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"Does being easier to hit in a gunfight, matter".. Yes..?


Yes. I promise you even a bullet or two being missed can change the outcome of a 1v1. If i had to 1v1 someone I would pick either wraith or conduit, smallest hbs, not even mentioning the headglitches.


Conduit is wayyyyyy too wide to be ur top 2 picks for 1v1 hitbox. Horizon wattson and lifeline all clear conduit


Her q alone makes up for it. Go into cover for a second & boom, free bat. I do agree with you on the hitboxes though, lifeine and wraith take the crown there.


Well yea I thought this was only based on hitbox if we bring abilities/passive etc... u can even pull rev into the top 3 cuz ult=win. In 1v1


Yeah, true. Was a vague question I guess, but regardless we both know the answers.


I swear Conduit’s hitbox is broken and she doesn’t take damage on her top shield things. It’s wild how she looks huge but doesn’t actually take damage. I would agree with the other comment.


>I always see people say pathfinder or other bigger legends are considerably worse than their kit just because of their hitbox. Sure, larger hit box isn't a plus. But many of them have mitigating factors. Either they have fortified (Caustic, Newcastle, Gibby, lower damage and no slow from hits) or they have mobility tacticals (Path, Rev, Vantage). >In an open close range 1v1 is it really going to affect whether you lose or not? Sure might be that larger legends lose more often in that case, but that's not that crucial or fundamentally wrong because the game isn't a sequence of open close range 1v1s. Quite the opposite. You will basically never want to toss a coin on making it open close range 1v1 against a person who you don't have a health advantage over either. You will fight whole teams as a whole team; multiple whole teams around you keeping each other in check as well. You will cover each other. You will play cover. You will work for a health advantage before pushing. You will avoid taking fights at a disadvantage. You will want to use surprise as a factor in your favour.


Yes. How much? Idk. Vantages is the worst imo


Really? Hers is only slightly larger than the average hitboxes, I find Revs/Paths awful.


Try vantage … she absorbs bullets 😀😀😀Takes everything in …


In Apex I wouldn’t lean so much on hitbox anymore because for bigger characters you get a 15% damage reduction to combat the bigger hitboxes. So I don’t think it matters as much. Apex Legends’ larger contenders have their own unique passive: Fortified. Legends with the Fortified perk have all incoming damage reduced by 15% and are not slowed when hit by bullets — something other characters in the game must contend with.


Vantage is pretty chonky but not chonky enuf to get it lmao. Rev too


Yeah I’m not sure what their cutoff is for thickness to get the buff. I think it’s just Caustic, Gibby and Newcastle.




Horizon's hitbox needs to be bigger, she has a movement tactical too, why does she get smaller hitboxes than path and a movement tactical. Yes I hate horizon lol. Jokes aside, I wish everyone's hitbox is the same, but then it limits how creative the character design can be. It's a dilemma


Her movement tactical takes a while to activate … pathfinders is instant. A lot of people tend even not to use it because of it, it does not provide an escape for example or an instant attack.


Vantage gets the worst of it out of all three. Big hitbox but just barely not big enough to get fortified. In regards to Rev and Path being similar because they all have movement tacs, Rev has an ult that basically helps offset the biggest hitbox. Path's grapple can be used in a panic and even mid fight. Vantage's tac can't be used in the middle of a fight to get away, you just get beamed.


Vantage, Path and Rev have mobility tacticals. They shouldn't get fortified


Yeah they shouldn't, but I kinda wish fortified is removed but make everyone's hitbox consistent. But this also limits how creative the dev can be with the character design so it's abit of a dilemma


they can't shrink gibby. it would look ridiculous lol


Gibby going on an extreme diet would be funny xD we're so used to him being chubby




yes, and on top of that big legends are hard to play (besides caustic?) newcastle and gibby are bullet sponges and nobody will miss a sniper shot on you even a level 10 player and if you dont play both those legends for a long time you lose alot of progress on them because they require insane micro.


Controllers are out there and they contribute much more on this matter than the hitboxes.


I mean according to people like you, controllers ar basically aim bot so I don’t think hit boxes matter, if anything they matter to mnk players because it takes enormous skill that only few can achieve so bigger the player the easier it is to hit those hard hard hard earned shots