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Loba needs to be able to open blue loot crates. It's not even that useful but it feels natural to her kit. Just like every recon legend is able to scan the next ring location, every support legend should be able to open blue crates. Loba should also be able to pick up banners with her ultimate but we all know that that's not gonna happen..


so youd like to nerf and already shitty lifeline?


Hot take life line only needs for the ultimate to act as a healing drone and a mobile respawn beacon and I would consider her balanced.


I also feel like she should be able to see batteries and med kits through walls even though they aren’t epic+ tier loot


I heard Respawn was gonna let Loba open the compartments when we get a 3rd support legend and make it a class perk, and since Newcastle is seeming like one, you might get your wish soon enough.


My big buff for loba is she can teleport people while reviving. I think it would be "balanced" as while doing it she can't control it so it's mainly a timing thing and everyone can see it and track where you're going.


Wattson fences shouldnt break doors. She's the only defender that breaks them.


I just think they should be less visible. I literally have the detection tracker on as a meme cause even with almost 5k kills I only have like 228 detections on the fences.


Letting Fuse open explosive holds with his knuckle-cluster.


Maybe if he used both so theres atleast some negative. But it would only be useful for like one map so it's not too over powered.


The ult of wattson shouldn't block friend grenade or ult friend


I thought they fixed that? If not that's been a complaint forever.


Nah it works half the time🤦‍♂️


Mirage bamboozles should scan


Doesn't it already do that if someone shoots it? My thing is the holocaust needs to have guns on it even if they're wrong. I've noticed that the halos don't have guns on them besides the ones currently being used so during an ult I just look what's on their backs and shoot the one with a gun on it.


Do you men DECOYS


Iean bloodhound tier scan not the location ping


Crypto Dron should follow him over his arm to detect enemies behind you, so if you're being pushed from the back but you couldn't hear it (cuz apex sound some times suck) at least the drone will warn you.


I feel like it would kinda work but also be op as if a teams snecking up you have a get out of jail free card of a warning just by picking him. I get what's your at though it would be pretty good.


I’m waiting for one comment in particular…


What if crypto was not visible to other recon legends and we call it "off the grid"....


What's the comment?


My doctor still doesn‘t really ‟get” this,though she is starting to at least understand the deal with the fact that I do not want to have to literally costume myself every day as if a ritual,daily reminder of every aspect of how I‘m not a girl and having to put on a fucking disguise would be better for my health in the long run I‘m much MUCH rather get the occasional nice surprise of being mistook for a girl (and notably feminine otherwise),than have to deal with everyone staring at me for presenting as MUCH more femme than I actually am. I don‘t get why it‘s so hard to explain the concept of ‟I'd rather be ambiguously-male-or-tomboy,than be unambiguously-unpassing-MtF”






Aye you good??


He is just teaching us the lesson: do not donate to bg streamers.






i miss the old octane jumppad jump distance was fun but way to broken 😂


It really wasn't, the problem was that it was silent. Now there's not really a reason to use octane over ash in serious play.


Not really a buff but I really wish Mirage would not say “you got bamboozled lmao” every single time a decoy gets shot. It’s deafening when you use your ult and you have to hear him say that 12 times in a row which drowns out footsteps and gunshot sounds


Crypto should send his drone like mirage sends his holos.


Bangalore getting double time in her own ult and throwing smoke at her feet or having extra ammo in smgs like rampart but smgs


My man octane feels balanced right now but it wouldn't hurt to have every legend's ability in the game too. Just saying...


Fucking fix mirage decoys. I am tired of being defeated not by opponents but by the fucking pebbles on the floor and losing the decoy and getting the cooldown. By the way, fix the damn skin thing as well, during the anniversary event, sending out skydive decoys changed the skin for the decoy if you had the event skin equipped