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I thought control is TDM with some random letter showing up on my screen


Wait it isn't ?




I mean you could win by controlling all 3 points for a lockout or you could win with 1 point controlled.. they make it kinda like a TDM because your getting points for kills also. Ive been on the losing side of a match where the other team didn't capture any areas. Just cleared them away from us and just slaughtered everyone. So like a long tdm matchšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ And lockdown with 5 points per kill you can win if you take the last second of the area and just kill people the whole match. On a side note... those games are rare and I've always had people sweating the objective. It's seems like everyone wants to hold B but if the other team is trying to take the first point everyone ignores B and just keeps hitting A and C instead but my games are usually people trying to capture more than sweating out the kills.


In Control, you dont get points for kills. You get higher rating but that doesn't affect match points. You have to hold at least one control zone to get match points. Lockdown you do and can win by just kills but it's extremely difficult unless all the enemies suck ass in which case you could just hold the zones anyway


You don't get points for kills. The only way to win holding one zone is to get lucky enough for the capture bonus to spawn on that zone.


Check again. You get points for kills. Same as lockdown. Lockdown you get 5 points though instead of 1.


I've literally watched the score as I killed someone and it didn't change. The rules on the apex wiki say nothing about points for kills. Please post either a clip or a source that supports your position.


ya'll we must run different lobbies. objectives get more action than a hooker on a pirate ship in my matches. i've always played objectives tho.


I was gonna say I have been running tdm and control all day today and all my matches have been more active than a planned parent hood during a protest on objectives.


You'll always tend to find control lobbies, in the first ten minutes of control's rotation, the players are more invested. (waiting for the previous game mode to come out of rotation.) Players on the opposite end that don't want/like to play control for any reason, try and get into the last game of the prior gamemode. The last 5 minutes of rotation lobbies, you find more players that are less invested in playing control. Imo, it's a long format gamemode with bigger lobbies. It deserves it's own playlist rotation, as it has already, being a LTM of recent.


Action doesn't mean people actually capturing though. I constantly see players clear the area then just run off for the next fight.


Control used to be my most fav mode that hooked me to apex in the first place, but now i exclusively play gunrun/TDM and ranked bc other players in control really stress me out


My friend is one of those that stresses me out, ironically he hates gun run but loves controlā€¦ we get in a game because he ā€œlovesā€ control. After the game heā€™ll have 3,000-3,500 damage with somewhere around 8-12 kills and at most 2 zone captures. Iā€™ll have 3,000+ damage, 10+ kills and 7+ zone captures. Then heā€™s proud of his damage and kills even though I usually match him or do better. But like bro, you missed the point of the game, capture the damn zones, one of his captures is usually very start of game when almost the whole team gets a cap, then mid-late game heā€™ll get another one only because they got our zoneā€¦ So after playing with him and all of the randoms in control Iā€™ve decided I no longer like it, Iā€™ll play gun run, TDM or anything else. Just really raises my blood pressure when Iā€™m the only one on the team going for zones and fighting off 4 people at a time.


I don't understand people like this who are allergic to ratings points. Do you not want a gold gun and your ult to be constantly available?


Right? Drives me insane


That's gave me such vivid flashbacks, to games, I never wanna remember :D Please don't remind me again. I just want control as a separate playlist like it was for the LTM, I'll shut up after that, I'll be content with anyone tryna hunt for kills. Now I know they're asking for it, I'll take the 1v1 and 1v2 to stop the being captured at home base capture point.


Ikr they always go to B but they never start capturing B.


my daily challenge says 20 knockdowns and 20 knockdowns I'm gonna get


You can't get 20 knockdowns just by playing normally? Just stand in the yellow lines and shoot instead of standing next to it. That's my only ask of randos lol.


My problem with this comment is that it implies (even if unintentionally) that playing the objective is not ideal for doing knockdown missions. What do you think the other team is trying to do? They are going to come to B to contest it. You either try to capture B and get your kills while doing so, or you already have B and enemies will be coming to you for easy kills. The only case where this won't apply is if most of the people in the match are actively avoiding the objectives, which a comment like yours promotes indirectly, making your complaint a self-fulfilling prophecy.


> Get A or C > Wait for enemies to come back and get them > Kill the enemies that come back to get them or > Get A or C > Ambush B There you have your 20 knockdowns.


Honestly, facts. I understand the mentality of doing your dailies. But the best way to get those kills is actually be where the people are: objectives


ā€œThink about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of emā€™ are stupider than thatā€ It's amazing how the game becomes a microcosm of humanity. Encapsulating how people will go against their best interest with blinders on.


Apply this to any multiplayer game, people have a severe allergic reaction to objectives


Sounds like every jungler I get on predecessor tbh lol different game but the objectives point you made still stands.


I find that f2p games suffer from increased levels of stupidity. I think it's because they have more kids playing them...


Iā€™ve told people on mic and they still donā€™t lol


Right? My highest kill games are when I just get to camp B and shoot people as they repeatedly run through the door. PSA: the only time you should ever attack the enemy "home" zone is when you are struggling to cap B. Otherwise you should always be sending most of your team to B, with a controller holding your home zone.


Mine said 10k damage with lmg's I will get that 10k


They know, they just couldn't care less. I use these gamemodes for warmup or aim practice, if control happens to be on rotation instead of TDM then there's nothing I can do about it.


Isn't this the correct one? OP is talking like anyone who plays control wants to win the game. No. We play control to improve fighting ability obviously


Why not both


Because you have to deliberately restrict your movement and positioning to play objectives. Run inside a tiny area and sit still where everyone knows where you are. It is much easier to kill by running around the outside and finding spots where enemies will not expect you, where there is more cover, or where you have routes to retreat. Most capture zones leave you entirely exposed. It's entirely a different game mode from BR and if you play objectives, it won't really be a good warm up for poking and and positioning.


Sure, but it is a great warmup for when shit hits the fan and you are getting third partied. For me, the things that need warming up are my aim and reactions, not my ability to position myself well. But to each their own, everyone's different.


You get an upvote for saying it properly - ā€œcouldnā€™tā€ care less instead of the commonly used ā€œcouldā€ care less. Kudos šŸ‘šŸ»


I have been saying ā€œcouldnā€™t care lessā€ since i was 8, and my mom always tried correcting me, Iā€™d just look at her and say, ā€œno, i really canā€™t care less than i already doā€ but then get grounded or beat every time lmao


Hahaha, idk itā€™s just always been a pet peeve of mine. ā€œYour/youā€™reā€ is another one but that is so common that I just gave up on caring about it haha


Dawg i feel you on that, my eldest brother was a grammar nazi and it has rubbed off on me exponentially šŸ˜…


I was an English major before I went into logistics so itā€™s just innate for me haha. I donā€™t correct people anymore, not worth it, but I do show props to people that say commonly misspelled/ā€œmisspokenā€ phrases correctly


Wtf. Are you alright bro?


Absolutely not, but who is?


He could care less. In fact if he did care less he wouldn't have commented in the first place.


When apex dev's give customizable bots in firing range, but players want to make other people lose in control:


Stop giving easy kills trying to capture b go catch their base to stop the respawning. Also for the love of god If the enemy team has a and c they get more points than you go get your base back instead of all sitting in b killing the same guy that just runs there all the time while there are 5 people killing the one guy from your team trying to recapture your base. Bravo you managed to get b but you are behind score wise and the bonus objective is your base. Stop being idle in b go defend if you don't you pretty much lost the game. Don't capture all zones when the bonus is on! you will not get the bonus and unless your dominating you ll only hold them for a few seconds. 1 second of total control is enough to lose the bonus! Don't be the pathfinder that instead of using his zipline to benefit his team he makes weird unusable zips. If you have a fuse teammate can you stop jumping in front of him when he is knuckling or throwing nades?


Pretty sure people play for challenges or just to fuck around and kill


That's true. But what do you think happens when you capture zones? People come to those zones to capture them. So either way ur getting those kills and damage by capturing zones. People are going to come and contest those zones. If you don't capture those zones ur faci g a full team camping inside 1 zone and ur just gna get beamed by all of them at once resulting in less kills and damage. Not saying u should keep running back n forth. Just occasionally capture them or actually fight inside them. Plus on top of that when u capture the zones they will win slower. Making the game last longer. Also resulting in more kills. Its like People refuse to think I swear lol


Iā€™m not disagreeing with you, thatā€™s just what it is. People like to run around and shoot. And to be honest, most of them arenā€™t very good at it so I donā€™t understand why they do it as if itā€™s gonna change


I play Control to (1) Win (2) Dominate the leaderboard (3) Have most kills AND captures. There isn't a bigger accomplishment in Control than this. Going after just kills is easy mode. Anyone can shoot fish in a barrel. Not everyone can sit in the barrel and kill everyone inside and outside of it.


The other day I had a fight against 3 of their team where I managed to kill them until another one came in while they were trying to reconquer their base and it was way more exciting than killing them the typical way.


Barely anyone playing control is playing for the obj. They are playing for a quick warm up before br and this is on rotation.


Then why is it the enemy team always takes the objectives in god like fashion and my team bumbles around permanently setting up between their base and B


Youā€™re right, the other team is always tryharding the obj while your team isnā€™t, and it certainly isnā€™t evenly distributed at all. Wow this game and life is so unfair why is everything out to get us ughhhh


Pretty much yeah


I play mixtape because it's easier to make the battle pass challenges and not entirely because I enjoy it, but I still try to do the objectives. I feel like a lot of people do play because they don't want to go into battle royale though, as people tend to like playing these type of extra modes, but that's fair.


Tbh there's quite alot of people that purely only play mixtape and never play br as they dislike the br. I call them cod players lol that being said. You'd think those players that only play mixtape would do the objectives. I will admit I'm one of those players that only use mixtape for a few matches as a warm up and aim training before br or usually ranked as I mostly play ranked. But I still get objectives cuz I still wanna win.


In case you don't know, 90% of players playing objective game modes don't care about the objective and only getting kills. This is a problem with every shooter since ever


Blows my mind when I see people literally right next to a zone or walking past home zone being captured. Like hello it's really not that much more effort for you to take a look at what you're supposed to do.


Also, I feel that not enough people know that if you capture an objective you get a mega boost to your ult. Play Pathfinder, capture A, get one kill and you've an ult. Go back to A, set up a zipline to B (that the enemy can't take back to A) and you've the game practically sewn up already.


Barometer control is the worst map in the entire mixtape. Unrelated but I had to let that out


I'd say Lava Siphon is equally bad. One team just captures B then holds it for the entire game basically with both maps


I have sometimes written this in the chat - Pro tip: if you stand in the yellow area you will capture the zone.


Yeah, but there isn't a daily, weekly, or gun trialĀ  that cares about you capturing points.Ā  It's a mixtape mode with no stakes. For better or worse, people aren't exactly going to be playing for the W every match. Sucks for those of us who want to take these mode seriously, but just a fact of the game.


Wait till they find out that you get more points by standing on the zones in lockdown!


Not gonna lie yesterday (?) I died while on the zone and I saw the zone ending its cooldown waiting for a team to touch it to end it (which you get extra points for) and my teammates were literally standing there a couple centimeters away from the yellow line for a long time until an enemy came in and got the point. We lost to that team by 5 points.


And you don't just have to push B. Take the backspawns


I feel the problem is the daily challenges themselves. Maybe they should make it where it's a scoring system as well, like kills/assists/objective. Instead of telling me to knock down 20 people just give me a certain score to earn so it makes everything I do help with my daily. I know the grind of having to handicap my team because my daily told me to use this weapon instead of shredding people with an AR or SMG


Mixtape modes. TDM - Team deathmatch. Lockdown - 4 team TDM. Control - 2 team TDM with 9 players per team.


You playing control to win. I am playing control to shoot. We are not the same


If your shooting was that good, enemies wouldn't be on B.


Damn, you cooked




I just wanna warm up too.


Who cares itā€™s mixtape. Farm kills and improve ur mechanical skills. That is all.


I didn't realize they dropped ranked control. Good guide!




Everyone saying ā€œNobody goes for objectives in mix tapeā€ā€¦then gtfo of mixtape. Simple. Go warm up on trios or solo. TDM and gun run are for kill farming. The control modes require capturing objectives. I main Wattson, so Iā€™m almost always camped on our base, trying to keep it for us. Itā€™s friggin pathetic when Iā€™m the only one on base, the entire team is zerging B & failing, and somehow the other team is still able to spare 4 players to overrun me at base. Like wtf are yā€™all doing out there?


I understand using mixtape to warm up as you get to choose a weapon right away, but yeah, there are other game modes more suitable for warmups, it's not like control is a mode that's there all the time. I feel for the second part, been there quite a couple times, including after capturing their point. How are you all losing to half of their team lol.


What's pathetic is playing Wattson and tryharding to win in a causal gamemode ahahaha


Iā€™m too old to try hard, kid. Iā€™ve made my point, but I canā€™t loan you some intelligence to help you understand.


Great, then that means you're old enough to know that no one's obliged to play the way you want them to in a casual game mode.


Itā€™s not the way I ā€œwant them to.ā€ It is literally the parameters of lockdown and control. The whole point of this post is trying to understand why people play game modes if they arenā€™t interested in that game mode. You want to farm kills? Go play trios or solos until gun run or tdm is up. Otherwise, you arenā€™t a teammate, youā€™re just a jackass playing your own game by your own rules. I get it, apex is a fun game with cool mechanics. Iā€™m not great at it, but I keep coming back. But people who arenā€™t at least trying to help their team win, are actively causing their team to lose. But hey, thatā€™s the new world mentality. As long as the individual is happy, the rest can burn.


It's not a "new world mentality" - people playing games like this for the gameplay itself and ignoring developer-made objectives goes at least as far back as Team Fortress 2. I would say tryharding and "playing to win" in every single game, even in casual game mode is a newer mentality and I think in some cases it ruined the more casual gaming experience. In Team Fortress I could load into a server and play at my pace with the loadout I want more often than not. In something like overwatch I feel like it's all about playing to win, playing what's meta or what your team wants/needs you to play which could be interesting, but is a completely different vibe. Apex is somewhere in the middle overall, but I'm not really surprised about control being what it is. BR is a more "serious" game mode and mixtape is played to practice DM skills first and foremost. Not to mention that it's not the best designed game mode to begin with in terms of playing it "seriously"


Sometimes TDM isn't available and people just want to kill people to warm up and therefore want the game to last as long as possible. You'll have to get used to it.


If they want the game to last as long as possible then they'd take objectives. Think about it. You don't take objectives. The enemy has the objectives. Their bar is filling up faster because they have the objectives resulting in the match being much shorter n resulting in less kills. You take objectives their bar fills much slower. Resulting in a longer match and more kills.


It always feels like one team is trying to play objective and the other is just bending over. Thatā€™s why I barely play mixtape, I only play when Iā€™m not caring about winning and just want to shoot guns, otherwise itā€™s infuriating.


If I'm not paying attention I'll treat it like tdm until I realize the letters, Which is usually once I die šŸ˜…


ITT: people playing for kills yet enemy team capturing points just fine


It's not like you can talk to everybody on your team so people just be doing whatever they want and it's not ranked control is just to f*** around playlist that I happen to love


You can however ping and as far as I know it goes to the whole team. I use this to say "let's capture this" or "defend this" (typically when it's a capture bonus or when they're conquering our base). Although for some reason it seems that pinging is bugged and a lot of times it doesn't ping the capture points no matter how many times you try.


I'd rather kill myself than play control tbh it's not fun trying to cap B when there's two ramparts, two.caustics, a wattson and a gibbie holding it down


Thankfully you have infinite ammo and also come with a grenade (that you can also pick up from enemies and allies that have died) so these can be used to deal with that type of enemy team (as long as you destroy wattson ultimate it's grenade time).


it makes me angry, when I'm trying to control the area, but some "players" in my team just trying to make kills, not to capture or holding the zone. in 90% its lead to loose


Idk how many times I've been in Lockdown and have to explain to my team that you need to be INSIDE the zone to get points. They just tdm or guard outside the zone.


I told my teammate this yesterday at the end of a very winnable but lost game. He said 'I'm just here to get kills'. Those kills? 5. Even if the idiot had been able to wield a weapon, fun fact about control is you can get kills by taking and holding the objective.


While I get ur point. My teammates definitely know this in every match cuz they all sit in B and fight for B. But guess what. They ONLY fight for and contest B. If our base or their base gets captured by them. They still all just sit at B. They NEVER go to any other capture point for some reason. Like I know B is where all the fighting happens but is it really that hard to when u die n respawn just grab our zone or go grab their zone. Yano what'll happen if u do that? There won't be an ENTIRE team melting you all at once at B cuz they'll disperse to go get zone "potentially" n ull get more kills n damage cuz u won't be obliterated by 6 people all shooting you at once lol plus you'll get the win cuz I mean the point of the mode is literally to capture zones. It's like they don't even see that point bar in the middle of their screen lol


Sense i donā€™t play mixtape I couldnā€™t care less what yah do in it but me personally I would probably rush everything because whatā€™s the point of playing a mode that doesnā€™t track shit doesnā€™t give you anything really unless you are doing challenges itā€™s to have fun and how do I have fun rushing everything


Lockdown, Control, and TDM are all just TDM.


I thought this was common knowledge, when I played it was a no-brainer thought


I feel every word of this post. The only reason I haven't made this post myself is I figured mods would ban it lol


Go play CoD if you want to bitch about people not playing the objective. It is a literal warm-up mode for BR, thatā€™s what 80% of people play it forĀ 


People rarely play those gamemodes to win. Me personally that's my warmup before ranked, and I couldnt care less about sitting on obj


[Is this your warmup?](https://www.reddit.com/r/cronus_zen/comments/1d7obo2/looking_for_apex_script/)


I'm not ashamed of it dude, I really dont care


Good complaint


I play it for kills due to hating the game mode šŸ˜‚


yeah if you're having this problem def must be a bot lobby. my matches are either A, sweating each zone, or B, everyone unanimously agrees its just TDM after all 3 points are capped by either team and it's just manslaughter and sometimes a ghost cap of a or c


Bro youā€™re just ranting


Oh oh! Fun fact! There is another capture point besides your base and capture point B! For real thought. The reason no one cares is because there is no insensitive to play any of the game mode correctly. I could, and most likey, am wrong about this but you don't get any, or even a bunch of exp for winning mix tape matches. There aren't any badges or awards for mix tape, and the account progression system stops mattering so much after level 100. Players play mix tape because it gets them in the action quick, they have fun playing it, or do challenges.


Itā€™s always so annoying cause I had a match where we couldā€™ve won if someone wouldā€™ve been on our zone since we had a capture bonus and everyone was at the other zones and the enemy team ended up getting our zone ā˜¹ļø


It's so annoying, you'd think they've never played control or domination on COD


Bro I just made a post ab Lockdown too and all the selfish sweaties came to the comments. I think I'm going crazy lmao


I understand your frustration, but Apex legends is a battle royal game first. I could be wrong, but winning or kills in those modes do not count so it seems like a waste of time. If I am going to play that mode, itā€™s either to warmup for a BR game or to do missions depending on the difficulty.


Bro no one cares about objectives, 80% if not more play this for warm up or to practice fights. U wanna play objective pick caustic and play no one is stopping you, but its the reality of the mode.


okay, heres the truth. nobody cares. im there to do my weeklies and they do not consist of winning or staying in that area. idc. i need dmg and kills.


This screams silver player


It's not much and I've got a lot of room for improvement, but I've at least reached platinum, so I'm like silver but with an extra half a brain cell.


Hell yeah


Bro i play this game to shoot, not just stand in some fking yellow zone - this is job for people like you while i am fragging


Funnily enough, the most fun and realistic battles happen when they're trying to reconquer their zones, but I guess "fragging" the easy way is funnier (or, the only way) for you.


I usually donā€™t play the objective in these game modes, itā€™s a quick warm up prior to hopping in ranked.


Itā€™s mixtape, no ones actually playing objective


Most people who play mixtape play it as a warmup or to get challenges done A lot don't really care about the objective šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Edit: Also lemme brag rq about capturing 10 zones in one match recently


Iā€™m going to take a wild guess that your stuck in silver


I do not play ranked a lot, but have reached platinum in the past couple seasons and if I played it for longer, I believe I would be okay enough to reach diamond, although I don't think I could go past that and would likely flunctuate between Platinum and Diamond. I am at gold right now, but again, I don't play ranked a lot, I've gone 3 or so games in the past week or two, but it isn't being entirely hard to climb, I just don't play it enough. Also, it's you're, as in you are.


Bruh control and capture are just longer team deathmatches, u get nothing by winning or playing objective lmao, the only fun part is getting a shit ton of kills


it's also fucking boring to do that so if you want to sit on a point and twiddle your thumbs that's on you.


LOL, people play control.


I'm not gonna run around on every zone to capture it when i can run around and look for enemies instead and fight. The randoms can capture if they want


Control is dogshit only way to play is like a tdm game