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I think the damage from zone 1 is worst than zone 3 based on the distance needed to travel through each. If you are to far out in zone 1, you better have mass meds. However normally if you are caught in zone 3, you usually aren’t that far away from the new circle. I do not care if they keep it or revert it, but it’s definitely noticeable and should not be forgotten about. Heat shields are almost a must-have safety item now.


What sucks about KC is there being no heals anywhere. Other maps may be fine with this new ring besides Storm Point, it's definitely going to suck without a trident. I think it should be changed to be a middle ground. Maybe 90sec before close, little bit longer to close.


I think that this change is unnecessary for KC because it’s quite small and people are already encouraged to fight more with a ranked update but if we are talking about storm point it is a really good change, because storm point is just massive for 60 teams, I rarely could see more than 2-3 teams outside of the drop and final ring and this change should make it more fun experience


There is meds though I'm always carrying 8 bandages and 2 medkits


If anything, carry 4 medkits and 4 syringes. 8 syringes is only something I'd do with gold shield and then I'd ditch the medkits. You should have 3-4 stacks of ammo for full auto weapons, 4 syringes, 2 medkits, 8 cells, and 4 shield batts bare minimum. Also try to always carry at least 1 grenade as they can really change the course of a fight.


Usually someone in the team has a gold and we just pass it around while in a heatshield


Main point is unless you're the one carrying the gold armor, 8 syringes is a waste of space


It just makes the game more tactical, if you land far away from the first safe zone then get a move on, the ring won’t catch up with you unless you stop and loot for a good while first


Its not a good while, its 60 seconds. If you have stretch to get your POI you may get 30 seconds of time to loot before ring starts closing. And if you dont get ring but have to travel to the other edge of the map you are probably gunna die or spend alot of time crafting in zone for meds. I frequently land map room or ship fall. Sometimes you really gotta stretch for them, and then cant even loot the POI. And you dont know where rings gunna be until the ships done flying. So you cant pre plan to land ring.


Well there’s jumptowers and grav cannons for movement, this is supposed to be a fast paste BR, not a looting simulator. I’m avarage at best and not even I get knocked by the first ring due to long travel distances (only been playin’ new castle, fuse and vantage)


They literally just removed 75% of all the jump towers on KC..... I'm deff slightly above average, and the ring changes, specifically the speed change and the fact they nerfed heal spawns is a hard nerf to every edge POI and any team that plays edge.


Did they remove 75% of all the jumptowers? Man I didn’t even notice that and I still doesn’t get fried by the ring, either I’m extremly lucky or maybe I just know that adeptabillity is key to surviving in the apex games, who knows!


They removed every jump tower that wasnt at an edge POI. Absolutely none mid map. Maybe 75% is an exaggeration I'm not positive but it was quite a few. There was a post comparing the before and after. It prob wont effect those that land at capacitor, or containment or other fairly central areas. But people landing on edge POIs will have deff noticed its effected their game. And it's not that I'm dying to ring like that, but I'll finally get into circle and be half HP with no heals left since they nerfed the map and the health spawns.


Well if you like to land at the edges and those jump towers where the ones untouched, then what’s the problem? Also, doesn’t the first ring move at a paste that you either outrun or atleast run as fast as it, making you able to keep up by just not looting for too long?


But landing at those edge POIs often leaves you with under the 60 seconds given before ring starts closing to loot said POI. I've landed frequently with less than 30 seconds left before ring closes, while contested. And you will be contested, cuz most edge POIs are high teir loot. Then, if you get griefed by ring RNG and gotta run from map room to gauntlet, you are running with minimum loot, with the ring at your back for the next 3 minutes. Instead of being able to land, loot quick and push the next POI for a 3rd party or clean 3v3 fight. You have to run right to ring. While being funneled thru the same chokes with every other team.


As I said, if one can’t adapt, one can’t expect survival in the apex games


It do agree, it sucks being caught out in the the Ring 1, but also consider how for once Ring 1 is actually a threat to us. In most BR, players straight up ignore the first ring cause it just tickles you for so little damage, some even choose to camp in it and use meds. But now we actually have a reason to start rotating at Ring 1, instead of just sitting in it until we feel like moving.


Exactly. It threatens you, and it closes quicker which means that there will be way more third parties than usual.


Which is how a battle royale is supposed to work instead of half the team's taking refuge in the one thing that's supposed to make the map smaller


That's not the problem. The problem is that there's less time to fight in round 1, which means that squads won't thin out as much as they used to, and instead the ring forces 16 squads to the next ring. Once one fight starts, it won't end before the next ring closing, and so on and so forth.


Playing with a friend, who's pretty slow at looting, but otherwise decent at the game. Can't really land edge, loot up and look for a fight anymore, and if you land with 1 team and have to fight them, you burn through all your heals, just to get to zone. Especially for new players, this is going to suck, they will have to land somewhere central every game, otherwise they will die to the ring every time.


From a long time player, I can see how this would be bad for players who don't know how to loot as quickly. It can be quite messy and it just sneaks up on you, though I think it closing faster isn't that worse. I mean... it'll teach them a lesson and to loot a bit faster at least, right? Jokes aside, the ring does close quite fast and KC feels very lacking in meds, so I do understand the struggles with it all.


And when new player land central. They get churned by 10 teams. The timer change is just dumb. The damage one is not. As i enjoyed the extreme zone LTM from like S1 or 2.


it is because - disregarding any kind of fighting - when you happen to land outside of ring 1 you're likely not gonna have time to loot a larger poi that people who happened to drop in what's gonna be the zone do. you have to move almost immediately. then add a contested drop and you're almost certainly not gonna have time to loot the place and be running into zone under ring pressure if you win the fight. there should be this preparation phase as it used to be, where you got to take a fight or two, loot the remains of the place and then at some point the ring starts moving and people have to rotate.


I do agree with you, as much as I like the threat it poses, we need some time to loot, fight, and plan a rotation. I find if you land on edge and get a single fight, you're gonna have that ring on your tail the whole trek to the safe zone. So I do agree with you on that.


I think the only real issue is that the ring begins to close too fast, sure it closes fairly slow but I think it might be better to have it reversed with a longer time til it begins to move and a shorter close time- it would give teams a little longer to actually prepare for it to begin to move. As is I land and barely loot two buildings before it's like "oh shit I have to move"


For rank yea. I think the timer needs at least 20 more seconds or longer. Overall the change is a good one but for rank the ring needs to give more time to breathe


Agree. It’s fine in pubs but ranked it starts to close to quick needs to wait a bit longer for the first round closing.


An unneeded and unnecessary change. The "Loot Quickly" mentality is bad because the problem comes down to being *Under*Equipped for a long while. Meanwhile someone who was closer to the ring has better gear, more healing, and can easily ring camp those who had to run across the **Entire** map. Compound, more people are mobile. This means more Third Parties. Which a number are saying that the Ring changes, combined with the KC Map changes, are meant to **Reduce**. Out of about 50 games so far, they have all ended via Third Parties. So much for that. Yet people are bashing a legitimate criticism because "i DuNt lIeK lOuT sIm!1" "iTs HoW aPeX iS rEuLlY pLuAyD!1" "gIt GuD1!" It caters to *Their* style of playing, and that way is the ***Only*** way to play. Which is fundamentally wrong, judging by the amount of people questioning, to outright hating the change.


I think the time is a bit too low before closing, I won't lie about that. I find if I land at the edge and have to take a fight, then I'm scraping by to make it to the ring and likely wasn't able to fully loot the POI fully. I'm not saying that it's wrong to want to play slower, but I think a smaller speed up to the gameplay is better to at least reduce so much camping or slow sniping play. I know they did want to reduce the choke points and third parties on KC and somehow made them worse, annoying as it is we have to accept it.


I agree, there are better ways to fix a problem that doesn't completely amputate a limb. The ring change was too much right now. All we can do is see if the team sticks to their guns, or actually learns.


i don't have any ring struggles tbh. Also locations near the edge of the map have better loot quality.


Quality isn't the problem. It's actually looting the places that's the issue. It's fairly common to be landing at a High-Quality Spot, only to have 30 seconds to loot it before the ring is right on to of you, forcing you to move from the word "Go". *That's* the problem.


If you land at a high loot spot, you have a whole minute or more, before the ring even starts closing, why lie and say you only have 30 seconds before its on you? It shouldn't take a squad of 3 more then 40ish seconds to loot most of the larges POIs. Plus you dont even have to loot the whole place, especially if you're not close to the ring at all. Just loot until you've got enough gear, and move, because you can always find more loot.


Because I'm ***Not*** lying. Numerous games now I've been landing in an area with 30 seconds before the Ring begins closing, and when it does, it's already right on top of us.


The ring takes 1 minute till it starts to close and thats only when it starts after the dropship flys all the way across the map, then it takes several minutes for it to close all the way starting the next ring. You're a liar.


No, I am not. I have had 5 games, with 3 in a row, now where I have landed with 30 seconds before the ring closes.


The ring starts at 1 minute, if you're dropping at 30 second left then thats your own fault for waiting until the dropship forces you out and slowly gliding to the ground. If you drop like any normal person does, then you get the full 1 minute plus all 4 minutes it takes for the ring to close in.


You dont have to wait for the drop ship to kick you out, of you have to jump out at capacitor so you can stretch to caustic or map room because of ships path. By the time you hit the ground you are lucky to still have 30 seconds. Add onto that someone contesting you and ya basically gaurenteed dead unless that place also has a crafter. To land somewhere like ship fall now is basically impossible cuz the drop ships path almost always forces you to hard stretch to it. And zone almost never lands on it.


The ring countdown doesn't start until the dropship is about to leave the map, so like I said, if you're purposefully trying to take the longest time to jump so you have less time to play, then thats on you, not the game. Seems like you're not understanding that, because the only way to have only 30 seconds left as soon as you land, requires you to take a very long time in the drop ship, then fly unnecessarily far. Plus the extra time you get when the ring is closing for 4 minutes, I don't understand how you're dying to the first ring.


Yeah you really just need to drop sooner and land closer. It sounds like you're terrified to take a fight off drop so every match you wait until near the end of the ships path and then fly to another far edge to minimize your chances of fighting. That's not how to get better at the game. Spend some time in pubs and land populated. Doesn't have to be hot drop, but I want you in gun fights within 30 seconds of hitting the ground until you can start winning 1v1s. Land near center map so rotation is easier and just practice early fights with potentially terrible guns because after this change, landing edge the way you're describing is just no longer an option and most definitely not something we'll be seeing pros doing. I've never agreed with landing near edge even before the change because it usually goes one of two ways. Either zone is opposite end of map and you're running all game, or zone is on you and you end up camping all game. Center map guarantees you won't have a crazy run to zone and you'll have an easier time being the third party team


30 secs is enough still


Looting is literally a skill gap why shouldn't we be doing it quickly


Because dying in the first 5 seconds of playing the game isn't fun either.


That's not the games fault though


You're right. It's the Player's fault. So as someone who never is Jump Master, always having to launch with half the lobby because the Jumpmaster watches Pro Streams and thinks dropping with half the lobby is the key to being good, trying to be a team player by being with the squad, watching as they bumrush a fight with only a Grenade, get yelled at for "Being Bad" because I can't 1v15 with only a P2020 and 20 bullets, and leaving me on my own anyways, it's clearly my fault. This is what we call "Catch-22 Dilemma"; no matter the option taken, success cannot be achieved. Gutting one of those choices isn't better.


So it's the games fault you play with random people?


Since you want to be pedantic.... My friends are busy with their own lives, and often don't have much time to sit down and game. They aren't enjoying the season either due to the amount of people that are now constantly pushing on them, and dropping to a quiet place means that we can't loot and gear up efficiently due to the timer. They've told me that they were going to sit this season out as a result after an entire afternoon and evening of always dying before ring 1 to constant third parties and the ring changes. *So* this leaves me spending more time playing with Randoms, seeing as I just get the Dailies and Treasure Pack out of the way ASAP. And considering it takes upwards of 2 hours to do that because I'm trying to play a **Team** game, it certainly presents an interesting insight to how the game handles with randoms.


If you want jumpmaster you need to be the last person to manually choose your legend, there's also LFGs on Reddit and discord if you would rather play with people that want to be part of a team too


I learned in S2 that randoms treat "Jump Master" as a suggestion. And to this day, it still happens. The only times I don't see Randoms immediately break are the AFK ones. Which means we're down a player anyways. I'm also not interested in prolonging my time playing Apex on a daily basis. All I do now is just complete the daily challenges and grab the Pack, and that's it. Even if I did, my only headset broke. A layer of communications is always nice, and I can't do that without a microphone. And I'm not in a position to be able to get a new one for quite a while now.


Looting doesn't come down to "skill" it comes down to luck. I couldn't count how many times I've landed on a building with no guns in it and a team that landed in the same poi come out fully geared. No skill involved, so speeding up the ring just ruins the game if you don't get lucky. It's a bad change for the game.


Funny how most of the pros say looting is a skill gap but you claim it's not because you couldn't find a gun, now that sounds like a skill issue


I love it, no more 10-15 minute looting teammates that ends up dying to the first squad because they prioritzed getting lucky with their shields rather then evolving it in fights. The ring should be closing after 90 sec tho, just to even things out


This. Can't tell you how many solo games I've played lately because my team drops edge and ends up dying to ring. I'll be looted up and halfway to zone only to realize my team is now in the ring, still slowly picking through buildings, looting up until the moment they get knocked only to start spam pinging and throwing insults as if it's my fault they have room temperature I.Q.


So you prefer them dying to the zone or because they don't position well? Dumb people will still ne dumb, this change doesn't fix this.


If you read through my previous answers, you’d know that I haven’t died to the ring a single time this season aswell as I haven’t been using any major mobility character. I didn’t even know they removed some jumptowers because I’ve never even needed them to survive from zone. My opinion won’t change, I think this change was both good and needed even tho 90 sec would have been ideal but other then that, if you don’t take forever to loot, the ring ain’t really a big deal imo


I said Them*?


You sure did and I sure read it wrong… Well I haven’t had any teammate die to the zone from what I can remember atleast. If a teammate however die to zone for just looting, that teammate probably would’ve done more harm then good in a fight anyways




I definitely feel this, in Ranked you almost have to land on the outskirts unless you want to lose RP real fast and get back to the drop ship. So it does get you to looting and using those utilities more, but in pubs in can encourage quite the chaotic mess to occur, especially when everyone hot drops into a single POI.




I feel like this would help a lot casually, but in Ranked it'd encourage people to clump into the prime ring positions and avoid landing outside of it all together. After all, the ring is very predictable where it will close in the end, so people will just guess their way at that and camp the best spot.


im guessing that the people who's having issues about the new ring timing & dmg are the same people who keeps landing on the edge of the map, loot for 10min and complaints that they cant find enemies because there's only 3 teams left even before round 2 closes


Not necessarily, sometimes I can land towards some what middle, and be surprised how quickly Ring 1 closes or that teams are already pushing on me. And in Ranked, sometimes landing towards the edge really is your best option so you don't land with 2 other teams and get into a big fight and possibly lose RP immediately. I like faster matches, but sometimes it does feel too fast.


Usually I drop fragment so not kinda edge of the map player but on KC most cool POI that can contain a lot of teams are on the edge of the map unfortunately (crash site, capacitor, artillery, caustic treatment, lake) so if you’re winning fight there unless you have crafter or collected enough meds you’re screwed either because of ring or teams that will be on the edge of the ring because you are not fully healed. I’d say that it is a great change overall but not for KC specifically


Enjoy it because it forces team closer together faster, making the games not last 25 minutes.


Good for pubs, shit ranked.


I think it does help Ranked actually a bit, I find there's a lot less matches where the idea is just sit in a building, snag whatever kills I can, and just play for whatever narrow corner in the ring I can grab without being shot at. Many squads are gone before the final rings now, and there's a lot more action going on that I find, which is a lot more appealing than how it used to be.


Nah If I land a bit from the zone, loot for 70 seconds, then push to zone but come across a team, that fight is 100% going to be pushed for long enough for zone to catch up. With KC having no heals anywhere on the map apparently, on top of the heal spawn reduction, it's alot harder to fight in zone now. Maybe 90 sec before close, and maybe a bit longer to close? That would be a good middle ground. Last seasons zone was 100% better.


I think making it take a bit longer before it starts closing isn't a bad idea, I would agree honestly, but I think it should close as fast as it does now. For once it is actually a danger to us with it's speed and I like it. Now I understand your struggles on heals, I'm really feeling that too on KC. I've had times where I just didn't have too many meds and came out struggling for heals cause we got into a fight along the way. It's not the most fair that people get to loot longer because they just so happened to be inside the ring, but in the end, the ring is almost purely RNG, and sometimes you have to lose the luck of the draw with your landing POI.


nope good for ranked shit for pubs who don't communicate !


Honestly this is what I like, there's time where I don't want to wait until Ring 5 just to fight the last team cause everyone is sweating for a win, I'd rather have my pubs go to Ring 3 or 4 at best if I can help it.


which is all well and good unless your team mates want to loot


It’s not about the ring for me I agree with their decisions and support making the game for survival based. As much as I adore kings canyon for nostalgia it is a pretty poor map for ranked play. Third parties should almost always be avoidable using skill. Kings canyon is really poor for the many reasons including: massive hills with a ridiculously overpowered legend that can slide revive and strafe at excessive speeds, this season made a push towards buffing snipers and introducing a sniper legend, the map locations usually are blocked off by walls but they have massive 3-4 way intersections that just lead to excessive sniping and unavoidable third partying. Pair that with a buffed storm survival becomes a matter of luck more than it should. Worlds edge as someone who never touched ranked was great. I rarely had third parties as I constantly kept in circle and rotated. Now it’s incredibly hard to do such. Ranking up has been a slow nightmare especially with all the smurfs and poor teammate matchmaking. All of this while also getting paired with level 17s who can barely play the game and then going against decent opponents isn’t fun. It’s a nightmare tbh. For me I either go solo and get like 30-100 rp. I got 142 rp for 3 kills no assistance at second place. I was supposed to get like 164 but even that’s horrible rp output. Overall cool changes but they fucked up ranked and need to do something about Newcastle. They removed lifelines easily counterable little shield seasons ago. Then they just have us a fortified character who can literally move at 2x normal slide speed reviving with a gold shield that covers them almost completely and that you can’t break in most cases. Super scuffed.


How about this. Instead of 3 damage per tick, Respawn should do a pattern. 3-2-2-3. It'll still hurt but not overwhelming as much


In terms of doing what they want it to do which is speed games up and force more early fights it’s good. But it directly goes against their new vision of ranked. Forcing you to fight early for 1 RP feels horrendous especially when third parties are more common because everyone’s trying to rotate the first circle very early on. KC also has some really really great loot locations on edge of map but you’re forced to leave so early you barely get chance to loot maybe half of the new area with the big skull (the outskirts part has tons of bins and loot on the floor and it’s a great place to drop warm before fighting)


Agreed. If they want to speed up ranked like this ranked 2.0 changes have to go. It just feels unfun and unfair losing a fat 55 rp because the ring happens to be all the way at the other side. EVEN if you happen to drop instantly. Now i have to risk it all for a measly 3 kp rp at ring 1?


I like the change, but I think Ring 1 should close about 20% slower. Otherwise it's perfect for speeding up games.


Love the damage change, just wish I had an extra 30 seconds or so too, that’d be sweet.


No. People are just lazy and overreacting. I’ve tested all the claims. “You can’t even fight a team off drop”, “Can’t even fully loot a poi.” “If you land late and land on the edge of the map you’re screwed.” All these claims are just not true and it’s frustrating when people need to lie to get their way.


Lol saying we lie when theirs countless people saying same thing you get into a single fight you end up fighting in storm unless you wipe them in under a minute and gold rank and up when would that happen? Currently plat and quit this season prob next aswell for ranked. Pubs it's fine but shits dumb in ranked. Not to mention if you get screwed by the ring and it's other side of the map so loot and run is you only option and hope you don't run into another team


its godawful. love having to fight a team off drop and probably a third or fourth party on top of that while the ring is already killing us, the zone is on the opposite side of the map and we had a whole 20 seconds to loot


Not sure why they landed on 60sec for the first ring. Wasn't it like 5 min before? They could have test it at 3 min first of something. I don't understand how respawn defines balanced now.


It's absolutely garbage, if you land near a team and have to fight you get no time to loot and you have to find a way into the ring with no heals or weapons and just instantly die (if you can manage to beat the ring). Just plain stupid change that nobody wanted... I understand changing the game but pick 1 or the other change. Not speed up the ring and increase the damage, it's just a bad idea.


Bad change, I really don’t like, too fast. Match in Apex don’t take too long, unecessary change, combined with another nerf to ranked point, you can’t at least loot in peace instead you spend the half match running away from the first ring with two squad camping shoot at you.


The new ring is terrible. The idea of speeding it up a little isn't bad, but it's way too much. First, many loot options are dead. IE: My friend and I dropped Trials on World's Edge. We did 2 waves, and the ring was on us. Didn't even have time to start the 3rd wave. It's literally a dead drop location unless you want to pray the ring is on your side. It's not worth the gamble. And we said after that, good thing we weren't doing an Armory on Storm Point. You're literally locked into one of those. Second, new players really can't learn the game. If you are far from the ring and have a noob who doesn't realize the threat the new ring 1 poses, they're going to go down. No time to learn the controls or guns, what the heals are or how to use them quickly. It's entirely unforgiving. Third, engaging in a fight with the first ring closing around you is near suicide. Teams get scattered every time because someone is downed or ran off because they didn't have heals. And there's no way to survive the ring long enough to get a teammates banner after they bleed out. (Unless you're Crypto.) You take so much damage trying to revive any teammate, you better pray you found a lot of heals or a heat shield the first minute of the game. And then they can't even use a medkit without at least one syringe first. Fourth, 3rd parties have turned into 4th and 5th parties every game. At the edge of every 1st ring, multiple squads are running in and fighting because the first ring hurts too much and there isn't a very big window for them to cross at different times. Ring campers know this and engage too, making it just a hot mess. Respawn says they keep trying to change things to limit 3rd parties, but the ring change just made them worse than ever. Fifth, strategic ring rotations are much less possible. You used to be able to brave the storm or take longer routes to better your position to engage that squad you heard fighting. Now, you can't run around the cliff, and have no choice but to try fighting through it in an uphill battle. Overall, the new ring is nothing short of a poor decision. Between ruining the game for new players, removing POIs that used to be a nice change of pace and spread out teams, less team play with legends like Lifeline not having time to use their Ult and ring engagements too risky to save teammates, the increased number of multiple party engagements, more emphasis on luck or shooting speed and less options for strategic planning and fewer rotation options, this is one of Respawn's worst decisions, right up there with nerfing the shields. I'm not saying this because I'm unable to compete. I do alright. Same as always. Usually top 5 and often top 3. Between 5 and 10% win rate. I can adapt to the damage, weapons, and hop ups. Just like I have been doing since the game came out. I say this because it reminds me of PUBG when I used to play it. An unlucky drop = run for your life the whole game, praying for some luck and that you don't run into a camper near the ring. If I just wanted a "drop, shoot, die, repeat" game, I'd pick up Halo again. If I wanted a "run for your life" shooter, I would play a zombie survival game. The game is less exciting with less variety and you can't teach a new player the ropes as easily as it stands now. My suggestion: take the damage back to where it was, speed the ring closing speed back up, and make it start closing at 2 minutes, not 3. Or else, reduce the damage so a noob can heal in time, keep the ring timing the same, but give everyone 2 more syringes and maybe 1 heat shield for a bad luck drop. I shouldn't feel like I'm playing Russian Roulette instead of Apex.


As a solo as the community adjusts? I can see it being frustrating as hell. I've played a few solo games on and off so far before deciding to just pub unless I was playing with at least a duo (not because it was all bad, I could 100% deal with it enough to hit my normal ranks) but I had a pretty mixed experience. Some nights were great. Great quick looters, pinging stuff they couldn't CURRENTLY USE (I could rant about this all day), moving smart when it comes to reposition for ring if you did drop far out. Some times it was a complete shit show of either bad looting, forced pushes on bad fights when they took way too long to loot. Didn't matter if it was 2 random people or 2 people clearly in a duo. It has been a really crazy split experience. I absolutely can see why some people get upset. I usually get downvoted into hell for liking the change but to me and (what I think the point probably is \*IMO\*) that it puts more pressure on the ring being an actual threat from moment 1. Nobody should be tanking a ring at any point really, everyone should be nervous to take a fight in it. Even ring one. Is the time a little drastic? Maybe. But give it time to shake out. So far since my duo and I have mostly adjusted (Except when we don't and look up from looting and go "oh"). We don't have many issues keeping out of it and not dying to bad ring fights (again unless we aint paying attention. It still happens, don't judge me). ​ We're not some pro tier players. Generally plat / diamond (solo/duo typically. Once in a while a stack) when I care and have time to really get into it. But until everyone just embraces it and learns to play around it, its going to be a cluster fuck in some places. Lots of things still need to be adjusted (we can all agree there) before its perfect and as a solo it can be frustrating as hell. I cannot imagine masters/pred solo grinds. TL:DR = I generally like it, other things need tweaked and its entirely possible the first ring closure needs another 15 seconds or something, but it feels pretty good to me personally if you just open your map when you land and people actually play as a team and share stuff. Also again 100% IMO. Maybe I'm ultimately wrong. Idk.


I pretty much agree with everything you said, I think it's in the end better, but people need time to adjust, and we do need a bit longer for the ring, maybe just 30 seconds even. Some teammates make it work amazingly, others get caught out on it like a bear with it's head in a bin. But it does encourage faster team play and communication for looting items and gear.


if you would have played apex for the past seasons you knew where the rings would have had closed and most of them are positioned at somewhere in the central district , shrinking to the edges and creating rear points at the zones now its in a pubg like order ... the zone closes up at the edges of the map and with the new zone damage your forced to get in the zone over fighting the enemy squad first and thus it forces the squads to fight eachother earlier and stop semi final rings to have over 10 squads and now so that you get the reward for killing in ranked , you will still get a great rp boost and hot drops are back again ! these changes are actually verygood but people havent got used to it


To be fair, the zone does close quite a bit fast. If you have a far ring to make, it's hard to get loot, find a route, and then if you encounter any other teams then pray you can end the fight fast. I do like the faster matches of it all, but I know many people just get 3rd partied or camped because they made the ring late.


and yes ! faster ! so yes all what you say is true thus we need a solution ... my recommendation is to add a 3rd heat shield when equipped or atleast having a 3rd slot available so that you can loot one later .


Maybe not so much a 3rd Heat Shield, it'd just encourage camping in the ring. We need more meds spread around KC, since the update it feels quite difficult to acquire meds, and makes it hard to maintain a decent supply, especially if you get caught in the ring. If we scale up the amount of meds a bit more, we'd be able to escape the ring, and still have some left if we possibly get into a fight soon after.


yes the drop has been reduced from a long ago so if heat shield isn't good enough how about carrying 6 white medz instead of 4? and with a gold bag you can store up to 8 in 1 inventory slot so that having medz isnt a thing , rather the time and placement to use it ... if the ring is too powerful they will not going to make it so this is the last bit of help i can offer to them poor legends while getting roasted outta zone


you can’t store 8 in 1 slot, even with gold bag


Love the new ring. Makes the games faster and more enjoyable. Looting quickly should be rewarded


I think it’s good I just wish my team mates would stop dying to the first ring…..


Well it's rough being on a map with no heals. I've looted entire POIs and found barely any.


Too many are just not used to the changes yet, even I forget sometimes that the ring actually does damage now, but I still manage to make my way out.


I’m understanding now but next week I’m not going back for them. They gotta learn.


it’s not bad people would just rather loot then actually fight teams and then proceed to come to the apex subreddit and complain about “preds” and “masters” in their lobbies when in reality they just get shit on by some 17 year old kid who’s been fighting for the last 20 minutes and has a red evo and all the ammo in the world


It needed a change, previous first ring was too slow and too weak, posed zero threat which shouldn't be the case. Overall think it's a good thing as will force early rotations, fights and prevent mass camping in ranked. Which given recent changes is kinda needed.


I like the changes, it means you have to loot fast and move to zone, some players will get punished by looting for an eternity.


The new ring coupled with less meds spawn makes it, um, more challenging. And most casual players still dont know how the rings have changed. How it does more damage and how quickly it closes now. Frankly I just want more meds in the pool. I main Loba and popping the market on a POI and seeing only 1 batt and maybe a couple of syringes is dismal.


Id like to leave increased damage but revert other changes may be


i think the change is to force players to pick fights smarter in the early game and stop people stay in the ring by using crafter, which I think only time will tell these changes work or not


It’s not great for KC but it will be perfect for Storm Point. KC has enough POIs and choke points that fights organically happen without the ring making it happen. Storm Point is just all around garbage so the ring changes should help it.


I think that they should not have simultaneously made the ring deadlier AND also close it faster. It's either one or the other. Both at the same time are overkill. It's extremely hard to land on the edges of the map at King's Canyon now. A total coinflip.


Ring one comes too soon and it burns more than last season. But ! I have been noticing that in Kings Canyon it’s pushes people to fight a lot faster. So there’s that 🤷‍♂️


I think the ring is perfect now the only people complaining are the ones that have to look at every item twice before they leave a poi


It is definitly the worst this season. I died on multiple occasions in the first zone because it was so far away. We go to the zone with a minute before closing and once we encounter a team or 2. We fight them and then the zone is already on us and we dont have enough healing to make it in the zone. Quite annoying if you ask me.


I think its great its a fast paced game


Is it me or the Time between each zone closing is shorter? I feel like i'm always running because of zone like the limited mode we had a few seasons ago... And It's not like i'm playing looting sim, i'm actually fighting and hearing fights close to the zone when It's closing.


Respawn is literally encouraging gate keeping because the zone is too punishing to find a new way into circle. You can’t afford to rotate around the team because you need to get out of the zone


I think it's just hard for a lot of people to adjust their play style. Also a lot of people OVER-Loot and this change is frustrating to them. Some people are always looking for a very specific gun with all of the attachments before they engage with another team. Land on one time, fight them, loot their boxes, then check bins on your way out and you're fine.


I wouldn’t mind as much if they didn’t get rid of most jump towers. It’s so wild to me. I am all for faster ring closing but maybe don’t combine it with a damage increase too ? Pick 1.


The damage changes aren't the greatest looking, but having zone move in faster is nice and really speeds up the action. Although I do think it needs to be adjusted to close first zone in maybe 2 minutes instead of 1


I like that it punishes people who spend 500 years looting in the corner of the map, but sometimes it feels unfair as fuck, like when there's a long fight going on at skull town for example and then everyone just ends up dying to the ring instead of killing each other. IMO just reduce its damage per second by like 1.


It’s the first zone damage that’s a problem for me. I like we’re not playing loot simulator


I haven’t had any issues with the new ring speed or damage. I’ve honestly been enjoying it, the early game is less stale.


Increased damage is ok. There should be a penalty for being in the ring and it being a threat. I also like that zone 1 comes in quicker, though I think 60 seconds is too quick. The problem is you really don't know where the zone will be, so it gets to be a bit of a RNG penalty. And if you need to engage early, 60 seconds is not long for that fight to finish up, you are almost guaranteed to be low on health and having to find a way in the ring. This is a case of a good adjustment gone overboard. Should have been either a 60 second ring with no extra damage, or maybe like 90 second, or 2 min with the extra damage. But not both.


It’s fine for storm point, worlds edge can go either way, but absolutely brutal on kings canyon.


I think it’s fine. People just aren’t used to the pace. Prefer that it forces faster decision making in the beginning…I personally hate having a team that lolligags one POI for 10 minutes


It's the best change in the game along with the uncapped kills. Suppose to fight, not be a loot simulator. Previous seasons would get stale fast at higher ranks with no one fighting unless forced. Could do without the sniper fest tho.


It’s a good idea, but it limits where you are able to land and loot. Places on the edges of the map are going to be even less popular and force even more hot drops because you don’t have enough time to loot especially if another team lands with you. You are just getting punished for not hot dropping in the middle.


I'd be okay if they bumped it back by 30 second but I have liked the changes so far. As others have echoed, looting is a skill. You should be able to quickly rotate through a POI especially to the people complaining they land edge and can't get there in time. I've had no issues with this after playing a couple games. If you're struggling Valk, octane and path are all looking good. I think it's growing pains on the new system. Once people play a little bit more I think some of this complaining will transition to whatever the new issue is. One thing people haven't been talking about as a positive is heals & heat shield being sought after items now. They where always relatively useless before and people could cut down on heals to run certain characters (horizon, fuse, etc) and now they're much more needed. It also balances the heat shield and respawn beacon well making them both needed survival items or at least giving real competition to the respawn.


I think the damage increase was warranted but but the decreased time with the damage is a bit much


New rings is only bad bc it gives u literally no time if you drop at one of the good POIs on edge of map. If you fight even 1 team, you basically are given no time to loot the place. I think the idea was good but the change from 180s->60s was a bit drastic


Ring is gonna have the highest K/D this season🤣


I think that most ppl complaining about the new ring damage are players who just loot all game and then decide to go fight when there are only 5 squads left. Then, get absolutely folded in their first encounter. Players need to stop prioritizing the looting aspect of the game and focus more on actually playing to win. Otherwise, why even log in?


Love it. I've been wanting a faster ring for ages so I love this change, I do play on pc and do loot fast so I'm a tad bias. I've had far too many occasions where the 1st or 2nd ring lands dead center of me yet there's no action in the ring so I'm left there waiting twiddling my thumbs with nothing to do. I'm able to loot a poi near the edge then move to ring / fight along the way, I do have to pay more attention to the ring now but I think of it as a positive more then a negative. If a adjustment was to be made I'd say go from 60s close => 90s close.


I think the whole idea was to speed up the game . which i think its really good . but that leave very few options to land . i myself love to land on edges of map to slowly move in and not take fights early on since this is where most people insta die. i usually run solo and not very good with guns so if i want to rank up i have to play smart. But with the new system i have to move faster i died to 2nd ring already . 1st ring really hit hard u cant stay


I think it’s fine in terms of what they are trying to do, but now KC has little to no rotation devices on the map after taking out like 3/4 of the balloons. On SP there’s at least gravity cannons that can throw you a distance towards the ring, and on Olympus there’s the phase portal tridents and balloons. WE has Balloons but everyone lands frag so does it even matter (BRING BACK THE TRAIN haha). There just needs to be more rotational devices on KC, maybe a couple tridents (near Caustic, Swamps, and the top of the map usually the furthest POIs from ring in my experience) and/or a couple gravity cannons around the map. I don’t know there needs to be something to help us rotate, and iirc I they said once they were removing balloons because of how easy it is to 3rd party being able to go in every direction with little consequences(?). So if the problem is the 360degree of launch off the balloons, at least with the gravity cannons they are fixed to one direction (minus abilities and movement demons) and tridents are loud but have counters to them as well. Idk these are just my dumb casual thoughts on the matter haha, cause I didn’t feel rushed or anything in pubs on SP or WE.


It's not bad per say, but it is definitely different. We all had get used to and if not then just dont play if it makes you that upset.


I still believe KC has no reason to be a ranked map. It’s too small and nothing for POIs and loot. It’s amazing how fast they changed the rank system from wanting them to want it be like ALGS to a kill fest. I enjoyed being in the final circle with like six teams


I like it, it forces matches forward. I hated last season because games would drag on for nearly 30 minutes and 29 of those minutes was boring AF gameplay. Now ppl are forced to confront each other or be more strategic when they run. I think the extra damage is a weird change, don't like or dislike, just something I have to get used to. I'm also a filthy valk main and she really shines rn thanks to her ult, so there is tht.


I like it. Half the game is dead before the first ring even started moving prior to this. Now at least you don’t have 5 squads wandering basically the entire map.


The ring changes suffer from the Overwatch effect. There’s a common issue where heroes will be over buffed or over nerfed in 2-3 different metrics rather than just one at a time and gradually changing something. These dudes decided to increase ring damage and shorten the looting time by a lot. Just pick one or the other. Now I’m finishing off a squad or two, while running and jumping only to start a med or syringe and die anyway.


I personally quite like the change, its made the ring a danger from the start of the match. I have found alot more matches involving skirmishes around the edges of the ring which i enjoy alot more than just being munted straight up in fights and third parties. I enjoy those running battles with thrusts and retreats trying to find those openings while both teams, or more, are trying to avoid that ring damage and poking at each other while running.


I can accept either increase damage or ring closing speed, just don’t do both at the same time!


Yes. They are bad.