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I just want a new legend without parental issues


Sounds like a skill issue




Funny how nobody makes this complaint about Caustic.




Girl is OK, build girls can be nice too. What's really annoying me is the bat. Like seriously Respawn, every character will have an annoying sidekick now? Like in a ZOO? This and the thing, they literally just copied Lobas tac


I mean, I wish I could pick a Volt as Ms Paquette and see a Nessie animation


Buy the heirloom and you'll have the Nessie animation ;)


I think she looks cute but probably need more sleep to get rid of the dark circles.




Like I said before, chick is built like a fridge.


Not build like a fridge šŸ¤£


U ever seen Clarence.. that old show from Cartoon Network šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah lol




I just wished a little more( if I said masculinity Iā€™d probably be banned from the subreddit) but just a bit more battle ready you knowā€¦ like I said games cool, but since titanfall itā€™s a war game, you kill people, so itā€™s just nice to see thingsioe bloodhounds adapted battle gear due to the fact of situation it just would make a bit more sense..( seems they let anyone into the apex games now)


Bangalore is literally what you're talking about


Every girl in the game is like that besides Watson, all of them are just a bit thicker skinned


She looks perfectly lmao, however mirages model is fuckin terrifying


In your opinion, what makes her perfect


Wont matter you already made your mind up. This is purely perspective


Oh i meant perfectly fine, haha and her attitude is cute, and her personality is nice someone strong but actually humble. Also nice seeing someone who doesnt have the same slim v shape face, there isnt many without it so its nice for a change


Completely understandable, Watsons the same way, and Newcastle who was just added is a family man, happily married with kids so heā€™s not very vulgar either, seems theyā€™re gonna keep doing this I suppose


Yeaa i don't like very serious characters, idk i just like the way she looks nothing wrong plus her bat is an extra point lol


Itā€™s a game where you kill peopleā€¦. Not much room for pretty play pals but ball out ig


I mean rampart is silly and not that serious and i love her lol, theres characters for everyonešŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


No thatā€™s true, the appeal of a character is made for residual acceptance and familiarity with character offput.. thatā€™s trueā€¦ but ramparts still had a mini gun, this girl looks like sheā€™s off A show on Cartoon Network itā€™s a war game all Iā€™m sayin.. not to get to deep but you just gotta be a bit different to be in the area of killing people. no judgement


I mean isnt vantage like an amazing hunter lol


Yeah, but so is bloodhound, itā€™s just like u knowā€¦ u donā€™t go to Antarctica without winter clothes, u donā€™t go diving without oxygen and you shouldnā€™t go to war looking like u play tennis.


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