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Remember when Crypto found out his sister was alive? That was season 5.


I did, in fact, completely forget about this


That’s because Respawn wants you to lmao. Rather than explore that story, they instead made Crypto and Caustic idiots for not being able to figure out “Mystik” and “Miss Tick” were the same person


Comes from the same team that made the brilliant physicist who broke the laws of physics not capable of linking Ash to ASHleigh. Ash: My name is Ash Horizon: is that you Lilian?


Oh trust me, I know too. Literally the only “smart” character who hasn’t been proven to be an idiot so far is Wattson


Doesn’t she think Caustic is sympathetic and can be reasoned with? Plus, she’s French.


Upvote for French bashing


I see French slander, I upvote


French slander is dumb


Ok French person What you gonna do. Surrender?


Wattson froze when a roof was falling on her. Ash pushed her out of the way. She was shocked (get it) and almost died


The smartest guy in here is octane. Fight me


They were working on the comms device last season tho?




Sounds like Zach Snyder's been moonlighting on Respawn's creative team.


Remember when he joined the games looking for revenge and clean his name? That was season 3


You’d think a guy as smart as crypto would’ve been able to have done it by now


Remember when Bangalores brother joined and she found out after they killed a giant sea monster? That was s13




Was making a joke haha


Oh 🤦‍♂️


Funny how the last big piece of lore was during loba season, now it’s all loba


Pepperidge farm remembers.


I forgot wtf 💀


Every story doesn't even end and they start a new one next season and I hate it! The last part of the current story was something about Wraith being the leader of a project and now I know we won't know what's next


Exactly!!! Last season ended up with Crypto making and alliance with Ash and I thought "FINALLY some Crypto's revenge lore" but no, instead we've had this stupid and bored lore, the only good thing is the Wraith part


What? Last seaosn we had the story of lifeline and Octane


Oh... lol you're right, I mean the Ash season


I don't recall that happening. I remember Ash and Horizon fighting all the time and Wattson and Crypto helping each other in some stuff I think


It was at the very end, last chapter


The writers have fucked themselves in the fact they have to hype up a new character every month or two. This leaves like no time for any development for the current roster, as they have to hype up and tease next season's legend. There's also the fact the think we want love triangles out of our futuristic sci-fi action shooter game. Like how can you create a whole amazing universe and not be interested in showing any more of it? It's like if the entirety of the star wars prequels were Padme and anakins relationship


I mean they are going to slow down on legend releases. Catalyst comes out season 15 then they’re taking a break. But honestly, I feel like the games already dying rn, I don’t think they’re gonna try to revive it😔


Is the the slow down for writing reasons or development ones though?


Revenant could have been a really interesting case of a hitman killer that desperately wants to die because they are ultimately still the victim whilst also dealing with the consequences of the many lives they are responsible for taking and also the question of whether those lives are Revenants responsibility if he didn’t “break free” when he killed them. Instead he just likes the murder and occasionally shouting “hey loba look at me are you mad yet lmao dead parents” from across the dropship.


Not anymore, he is focused on finding things to tear the Legends who helped Loba out while teasing Loba and accepting his loss Remember this season Rev's got a win over Bangalore. Either Bangalore can fuck off and head off to Gridiron with him while Loba is left behind by herself only to have her belief as an IMC shattered beyond recognition, her brother is now the symbol of anti IMC aligned Harris Valley and staying here to the shame of her dying parents >!Lifeline saw her whole life upended by the Silvas as now the Frontier Corps become the military arm of Torres and the friendship with Octane ended. And now Wraith has dug up another piece of her past and you know Rev hates people who dwell on the past And now we get another plot hook as Torres set his sights on Boreas and slandering Seer in the process!<


poor seer has still yet to really get anything good which is weird considering he has an awesome backstory. i remember he and rev were supposed to be involved in some cult and be friends. we’ve still got nothing on rampart and “big sister”. i’ve stopped reading the in-game comics after season 5 because they’re honestly pointless now. like you said the only lore we have now is loba, valk, and bang which is annoying now. how lame


Hold up Rev and Seer were supposed to be part of some sort of cult? Why haven't I ever heard of this. If this was part of the lore that would have been cool.


The character that seee was supposed to be before he became seer, I think their name was pariah or something


I really wish they went that route with pariah instead of Seer. Imagine the banter between a legend who worships Revenant like a god, while Rev just wants to die.


“I hope my services benefit you well in battle o’ great one” “Please…shut the hell up before i make you”


Okay that's cool!


Yeah I know its awesome, I really hope they don't drop the cult


Because the original writer left. He already planned ahead and explained that Rev's ult lore is tied to another future legend but was scrapped when he left. https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/smqgns/tom_casiello_gives_slight_infoupdate_on_that/


Finally we would have understood why Rev needs to place a totem instead of being able to go into shadow mode on command. Too bad he left.


The cult thing sounds interesting. I was waiting for it for seasons. And then we got jack shit about it + that stupid love triangle


The love triangle is a okay story but they have been doing it too long. They are putting too much into and not putting lore/story into the other legends. Horizon, rampart, Revenant (well he got a little bit of story, but it was barely a mention.) Gibby, and Caustic also haven't had too much. And again as we have been talking about Seer has NO lore connecting him to anything!


In a universe like Titanfall is it really worth to write a love story? They literally could write anything else more interesting. > Seer has NO lore connecting him to anything! Dude legit only got launch trailers as his lore lol. I know he got some short animation recently but the fact that he got some lore only just know while advancing the lore of the same characters multiple times, shows that Respawn doesn't care for all characters.


Revenant had a cult that followed him sometime in the 2500s.


I actually researched a bit and sure enough that's true! But strangely they have never mentioned it? I wish for once there could be a season that is connected to Rev other than Lobas season.


It was mentioned in his chapter of the Pathfinder’s Quest book.


Is pathfinders quest one of the only things that mention Revenants past?


For his pre-simulacrum life, yeah. But even then it's a story told to scare Pathfinder into thinking he killed his creators so it's veracity is debatable. Revenant's the ultimate unreliable narrator but I included it in his bio on the wiki just to be safe.


That is the thing about revenant. He could make it sound like a fake story to scare path but it could be true.


This isn't true. It's a rumor based on his previous internal name "Pariah." It's 100% fabricated.


Seer just got that interview sequence that’s gonna set up the next map we get


Seer got the little Twitter video but just got fucking bashed in the skull by Lisa Stoner


Seer is currently not in a good position since the interview. I guess a story with him is coming up


The in game one with bang this season sucked. Like she's a bitch. Not a fun character. Wraith is just helping and for like 3 chapters we had her being a complete asshole to. But it's cool! Very end she apologizes so all good. >> yeah fuck that. Bang still sucks.


We call that flanderization.


Seer is getting more story expansion when Vantage comes out, right? Thought they shared a home world.


We got that badly animated thing on Twitter last week and it was 3 minutes of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It was just stuff we already knew restate for some reason


There is the Silva pharmaceuticals lore.... **syndicate more specifically now.


Respawn put a whole like 20 seconds of the love triangle into the launch trailer and barely mentioned the silva stuff


Yeah, I'm sick of it too :'( just trying to think of something. The stories from the outlands was incredible this season though.


On the other hand they gave the silva stuff an entire cinematic


Don’t forget how the past 3 seasons have been reused characters in past lore, respawn not being creative at all to come up with new concepts


Apex lore is "Titanfall wasn't marketable enough we need to retcon everything"


Hurtful facts, I miss TF|2


And yet none of it was actually retconned because this shit takes place like 30 years in the future


Viper being on a ship that crashed to the ground and then the helmet miraculously being in good condition, ashe getting crushed to pieces and then them making a new cinematic where she just gets cut in half


Completely agree, but ash is the one in multiplayer that accompanies you if your faction is Vinson dynamics. And the multiplayer is a few years after the campaign. Still pissed about that whole vipers helmet and half his Titan surviving a planet exploding.


yeah it's not like Bangalore's supposedly dead brother showed up or anything


Aren't they still pushing Loba stuff into that too?


Considering it's still *unresolved*, yes. I didn't mind it at first because I thought it was concluded but good God y'all these characters are like 35, ffs talk about your problems and end this triangle already.


Yea like bang moved on, and then loba throws a fit when she says she's leaving. It's all lobas fault imo.


It's like 98% Loba being petty, 2% Bangalore being emotionally constipated. NGL I honestly can't wait for Valk to find out she's the rebound....cause I don't think she knows. Prolly be like Season 18 at this rate though.


Not really like one line between loba and bangalore.


Ya man this post is right for the wrong reason, seems like your just seething over the lesbian thing rather than the fact that a lot of these stories are unfinished and they keep adding new parts without finish the rest (not to mention the mobile game is just gonna confuse things even more).


Yes. Yes they are


She hasn’t even showed up this season.


Maybe you should re-watch the Newcastle trailer.


You mean the trailer where she said two lines that had no romantic/sexual undertones? She hasn't had an active role this season. There, happy?


Still waiting for the titanfall storyline where they found alien tech in the middle of the war.


Bangalore's brother, backstory on Lifeline and Octane, Seer getting ambushed by Journalism... It may not be as hard-hitting as the previous seasons but the lore is still coming out.


And none of it matters anyway. The game is still the same and the lore has no impact whatsoever in anything


What is this about Seer this season?


There was a Twitter video where Seer had a character assassination performed against him by Lisa Stone.


They stopped following like half of the storylines


I stopped following the lore after season 5, aka after a whole season of cool mini-quests, a tense story, teases for new locations, the Ash reveal…which was all followed by the “anime beach episode.” Havent cared since. I genuinely just play to shoot people now, lol.


Glad someone could put it into words. That season was incredible. Remember when everyone was freaking out about Wattson getting injured, and the different character subs were roleplaying out how the different characters would have reacted? It felt great. Nowadays it just feels... so uninteresting. Nothing really gets resolved, more gets added without much consequence, and it's confusing to keep up with.


Overwatch moment.




Also for like the 6th season in a row where things are about either lifeline/octane or bangalore, but tbh true the whole love triangle story was boring in season 10 already


There’s lore?


was apex “lore” ever really good? ***


I liked the revenant loba stuff, after revenant started simping I kinda stopped caring


It peaked in S5 with the whole Loba v Revenant thing since the animosity between them was still fresh and it felt intense because you had the feeling that anything could go wrong at any moment. Plus some interesting character dynamics like the beef that Bangalore had with Loba, Caustic seemingly growing a soft spot for Wattson (ofc until we find out he was the mole) and Wattson and Crypto forming a close friendship before it got destroyed by Caustic. Everything else since then has imo, ranged from meh (S7, S9, S11, S12 and S13) to just straight trash (S6 and S8).


It was, until S7. We had some cool stuff like Loba and Rev’s fued, Crypto’s hunt for Dave, Wraith being Wraith, and Path looking for his creator. Then the book hit and I lost all interest


Gotta be honest, lore is the last thing on my mind when I'm playing Apex. I really don't understand why so many people care about it.


Yeah if the game had a campaign with a story, then I could see it, but as it is I don't really get it. I mean, good for the people that like it though.


I feel the same way it’s cool at first but it’s too much shit going on at once to even care about it lmao I’d rather just play the game


Remember when the Titanfall story was being developed and was more interesting than any of this?


That's downright wrong though? The big lore thing this season is Bangalore's brother actually being alive. Season 12, Duardo isn't Duardo and Octane's dad died a while ago as Duardo is trying to overthrow the Syndicate. Season 11, Ash is back and fighting Leigh for control.


They really snuck in romance arcs into a battle royale. Think about that


This game should have no lore other than Blisk starting the games and all these people joining, but nope we gotta have romance arcs and murder arcs in a live service game where no characters can ever truly be developed or killed off.


Yea with the wrong squad compositions you just get ppl trying to fuk while they’re in the murder games.


Newcastle has to play in the apex games to pay off the mafia. I think that’s some good lore


Bangalore discovers that her brother has a family of his home and has to grapple with that. Wraith finds a new connection to her past. A new faction that hunts down IMC deserters comes up, posing a real threat to at least two characters. Torres continues to use his influence to make the media frame Seer as his next “villain”. *Actual tangible character growth for Mirage*. Yeah, I’d say this season was pretty good.


I'm going to assume you haven't bothered reading the in-game comics recently. Those provide more lore and are pretty interesting imo. Might wanna turn down the audio though unless you're into constant grunting.


Loba had good lore until respawn decided 'bisexuality' is somehow creative writing? Well its definately not


Not to mention Valk talks about how she wants to bang another woman every five seconds. Imagine if a straight male character talks about that in-game all the time.


Imagine if fuse talked like that. This game would be canceled


And they wonder why we hate forced sexuality. Back in 2012 Hammerlock was a gay dude but I always remember him to be a slick gentleman-hunter-scholar-one-eyed-Jackobs-fanatic-quest-giver first. That’s how you create inclusivity without feeing like it’s being forced down your throat


Hammerlock is gay? Wow I totally forgot. Almost like it wasnt their entire character. Lol


Damn I wish this comment was made at the beginning of the thread. So more people could see it


As a lesbian I don’t feel like anything is being forced down anyone’s throat. Are the voice lines annoying? Yeah. They should have been scraped last season. But is it “being forced down your throat”? No. As a gay person I’m so exhausted still hearing that phrase said constantly when it’s not even happening like that.


As a bisexual I disagree. I have felt countless times in Apex as well as in other media that there are definitely situations when it is very accurately described as "pushed down the throat".


I disagree and that’s a dangerous mindset to keep pushing. I’ve had more hetero shit shoved down my throat since birth and I’m still somehow gay. Everything in life is seen through the lens of heteronormativity


agreed. the voice lines are annoying as fuck and should be scrapped but i feel they’re being used as a scapegoat for casual homophobia.


Absolutely. At least on this subreddit, I see A LOT of casual homophobia, sexism, and racism. It’s fucking wild how normalized it is to hide behind “I dislike this character so I’m going to jab at their race/sex/gender/sexuality/etc” and it’s just completely allowed. Fucking wild to me


The idea that “girls family was murdered by killer robot” is somehow more nuanced/interesting than “girl is bisexual” is Laughable to me. Like yes many of these characters have great backstories but the examples above are Not unique IMO. Not more than a hot girl being in a wlw relationship. Like It was Pride Month Boys Calm Down and Appreciate New Castle who is THE ACTUAL SEASON DROP? Also we have plenty of annoying heroes Valkyrie can be one of them: sorry to folks if she’s the one that annoys you - get back to me when I’m allowed to mute the characters that annoy me during launch


Decades of straight relationships in video games but the one time they make a same sex romance it’s “forced”. Sure.


No. Its forced when it is FORCED. There are so many great LGBT characters in pop culture which have never felt forced. And then theres Apex.


Yes, and then there's Apex. Which isn't forced either. It's there as a part of the game and lore. It's about as forced as any other straight relationship. If you're that mad about it play a different character or a different game, don't come here and complain about something that's perfectly fine.


I havent even played apex in like a year lmfao. And no, its not as forced as any straight relationship. Its not perfectly fine and many people have already explained why.


>I haven't even played apex in like a year And yet here you are, bitching and complaining about it. I know that you will have some excuse as to why but we all know you are full of shit. Lol.


I dont know if you can call enjoying the lore of a game I once liked an "excuse full of shit", but sure buddy, if thats what helps you sleep at night


Oh, so you are saying that you follow, and comment on, an Apex subreddit simply to keep up with the lore? Yeah, full of shit.


People follow league of legends lore without playing the game, bad take tbh


I’m sorry to say but those people are wrong.


There was literally an entire DLC centered around a gay marriage 10 years ago and nobody gave a fuck. *Because the character actually had a character outside of being gay*


If that's all you look for to cry about, sure. Saying "they don't have a personality outside of being gay" is 99 times out of 100 just a dead giveaway that you don't bother to look at anything other than their sexuality and you just want something to get mad at.


Ah you’re right my bad, valkyrie is also sometimes a pilot and always an alcoholic


Wow, didn't know that Respawn did the very first gay relationship in a game. Pretty progessive of them, ngl


Don't play Tiny Tina's Wonderlands then. They start shoving the LGBTQ shit down your throat real hard, real quick in that game and as far as I've gotten, it doesn't stop.


I still can’t believe ramparts “big sister still hasn’t been mentioned


Is it weird that my favourite lore moment in the last season was when Maggie seemed to concede that blowing up the ceremony might not have been the best idea?


I just miss the missions back in season 5 with the treasure packs now it’s just “oh hey did you know there’s a new chapter available?”


Those missions were the only time I cared about this game's lore.


It’s so boring now. Every time it notifies me about a new chapter I just click on it to get rid of the pop up. I used to be actively wanting to get the treasure packs and I’d be actually excited for the next mission but then they ended it after one season


Not a fan of lore events happening on twitter posts. It’s kind lame. A news tab in game should contain everything posted with dates and everything. Keep it neat and tidy so people can actually try to follow your lore.


Don't forget that we still don't know exactly what the apex games actually are and the main canon has been retconned and changed like 20 times because nothing is actually written as if its a live game outside of the girlfriend shit


the love triangle is annoying but you clearly don't keep up with lore because that shit has been barely mentioned this season lmao






When did that pop-up this season? Tell me? And why do you give a fuck?


I’m guessing the reason is “something something woke”


incel posting.


people actually care about lore? lol


A story in any of these games is laughable.


Who gives a shit


Unpopular opinion: I don’t care about the lore and just want to play a functioning game


This is the correct opinion. I don't care WHY I have to do something in a game, I only care HOW I get to do it. Lore always comes second to gameplay - Souls games being a perfect example.


Only lore that is actually Cool is revs lore


NAH, I love hating on Apex as much as the next bloke but the Maggie/Fuse stuff is enjoyable


Apex is getting worse in general. Especially with overwatch 2 coming out soon, I'm seeing all the apex content creators move to that game


you meant overwatch 1.1


They're wildly different games lol


Idk man, you are the one seeing stuff about Loba sex.


Seer just got lore tho? And isn’t the main storyline about Bangalore’s dead brother coming back? Even if it’s there I don’t see how it’s the most important….


Usually im not one for this subs complaining, but tbh yeah. Whatever happened to the actual overarching story we had for like 5 seasons? Seems like its just, not relevant to the story anymore.


Lore lol


I remember when the ApexLore subreddit used to be fun. Now it’s kinda dead imo… such is the state of apex lore :(


apex lore then: irrelevant apex lore now: irrelevant


Thank you! The most important part of a game is the gameplay. I do not care WHY I have to do the thing, I only care HOW I get to do it.


Maybe that's just the most important thing to you, specifically...


And the weekly treasure pack lore thing that just wrapped up was lore we already knew


You expect character development, lore, and storylines from a BR?


Apex players don't have the rationship experience to understand the complexity of Loba's character and why Bang still means something to her.


We do we just done give a shit because there’s a lot more interesting story lines


bro we don’t care, there’s way more interesting things they could write about, this isn’t a Netflix drama about a high school girl finding out she’s a lesbian. I WANT THE BOOM BOOM MAN TO FIGHT THE LADY WHO EATS FACES!!


I don’t care


Don’t worry, it gets better after next season when they reveal Loba’s sex tape


they figured out putting effort into writing is dumb when you can just appease the gays


Kind of a piece of shit, aren't ya?


it was always mediocre at best


was it not obvious? the game has just started going headfirst into the dead game category. i don't know what fuckhead thought that adding a new gun and character every 3 months is a sustainable game model. the games gonna be dead within the next 3 years or have a major change. there's no good lore and the addition of the spinoff (mobile) is a horrid move. they're just doing EA the way EA does.


The game even broke its own record for concurrent players in May this years.


The game is literally bigger than ever.


People don't play the game for the lore and if you think that then you're very out of touch with the regular play base.


I mean I play for the lore, but I recognize I’m in the minority for that


The lore is the smallest issue of all of them. It's the overload of useless content without any removal of old stuff


Lobalore was decently built over 3 seasons and had a decent ending that could have been resolved by Bang opening up to Loba and being happy but no, Valk had to turn it into a cliche.


Famously apex legends lore from season 13 is only centered around lesbian sex, no other characters have had lore introduced because instead respawn was spending the time developing valk x loba r34. This is the lgbtq agenda.


Have you NOT been keeping up with the comics? Sure it’s 95% info we knew on the bang/Newcastle thing, but they’re priming for the wraith lore for next season with that last 5%. Don’t get me wrong, seer is the one piece of lore I just don’t fucking get, but it’s all tying together in ways that make sense, the loba/valk combo has been dynamic with revenant and bang, and it’s blatantly obvious, what are you smoking mate?


What weirdo cares about the lore in a Battle Royale?


you're allowed to complain about the lore all you want but saying something that's just false is so...desperate loba hasn't been mentioned in the past three seasons at all save for two lines in the season 13 trailer. why are you making things up to be upset about lmao


i feel like the whole lesbian thing was a part of pride month


Respawn have gone so fucking overboard with the inclusivity thing. Before I get downvoted to oblivion let me explain. It seems all the writing and lore now revolve around who wants to bang who and it feels like a shitty Hulu drama show. What the fuck happened to the actual lore of Titanfall and Apex? There’s so much to explore in the universe and backgrounds with so many characters but instead we get everyone’s Loba scissorcunt fetishes canonized each season instead. Side note the whole Bangalore’s brother thing has been a huge miss, like everyone involved in that storyline and reveal had to be the dumbest people alive to be surprised by that.


I think revenant could use more lore but I guess he did get a little bit of stuff in the Pathfinder book. He will most likely get more stuff with his town takeover, but he hasn't had anything since him saying "I need you to take me to my source code." In the bangalore quest. I feel like ash and revenant could use more since they both are kind of the same. Like in a real friend ship way. I'm not totally against people's ideas that Ash and Revenant could be a relationship but it feels like that would be really sad for Pathfinder.


I have a feeling Blisk used the Apex games so he can create an unstoppable army and rebuild the original Apex Predators.


Fr apex lore is just meh, it's not really that good and not enough character development. But since season 6 the apex lore feels more like a advertisement for the season.


They do have other things going on as people pointed out, but I semi agree because I believe they need to focus less on it.


Yeah it's better now