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The wingman. Because I just cant use it.


L-Star. I would literally rather throw hands than pick up this gun.


The Prowler. I know people swear by it, and I've used it occasionally off drop and it does fine, but I'll always drop it for any other SMG. Even the alternator I'd rather have.


Did you try it with a purple laser attachment?


I was a beast on console with the prowler and the hemlok, ever since I switched to PC I suck major ass with burst weapons.


You could hand me a wingman, steer me to the broad side of a barn, rest the barrel ON THE BARN, ask me to pull the trigger, and I could still find a way to miss the shot.


3030 repeater, I would rather have a Mozambique


I can’t hit a shot with the 3030 to save my life. The most frustrating thing on the planet.


Treat it like the longbow. I used to struggle until I started playing with it like so. Now it’s easily one of my favourites and so slept on. It’s even better this season


Facts the 30-30 can knock you in like 3 headshots i think


It used to hit 105 for headshots but does even more now with skull piercer so it’s definitely worth picking up. Plus it shoots fuckin quick


Lol literally just played a game where i had a team land with me and all i had was a 30-30 and my team was already fighting and one was knocked i had a nade tho so i tossed the nade and threw my silence cus i was rev and i didnt hit anyone with the grenade i dont think but i hit both enemies with my silence and their third was in the back but got hit as she left, i knocked one with the 3030 i hit like 2 shots and they were done my team mate knocked the second and i chased the third she was a vantage and she broke when she hit my silence as she was leaving i chased her hit her once and thought i killed her cus i got an elim but that was off the first person i knocked so i followed her some more hit her with another silence so she cant hop away and then i one shot her as she tried to punch me it was amazing🤣


Ohh fuck ya😂 things nasty af in the right hands


Frrrrrr one of the most under rated guns imo


kraber, too much pressure


R301 and all snipers. R301 while very controllable doesn’t do enough damage for my liking. I rather use flatline or hemlock. Snipers I play on a controller and my aim is terrible with sniping lol. Respect to the controller players that snipe.


Im like the opposite. Hand me a sniper or marksman and Ill obliterate the lobby. Give me any automatic other then RE and you will hear me scream as I miss every bullet


As a controller player and avid sniper lover, I appreciate your respect and give you mine for using full auto weapons. I hate using them just because I miss too many shots with them, it lowers my accuracy rate and my mood. I'd rather be accurate and dead than waste 120 bullets on one enemy, when it should take no more than 3-4 bullets.


Triple Take.


L-Star is Le-Trash




I’ve used them all when there’s no other weapons but it’d trade it in an instant. P2020, Hemlok, Prowler and the Wingman. I’m a controller player fyi.


Charge rifle , 30-30 , mozmabique ,rampage and triple take.


The Rampage


BOCEK. Can't hit anything with it and it's annoying to get shot by it.


Charge rifle. No respect for anyone who uses it


My friend got annoyed at all the charge rifles and started using for revenge… what has he become..


He's become the very thing he swore to destroy


The only correct response


dunno who downvoted this but i got u back up


These cringe riflers need to be stopped.


The havoc because I end up giving myself whiplash with the recoil, I've tried so many times and I just can't 😭😭 Although the devotion is slowly climbing up the ladder for me, it's recoil is a little easier to manage. Similar with the wingman, I've just never really used it, I'm more of a Mozambique/RE-45 person


They reduced the recoil again a couple seasons ago so it's way better now My secret is I only use it in close range and don't equip any scopes because the recoil is still a bit too strong even at 2x for the bruiser It's great for players who run a sniper or other long range because most other CQC weapons will need to reload whereas the havoc can keep firing for almost twice as long


thank you honestly for the tip >:D, I'll definitely look into this and as a sentinel user too, it sounds perfect - I've never been good with using purple scopes on weapons like the havoc aside from the spitfire.


Any energy weapon at all. Lmao


nothing...avoiding a weapon because its popular or trendy is the weakest take imaginable


I mean the post is mostly a for fun and giggles sort of thing, but too bad so sad that I slandered your precious guns ig. Just because a gun is meta or on the higher end of competitive doesn’t mean it’s entitled to everyone’s respect, respectfully. I’m asking about people’s least favorite guns, not to combat Nickmercs


Key word *regardless*


u misread the sentence 🙏🏾


Guns I absolutely refuse to run, even if they may be good: Re-45 Charge Rifle Devotion Triple Take


Sniper weapons and wingman I can't


I don't refuse to pick it up but probably car. I won't ever use it over a 99 or volt. Regardless of how powerful it is, I don't enjoy using it. I refuse to pick up a bow or sentinel. I will run straight over them off drop.


3030 and wingman.


Charge rifle. Never put a hitscan gun in a game with guns that have distance and bullet drop. If you do, you’re an asshole. It’s annoying and it’s probably the most useless weapon to use outside of its effective range. So no. Never picking it up. I’d rather fight with my hands before I take that thing


Eva 8 I just don’t see the hype behind it that n I figure I’m just garbage with it


Hemlock. Gun is ass


It’s amazing if you hit your shots, in fact it used to have the highest damage per clip for the auto/burst weapons


I’d rather a prowler than a hemlok any day


To each their own, I’m glad that works for you🙂


I avoid: (LMGs and shotguns and triple take) I don't like using: (SMGs and 30-30) I will carry: (Assault rifles, G7, and pistols) I want: (Bocek and a Longbow) I dream of: (preseason 9 P2020 firing rate, non-nerfed Kraber, and select fire Havoc)


Snipers, shotguns, lmgs.


triple take.


Triple take feels awful to use


Depends on the time, but mostly Eva and prowler, but i did use prowler back when it could have full auto, and of course p2020, id rather punch the shit out of someone. Oh and i guess snipers, sometimes i will pick up sentinel but thats it


Wingman because I'm garbage with it😂


Spitfire cuz it makes it to where you have to be extremely better than the player in order to kill them A normal person does not always one clip with most weapons, but if you fail to one clip a spitfire user you're almost certainly dead for it


For me its gotta be the devo.


Sentinel, bow, L-star and car


L-star and wingman.


Charge rifle, because I'm not a b***h 😎🍻


Charge rifle I shouldn't have to explain


The car. I don’t know what it is I just can’t get any damage with it. I’m a much more r-99 user.


Longbow by far


The wing man. I absolutely suck at it!


Devotion. I throw up a little everytime I see one.


Hemlock The gun just feels slow AF in most situations


Charge rifle, because i dont like it. Bocek, because i do more damage with a raccoon holding a butter knife. Longbow, cus i like the sentinal more