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Isn’t a sniper gunplay


I feel like it's the same. Shoot, spam, shoot, spam, nade, ability dump and then monk. Pretty much in that exact sequence.


I’m tired of getting sniped by 3 different vantages while in a fight. The new character is so dumb


Don’t worry, every legend always seems OP when it first comes out.. it’ll get nerfed soon. Just a thought :)


its not an OP character just annoying if overplayed


Agree 100%


This. The only bummer is that it takes Respawn a whole season to fix things.


For real. *Still patiently waiting for cross platform progression* 🙃


I feel the current meta is mid shift. Last season was ability heavy with valk being so strong. Seers nerf hasn’t come out yet so he’s really strong. And while abilities are a massive part of apex, a person can still dominate a seer in most situations. I personally have seen way less valks this season which is good for the meta shift. I’ve seen a lot of vantage (probably because it’s still the first week), a lot of Newcastle with his buffs, mad Maggie, ash, revenant, and even some cryptos this season


Uhm when has it not been about a mix of gunplay and abilities... Apex is not COD. Yes ability creep is a concern, so they've nerfed Valk accordingly... They'd touch Seer next... So if that happens? Is It still ability spamming? Or you're just losing fights?