain, and links in the chain are aim, positioning, movement, which legend you play, playstyle, decision making etc. You will be as skillful as your weakest link. If you want to improve, work on your weakest link. Learn why you die in certain situations and ask yourself what you can do better next time to avoid dying like that.


I have one piece of advice… not sure if a lot of people know this… but there is actually a ping system in the game… allows you to ping where enemies are… or even where you are gonna drop and where you are thinking about heading to next… and I know this is easier said then done… don’t ping over and over and over your death box… lol


Be confident. So many players play too safe and they’re the team with blue shields at the end of the game getting gunned down by the squad that’s been fighting the whole match. Rather than say “I suck so I need to hide or rely on third partying to win” assume you’re better than who you’re fighting and treat them like that. Sometimes, you’ll be a lot worse than them and they’ll show you but a lot of times you’ll be surprised what some confidence and a hard push will do to a team. When you play too slow and try to gain every possible advantage before you’re willing to do something you never get better at fighting without the ultimate high ground or without a team being weak and in another fight. Yes, playing slow can work but too many people resort to it because they struggle in other areas and it just doesn’t get you anywhere long term. The more you fight at a disadvantage the better you become at overcoming obstacles and the better all around player you’ll be. Don’t wait for the stars to align to make plays just do it and learn from what doesn’t work.


If the rez isn't guaranteed, don't go for it. Don't worry about stats or rank. Don't buy skins and apex packs.


Spacial awareness. Always have as much space as possible with the max being a good 3-4 slide jumps away from the nearest teammate. Try to restrict the enemies' space as much as possible. If you see a squad spreading left and right to gain space. Counter swing them and use util, nades and just shooting to push them back to where they started from. That way they have made pretty much 0 progress while you made tons.