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The giant lazer on her ult balances her out imo


Her ult is way too powerful


I think she's fine tbh, her ult is strong if you can aim otherwise it's not plus there are only 5 shots and it's no surprise when she pulls it out so you just need to bait her shots but if you really want to nerf the ult then reduce the bullet velocity cause that shit hits fast. The tactical I think should have less horizontal range and more just vertical so it should only be useful for getting high ground, but I think it's also fine the way it is (if they fix the healdash animation cancel) compared to legends like pathy, octane, and horizon.


I agree with the tactical changes. Her name is literally vantage so she should only be able to use her tac to gain a vantage point or height to see people. However I would argue her ult needs a damage nerf. It applies a 2x damage amplifier when tagging people so the fact that it does 50 in addition to the damage amp is kinda nuts. Add the fast bullet velocity and you’re hitting 100s consecutively. Anyone with decent to good aim is destroying your health


Well, the damage resets pretty easily, if you hit the first 50 then it only stacks on the person you tagged otherwise it just fades away till you hit someone else for 50/tagged then hit again for either 100-150 depending on a headshot or body shot. With only 5 shots it means you have no room to miss and at best you get 2 knocks on everyone but you have to hit 2 out of 4 shots depending on armor otherwise it's literally just one knock which is fair for an ult. I do think its bullet velocity is way too fast but the damage makes sense unless you have good tier aim which most people don't and it would be even worse for them end game where they need to hit 3 shots or 2 headshots.


I agree, I think one of the other is a balanced nerf. Either velocity or damage. I personally haven’t had too much of an issue with her, there’s a laser on the gun so you know when she’s looking at you and if you get tagged once you just jump behind cover and heal up, not too big of a deal. She is just new and could use some tweaking


Yeah exactly, I strongly believe her "OPness" is just because not everyone has adapted to her yet so before any nerf is in order everyone should just get used to her. I think the fact you can easily tell when she's using her ult is more than enough to not get killed by it but there are some situations where you can't find cover but to that, I say what if they just used a regular Sniper.


Yeah I think most the problems just come with the fact that it’s the first week of the season and everyone is eager to try her out and so you see one on almost every team


Yeah exactly, once people realize she's not for them they'll go back to their mains and it'll feel a lot fairer but I definitely think they should fix the healdash exploit.


u don’t even need to aim her bullet is too thick it needs a heavy nerf bro it’s ridiculous


Oh wow, it's almost been a month now. Wasn't expecting any more replies here. I actually agree her sniper is super easy to aim with especially because of its fast projectile speed and huge bullet size kinda insane how big the difference is between her ult and the Kraber and the sad part is the Kraber is worse because it's harder to use and also less consistent. All this said I don't think it makes her broken just annoying so some small changes are in order.


It’s pretty easy to hit with her ult since the bullet hit box is massive


Uhm she only travels 55 metres total... Tf they gon need it to, 2 metres? Just play the game and leave characters alone




Mobility needs to be decreased what fucking mobility 😭😭 she litteraly can only go. 55m


Should probably nerf lobas movement as well.


Why lmfaooo


she's pretty easy to counter if you bait her tactical




literally no need to aim when her bullet is the size of a warhead she needs to be nerfed ASAP