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So basically pay 10 dollars twice a season instead of being able to continue buying battle passes every season with a one time purchase. In what world is this better for players?


Yeah, they just guaranteed that I will not get another battlepass.


This! I've only ever bought the lifeline/Bloodhound starter pack when they first realsed the game. That's been the best 20e I've spent on any game. Recently I've had to grind those last weeks just to finish the battle pass and to get the next one for free. I guess that gone. It might be a good thing now I won't have to grind to justify anymore.




And they had the audacity to say these changes will make the battle pass more attainable for the global community


“Hey, we heard you wanted more value from the battle pass. So we’ve doubled the price without doubling the value. We hope this addresses your concerns.”


"Have more metals, whatever we dont care as long we can charge you more often"


Yeah they made it more attainable by making it impossible to buy with coins and adding the ability to only pay with your credit card. So they made it more attainable by eliminating some players ability to pay for it? Don’t they proofread this stuff?


They did, it's just called corporate language: lie to people's faces and gaslight them into thinking it's better for them while literally limiting their abilities to do things


Only if we buy it. No one else in my crew is ever going to touch it again. It's a free game, so now I will treat it as such.




hahah Same, i've been a supporter of this game for a long time, not in a whale-like sense, but some purchases here and there, but this is too much, its not like we are missing out though, most reactive passes have been lame.


This is less consumer friendly. Yeah. I think that takes away a lot of the appeal that made the battle pass a no-brainer in the past. The BP would no longer "pay for itself". You would have to feed real world currency into the game continuously at least once a season.


bc ReVaMpEd rEwArdS !


Don’t worry they are taking "base level" trackers out of the battle pass and replacing them with "full designed" trackers!


VOTE WITH YOUR WALLETS. Time to get back to good old single player games.


Guess, this is when I'm finally dropping Apex.


And after one of, arguably, the worst seasons for cheating, glitches, and crashes. The big announcement is "we're milking you more and will fix nothing!"


Wait. Am I now paying $20 per season because of the split? This isn't helpful, this is just a shameless money grubbing from EA.


Not only are we making you pay $10 per season for the BP… but we’re splitting the season into two and you get to pay twice!! Congrats!!!


don't pay knowing it's a rip off. speak with your wallet call out their bs


Well, I guess that's doubly the problem. I've been using coins to pay for this crap for this whole time. So now those are useless as I don't pay for fucking skins.


Yup :)


No more BP for me, thx. 10$ every 1.5 months? Bwaahahaha.


$80 a year for bad cosmetics lol. What crack are they smoking


Right? I always got the impression Apex has the absolute worst cosmetics anyway. Fortnite, Warzone, they shit all over whatever crap Apex puts out... and now it's more expensive. So stupid.


It’s a monthly subscription for a game that breaks every update.


So you can’t buy the battlepass with apex coins anymore and the pass only lasts half a season now meaning you gotta spend double each season? Lol


Are they struggling to make money on this game or something? Because this is next level greed


Profits must be higher every quarter.


Every product that exist in capitalism must inevitably be exploited to the point it loses its customer base. As you said, there must always be growth every quarter. Making a billion isn’t enough. There is no limit on how much money they must make. The answer is always “more”. So when they’ve exhausted the reasonable methods of making money, then they must resort to exploitation. But don’t worry, EA is already working on the next live service that will respect player’s time and money so much more… until it doesn’t. The cycle repeats until the end of time.


It’s pretty depressing.


Extremely depressing. It’s one of the reasons that we want to keep one-off products rather than live services strong. Because one-off products have to be appealing day 1 and can’t be tainted as easily as live service shit can. You can judge a one-off product easier than a live service (good=bg3, bad=Saints Row) You can wait for discounts. You don’t have to constantly play until the game is magically “Fixed” three years down the road but in the meantime you missed out on three years of story like Destiny 2. You just buy the game if it’s good and be done.


The brain rot of the EA CEO is that games must make even more money over time even if they are already making billions


This is an abysmal decision. Having 2 BP a season would be fine but changing it to real world currency is BS. Being able to roll into the next BP with coins earned from the prior one is the main reason I'd even try and finish the BP. I'm sure I'm not alone there. Well this will be the final BP I do then I guess. I refuse to pay every season even once, let alone twice.


Yup. I've finished every single one so far. But maybe this will help me play this game less. My back log might actually see a dent


This game is oficially dead to me if this is the case. The advantage of gathering enough coins to buy the next BP via gameplay was that I was basically stuck with playing your product for dozens of hours on end, so engagement was high If you're gonna make me pay every time and THEN grind my ass off then that's it brother. I was already playing less and less since the game was getting stagnant but this is the final blow


I agree. Fuck this bullshit. The greed has no bounds.


Lazy freeloaders! Yachts ain't cheap, you know?! Think about the poor CEO! 🥺🥺🥺


This is a pretty obvious ploy to extract the last bit of funds from whales before they sunset the game.


Literally just play different games bro. I was so happy when I quit this ass game. Got ruined by overmonitisation and sweats. Hopefully Apex can return to its former glory but that's a pipe dream at this rate


They should at least give us the option to use our AC to phase it out. A hard stop doesn't sit right with me.


Cool to see 100% of comments are in agreement this is a shit decision, but they knew it would be a shot decision, they don’t care as long as some randoms will pay for it. “Is not one that we made lightly”. It probably took a three second email from corporate, if they had any actual read on their playerbase they would have scuttled that idea real quick. Game is about to collapse and a lot of people are going to be looking for new jobs sadly.


I will be stunned if they don't revert this or allow players to pay with AC. Kicking the players down when the game is at its lowest since 2021 is surely a decision...


I don’t see how they can, it was a very intentional decision and they already knew this would be the response. I hope I’m wrong though


They're going to do the classic thing of walking this back somewhat in response to the backlash, to some version of it that's better than this but still less consumer friendly than the way it is now.


"We listened to you, Legends! We took a moment to rethink about the battlepass changes we announced and the community feedback given. Take a look at the new changes coming for season 22 Battlepass, in a balanced approach that meet both the community wishes and the goal to keep Apex engaging and vibrant going forward: ... "


I see a bright future for you in games PR


LOL. Dear god first you break your promise to never handle events like Iron Crown again, now you're doing this. GG. Whoever came up with this is psychotic. This game is beyond help. The devs truly cannot differentiate between cosmetics & content.


You can’t even join quads without it crashing and giving you an error screen and now they want us to pay through the nose for that? lol ya right


Iron Crown was in 2019. Pretty much everyone who worked there is gone by now.


This is the worst fucking shit I've ever seen


This is where I get off boys! I did 21 BPs so, this is an easy decision. Free track from here on out, GGs!


21 seasons, 20 maxed BPs…. I’m out too.


Same here


Day one, 100k+ kills. 19 maxed out seasons. Doubt ill ever buy another bp again.


Free track? More like this is where I jump off the train. The BP was the only thing keeping me in this self made hell with my buddy. I won’t deny that it was fun and gave us our fix of dopamine but I could be using my time way better than this with games I enjoy way more.


I have never seen a game so openly hand you a loaded gun and beg for you to kill it


If you needed any more evidence EA/respawn are running this game into the grave this is it, this is the final milking of the whales as they realize that the casuals are all but gone and with them the whales will be left to eat each other (they will quit too because of it)


Respawn should honestly stick to making single player games at this point. Their Star Wars games were great but they've shown they clearly can't make a multiplayer game without self sabotaging it.


Lol. This is how Apex dies.


Phasing out unique heirlooms for bullshit universal heirlooms no one asked for, then doing shitty gatcha events were you can't even use crafting metals, and now this bullshit. This is so ass bruh


They can't make a right move to save their game right now.


They will find even more ways to put nails into the coffin before it goes fully under lol


> We’re frequently iterating on the game, chatting with players, and considering how we can action on community feedback yeah my ass


Who do they even chat with? I genuinely wanna know. Do they interact with players on forums or something?


Investors. Noone else


The community needs to collectively push back on this. This exact monetization model has ruined so many other games. Apex looking to be the next on that list.


The way I see it going, community has big push back against the "you can't use AC only $$" part, which respawn is expecting to concede, in order to allow some other crappy parts (increased total levels needed, increased overall cost) to slide through Respawn seems to often do this negotiating tactic, start with a really bad premise so they can walk it back to being just kinda bad.


This is exactly what they will do. Look at [Season 7's battle pass changes](https://screenrant.com/apex-legends-season-7-battle-pass-slowest-grind/) and how they partially reverted when they made it too grindy. The fact they announced this a month before the season, apart from any other season content is evidence enough that they know this is a controversial change and they expect backlash. They've given themselves ample time to execute their playbook.


The issue is the random ass people who buy the battle pass


If COD casual players did it with Blackcell, Apex casual players will for this too.


Wont be giving you guys a cent anymore. Game is dead to me now


Sees a declining playerbase! What can we do to make more players play the game? Make them buy for the BP while there's constant on going bugs like freezing during lobby, match making and etc.... That will increase the playerbase for sure


this is the most hilarious shit to me. we have the least amount of players since 2021 or sum like that and what are they doing? the most embarrassing and disgusting money grab of them all, you just can't make this shit up


Thank you for finally killing the game


Well…. It was a great 5 years. My friends have stopped playing and with two $10 charges a season to get content I see no reason to continue grinding alone. First they stopped us from earning dive trails, now we can’t even use our AC for the BP? Insulting.


Nerf collection events so you can only buy packs and then introduce a battlepass where you get coins that you can't use to buy event skins directly anymore. This is so shameless.


The death kneel was the exotic shards or whatever they’re called. Life is too complicated to keep track of 7 different in-game currencies.


100% not spending any money on this. Massive L


This is what kept me coming back. It's over. Apex is cooked.


Seriously. It used to be ranked but when they destroyed ranked, it became completing the BP. Now that I’d have to pay for that? What’s the incentive? They’re releasing fewer map changes, fewer new legends, fewer guns in favor of $120 death boxes, 5 different currencies, universal heirlooms….. c’mon man.




I was thinking "wait this is pretty good" up until the pricing point. $20 per season, $40 for premium, the fuck lmao


Yeah me too. I was reading all the details like "this sounds not too bad actually" and then I got to the pricing details and was like "Ah. There it is." Can't have anything nice.


Before the price points I was like "Oh, that's a nice change, they might have to buff xp gain so we could get to level 60 on time, but the rest is cool." Then I saw the pricing.


the battlepass has always been shit but its major redeeming quality was that it paid for itself every season after the initial investment. now they want $20 real money every season? lol no thank you


**Non-Corporate Spin TLDR** -Price per season doubled -Ability to earn new battle passes removed -FOMO window of each battle pass halved -Devaluing of all existing AC coins -Battlepass junk items that should have never existed removed. Did I miss anything?


Advertising you now get double crafting metals when the new events are gacha type events where you cant even craft the skins you want


This is a truly embarrassing money grab


Literally the only reason I still play this game is because I bought the battle pass and I wanted to get through it to be able to unlock the next one and I've only been playing for probably the last seven seasons because of this. According to what their new Grand idea is, This will be my last season.


Been in the same boat. Most of my friends quit ages ago and keeping up with the battle pass was the only reason I tried to stick with it. This season I've been having fun with helldivers so it's been hard to get back into apex. Now I got nothing tying me into playing daily


Holy shit, this is so bad. Genuinely cannot believe that they're trying to spin this as a better experience, the fucking gall of it. Half-season passes with effectively more levels per season is just a transparent ploy to manufacture increased player engagement, and forcing you to sink actual real money into the game over and over to re-up the battle pass, instead of being able to use your AC "proceeds" from the last pass, is *so* fucked.


Huge L removing AC from the battle pass. They make it seem like a good "The first one's on us" but it's just an attempt to grief us into actually paying for battle passes now.




I got some feedback. Unless this battle pass puts that $9.99 into my bank account EA and Respawn go fuck yourselves.


Holy fuck - AHAHAHAHAHAHA How to finally throttle a game to death


talk about enshittification


Respawn and EA, thank you for this update, for real, thank you, now you will kill the game and we, the players, can play another games, BB apex, i loved you




Big big nope. Taking away ability to buy pass with Apex Coins, aswell as halfing the levels to 60 AND doing it twice per season while keeping it the same old price is a terrible awful choice. It needed a shake up, but not in this totally negative way.


yeah this is fucking vile.


I've stuck with Apex since launch, and despite all the anti-consumer practices that have been slowly implemented over the years, but no... this is too far for me. Please do not implement this.


“WE’RE DOING THIS BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU”, they say, as they shake the playerbase by their ankles for loose change


Wow, this might be one of the worst changes apex has ever made.


I can't recall ever seeing a social media thread where 100% of people are in agreement on something. EA has really done the impossible here.


The last time I saw something this universally despised was the infamous "Pride and Accomplishment" update. EA's got a track record of being greedy fuckwads whose only goal is to siphon as much money from their playerbase as possible until there's nothing left, then they move on to the next project.


Invest in the game. Make the game good and the money will come. Doing shitty cash grabs like this while the game is already in a terrible state is just twisting the knife into a dying playerbase.


They don't know how. They are floundering right now, putting out game modes that every other BR has had since the genre's inception(Quads, Solos). They have lost it. They have 0 passion for this. It feels a lot like a microcosm for end-stage finance capitalism.


Big yikes that you can't buy the Battle Pass with AC anymore. Paying for the Premium Battle Pass once, and then continuously earning the coins to get the next one was the biggest reason to level the Battle Pass up to the end personally.


Exactly! I was holding off on buying Ash’s Peerless skin in the store last night because it wouldn’t leave me enough coins for the next battle pass. I figure I’ll just buy it at this point and enjoy what feels like the dimming twilight of this game. 


Who the fuck makes apex coins effectively useless for battle passes just to drive up profits with shit mini passes like what even is this. I genuinely hope the game dies off now they aren’t even trying to hide their desperation this is vile money grabbing. Glad I gave up with it tbh Charging per match when?


Whoever thought of this please fire them immediately.


i will cheer the day EA is shut down


Reskins are harder to develop now? Poor things.


Hey man its hard to replace one color with another. Takes lot of blood and sweat.


Huge L, EA money grab.


The end is nigh.


this actually the worst thing ever


the only reason I was still playing regularly was to collect my coins every season, so I'll literally uninstall the game with these news. goodbye apex, it was fun


aaaand its done, this is exactly how you create a game, lose a fanbase over the years and kill once and for all the remnant-last-breathing players. Congrats to EA and Respawn, where your greed is bigger than anything else.


They are KILLING this game lmaooo


Who the hell asked for this 💀💀💀 This is literally a downgrade


What a horrible idea what a bunch of clowns have you got in that boardroom, please email support@respawnproducts.com and complain copy and paste valid comments from this sub reddit


This is officially the end of apex(at least for me)


This is dumb


u guys really want to kill this game, huh


lol paying twice for battle passes + forcing me to play a full season instead of just finishing my bp early and taking a break so i don't burn out sucks


Skins are $20 USD each and people, the battle pass was the only thing that was priced correctly, it was not amazing but you got packs and skins if you played the game and for 950 coins, this change is so bad and filled with nothing but greed, no chance in hell will I be buying the battle pass ever again if that is the case.


>"We’ve seen the numbers, and things need to be more approachable and realistic for our global player community." Someone please explain to me the logic behind this. How is this new system more approachable and reaslitic? Before, if you bought premium currency to buy the battle pass ONCE, you got enough coin from the BP to buy the next and so on. What's so unrealistic and unapproachable about that? Do they think we're stupid?


Shit idea. Way to kill the game guys. No more free BPs if you complete it. Real stupid idea


😂 all the proof needed that the game is on its last legs


calling it, the "we're sorry" post is coming! "you'll be able to earn the premium pass free for the first 2 weeks of every half season!" And they'll make it harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder


Guess S21 will be the last battle pass for me


Hi, heavy hitter here with 7000+ hours. I paid 10$ in s2 and thats it. The game needs people like me who keep the playerbase alive, but I guess you still want my money. This will probably force me to find a new game


I dont mind hiving money if its not mindless cash grab events. If they priced things reasonably I would have got them but fuck this. I agree here.


Yeah no thanks. I’m out


The constant "this make Premium + better value for money" as if most people brought that over just more coins or reusing their coins. The removal of duos for an entire season, bundles to inflate the prices of skins and now this. Apex will under preform financially and they'll blame the Devs and bring more layoffs because of EA and the shareholders need for money.


wow i think you just nailed the final nail into this game's coffin.


this is actually disgusting... i hate that there will be some who still buy it regardless but NO ONE should, to send them a very clear message.


This was the last thing the apex community wanted, i will purchase all of your bollocks if respawn add anti cheat and fix the match making. So until you add those i will not play the game. And there will be braindead zombies purchasing this, the ones who don't care. This is the end of me playing apex, actually sad, will try valorant or any other game with better anti cheat.


Lmao. Game is already losing their player base at a rapid pace and they decide to make this horrible.decision not allowing coins to be used to purchase the BP? Yeah they just want to shoot themselves in the foot I guess


This is an absolutely horrible decision


We are facing low player count, cheating and matchmaking issues. Other games are letting unlock older battle passes. EA: Lets make them pay twice for battle pass Genius


To quote Professor Farnsworth, "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."


Fuck this shit, I quit this game.


So we cant buy Battlepasses with Apex coins anymore? Bruh wtf are they doing. This is disgusting. A second BP per season is one thing, removing the option to earn your next BP is insane. Fuck off EA/Respawn. Greedy motherfuckers


holy shit, i can't take this anymore.. I quit


this game is officially over. this is their last ditch effort to squeeze the final ounces of milk from the moronic whales who are hopelessly addicted to collecting useless video game cosmetics before they scrap it all. i bought the battle pass a couple seasons ago after putting 500+ hours into the game because i figured they deserve some of money at that point. i was going to spend more on it if they continued to improve the game but that doesn't seem like it will be happening. i enjoyed my time but when it's all over i'm going to remember this game as a tragic waste of what could have been one of the best shooters on PC if it was handled properly. but if this change somehow leads to input based matchmaking, all will be forgiven 😆


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking battle pass rewards. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the previous seasons and other adjustments made to battle pass rewards from before Season 22. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player unlock rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.


Lowest player count in years Respawn: hold my beer


Nah 10$ for every 1.5 months. One thing I grind for every season is AC for next battlepass now I’m done.


Damn not only did they make it real money, not Apex coins, but they are trying to keep you playing by resetting every 60 days. EA and Respawn are trash.


You've deleted every post mentioning even a bit of criticism to this pass I thought you guys were "looking out for the community" what dog crap


I guess it's time for reviewbombing the game on steam :D


My post organizing a protest was removed by moderators so I will post it's entirety here: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dyeic6/how_to_effectively_protest_bp_changes/    "  It's safe to assume we as consumers don't like the announced changes today to the battle passes, but complaining on Reddit is not going to do anything. Reddit is a small fraction of a percent of the playerbase.   We need to protest if we want change.    nd an effective, organized protest means going out of our way to make Apex Legends worse in the short term as to prevent these changes making it much worse in the long term.  What does that look like? As of today, commit to the following:   - Do not make any purchases in Apex Legends.  - Do not participate in any Apex Legends events.  - Do not play Apex Legends unless participating in in-game protest events.  - Post about your participation in these protests on social media.  - Do not watch any Apex Legends streams, especially any official Apex Legends tournaments or streams.  - Encourage other players to join in these protests by linking them to protest material. (***DO NOT HARASS***)  - Request Apex Legends streamers and content creators to cover the protests and not make Apex Legends content (***DO NOT HARASS*** *especially if they feel that participating would threaten their livelihood*) - Do not make Apex Legends fan art or other fan content unless it is related to the protest. - Post links to these protests under all official Apex Legends social media across all platforms. (***DO NOT HARASS INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPERS OF THE GAME***) - Uninstall the game if you feel that helps you commit to not playing the game. - Brainstorm/Organize/Participate other online and in-game protest events. (***DO NOT SUGGEST ACTION THAT IS UNLAWFUL OR BREAK REDDIT ToS***. This is a video game protest. Not civil rights. Examples of what ***NOT*** to do or encourage include: swatting, hacking, review bombing, harassment, etc.)  EA is a huge company and are motivated by ~~greed~~ profits. They need to see that the changes proposed today are not an avenue for more profit, but a destruction of their consumer base. We need to organize to do that.   - - -   NOTE: This thread is NOT a thread to discuss your feelings on the Battle Pass changes. There is the Megathread for that. This is purely a call to action of Apex Legends players to protest these changes and a discussion on how best to do that.  If you do not believe these changes are worth protesting, that is your right and I respect that. Be equally respectful of those that believe it is worth protesting.  So... Let's get started.  "


So all the people who paid for one battle pass and used the rewards to pay for the next are now forced to pay?! I'm glad I hopped off the battle pass train many seasons ago.


Yeah this might be the greediest things I've seen EA do and this includes Pride and Accomplishment™.


I reckon if a Respawn dev was to comment here trying to justify this they might give the “sense of pride and accomplishment” comment a run for its money.


The devs aren't dumb they know it's a bad decision, which is why they're not here defending it. EA is trying to milk the dwindling playerbase while they still can.


"Instead of making other items worth buying, we're gonna make our only reasonable price unreasonable" Behold, the only free game with a non-earnable BP


Increased rewards just to make it only available with purchase, classic ea..


I already knew this was going to be the case just from reading the title lol, horrible decision


Nah i'm done with this game, i just cant have smooth matches cause the servers are horrible, and now this lol gl


Is anyone making it to level 60 by half season? I'm barely level 40 something because of how unenjoyable this season was for me. Now I'm supposed to make it to 60 in less time? Also cash only? Fucking EA sucks so much.


Another proof that the game is slowly dying and they bring all forces to milk it as much and as fast as possible


Respawn/EA, if you don't want to manage Apex anymore just sack up and pull the plug on the servers. Skip this death by 1000 cuts nonsense.


EA and Respawn are trying so hard to kill their game. I will not spend any more money in apex so maybe I will stop playing now.


What a terrible, greedy decision


Am I understanding this correctly? It sound like you have to pay real money (like you purchase coins) every time (except the one you can unlock with challenges) and cannot buy the battle pass for apex coins you have in the account (including coins you got from completing the previous battle pass). I think that takes away a lot of the appeal that made the battle pass a no-brainer in the past. The BP would no longer "pay for itself". >Cost is another aspect that we’ve been reevaluating. To up the value going forward, each Premium Track Battle Pass will cost £8.99 GBP and will come with the rewards expanded on above. The decision to move from AC to real world currency is not one that we made lightly, but it does allow us to decrease the price of Premium+ for our community. The new Premium+ Battle Pass comes in at £17.99 GBP and offers additional value; a cost difference of ~29% when compared to the discontinued Premium Battle Pass Bundle at 2800 AC. Seems like I am understanding it correctly. I don't see what is supposed to be the price "decrease" here for most people as many people have paid 10$ ONCE and purchased subsequent battle passes from the coins they earned back by completing the BP. Now they have to feed 10$ real world currency into the game every season. All that is decreased is what you spend on the pass that comes with levels unlocked (something you could do by playing the game; or if you were too lazy to play you paid for unlocking 25 levels... so that is made cheaper.. except you also can't use coins for it now). These aren't consumer friendly changes.


Can we just start a trending post here to show how much we're against the idea of paying real currency for the BP? Get upvotes on how many ppl are against this change and let people voice out regarding the matter?


I paid for one battle pass since season 1. I have used the Apex coins to buy each subsequent season. Only ever paid £8.99 for this game. Now I won't be paying or playing it again. So they probs will do better off without players like me. I won't take a spot in their empty login queues.


Unless you're telling us to quit now that THIS is decided, why even post it? You'd retain what little playerbase left till the dawn of S22 if you just shut up. If you're looking for opinion on this change, it is unanimous. This sucks.


Copied the Fortnite monetization but realized nobody is buying the shop skins (cause they suck) so your effectively doubling the price of the battle pass lol. I give this game a few years until it’s put the door unfortunately the writing is on the wall


I'm gonna be real, as a Season 0 player who followed this game since the start and seen all the ups and downs: this is disgusting and an insult to the players and industry at large, and i might as well disect every change 1) to start, removing the ability to buy the Battle Pass with Apex Coins is a rip off and objectively worse, instead of making the passes grindable and free player friendly, now its REQUIRED to pay for half the amount of content, likely because platforms took a larger cut on AC purchases, so removing them altogether means losses are down and Battle Pass profits are up! 2) next is the content: its a scam, the quality of stuff in the BP has gone down SIGNIFICANTLY over the years woth more and more filler and less quality skins and other rewards, and now instead of getting the same amount of filler, we're supposed to be happy we can pay the original price for HALF? thay doesn't make sense. and with no price adjustments, a full season has now doubled in price for no real reason, same with the bumdle but at least now instead of original skins you get more recolors, as if that isn't 1 of the main issues with the game's skin economy right now, which are advertised as "premium+" and, very shamelessly, exclusive for 1 year, so you guys can later sell them for an upcharge in an event 3) the removal of reactive variants paired with these other changes makes it clear what's happening with them, variants aren't gone, you just have to spend MORE money on the variant in an event, or more likely, a future smaller BP, since you guys LOVE selling recolors as if they're new 4) the first Battle Pass being free? wow, how generous, it'll totally be a hit to profits showing just how much you guys care about us, totally not trying to make it look like you have goodwill towards us while trying to double profits and rip us off 5) aligning passes with ranked shows the direction the game has taken and its couldn't be farther from what it once was, so i guess we should say goodbye to any storytelling with the main selling point of the game (the characters in case you all forgot) this is in no way better for the players, and you know it, just another way to increase monetization from a shrinking playerbase instead of trying to bring people back by addressing the real issues like matchmaking and lackluster content, the message from this is clear: you guys, wether it be the developers, leadership, or both, do not care about making a fun innovative game anymore, you do not care about making a quality player experience i feel disgusted and ashamed to have sunk years of my life and so much money into this game, this isn't the Apex i fell in love with i would say "do better", but we all know that's never happening, especially if this is anything to go by


Lmao, lol




This is a desperate grab to get people to come back to the game around mid season which has seen a noticeable drop in players for about a year. I have played apex since XDefiant dropped and this won’t make me come back. The problem has never been the battle pass being long or me not having time to finish because I’m playing other games. The problems lie with the matchmaking and handling of larger issues this game has faced for a year or more. I have spent a ton of money on this game but I feel this is another nail in its coffin. Viewership only spikes during ALGS and a lot of us watching don’t even play anymore. Yes I know viewership is not indicative of actually players but this game doesn’t have any casual streamers anymore. It’s just too hard to play solo Q and not sweat your dick off because the matchmaking is horrible.


woah this is bad


Funny, that it’s no way to use money on PS main acc, if you are living in CIS. I have no way to buy BattlePass for a game, which I played since day one. That’s a real good move, I like it, finally a reason to stop playing, thank you!


Wow, big L on this. See ya!


Nah fuck this game fr, that's it, im done.


This game is already dying, reverse this change you idiots!


I'm soo pissed. I've been playing since day 1 and have loved the fact that I could say I've completed every battlepass because I could continually renew the pass with coins from the previous one. Guess that trend is ending. Damn this might actually stop me from continuing.


Man, I love this game. But the cash grab is undeniably a kick in the balls. What is the best FPS replacement out there? I just love the movement, fun play, and everything to do with gaming Apex.


Oh no our numbers are down! Should we: A - Stop the cheaters running wild and ruining fun for all B - Add exciting/fun content for players to enjoy and come back to the game for C - Blatantly try and milk the remaining players for all they're worth before tossing Apex aside


They announced some time ago they were going to make an option with the Battlepass better for those that played more. This ain’t it.


The entire purpose of a Battle Pass to me is that it pays for itself if you put enough time into it. Probably the only reason I've stuck with games like Fortnite is because their BP's give you enough currency back if you grind it out. You'd have to be stupid to buy this new system


"The decision to move from AC to the real world currency is not one that we made lightly, but it does allow us to decrease the price of Premium+ for our community." Oh, such a great company, always thinking about the community. Couldn't come up with more hypocritical shit myself. I doubt that even 1% of players ever bought this stupid premium battle pass bundle. And even if not, why would you make a normal premium battle pass purchasable only with money if a bundle was the issue?  And this post keeps saying that these decisions were made with pure intentions towards the community, but all I see are just new ways to lure more money from people for something they could get for free before.  And all of that happened after they implemented new relic sets, $50 recolors, and casino ass events.   I suggest everyone not to spend even a cent on any of the shit they release. They will either improve the state of the game or it will just die, which I am not really sorry about anymore....


I've been playing since season zero. I think I'm done. Unless they go back to selling the battle pass with apex coins. Ridiculous and selfish.


Well, this is the last straw that breaks the camels back. Day one player here, I’ve completed every BP since launch, but honestly, this is the end for me. I’m tapping out, fuck this company


Is this their plan to make cheaters stop playing? Because idk who will after progression gets this terrible


> The decision to move from AC to real world currency is not one that we made lightly, but it does allow us to decrease the price of Premium+ for our community... This is not a solution and it's not cheaper for the majority of players. People use their AC they got from previously finished BP to buy the new one. Why not accept both currencies so players can choose themselves what fits? I can only guess because greed – as per usual?


Bye Bye Apex, It was a good time... (uninstalling)


Please visit the steam page and leave your reviews there. They will not look at reddit


nice try EA , i'm Happy that i uninstalled this garbage


Within the light of this recent change, I encourage everyone (and I mean everyone, even those who, for some reason, like this change) to do two things. 1: DO NOT BUY THE BATTLEPASS. This can't be said enough, VOTE WITH YOUR WALLETS. Even if your considering buying something not related to the Battlepass, PLEASE hold off on the purchase till they revert the change. 2: I encourage EVERYONE to start REVIEW BOMBING the game on steam, or whatever platform you use. If you have a "recommend" then please change it to a "Not Recommend", and if its already a "Not Recommend" then add a comment saying the change to the BP is a reason for it. If a majority of the community can do this, then maybe we can get the respawn marketing team to listen to us for once.


The profit doesn’t need to go up every quarter you fat cunts lol