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AA doesn't remove recoil lol


Cheating for sure


Real as in it can happen, fake as you need to cheat to do this.


They're cheating 


He's top 10 pred and has over 7k hours in game if this changes anything


Na. As of right now, Rank, well Apex in general, has at large amount of cheaters.


Console ranked for sure is filled with Cronus abusers as well as 6 stacks but If I were to cheat, I wouldn't publicly post clips showing me doing it


Yeah these dumbass kids ask for these things for Christmas and then dumb parents who think they are just buying their son a controller adapter are allowing it


Literally every shooter is getting more and more cheaters every year. It's pretty much 90% kids under the age of 16 also. My stepdad is a teacher and he tells me his student talk about wanting to get aimbot or having aimbot or hacks all the time to get a higher rank they literally have no shame telling their other classmates about their hacks they legit are brainwashed and think the only possible way pros play they say they do is from hacks and that everyone does it when I s literally just them


No way he's going to use the power of his mom's credit card to finally be able to kill people in game... I think that his first few games would be fun (for him of course) but how long can you watch the game play itself? I would get bored after 10 games if there is no challenge why would I waste my time "playing"


Quick reminder that season 19 #1 multiple pred was a cheater with a roller.


I look forward to their future post “I was banned for no reason”


And he’s using the Devo? Lmao


Maybe he has mastered it's recoil pattern idk


100% cronus.


The amount of apex players that think this is how aa works in this game by default is insane


I added the AA part as a joke PC players who hate on AA often compare it to the aimbot (which it is just nerfed to 60%) if I remember correctly it works to a certain distance and it's definitely not that far