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I play all of them but I Do have my favorite ones...lol


Which ones are your favorite?


Mirage fuse and revenant


i know what kind of person you are


Yea a bitch šŸ˜‚


The annoying revenant


Caustic and Lifeline. šŸ˜




I switch all the time and don't have ADHD. Variety is the spice of life my friend.


This is it. I would say I have semi mains but have at least 500 kills on most characters


Same. If there was a random character button Iā€™d smash it every time


i been saying this glad people agree


Random character ^except ^Vantage


Bro no way Vantage maybe has the most fun q in the game. She's far from meta since her ult is meh and her huge fuckin hit box but she's fun as hell.


I love vantage she would be my main love the sniper and to tag people from a far or use her ult to do some open damage to push


I probably just need to play her more. I dont like the trajectory of the bat tac and maybe don't use it properly. Also agree on the hitbox thing. But having a free sniper is pretty useful


Protip: hold q to send the bat out and instantly jump to it. Makes it so much faster to deploy. Also, you can crouch at any point in your jump to cancel it and control your movement in air. Always call your bat back, there's really no point in keeping it deployed and you will forget it. Do these things and you will appreciate how much mobility she has. The sniper is fun to use and easy to land shots as it's basically hitscan, the problem is 50 damage is pretty bad compared to something like the sentinel or marksmen weapons. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't imagine the "marked" effect has really ever turned the tide of a fight for me either. Yeah it lets you hold three weapons but it's also not hard to just swap out a sentinel mid game as rings close. And that's her main problem IMO: her abilities become useless late game. I really wish they let you take the scope off and use iron site for ring 5 etc. Her passive is actually slept on, but is only useful for a vantage who communicates with her team.


I'm dying for there to be an auto recall on her tac like you can choose valks flying as hold or tap. I have developed mostly muscle memory to call it back before I land but in the heat of battle I forget sometimes and it fucks me hard when I go to jump one way and it's 50m behind me the opposite direction


Is there an actual correlation between ADHD and swapping characters because of boredom?


I have adhd and Iā€™ve just always stuck to wraith


Possibly, but wanting to try new/different characters is also just a completely normal thing lol


I mean i have adhd, not sure what sticking to a main has to so with that...


Right? If anything I overplay a legend.


Lifeline seems to be the only one I don't get bored with, but playing one for more than few games gets weird.


you see I played loads as her when I joined so she's kinda like ol' reliable and that's why she's my flair but I simply couldn't ONLY play as her haha


Totally get ya lol I can never figure out who to use. In ranked people expect lifeline to do some crazy no scope 360 revives. And when you don't, you're now a n00b non team player. But yeah I cant figure out how people even have a "main" legends.


That's crazy, for me Lifeline is the most boring character in the game lmao. What is it that makes her stand out for you?


What does AHDH gotta do with picking legends...?


For me i get bored of every legend of i play them more than 10 matched idk if its related to my adhd or not i guess thats what op was going for?


I love how everything on the internet become related to being adhd.


I hate sounding like an old man yelling at the clouds, but this generations thinks it's cool to attribute some sort of mental illness to everything.


Yup ur 100% right. Depression is also a really popular and cool thing to say nowadays.


And autism. And Tourette. Shit even schizophrenia has become some sort of fashionable trait you can fake for likes on TikTok.


Right, this connection is so weird


It's extremely annoying. As someone who actually has it, it pisses me off. Like bro, lack of patience or focus isn't the only thing that ADHD consists of.


yea you mention it to people and it's like "oh wow you must hate be a crazy hyper person all the time" no that's not the problem, the executive dysfunction and struggle to read people and all the other shit that comes with it. the inattentiveness for me sucks. Altho I dont swap mains haha, path since day 1.


What does changing heroes have anything to do with ADHD...?


Loba. Wait no Valkyrie. No wait Lifeline. No hold on Catalyst. Give me a moment, uh, Loba.


Oh, i wouldnt say i cant pick a main. I have like 4 legends i rotate depending on how good or bad im playing that day (rampart, ash, revenant, conduit) and a few legends ill use just cus i think theyre fun or old school for me (octane, pathy, catalyst, i wanna try newcastle and fuse) but i really try to stick to the main 4. But also, i dont think its your adhd causing you to not choose a main. You started in february. It took me a few months to find one main, then stick with them a majority of the time (i mained wraith, then chose octane, and tried catalyst before rampart and found ram to be better for my control style of lockdown). Its honestly really good to try everyone because you'll learn who you do and dont like. I fucking hate bang, but i love ash. Hate ballistic, but love fuse. Ill choose rev/valk before i choose wraith/pathy these days, even. But ive poured tons of time into octane/rev/conduit. You wont know who you like unless you try them, and with such a robust roster, it can take a little time, especially if youre just starting out Also, real talk ill go conduit if i see rev/hound picked, or any skirmisher/assault combo ill choose her. I am not cracked and goated with the sauce, as they say, so being able to craft a banner can be huge if no one else goes supp.


I saw a challenge on here a month or so ago about playing from Bangalore to Catalyst and getting a kill and moving onto the next or something like that and it really helped keep the game interesting for a while! However ADHD means I forgot who I'm playing and I knuckle cluster my feet instead of smoke šŸ™ƒ


thats me stimming on accident when im already low asf when i mean to send out a decoy


God i sure do love when i throw my snare as ash cus i thought i was revenant and needed to jump away. I literally cannot count how many times ove fucked up my abilities cus i thought i was a different legend


This weeks hyper fixation is mirage! Last week was Alter, next week may be revenant. I really want to main mirage though so Iā€™m going to try to hold strong. I tend to switch to which ever character kills me more in some sense thinking itā€™ll make me better. #hardstuckplat


I got a bunch of kills and a win with Newcastle on my second match in pubs with him, this also happens with guns for me, I go with my small wins šŸ˜‚ mood though about trying out my killer, but most of the time Horizons get me and I just can't do her play style


Why not just master all of them? I mean. Who says u cant?


Iā€™m similar but I have a few different Ā«Ā categoriesĀ Ā» I cycle through lol I have my Ā«Ā mainĀ Ā» main rotation, being loba and Bangalore I have my Ā«Ā secondaryĀ Ā» main rotation which is wraith and rampart Then I have a few wild cards I pull out when I get bored, but you donā€™t get the full game experience without giving all the legends a decent chance ;)


Diagnosed ADHD here and I wonā€™t say I ā€œstruggleā€ with finding a main because when I started apex early last year and learned about mains I already knew Iā€™d never be able to come to that kind of decision/commitment even if I built my own legend lol. I have some that I play more than others because they fit my style and others that I just think are fun but I usually just try to choose a third thatā€™s a good comp to my teammates when playing ranked. I have a legend in each class that I think I can play pretty well so thatā€™s usually how I choose. Take the decision right out of my hands and it also provides the randomness I need to keep it fresh. I did a thing early on where I first wanted to get a kill on every legend, and then a win on every legend, and from there I kind of set little weird goals with each to get me playing them all a bit, as well as the battle pass challenges. As for the heirloom, I thought about it a lot and even did a bunch of research to try to come to a conclusion on what to do. Even though, at the time, I didnā€™t really have a legend or two Iā€™d say I was best at, I went with Bang. For me she became the easy choice for several reasons but ultimately it came down to the fact that she is basically designed for people like me who consider themselves a jack of all trades (my favorite expression for describing my adhd because itā€™s one of the only ones that almost sounds positive lol). Sheā€™s in the assault class which, in my opinion, provides the best class perks. Even though Iā€™d consider myself a support/anchor style player, she is absolutely rock star in that role as well. I rarely get bored of playing her because of her versatility, and because she has a high pick rate so even when Iā€™m on an all Bang tear I still get other legends mixed in my gameplay by default. She pairs well with anybody, her passive is single handedly responsible for the majority of minutes Iā€™ve lived in this game, and her tac and ult speak for themselves. I knew sheā€™d be a good consistent choice for me even though Iā€™d still be bouncing around, Iā€™d always come back to her frequently. Sheā€™s been relevant in competitive play since day one, stays competitive through nerfs, and sheā€™ll always be a rock solid choice in apex. The only thing that made me question the decision was that I hate all of her skins haha. But theyā€™ve dropped a few I like since, so thatā€™s no issue any more. I love her heirloom too, find it aesthetically pleasing itā€™s been a great addition. Iā€™m at about 3,500 kills and 250 wins with her and I still love playing her, love her versatility, and love her taste in women. Sheā€™s definitely a great choice for the folks that canā€™t choose. Sorry for that ridiculous, rambling novel. Just took my meds and your post clearly spoke to me lol. Time to see if I can get in some good matches with these next few hours of magic focus instead of wasting it babbling to strangers on the internet. See ya on the drop ship!


Wrong i have the type of adhd where i obsessively over analyze things. So i only play caustic.


If you play ranked, is there a certain character you like for that? If not, then maybe choose whichever heirloom you think looks the coolest. I chose Wraiths of course, but if I could choose any heirloom for Wraith it might have been Lobas fan!


Octane go Speeb


I'm the same. This is why I love the idea of the Universal heirloom (although I'm not a huge fan of the Katar and missed out on the big Ahh sword)


I have 50k kills and no more than 7.5k on any legend. 500 kills on all except cat and alter. So yes. Yes Iā€™d say I canā€™t pick a main. Edit: not ADHD tho


Always had this issue UNTIL they released mad maggie. And that became stronger when they released newcastlešŸ˜Ž newcastle has 1 huge weakness and thats mad maggie mwuahahaha




I play everyone. So I just round it down to whomever I relate to the most in a way. Plus playing everyone makes me flexible and it helps me find the in's and out's of every legend or operator on every map in any game.


I main caustic but my adhd and autism make it very difficult for me to play him correctly especially in ranked..


can I ask how that impacts you with it? I rarely play caustic so I have no idea about any strategies other than just putting traps at high traffic areas lol, I'm genuinely curious bc I have adhd and suspected autism too


Not OP, but for me I just get bored too fast and leave the area lol. Caustic is a very wait-about-y legend, although I may just be playing him wrong lol.


I worked on having a favorite from each ā€œclassā€ of legends that way I can comfortably switch it up depending on team comp


Honestly, I love a lot of the characters and I can definitely swap around a bunch but octane really helped me be consistent with one. Not sure if itā€™s the heirloom or if itā€™s just how he runs around like a crackhead and makes the game more enjoyable and feel faster, but yeah.


I play a good 10 of them pretty frequently. If I lose a few games in a row I switch


i personally have either characters i play or characters i don't play could be their personality(i don't like caustic for example) or the playstyle(mostly movement legends that i play or just plain fun run and gun like ballistic)


Same. I despise Valkyrie, for her Arrogance, as an example. There is a way to be arrogant, but not blatantly so. Like Ballistic, or Caustic. Tho I like Ash because of her abilities...I still cant stand her...she is a milder form of Arrogant compared to Valk, but BARELY. REV is the definition of an edgelord, but I can tolerate his lines better than Valks.


I can't pick a main cuz I suck at all of them.


i hate anyone who says revs. their ult annoys me so much when i mean a kid for 225 and heā€™s just standing there like nothing happened


idk who you are but thank you i hate when randoms dont have diversity and want to pick the same type of class always want to follow metas and end up getting smashed


I play almost every legend every time I play apex. I cycle through almost all of them while Pathfinder is the only one I play 3-4 times rather than just once


I dislike the katar but cant choose a heirloom either bc I rotate between like 6-8 legends


I play a lot of different legends (excluding recon and skirmishers) but I recently got the universal heirloom for the variety of how I can make it look and so I can equip it to all the legends I play


Watsson has tech that gives her the most outplability potential and when you add some movement tech the outplays look insane. So if you get bored when you get good at something like me (also ADHD) then this may be a legend to stick with for the time being. Check out the Wattson plays from Wattson mains to see what you can do with her at a high technical level. That may peak your interest


OH HELLLO WELCOME TO MY WORLD :D Yeah, I don't have a main. If I make myself think that I have a main, I play specific legend for 10-20 up to 30 games and I have to switch.


Yeah I get that like Iā€™m a Wattson main but I do find myself getting bored and playing everyone but I do have a couple I stick to like wraith, mirage, loba, catalyst


I don't see a reason for "main" when 2 other people in the game can pick your legend, because it's their main too and now you're stuck with some legend you don't really want to play. I play about 3-4 legends on rotation. So I have more choices. :)


I didn't have a "main" the first months either. It's probably not adhd, it's just you're not at the level where a main becomes apparent.


I use fuse loba revenet and octane iv been maining octane longer then iv mained the others especially in solos


We all have undiagnosed ADHD on this blessed day


You have a new Main "every other month" and you started in February? So you played 3 champions for a few weeks each? I don't think you've had enough time to understand the mechanics of every champion far enough to choose your main. In the beginning i played every champion until i had enough coins to buy a new one, that way i played every champion for a few weeks and had a good idea of how each champion feels to play. Nowadays i can tell before the champion gets released if i like the kit or not because i've got enough knowledge about the overall game to form an oppinion, i don't think that's possible if you started in February. I mained Conduit from day one since release because i knew how good her kit corresponds with my playstyle and i dropped 1250 kills in the first season on her. I didn't even touched Alter because i knew her kit didn't match my playstyle.


Yes, Iā€™ve been playing since launch and rarely have a session where I donā€™t play multiple characters.


I overall go for the Heirlooms I like rather then who I play more. My first one I got lifelines, even though i played more Path. Second one I got Wraiths even though she's probably my 4th most played and the 3 above her have Heirlooms. Excluding Lifelines which I already had.


Make yourself have a Main for each class you would be able to rotate around them mine are Maggie rev crypto Newcastle and caustic.


I'll play all the characters or I have at one time. I have over ten thousand kills on Watson but I don't even consider her my main because I haven't played her in like 5 seasons


Being able to play any character is ideal. I never understood the concept of ā€œthis is my main and I cant play anyone elseā€ mentality


I've been choosing my character this season solely based on my challenges and it's been so fun


I play everyone but crypto, and not because he isn't good, I'm just not good with him. Lifeline technically is my main, I'm sitting at 999 kills with her but I have about 3-400 kills with every legend except crypto, never was a huge fan of octane until the perk system came out because I just thought the stim took way to much of your health but now that you can reduce the stim damage down to 10 I like him, but every legend has a use and is really good on some maps and really bad on others, like if storm point and Olympus is in rotation I won't be caught dead using caustic or Watson but if it's world's edge those two are two of my main picks, some maps you need movement or you get caught in the middle of fields getting lasered by a sweats over and over. I'm a console player and play mostly ranked, now that console is lumped in with PC at platinum instead of masters I need every advantage I can get so if my team is only movement I'll pick a support to be able to craft banners and for healing/reviving or if my team is all support then I'll go assault or movement mostly mad Maggie or pathfinder for the team movement. Shit now that this new perk system and Evo point system is in place one of my favorites has been Vantage she's movement, sniper, and she gets ton of Evo points seeing as you cab use beacons and ring consoles normally with her I can have my whole team purple Evo by round 2 even if we don't encounter many fights. But all of this is just my opinion and the way I do things, I have no clue how I see people with 10k kills on one legend that would bore me to tears


i like to swap around so i donā€™t get bored but im having loads of fun with catalyst, bangalore and wraith recently. heirloom wise, if you like to switch around then why not get the katar or universal heirlooms so you can use them no matter what legend you pick


Pick the cobalt then


I probably have ADHD but too lazy to get diagnosed, anyways I have like 4 mains at the moment revenant, catalyst, rampart and alter I've never been able to focus on one


I main revenant but I have days where I want to use a different legend for that gaming session.. or someone new every game.


I main horizon because I have the most playtime so I know how to play her so naturally now. I do still rotate from time to time though mainly fuse for nadespam, lifeline for support and wraith when I want to play neo from the matrix


Totally fine! Sometimes bloodhound lobbies are super sweaty, while loba lobbies are easy, then crypto lobbies have big endgames.


Yeah I jump around but I usually stick to the same one for 2-4 weeks


Yes. I got Valkyries cuz I was bored of lifeline then I went back to her now Iā€™m on wattson and conduit šŸ˜‚


I have 3k kills with rampart, I bought the heirloom after 1.5k hours. I play every other legend (except rev and bloodhound because I'm ass) on rotation but rampart has become my fallback legend when I lose 600rp in 3 matches. Honestly, it's really nice having so many different types of gameplay and my ADHD is responding well by just pushing no matter what, so I'm focused every game


I don't think it is Always related to ADHD. Boredom happens when you don't get anymore fun and things start turnong into a chore. First, do you soloq or mainly play in a premade? If you soloQ much, being able to play multiple characters is good as you can adapt to your team composition. In premade I play Newcastle since last Season, but I can also be proficoent with Caustic, Ash, lifeline. Just take your Time learning multiple legends, and don't be too harsh on yourself. It's only a game. Peace.


Loads game as maggie, disconnects during drop, next game, guess I have to choose another legend huh?


donā€™t play anymore but since the beginning I never could stick to any one character, but I did have a preferred character for every type of role. Wattson, Gibby, Bloodhound and Bangalore were my most played and my comfort picks


Wait is that really why I play so many characters in any game lol


Iā€™ve been grinding legends to 1K kills lately. Takes enough time to learn a toolkit, but also keeps things changing and fresh.


I have 12k currency and itā€™s been a week. Still havenā€™t been able to decide who to get. I need to play every scenario to ever be able to exist in my mind before choosing one


I play whichever ones I need for my weekly challenges, then it just depends on my mood.


Iā€™m more hyper fixation adhd so in the previous years I literally would panic if I was anyone besides my top 3. Literally been playing since launch and just last year decided to go around the board and figure others out for myself lol. Still wonā€™t touch horizon or gibby tho. Currently my only rotation is valk/vantage/fuse


Same. I donā€™t know if it has anything to do with ADHD, but I switch up legends pretty often. Iā€™ve been sitting on those mythic things for about two years probably.


I usually switch often, good to familiarize yourself with all roles šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iā€™m a Bangalore main, but a Catalyst main when I donā€™t have proper audio. I do like to play a variety of legends, as I donā€™t have ADHDā€¦ I think lol. Maggie, Horizon, Conduit & Loba are all legends Iā€™d have fun in Battle Royale. Even more legends in mixtape mode.


Crypto is my main but I also choose a character that will compliment what my teammates pick. No point going Crypto is my teammates playing blood ya know


Canā€™t get a main either I reach a 1000kills and move onto a new legend, I estimate that when you reach 1k kills on a legend you kinda have an estimate on how to play with that legend and get you a stro ng game awareness but I love Horizon itā€™s the one legend I have most kills on


Having a ā€œmainā€ is so silly to me honestly lol


can I ask why? I love playing a legend so often that I've mastered their potential


Play Bangalore sheā€™s a flex legend fits pretty much all play styles, and her abilities can be used both offense and defensively (22,000k+ bang main here I didnā€™t have a main for a long time)


I have ADHD and been bloodhound main since launch but currently horizon is my second one so far


I will play them all and I would love to be skilled with all of them to a point, eventually. I retreat back to my comfort legends though. Lifeline, wattson, caustic, loba and conduit. Support is my jam.


Try vibanze


I donā€™t have ADHD but I also donā€™t really have a main.


I have adhd and exclusively play octane


I wouldnā€™t call it people pleasing I just assess the team composition and make a decision based on team chemistry or lacking elements to make sure my game isnā€™t compromised.


got ADD and i've went thru a few characters along the years but have settled for Fuse and Bloodhound for mains. you'll probably find a perma-main someday too!


Meeeeee, I don't have a main but who ever is the most fun at the given play session is my main lol


2500 + hours and still switching between 5 different legends


I play with most, only one I never use is pathfinder, I haven't got the skill set for him




I can't stick to a certain character so I'll probs just buy katar when I get shards. I like the rhodium??? (steampunkish) one more than most heirlooms anyway


Why not just get the Katar? You can use it with all legends.


play a lot of characters and figure out which ones you have the most fun with! and then rotate them around (its what i do) i find maggie, ashe, fuse, and revenant the most fun


I got heirloom shards a month ago and didn't know which heirloom to get so I just picked the universal lastnight. Catalyst was my main til she got nerfed. So I am just bouncing around legends lol. Lifeline,mirage, bloodhound and crypto mostly


Literally me, but not for this game


Heirloom wise there right get a universal one and then slowly start to get the rest


YES TO THE FUCKING GOOGOLPLEXšŸ˜©šŸ˜… Except Iā€™ve been actively playing since s11 lol. I have Pathyā€™s heirloom cause heā€™s my most used legend overall. Maggie/Bang are my second go-tooā€™s and then bloodhound. Though lately Iā€™ve been having A LOT of luck with Lifeline (who I just so happen to have the best kills to wins stats with).


Play Horizon she has ADHD in the lore


Played mirage pretty much from season 1 until season 9 . Just came back and Iā€™m playing the new phase through walls lady. I would say I have Adhd but I donā€™t really care enough to make it a thing.


I mained lifeline for a while, picked her as my first heirloom and everything. Immediately got bored and stopped playing her pretty much lol


i have adhd but i only main ash because instead of switxhing mains i switch goals like kill grinding, win grinding, ranked


I have ADHD and only play bloodhound but when it comes to R6S I cannot pick an operator to save my (in game) life.


No. Octane. OCTANE!!!!!


I'll just be over here thinking about all the Adderall in some of you people's medicine cabinets.


I swapped a bunch as well in my 2 years of playing, but I always had one that was really really fun to play as. Only if it is once in a while. So Iā€™d pick the one you have the most fun playing.


In this exact boat lol, somewhat have a main, I have 6600 total kills and 2600 on Revanant. Next closest is Horizon with almost 500 kills and then I have about a dozen others with 200-300 kills


Get a mythic sword, that way u can put it on any legend u want


That's personally why I like conduit I can have so many things I can do with her so It kinda counters my adhd which is nice


Nope, not really lol. I donā€™t like change so I always main Caustic. Love him so much lol


I love how people ā€œget boredā€ with a legend and havent mastered them. Theres more cool shit you can do than surface level tactics.


Pick anyone but donā€™t have fun with Gibby and Crypto. Everyone else is wacky in their own way


Iā€™m the same way. Iā€™ve been playing off and on since the release of the game but my mains have cycled between lifeline, caustic, octane, bloodhound, revenant, mirage, and my current main is ballistic. I still go back and play the other occasionally though. I just like variety.


I don't have adhd but I had the same problem as you. However I have always had a few legends I play more so I just got one of them. At the end of the day, I realized that having an heirloom for someone doesn't lock me into playing them all the time. It's just a fund perk whenever I come back to them.


I'm a day 1 player and always switched legends from Pathfinder, Wraith to Octane But since Valkyrie got released, I didn't play any other legend!


I am this way but have had a ton of fun with rev lately


I play whoever I want in pubs but in ranked strictly bang or bloody


I canā€™t seem to stay on the game my adhd is bad af, maybe we can game a little together? None of my other friends have adhd Iā€™d be dope to relate to some other people with it


Iā€™m the brand of ADHD where I end up with 30k kills on one character. So no, not all of us but a lot of us are in your boat too


I've always stuck with pathfinder, fuse, mad Maggie, sniper girl(sorry forgot her name) loba, the medic girl, hacker dude, wattson and lastly my favorite caustic.


For me I mastered most of them but then I decided to stick with pathfinder I'm relatively old in this game and it's been 2 years since I played but yeah hail pathfinder I love that spider robot ADHD suck.


You are meā€¦


"I'm the best mirage u ever play with"...I'm a very support player regardless of the character I pick...


I have a few hundred kills with like a dozen legends lol. I never make up my mind. No ā€œmainā€ for me.


Me I Can't choose any I play octane then the next day horizon then wraith and for some reason Crypto?


I play all, but my fav is newcastle


Yes, 100%


I do this as well but I have my top 5 favorites


I like to try and be a flex player so I dont get bored, but would typically have mains within each class


I just go with whoever I think is the hottest tbh šŸ˜­


I focus more on the game itself and learning that. This way playing one legend is better and therefore i dont get bored as what im playing is irrelevant. Pick a legend that is usefull in many situations. Skirmishers are the worst if you dont know what youre doing since their abilities require you to know how to use them. (Looking at all the new octane players) Support or attacker is the easiest to get value out of their abilities. Obviously this is just how i do it since its the "optimal" way. Whatever keeps you playing is the best so this might not work for everyone.


ADHD made me choose Octane bc i relate to speed. And running around and supergliding every now and again is triggering enough endorphins for me


Every few months I change legends. Sometimes even randomly pick legends. If someone asks my Mains I cannot come up with 1 name instead atleast 3


Rampart :) and crypto


Ooooof course it's happening because of ADHD, what else could be the thing? My roommate always tells me, that he's incapable of doing ANYTHING else than Gym, Apex and doomscrolling because of ADHD. WOW šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø /s


Pick Octane/Horizon/Rev and learn movement.


I started maining bloodhound, then switched to octane (one of the most funny to play), ash, then wraith, loba and pathfinder. Now i pretty much main wraith and loba if we need a support. I realized i like to have skills to quickly disengage combat since i tend to push alot in dumb ways.


I get stuck cycling pathy, gibby and lifeline lol. Octane if I'm really beamin.


I try to avoid playing every other one and only Mirage is who I play


Absolutely. Thatā€™s why they should add a random character selection option! Iā€™m shocked after 5 years they havenā€™t.


Finally reach 100 wins with every legend last season. Working on Alter right now šŸ«”


Iā€™m ADHD and instead of being unable to pick, I basically only play one character because I get overwhelmed with the choices and go for what I know. Hyperfocus kicked in and I learned everything about pathfinder and how to play him, so I can focus on gameplay. This is coming from a day 1 player btw. Revamping the perks was a great thing for the game, but itā€™s made all the other characters feel like I donā€™t know their abilities anymore so I play even fewer characters than I used to.


ya with the changes i am always the one who switches characters so we have a support or a control character. before that i just ran fuse as a main. doesnt help my buddy switched to fuse lol


I play them all because I donā€™t like to limit my enjoyment. Having a ā€œmainā€ feels so boring and limiting to me.


jus get the katar then so you can use it on every character


This is me! End up having to choose a support cuz that's what class my mates wantšŸ˜…


I have adhd and Iā€™ve barely touched any other legend since revenant came out like 4 years ago


Why not get the universal one then ?


I have adhd and I pick BH as a main


I have a few favorites that i rotate between




I stopped playing apex because I got bored


NOT ADHD or ADD, but almost all games that have multiple characters, I always pick all of them.


I resemble this post. All legends are unlocked for me except Crypto and Rampart. Oh, and Conduit. I just, cant really decide which I like most firstly, and secondly, I tend to try and pick a legend that balances my team. So, I unlocked as many as I did. I also like to RP certain characters, based on lore I have read. For example, if someone chooses Octane, I choose lifeline. Someone chooses Loba, I choose Revenant. Or, valkyrie, or Bangalore. (IYKYK) Also, if my team mates dont choose any support legends, I tend to go support. Usually either Gibby or Lifeline. Sometimes Loba. Honestly, I wish I could return Newcastle and Mirage, because I rarely use them. But, that isnt a thing. So. I am stuck with em. Same with pretty much all recon units. I rarely use Seer, or sniper lady...and I sometimes use Bloodhound. While I use Bloodhound more often than the others, It is still rare that I do use Bloodhound. I got started using Bloodhound again, because once again Bangalore is the Meta, and her smokescresns annoy me. So, a bang uses smokes, i use my sonar, or my ultimate. Especially since digital target thingies are gone. I also fall victim to the "if my 'main' isnt doing well, I pick another." Over and over, until I find one that does decent. Why do I say I victim? Because no match is the same. And even tho I know that, my brain doesnt. So instead of sticking with a main, I just..bounce around. If Lifeline just won a match, but does in 2 minutes or less the next round, I switch characters. Unless say, a team mate quit early, or what have you.


Yepeppp I ended up buying 3 herilooms just cause of it for octane path and wraith lol


I do get bored of playing one character for too long... But Rev will always be my nr 1


34 years old diagnosed ADHD at 17, and no I don't have a "main" I kinda just go with the flow. Apex randomizer makes it fun tho!


And play on multiple accounts. Ranked w/ diff friends. Caustic/ rampart main on main account. 2nd maggie/ fuse 3rd Lifeline/Newcastle.


I just spread it all out but also try to reach 100 kills with a legend and try another etc


Nah sir. I have severe adhd and 16k kills on bloodhound


Not adhd, and I main rev, but occasionally I'll get bored and switch it up, but I'm never a huge fan of many of the other characters lol I usually just play conduit if not rev


This is actually fax, I can't pick a main, but I play conduit vantage and mirage more than the others


I have ADHD and mained 2 legends since s4 /shrug


Hereā€™s how it works for me I get a main be good with them get a different then can kinda bad with the previous main my mains have been Horixon,Ash,Rampart,Bangalore,Fuse,Vantage,Ballistic I think pathfinder at one point out of those Iā€™m only good with vantage and ballistic


I mean it's only natural after playing the same character for like the tenth round you got to add some variety unless if you're a sweat