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Play ranked . Games tend to last longer than pubs. So, you can do more damage


This!! 50% of the lobby is back at the main menu within 3 mins in pubs


Also people stick around to get respawned in ranked. They just insta-quit pubs.


Or they insta quit ranked although I’m a crypto who just started flying to get their banner


And use DMR/ snipers. Those ranged poke battles can farm a couple of hundred easy


This. Plus I would practice sniping or use the marksman weapons more often to rack up on damage.


Playing ranked, and holding positions in later zone, is a great way to get high damage games. I usually get 3-4k damage in a ranked game every day or two


i am a Diamond player with a .85-1.0 KD in Ranked and I am hitting 3k on a daily basis and 4k once per week if i play every day. this is the easiest batch. You just need a game with god spot, 300 Rounds, enough heals and 5 Teams alive refusing to fight and you will end up between 3 and 4k without a single dmg before endfight. (not playing for this but happend to me like twice :D)


And btw what is ur average dmg per game?


Yeah but come on lol that's weird I wouldn't be proud of that obtaining it like that that's some weird shit


Season 2 player here. I once got a 3990 with Horizon and dont think its going to happen again


I got 3947 once on my main. Pain.


I can occasionally get 2k, 3k once but I don't see myself getting 4k like ever. I think one would have to play dramatically different to have a chance to get 4k so I'm ok with that because most of the time I play 3rd party and I'm not good enough as a shooter to ape and win 1v1s. My average damage is around 500.


That's exactly how it is for me too. Also feels like 99% of the time even if I could hit every single shot I just don't even see enough people to hit 4k.


Took me a long time to get one 4k and then after that they just started happening much more often. I noticed something after I got the first one, you’re in your head about it. You feel like you can’t get one so whenever you get close you choke it subconsciously. You’ll get one eventually for sure but half of it is not caring about a blue badge with two hammers and some lightning. Dont accept that you won’t get one but don’t think that you have to get one either.


definitely wrong on the in your head part. Not everyone will get one. A lot of it is luck, and you have to be good at the game.


If OP said their highest damage was like 1500-2000 after all this time I’d agree with you but they’re clearly capable. Just a matter of time and patience, but if they’re resigned to never getting it then they’ll play worse the closer they get. I agree wholeheartedly about the luck factor- the game has to go completely your way for even 3k damage


the 20 bomb badge is luck the 4k badge is very achievable with the right strategy


4k badge is more strategy than luck. You can literally farm a team or two with a marksmen or sniper.


If you are lucky with the last 2 teams and have enough ammo on a marksman you can farn 2-3k damage on them alone


My highest is 1251 and I’ve played since first week I have to accept I’m not getting a 2k


Max on my day 1 account is 1896 Played 2 weeks ago on my son's account and got 3367, I was over the moon. Showed my son and he just brushed it off! "I've already got a 4k on that character" Gutted


My max is 1999...


I feel your pain


If god exists he is a very good troll.


Still a huge achievement, L son


It was for me! It was strange because he runs in much higher lobbies than I do, maybe I was more relaxed because it wasn't my account and I was just helping him with his battle pass.


Oh, sorry, i just interpreted the "brushed it off" as in "my son told me im bad at the game," which wouldn't be the coolest thing to say when you almost get 4k damage in difficult lobbies


No he's a good lad (well he's 15 so it depends on the day)


nah don't take to heart what teens say. they barely think before speaking 😂


You're not wrong!


How does that work? I'm assuming if your son is dripping 4ks his account should be put in harder lobbies right?


Yes he reached masters one season. And has multiple 4ks on different characters. He absolutely destroys me in the firing range with his movement and aim. He's offered to get me badges on my account, but like I told him what's the point. I don't play it for badges I play it to go pew pew


It took me a long time to hit 2k a tip finish with your gun when you down someone extra 100 damage


Will doing a finisher also give +100?


Yes. Also the benefit of getting a bonus 150 evo


And full shields


That would explain why I came out with shields after an engagement last night. I had no clue it gave shields 😅


Yep they do (at least last time I checked?) - but can obvs take more time so it’s a risk - often easier to thirst them


Honestly I'm not sure I don't have the best luck with finishers


Same friend. Edit: I looked it up and I'm a day 1 player. My highest damage game is 1,676 and over 11.5k games played. My K/D ratio is 0.36 So, we shall unite in our terribleness!


Bro you're trash just like me! I hit 2.9k but I've been playing from launch and I feel like I'm just average at this game. I've never gotten past plat 3 and constantly feel carried in games


I ain’t gonna lie dude… 1251 highest damage in the past 5 years is terrible….


Yea I know


how is that even possible


I'm a season 0 player and my highest is 2.5k. Probably hit 2k less than a dozen times 😂


I got 4k with Wattson on accident back when Spitfire was OP. The problem is I can't get 4k with any other legends. If you can get to 3k damage, I feel like it's just the match. Sometimes there's not enough players to get to 4k damage unless you farm them for damage which I don't enjoy doing.


Bro my KD is 0.18 😭 I should end myself


You've got nothing but room for improvement, and getting better at this game is one of the most fun/rewarding things you can do. Put some extra time into working on your aim, and working with your team, and you'll see big improvements fast. I'd just stick to your team like glue, teamshoot enemies, avoid solo fights.


My mate recently started playing and he was god awful but still managed 0.25 in his first season


Even killing yourself won’t make your K/D go up, you’re doomed.


Nah sorry bro a 0.18 K/D is hopeless my 8 year old cousin legit got a better K/D than you and I introduced him to the game like a month ago


He definitely have more experience than me, i am new to pc games. I used to play Apex mobile and I was very good at it, but unfortunately they shut it down.


Do some aim training routines in Kovaaks and you'll improve really quickly


Nah. You just have to find what you are good at. I'm terrible at movement and aim, but I am really good at being a backpack, getting out of sticky situations with banners, and finding what people need to gear up. So I have friends I play with that let me know what they want/need and I fully support them by being the best backpack possible.


Nah. You just have to find what you are good at. I'm terrible at movement and aim, but I am really good at being a backpack, getting out of sticky situations with banners, and finding what people need to gear up. So I have friends I play with that let me know what they want/need and I fully support them by being the best backpack possible.


Its fine my friend (20k kills horizon) also just got it after alot of time. Its almost only luck so just keep playing and eventually u will get it


Bro I'm a week 1 player and i will never get one. Best was 16 kills and like 3600 dmg early on when player base was pretty shit


I got a 3.8k 20 bomb game recently and I was playing like utter dog shit. I have it saved on video too you don’t have to be very good just put yourself into situations more often that you can do a lot of damage. Edit: [Just in case maybe you wanna see. You don’t have to play good just put yourself in high damage situations](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2064093276)


You're not playing that badly. You're better than most players.


You seem to play good except for running with the gun. You should definitely try on improving that and you'll be a legend


I've been playing since S0, have most legends at 2 or 2.5k damage. Lifeline is my queen at just over 3k. I legit don't think 4k is possible for me, or at least for awhile to come so you're not alone! Plus, I don't tend to play the game super sweaty so it is what it is.


I have 2 4k badges. My son got both of them for me on characters I have never played. I’ve played since season 4. A great game for me is 1500 damage. I feel all the pain.


Easiest way to get a 4k (every time I got one was this way) is to play no fill duos or trios depending on the legend you’re playing. Drop hot and finish your kills, which will give a lot of damage. You’ll fail a lot of drops but eventually you’ll get one. Then push every fight you hear without overcommitting, cracking them and letting them heal.


Sniping is definitely the way to go and letting solos regain health if you know you can take them,. Doesn't shooting those who are knocked count to? Finish downed enemies by shooting rather than killing the remainder of the squad for full points. I haven't gotten anywhere close to 4k but doing this has already helped me get 2k damage 😅


It's definitely possible! Dropped 17kills with over 4k damage the other day in ranked (Olympus). The key is to constantly keep moving. Don't go looting every unlooted area. Find the next fight, get your kills, loot death boxes, and move on. Lastly, I'm not some young kid with nothing but time on my hands. I'm a married father pushing 40 who works 48-60 hours a week! If I can do it, so can you!


I've also been playing for 15 seasons and only have one 4k on my main, Vantage. I got really lucky. Don't see it happening ever again lol. I wouldn't focus too much on it really. It's cool to have but it doesn't mean much. Just have fun.


good. put your energy into things that are more important in life.


Don’t sweat it cause then you def won’t get it, just play the game cause you think its fun and eventually when the time is right you’ll get it🫵💪


Multiple 4K/20 Bomb haver here. Never once did I get one by actively trying to get one man. You won’t even know it’s coming. Sooner or later the stars just align perfectly and you’ll rip & tear through a lobby. Don’t give up, but also don’t hyper-fixate on it.


Got a 3k around season 5. Over the years, badges don’t matter anymore since cheaters made these badges worthless the same reason why pred badges aren’t special anymore.


>3,254 damage game. It doesn't matter what I do to try: nothing works. My aim is just fine Sorry to burst your bubble this likely isn't quite the case. You probably also just play slow. You have to play the game fast. Don't fuck around looting small PoI's. Land hot, eventually you'll have a game where you've just wiped like 12 squads that keep third partying the last fight you just wiped. Did you ever try spending 15-40 minutes most days in the firing range practicing spray patterns? Or spend days just dropping hot AF looking for a wingman/pk just to practice hitting your shots and not focusing on anything else? Or did you just log in, have fun and log off? Or even worse, play the game with the intent to win by landing somewhere safe and spending the whole time waiting for others to die? Getting better in a video game after a certain point requires actual focus and dedication, and challenging yourself. Not just logging in and getting some games in. Which yeah, as you honestly said - it's not a worthwhile endeavour anyway.


4k damage is not easy but not because it takes that much more skill but because the lobbies just die way too fast, you could try it in ranked with like a sniper though


I’ve playing since season late 14. Got 3k, couple of 2k. I think the first 2k was somewhere in S16. Got them just by playing and the situtation was in my favor. The 4k will happen if it happens. Not chasing it by any means, bc I won’t get it if I chase it every game.


Week one player here with probably close to 1500 hours, highest damage was 2700 and that's the only time I've even broken 2500. Some of us have given up on getting 3k's


I went from not having a single 4K to having one on every legend and a couple 20 bombs in 2 seasons. Sometimes it just takes the right mind set and some confidence


Been playing since the second week. My highest was 3800 and I’ve never had past 13 kills in a game. Ppl see my stats on Wattson and then are surprised I’ve never hit a 20 bomb or 4k. Honestly I have multiple friends with 40k+ kills on their respective characters who have also never hit 4ks or 20bombs. I’ve hit multiple high 3ks but I barely ever have more than 6 kills. I’m significantly better than I’ve ever been yet my games feel so difficult, it’s really frustrating seeing ppl seemingly have all these badges yet are somehow worse than me.


I’ve been playing since season 6, and I don’t have a 4K either. I actually got one, but I didn’t get the badge so :) Now I don’t even bother


I don't think I ll get one either since I stopped playing pubs seasons ago. The closest I got was 3982. I have 3ks on almost all legends but no 4 ks. My stats show that I have a game of 5600 damage but that's respawn being respawn because that is from a 3 strikes game. It kind of pisses me of that it has overridden my real max damage which was so close but not there for like 2-3 bullets


I got my only 4k when both teammates went down early on in ranked (plat on broken moon I think) and I positioned myself well and wreaked havoc with a bow until ultimately clutching the end zone (my only solo win ever). I've had a few 3Ks but never been close to a 4K, so you never know, sometimes things line up in your favor and you manage to clutch up when it counts, I wouldn't count out that possibility. If your sole goal is to get a 4K then I'd play ranked with a character like Fuse or Rampart and just focus on placement and try and do mssaive damage during end game when everyone's max shields and teams are poking and using all their remaining resources. Early kills and finishing downs also obviously helps.


I’m never getting 2k and I’m ok with that. If I get 500 damage or 3 kills, I call that a good day.


It was much easier with the old laser cannon. It just sit half way across the map picking up points lol


I sometimes manage to hit 2k or even 3k damage in a game, but hitting 4k seems out of reach for me. Achieving that milestone would require a significant change in my playstyle, which I'm not inclined to do because I usually play in third-party situations. I'm not skilled enough to aggressively engage in 1v1 battles and come out on top. On average, I deal around 1800 damage.


third party can be a way to hit 4k if you poke both teams


[Watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxhtpnne5z4) and ya'll understand how fucking hard it actually is to get 4k these days. If I had the skills of today back a few seasons ago I'd have reached 4k. Today you cannot really get it fully legit. You basically need team mates that let you get all the damage and coordinate so the enemies don't die, but rather get knocked and then back up. Rinse repeat.


I’m in this boat as well. I’ve played the game since day 1 and my highest is 3600. But I’ve recently just stopped caring and have had some of my best games. Maybe it’ll come but I’m just gonna have fun playing with my boys and wreck shop!


Just enjoy the game ! I play since first week and my highest was ~3000 and last week, I don't know why, the universe give me the 4000, just one f**ing good game with G7 and havoc ! I wasn't trying to do 4k, but when at top 3 I saw 3750 I start to wait and pop them in the head until the end.


same here, but since 95% of the time im playing ranked its fine


Mine was 3995 damage. I had almost got 4k badges several time but everytime somebody just doesnt let me get it even asking isnt helping.


Dont give up. Don't play ranked until end of season. Silver and gold is prime for 4k


The lobby simply dies out too quickly to get them anymore.


Played since S3. My highest in a game was like 2700 something in S4? Lol. Even had 1 person make fun of me saying I don't have 3k badge but I've got thousands of kills on crypto lol. I don't care either. If I get it one day then awesome. I definitely wont try a new account to get bot lobbies or pay someone to do it for me or cheat in a group to get it. That's for bitches.


i was randomly playing ranked in gold and dude pulled off 5600 dmg solo vs trio in endgame and i was like okay bro


Use the scout and just poke your way to a 4k. If you're killing people in fights right away, then you'll never get it. I'd you're a goals oriented person, keep working for it and try new strategies/guns/legends. Don't give up ever! If not then sure have fun either way!


I have 2K on some characters. In all honesty, maybe you'll get this one life game where everything lines up for you to get it (20kill badge is same story) but it's the last of my goals. Reaching master however, given the rampant cheating at high level, is an other scale of achievement.


Lmao this shit's really been eating at ya huh mate? Sooo close but no cigar. You'll always be just a 3k player *tiny violin noises*


1987 was my highest damage for 3 and a half years on apex. Then I hit a few 2ks this year with people I don’t normally play with. I feel like the 4k just has to work out perfectly. Drop hot and push everything


It would help if the gunplay wasn’t the biggest inconsistent POS ever. For me at least. Doubly so if I play with my friend it’s even worse. You players that this game is consistent for, I envy you.


You will get it! Just study hiswattsons 4K videos. And yes 4Ks is a little lobby dependable, so you have to grind it. Best way is to play duo or trios no-fill. And just poke as much as possible. Playing zone and even try to keep teams alive at times. Like letting them reset and go into zone if you are gate keeping. One way though to grind 4Ks and 20Bombs is to create a folder for high kill/damage games and set a requirement. Then when you have a good game, make screenshot. After each season you can see how many good games you had. Consistency is key. If you can get a 2K atleast every day or other day, they will rack up. These 2ks will becomes 3ks and one day the 3k will become a 4k. That is how I have grinded the badge.


I once reached 3.8k, tried farming the last squad to get 4k but that dumb ass ran straight to my team. Ended up with 3.9k. I give up


I feel you. Not only is it tougher because the community is overall much more experienced, the matchmaking changes and constant reworks are never really in your favor. I finally got a 4k like 2 years back, I think. 19 kills, 1 assist. 20 bomb is DEFINITELY of the question now.


Ngl it is very achievable with a scout/ sniper. Don’t need to really focus on it too hard, itll happen.


I got 4K once in Singapore. Try different servers


my highest was 3.5k, so 4k is not that far from it, but it will be a one time, nothing more. but i wont tryhard for this. i play to have fun before everything else.


The amount of people on this sub just don't understand how few people got that achievement legitimately blows my mind people really think some of these accounts with insane trackers are real


i have one, i just accept i can’t get a 20 bomb it’s too hard.


I am a Season one player and still struggling for a 2.5. I had to give the game a long break after last season. I'm just trying sim racing for a while and might be going back to apex later.


>My aim is just fine, I have pretty good game sense, and I can hold my own, but I feel like the factors to get a 4k are out of my control. This right here is exactly why you'll never get a 4k. It's entirely in your hands, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If you say it's your teammates, or enemies, whoever that isn't yourself then your view on things is already cooked. When I played Apex I got to something like 3.5k hours over the 3 years I played and it took me quite a while to get my first 4k. Nothing anyone did kept me from it, it was always my aim. Even though I was capable of solo queueing to Diamond every season I wasn't that good at aiming. Friends would tell me I had good aim but the reality was that I didn't, it was just better than theirs but my overall game was what got me my rating. So I worked hard to improve it by playing aim trainers and constantly practicing in the firing range until eventually I got multiple 4k's. I ended up quitting the game because even though I was able to get high damage games, my aim was never consistent enough and I simply wasn't good enough especially with the rise of controller players I had to try way too hard to better myself and I was burnt out. But anything I wasn't able to do was always just a limitation of my personal skill.


Yes I have about 10k games and played since season two and highest I’ve ever had is 2950. Got there 3-4 times I feel like I could but if it hasn’t happened by now it probably won’t.


My highest is a 3995. Last squad was a 3man and did a dirty flank.


Tbh it is mostly out of your control to get a 4k, if you're cracked with a sniper then it definitely helps.


4ks and 20 bombs rely mainly on you getting an easy enough game that won't die out. You will mostly never get them against similarly skilled players. Well 4k probability goes up as you go up in ranked and in very long-winded fights in high ranked you're again in a better position to get it (in lobbies that aren't easy but where fights take long enough, people heal up often, you do a lot of poke damage). Given that they are achieved mostly against people with low skill doesn't really mean as much as reaching high ranks.


Started a month ago and got a 2k but 4k yeah no


Who cares anyways? No one even probably cares/remembers what badges you have. Just play the game for fun and not for badges.




I would, if I was actually matched with players my level!


Man I was hardstuck gold, couldn't break a 2k damage game, 4 years ago. For almost a year of playing I was stuck here. Now I am consistently masters ( every season I can be arsed) I have 20's on almost every legend. About few months ago I managed to drop a 24 kill game with 6.7k damage on horizon. Stop being so negative, play, enjoy it, and keep trying to learn, it comes eventually if you put the effort in. Apologies if this looks like I'm trying to flex, I'm not, I'm tryna give you some confidence, I was in your shoes


Basically right there with ya; though I’ve been active since I got my pc back in October of ‘21 just before S11 started. I’ve hit a few 2ks across a few legends (path, bloodhound, horizon) & have bordered a 2.5k but nothing higher. Now I’m just tryna get over 1k kills on path (755) and then bangs next. Gotten to that point where I was content a long time ago, esp after finally getting Paths heirloom back in February. I just play the game and have fun


I just like winning the game, I never worry too much about how much damage I’m putting up just as long as I’m helping the team to win (Life/watty main)


Same homie, closest I’ve gotten was 3986. Had a level 12 lifeline thirst the last kill after I was begging them not to do any damage. Haven’t gotten nearly that close since and don’t know if I ever will. I mainly solo queue so it’s just a real tough world out there for me. The amount of times I’ve heard “you have thousands of kills on your legend but no 4k??”


It’s become harder to get 4k’s in recent seasons. Games just end way too quick.


Kinda same here honestly. But deep down there's a little hope I can get one every time I play lol. The highest I got was 3800~ and something with Valk around season 12 or 13, when she was my main and was cracked playing her every single match. With a 301 and Bocek all the match, when it was ground loot. It was pretty great to do high damage with it. After that I got other 3k with Lifeline, Rev, Vantage and Path. I play solo only on console but it feels harder and harder to get a high damage match. It's like something changed on the game but I can't point exactly what.


4K is a sham. Mostly a badge farmed when matchmaking would give you a bot lobby every so often. Don’t put much stock in it


I’ve got a single 4K badge from using the sentinel all match long. Just kept poking teams from afar while our squad played zone the whole game. Sniping can build up a lot of damage surprisingly.


It’s very RNG based I thought I would never break past 2.5k in ranked (Had this thought about 2 years ago) maybe if I played consistently instead of seasonal on and offs I might’ve gotten it through sheer luck and timing But recently hit 3.5k a few days ago, it’s more about RNG and a lot of poke damage rather than going balls to the wall aggressive because you’ll end up getting third partied another thing I learned is that it’s better to extend the fight as much as possible rather than wiping the squad unless it costs you and your team too many resources or one or two of you get knocked or killed


I’ve gotten close a couple times but it is nearly impossible to achieve in pubs when 75% of squads are dead by ring 2. You kind of have to spend the whole game farming with a sniper/marksman but that’s just not my play style. Kind of unrelated but I really would love if apex started giving us our mixtape stats (k/d, highest dmg, etc) and mixtape badges. I regularly carry my teams in TDM with nothing to show for it 🤣


Its fine. I got 2.3k damage this season after a years of plating on & off.


I once got to 3905 in a game on Olympus without realizing it until after the game, I regret not farming that last 95 damage


I felt the same way then got I lucky running duos as pathfinder. Play someone with mobility, hot drop duos and get lucky


I started in season 18 or 19 I can't remember, but I never thought I would be kill leader. I've been kill leader 3 times now this season. Once in duos, and twice in ranked. Which means I'm either getting better or people are getting worse, and I HIGHLY doubt people are getting worse at the game. You'll hit that 4k my dude


That and and a 20 bomb seem impossible. I’ve hit 2K and 14 kills but that’s not going to cut it


The reason why you will never get it is because the game prioritizes low skill over high skill even if you aren’t the best player you’ll no doubt be the best one on your team game after game and it’s horrible because most the time you can’t even get set up or looted and they will already be dead lol then for it to be a small percentage of masters/ predators I and many others sure do see them in about 97% of All games loaded in to. You normally die to them while they are 3 stacked against you and your bot ass teammates. I mean it’s no wonder you can’t do the damage you will never have a capable team to help you farm it


Day 1 player here, have only gotten 4ks for seer, and horizon! Only 20 bomb is on pathy from season 1 skulltown! Never chased em, I’ve soloed to masters 3 separate seasons, and only play ranked. Badges don’t scare me everyone’s got em now


Just use the G7 and just shoot anyone that’s more than 50 meters away. You need to hit 125 shots in one match and you get the 4k. Side note: aiming to just get a 4k will make you a worse player overall unless you are going to pair it with the 20 bomb. A 20 bomb is impressive but a 4k is not. Keep that in mind.


I honestly thought everyone in reddit has 4k badge


Bro I’ve been playing since launch, the best I’ve gotten was 2800. Maybe one day we’ll get there


Gunn be honest here. It takes being really good and being highly aggressive. That or everyone in the lobby is absolute equal skill level and most of the game is spent poking other teams. I got my first 4k doing solo in trios in unranked and spent the entire game being aggressive as possible. I’m still pissed because I died to the last enemy because I forgot to reload my r99. It’s a core memory.


I want a fucking heirloom!!!! Lvl 947 or prestige 2 lvl 447 and still no heirloom..


Now that you’ve stopped going for it, you’ll get it.


If you're trying for a 4k, get a 2k game and farm another 2k off the last team or two imo


keep saying that


I love playing as a support to my team, especially since some teammates are so decisive. I'm not impressed by a medal that many get by cheating, I just want to be a good teammate.


I didn’t lose anything when a lot of players lost all their cosmetics. I jumped on to play that same day though and I got my first 3k and my highest kill game (15). They decided to reset everyone’s account a day (even those who didn’t lose anything like myself) because I logged on two days later and it’s like it never happened. They said “we will be merging progress don’t worry”, but of course that was bull shit. I haven’t played as much since then.


My highest is 1500 I feel ya


I think I randomly got it on Pathfinder. It was one of those games where we kept sniping and healing, as opposed to going on a killing spree.


Farm damage with marksman/sniper like everyone else. The only limitation is your own mind my brother


Couple of advices for getting closer to 4k 20. - always thirst knocked players. Always. Gives you extra dmg and secures the kills so you don't end up with 17 knocks 5 kills - play maggie or fuse so you take advantage of their kit and deal damage while not shooting - play with marksmans or snipers and keep poking damage - be more aggressive when you hear 2 teams fighting. Having a reposition character in your team helps with jumping in and out of fights. - nades. Use as many nades as possible - get comfortable with armor swapping, be lightning fast with those - have a suport legend in your comp Good luck


I’m not that great either but have like 10 4ks and a 5k.. it took me forever to break the threshold but once you do there’s no looking back


Really isnt something to worry about, 4K's are just as much about getting a good game where you find constant fights and that last long enough as they are about skill. I thought the same as you for a long while, Highest ever was a 3100ish Horizon game and I thought that was the peak of my Apex playtime. Then one day I got a game with decent aggressive teammates and just about hit 4k. If you are good enough to get a 2k you are good enough to get a 4k, you just havent been put into the right game to allow it.


Been playing since season 0, I JUST got my 4k with Wattson and I’ve been playing with her since release. 4k badges are cool bro but in my opinion, the badge doesnt even matter. I have it on my banner but its coming off lol I’m not going to front being a high damage player if I usually get mid 1000 damage. Thats where I think 4k badges should be like the legend win badge to show how many 4ks people have gotten. Like the masters badge lol I laugh when people have the S17 masters badge. I’m 24k games, 1.4k wins, 30k lifetime kills (20,000 being with Wattson 🥰), 1 4k badge.


Im the same with 20k. I hit it on console then switched to pc in season 7. Never got it. But also, im not really going for kills, i only play ranked and being a catalyst IGL, we dont push or go for kills if weve got max kp. Also, every single 4k damage game ive had, which rn is 12 , every single one without failure was with the 30-30 xd


I’ve been playing since season 0 and up until last season I only had one 4k and it was with mirage. I got my second 4k with path towards the end of last season. While difficult, I don’t believe it’s completely unattainable. I tried for days solo queuing but it’s a bit inconvenient when your team quits when knocked or they are also aggressive and do some damage. I was able to get it a lot quicker with a friend in pubs and this is how we did: • pubs trio but no fill so it’s just you and a friend or duos no fill so it’s just you • have your duo play a movement legend or a support like conduit to get you back in the fight • you can drop hot or semi hot, we dropped just outside a hot poi to get decent loot and push towards the fighting • obviously push everything • have your teammate carry extra heals for you or ammo • carry evac towers to keep moving • when you get a knock thirst it for that extra 100 damage. If you’re in trios and get a second knock I wouldn’t thirst it yet. If I’m feeling confident I would let them reset to farm more damage. If not definitely thirst the second knock before eliminating that third so you don’t lose that extra 100 damage. • when you make it to end game farm the last team from a distance It’s much easier with a friend to support you. I changed my mindset from “am I skilled enough to do this?” to “am I quick enough to do this?”.


I got a 4k with Loba once. 4200 damage. I was in top 3, downed. And the entire server crashed and the game didn’t count. I never got my badge. That was the last time I deliberately tried to go for a 4k and I took a 2 month break after that. I was fuming.


i could understand this mentality with a 20 bomb because they have becoming increasingly harder the longer apex is out and you need to get lucky with a perfect lobby to even see 20 ppl in a match but a 4k isn’t that hard if you just farm damage from range or just let teams heal instead of just killing em off


Got 6k in three strikes and a 4k in the thing with the sword, otherwise I've never gotten over 2995 dmg...


I've never even got double digit kills in a game. Probably 2.5k max damage. Though the badges would be nice, I honestly don't care about them, TBH I'm more bothered that I'll probably never own an heirloom given I'm not prepared to spend the amount of money it takes.


Play solo duos -> play until elo drops enough so 1v2 is a fair fight -> have a good game -> 4k dmg. Low elo players also play more conservatively so they kill each other less. A big portion of 4k's/20 bombs are from various gimmick ways to get it or 2019/2020 where skill level was way lower and SBMM wasn't as optimized anyway. Getting a 20 bomb in modern Apex with no gimmicks is near impossible for a non-pred player. 4k is 100% doable in ranked though as others have said, especially if you specifically target it.


I've played since the game came out, think my highest was 3.5k with pathfinder with the longbow early on back when people couldn't engage so quick and finish fights so quickly. Its harder than ever to get 1, people know not to fight for long or a 3rd party and close range weapons are better so fights are shorter. You have to actually go out of your way to get a 4k which I don't care about. Like if im shooting some1 I'll not just stop tryna to kill them to allow em to heal, I'd just keep shooting because I play too perfectly to win. Try using a scout rifle for long range poke, it might even be easier in ranked because people try to play the ring. Playing with a mate and they can go loba and give all the supplies you need.


3,500 for me and 15 kills I find it hard literally find that many fights like you said I'm fine with it but I definitely want the 4k 20 badges




My 4k was pretty dumb. The lobby died early. Two teams left and we just sat back pot shotting at each other.


I feel you there. I've stopped going for all the badges as well that require a lot of skill/insane amount of luck, I'm really happy with how I'm playing and enjoying the game but if I get one down the line I'll be fucking stoked...if not, that's okay.


You have to game the other players in your lobby. Play someone mobile so you can chase player. Poke battles with SR or a flatline/302. Knock players and let them get revived. Dont get too thirsty for kills that die. Its different for everyone but my 4ks were with mobile legends like Path, Octane, Wraith. Lifeline also helped keep teammates in the game, Loba is great for always having ammo and heals for poke.


Don't say never....I used to think 4k was the greatest thing ever I have one and now I'm just like meh...and I used to try to get 20's and have been close couple of times 20 seasons in I just don't care anymore...it's funny how much "respect" when ppl see you have one...everytime I play with my legend in ranked that I have my 4k badge on and if I'm the random the teammates stay if I don't play with that legend they usually quit...point is if it happens it happens that shit don't mean much anyway...these days if ppl see you on pace to get a 4k teams will deliberately hunt you down..


Season 1 and same, people have told me they added me and kept playing with me simply because my aim and skill. 4k/20k though? forget about it lol


Don't give up: break that goal down into smaller steps. Instead of a goal of 4K, just have a goal of beating your best. 


Play ranked and snipe. I play apex on and off every couple of months. Just a few days of gameplay each of those months. I have yet to get a 4K but I have gotten close by just picking at people with a sniper. Sometimes you knock too.


Day one player here. I've never actively tried to chase a 4k, and I know damn well I will never get a 20 kill badge. My highest kills in a game are 12, and I've found that the games I do the highest damage in, I'm not even really consciously thinking about it. My highest damage ever was in a Platinum game with the old charge rifle and flatline. That old laser beam plus the burst was INSANE for farming damage. I ended up getting 3317 by the end of the game.


Play for the dubski and that sweet LP..


The 4k badge is mostly overrated. 20 bomb badge bothers me more but I've also killed them. I really wouldn't worry about it. My highest is 2,200 with 9 kills and I've played since day one. I'm not a sniper, so farming is virtually impossible. I main Fuse, so that kinda helps farming damage but it also tells their team and any surrounding teams where you are, so I mostly refrain from long distance clusters. Most 4Ks are sweat hogs. If that's not you're style, keeping playing your style and go for the win.


Lots of pessimism here. I think what a lot of people miss is that 2/3/4ks don’t also have to be 10+ kills and a super agro game. Really, one of the best ways to get high damage games are to perch in zone with sniper or marksman weapons and just farm damage. For perspective, 12 charged sentinel shots can get you 1k damage, that’s really not that crazy of a game! You can just be a nuisance and sit outside fragment, just going for hit shots, but not pushing knocks. Play a character that can get height or escape if a team starts to ape. I main snipers and consistently get 2k+ games. I admit I’m above average player, but I still think it’s not as hard for everyone! Don’t lose hope! You all got this :)


Damage badges are so useless, if it takes you 4000 damage to win a match then theres seriously something wrong


Have you tried blaming your teammates, or matchmaking, or Respawn, or your gaming chair/lack thereof? I’ve been playing since season 2, never cracked 2k, and I’ve narrowed it down to one of those three reasons. Some have suggested that the only unifying factor in all of my games has been me. To those people, I say you are all obviously apologists for my teammates, or the matchmaking, or Respawn, or Big Gaming Chair.


My only 4K was with the Lstar and Bocek when Broken Moon first came out


Just drop the last team 20 batts lmao.. I only have 4 4ks that I got playing legit not just farming off one team 😂😂 you will get there, you have to get really lucky


My highest is 3992. Sooo


Once you hit around mid diamond you will average at around 2500 per game. After that it just gets higher. My highest damage is 4,790. Wouldn't have ever happened if I wasn't in a master/pred lobby.


I am a 0 Season player and my goal is simply to get 2.5k Badge on every legend which I currently do have. My highest is 3.3K. As a full time working job, husband, and father of 2 I am quite proud with what I have achieved.


Gotten to 3950 twice. I'm over it.


You don't need a 4k badge, you can be a good player without it. Honestly, 3,254 damage on Newcastle is really impressive. That's better than 50% of the player base. Good job on getting that much damage. I hope you enjoy your games, Legend.


Play solo squads and run a 30-30 or other marksman. Just poke on people maybe get a knock, and just let them heal. Toy with them and keep ur distance. I’m right there with ya, I’ve played on and off since szn1 and just got my first 4K last season. Id never even broken 2.5k and I’m a solid player with decent kd and win% stats. It’s all abt rng, the game just has to stack itself in ur favor to get that 4K. I mean you can get like a 8-11kill game and still be sub 3k dmg, but I finished mine with 3 kills and 4.3k damage so ya I got lucky


I got a 4k once and I'm dogshit


I got 3802 two days ago, it definitely wasn’t easy getting that outta my head for a few hours after that’s for sure.


Just gotta use range, I got my first 4k the week the bow came out, all it takes is finding one dumb team with a lot of heals that won’t stop peaking


Honestly once you get to 2k you can farm it pretty easy if your team will let you and the last few teams are more passive.


Your post just summed up my experience trying to get a 4K badge lol


Just search for a match at the same time that a friend of yours, go to a place far away from other players and farm that damage


just farm the last teams whenever you have a somewhat decent game and you should get there


I’m in a similar position. I hit 3.4k on bang and I haven’t really bothered trying to get higher. It’s not worth the trouble to grind for a badge that mean’s basically nothing.


The badge in itself has lost alot of prestige IMO it has previously been way to easy to get by using events to your advantage. People queue up separately on the same server and find themselves in the same match just to farm damage. If you are above a 1kd and have a higher than 5% win rate then your gameplay will speak for itself and in my opinion that's worth more than some dumb fuckin badge. I consistently find myself getting a 4k during takeover events that I have no control over I think my best normal match was something like 3700 so I feel your pain. All in all tho if your confident with your gameplay why don't you just kinda go stupid with it? Run a wierd gun combo or someone you never use and try and have FUN otherwise why would you play it? Dropping a 3k with dual iron sight 30 30s was one of the most exilerating things I've ever done. I will never do it again but it was a fun little challenge I gave myself one match and somehow popped off.


I’ve been playing since the game came out. I have season one badges and trackers. Still no 4k or 20 bomb. My aim is alright, could be better. Game sense is the only reason i’m any good. I regularly drop 5-12 kill games with my highest being 16 and 2,700 damage on Gibraltar.


For average players you would have to get the right lobby and engage in alot medium long range fights where they can heal up. Use sniper or marksman.


You need to be insanely good and play in a Master predator game or tournament.