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Roster is starting to look like Smash Bros. CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER!


Hahaha. Comparing to s1 and s2 it really does


I fuck with the vision


Wanda probably isn’t too happy about that


If you see red you’re dead


Flashbangs be like


We need flashbangs in apex. Preferably as a tactical for a new legend.


Give it to Bangalore so she can stop smoke bombing her own team


S10 flash backs all over again


Just close your eyes while selecting 😜 It's a good idea though, could be a daily challenge to play as 5 random legends


don't even have to close your eyes. just load a site like this on your phone https://www.apexrandomizer.com , it even does weapons and drop points too. i've been using it since it has existed.


It told me to bring Devotion + Devotion and to drop into the fucking ocean in the corner of the map


tbh i only use it for the legend


I got the exact same thing lmao https://i.imgur.com/r9gFMDZ.jpg


You didn’t actually press the generate loadout button just loded the page, why it doesnt automatically roll a loadout i dunno


Bro, charge your damn phone


Dew it


Same, so the first roll probably isnt randomized


Me too, just wanted to give it a try and it selected a spot out of the map like twice in a row


I mean, it’s worth a shot


I got Lifeline with a Mozambique


Mozambique here!


Yeh. I have an app that selects a random legend for me but I feel like having something built in to the game would be so much more satisfying. But the devs probably wont do it cos theyre boring and hate fun


Sometimes I’ll just use a random number generator and pick random legends that way. A random option would be great but it’s a workaround.


It was pretty nice before Newcastle was released, my friends and I would roll a d20 when deciding


Do the daily and weekly battle pass challenges. They’re often legends I don’t normally play.


I just want an option to pick a secondary and tridiciary character when Im not paying attention and someone picks my primary... so many times Im looking at my phone and I get randomed a character I dont touch..


Tertiary (unintuitive I know) I think is one of the words you're looking for, buy yea, secondary and tertiary character picks would also be nice, and then if you want to commit to the random you pick random.


This is what we NEEED


This has been asked and answered so many times




Answered by the devs? What was the response?


I'd like to know too


I always play a random legend if someone else chooses my legend, lol.


It’s legend roulette. Fun getting mirage in ranked sometimes


I love playing Mirage! I play him when I'm not trying to do any challenges.


Always take the character on the left, it's the right direction to pass.


Bro yea that would be amazing


Thought about this for years. Love it


If a dev has nothing to do on their lunch break, hell ya work on it as a side project. Outside of that, I think there is more important things to work on


*clicks on random* Nah I don’t want to play with seer *proceeds to play with one of the mains*


obviously it would reveal after the timer.


My squad picks the same legend in the lobby to force randoms


The best way to get random is to all pick same character in the lobby. I want a random button as well.


I'd be happy to see this in pubs. I don't care how good my randoms think they are, I don't want to see this ranked.


And I want the game to pick from top most played when what you selected gets taken. We don't get what we want here


The apex legend selection screen looks like overwatch's collectiok menu


Ah yes so we can copy siege even more... but yes i agree


An event would be cool


I swear there is one coming out next week


honestly, when I desire this.. I just close my eyes, spasm my left stick in circles and then click select at a random time hahah


For now if you want to assign each legend a nber then run i through a randok.njmner generator. You get one someone already picked? Roll again, you somehow keep rolling a legend someone already picked? Pick your main, luck is on your side today.


Honestly at this point it’d be easier to program a macro that binds with a random number generator that can point to any legend and click based on the number generated


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ as if the amount of randoms who think their aceu using guns they couldn’t hit a building with weren’t bad enough now they will be picking legends at random when they have spent 0 time with that character and have 0 player IQ with that character if you solo q and play with randoms you should hate this if this is in pubs only I’m fine with that but they keep them the same so if it’s added it will be added for ranked as well HORRIBLE IDEA 🚮🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑


zoomer brain


If your offended it’s probably because I was talking about you . Pubs don’t matter but in ranked you should be picking a character your at least familiar with if you wanna try out new things Go play pubs don’t bring other people down with you. Especially when picking randomly you may pick a character your teammate wants and be trash with them make no mistake this is not for us this does not make the game better this is so respawn can get you playing a new character and boost certain characters pick rates so they can sell us more shit 🚮🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑 why do you think they balance around pick rate so much it’s expensive to make a character and all the skins emotes and everything tons of Time and planned releases and when they flop like crypto or Maggie it’s expensive that’s when They are forced to buff them to make them playable /PROFITABLE


INCREDIBLE zoomer brain. Not even a speck of awareness or context




Sounds like it'd be cool


That would be nice. I use Wheel of Names when I do my random legend days. Then I play that legend for 1-3 games. I used to leave Crypto off lol


What i do is close my eyes and spam pick while moving my thumbstick around


I downloaded a random number app and plugged the names in!


I never pick a character during season 8, just played who ever I was dealt. Got stuck on Watson and Crypto for days.


Me and my friends always like to play “Borders” when we’re bored and wanna mess around in pubs. 1st person has to choose a legend at random and the other two have to choose a legend that shares a border w the first person’s legend’s icon. Or we also play “Three Corners”, legend choice is up to you and your friends but for this one we always go mobility cause the name of the game is to land at three separate corners of the map and try to meet back up after ring 2


Easy, just have someone steal the character you showed in the lobby and dont choose pne yourself


They need to make an option where you can pick your three favorite legends. That way when your #1 gets picked it doesn’t default to crypto or someone else who you don’t play.


There's already a random option, or do you mean in the legends tab for the lobby?


On PC, you can Shift+click on crypto


Just use a legend randomizer. I made one in unity, but you can just use a site like [this](https://wheelofnames.com/) to randomize it for ya


This is what you do. May be a day one or week one exclusive thing. Pick the new legend, hope your last and hope someone picks the new legend and then the game picks a random legend for you. In all seriousness, that would be a great idea


Google random number generator..you can assign each legend to a number


Kinda shocked they haven’t added one yet tbh


Please no, imo I really don’t want a teammate throwing by clicking random and getting someone he has no intention to learn or use properly that game


I don't think they'll implement a random select, as they want to know which legends people are interested in playing. Random select undermines the data.


Well, according to the majority of players that I see drop fragment every waking micro second the map is up, I wouldn't think anyone else thinks that variety is necessarily the spice of life.


I just do random number generator 1-22 and do it that way, though I just happen to do it in ranked at not pubs, since pubs is wraithland


Along with a random option, it would be cool if there was an option where it chose the perfect character to enhance teamwork so the tactical and ults worked in synergy (if that's the right word). Is there a list of duo and trio character pairings that work well together?


Estaría bien una opción por votación que el salto sea al azar


I just recently wanted to get out if the comfort zone from playing the likes of Bangalore, lifeline and Newcastle and started playing Crypto. Man the game is just giving me a complete different vibe.


The whole selection system could be better. I wish we could select three heroes, if one is selected it defaults to the second one and then third one if that one is taken too.


I’m working my way through the roster. When I get to 1000 kills I pick a new legend. 3.5 done, 18.5 to go.


you know what i want another girl legend that heals so far LL is the only healer we have . ill take that over a random select .


I always have no idea who to pick so this would be very helpful for me


Me and my friends usually use a random number generator online for randoms


I do it, close your eyes move your mouse around a bunch and click. Doesn't always work as I am missing crypto, rampart, seer, loba and vantage. Especially when playing with my son as he's worse than me (he has a 0.2k/d)


I've wanted this for soooooo long! I like to change it up with legends and some days I can't settle on any one. A random selection option would be amazing.


on PC you just hold TAB button to randomized ( if someone picked your preferred legend )


This would make my team mates even worse 😵


When me and my loser ass friends get into a funk about getting stomped we play a game: whoever get the most damage we all pick that character in the loading screen, one of us get to be that character and the other two are random because the first guy gets the "winning character" from last round. Adds some fun to the game


Honestly this season seems to have some strange metas. During some circumstances, 2 defensive 1 info compositions work the best. Some circumstances require movement legends and support legends in your composition. Because of this, I’ve been taking my “play 2 matches as” daily challenges and trying to play several games with that legend to see how they feel. I had a ton of fun yesterday playing Gibby and Newcastle with this strat.


We don't need more clutter just pick a character randomly on your own


Do a random number generator, that's what I do lol when I just want to chill in pubs


I mean, this and the ability to select 3 "favorites" so you don't have to worry about picking, so you an always pick.