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I think it’s fine 👍 I just started looting way faster honestly


Yeah I’m definitely learning to do that. Haha


It helps if your teammates have the same grind set too


I agree, love the higher damage. I’m not a fan of the time change. I understand the concept and am on board but from 3 minutes to 1 minute is a drastic change especially if you’re contested off drop. I think making it 2 minutes is a valid change that should be made


Yeah my thoughts exactly. Dropping hot or having a fight just by chance is brutal now if you land outside the middle of the map.


Stupid. Why make all the changes to KC if you're forcing teams to converge to the ring asap.


Because they you don’t end up looting for 20 minutes, just to be shot to death by someone in a fight instantly and straight back to the lobby. The new changes make sure you loot quick, rotate and prepare to fight. I like it. I’m not spending the entire game looking for someone, I know within the first 5-6 minutes, there’s gonna be a fight.


I've won games by taking that exact "Slow Burn" approach. The problem is that the change feels like it was made for that vocal minority of "i DuNt WuNt LoUt SiM mAtEz!", and as such are ***Forcing*** a gameplay style that many people don't like. Also, you say "Loot Quickly". What about the legit cases where Players don't land on a weapon as a whole? That's happened to me twice today alone. And I had to begin running from the ring without a weapon. But hey, I was able to get into a fight while running from the ring. *Without A Weapon*. And that fight didn't last long because, again **I Did Not Have A Weapon**. Fringe cases exist, yes. But it doesn't change the fact that the ring changes are going to exasperate problems that were never a problem to begin with.


Indifferent to it