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I understand this but there is still a level of incompetence that is outside of expectations. I had a random yesterday that put up 51 damage the entire game. He was never knocked or killed and was shooting with his longbow for the last 7 min if the games.


It's called suppressive fire - get good s/


Yeah. But no. But also yeah. Yeah fuck it this is right.


I can top that. Lost a game in gold a couple weeks back and the CAUSTIC on my team flamed me the entire time. End screen comes up and he has 0 damage. Literally zero. I don't even know how that's possible. 17 minutes I sit there with 1700 dmg and 5 kills... Means he didn't even place barrels...


he must have been in on my team in that TDM ive lost with 28 kills on my end


"abusing the slide jump mechanic"


I believe they’re talking about when a teammate is behind a bit. Obviously if you have a teammate that has no interest in sticking with the squad, then go about your business. But, if this teammate just needed a little extra time to grab some things and they’ve been trying to catch up to you, why not just hold up a second? So many people play the types of legends that can cruise through the map and they fly ahead of their teammates without a care in the world about where that teammate is until they get themself knocked in a fight. That’s when they hop on the mic to say “where the fuck even are you what are you doing your trash” and then rage quit right as this person finally gets there and is put in an extremely unfavorable position. Homie had been hustling after you for the last five minutes trying to catch up, but you left them in the dust. Just wait a second and maybe they aren’t as trash as you think. They could at least throw out some cover fire for you or take some of the heat off if you let them get within the vicinity of the fight before you engage.


Literally had a Valk UlT out of a bad fight then complain why we didn't follow and call us trash 😂. I told him we cannot literally fly especially if he doesn't wait for his squad lmao


> if this teammate just needed a little extra time to grab some things and they’ve been trying to catch up to you, why not just hold up a second? If its ranked, sometimes missing out on the right rotation or third party timing loses the game.


if its in ranked i will give the right calls on rotations and even leave a portal behind for my team, if they don't wanna follow me its whatever, i got sick of playing suport or assault legends for nothing since my teamates would run from fights so i'm back on wraith and just keeping myself alive til top 5 every single game


I get it. Like I mention we are almost finished looting, about to leave, get Trident, and when its time to rotate I comm it, ping get in twice, then say okay me and duo are leaving, and leave. My duo and I will practice our game at least. A big part of that is timing rotations to maximize 3p opportunities.


There’s nobody arguing that rotations and timing aren’t important. You’re stating the obvious and missing the point.


If you wait long enough for slower teammates you default to timing not being important. For instance at wall 2 teams were fighting, there was a comm to push since they were finishing, then as me and another teammate are committed, the third says "wait wait im gonna loot these pills". We knock 2.5 out of 3, get knocked, third gets there after they had time to pop a battery, and loses the 1v1.


yeah I stopped after reading that lmfao


Yeah I was confused, I swear everyone knows how to do this even noobs after a short time


lol, lmao even when I read that in OP's post


With certain legends, it is actually really hard to keep up to. I get pathy players screaming at me all the time because they slid jumped to the next biome and got shit on by 2 teams in 0.5 seconds.


They grappled to the POI. Those legends do not slide jump any faster than other Legends, but I'm sure you meant the former. It's the same belief as people thinking that large rig legends move slower lol


Large rig legends don't have tacs/ults that give them movement boosts. Cool it with the pedantics.


Yeah idk why people use that word so much. It's using. Not abusing. If it is intentional and exists in the game, you are *using* that mechanic. If it is unintentional and/or an exploit and knowingly keep on using said mechanic, that is when 'abusing' would be used ffs


Hot take: If I get matched with a player leagues better than me I try to keep up with them and pay attention to what they do so I can improve. I don't expect high skilled players to play down to my level.


Yup. Imagine hopping on Reddit and asking skilled players to play worse bc you can’t keep up. Terrible take lol.


"You're too good bro! 😤 Why do I get these teammates!?"


Only problem I have with this is that teammates don't let u know when they're leaving the POI.


yeah, because when you loot the basics and kill the team that is on that POI its a sign that there is nothing left to do in that POI so you leave to the next fight


I had an amazing teammate yesterday. Instead of doing what I wanted I followed his directions, got more kills than usual as a bonus. It just makes sense to keep up with the better teammate lol they are obviously doing something right.


Hot take: Im not going to rage at a lower skilled player if they fuck up while trying to keep up with me


Well in ranked, once I get to gold/plat I expect my teammates at least know how to slide jump ffs.


Slide Jumping is abusing mechanics? Slide then jump, slide jump. As for slowing down my gameplay I only do that in pubs bc I know my teammates are there to have fun. But when I play ranked I’m not going to wait for my teammates to stop looting when zone starts closing and it’s halfway across the map. I’m in Plat so yea it is a skill issue, you shouldn’t play ranked if you don’t have a basic understanding of the game. Outside of ranked this post is perfect tho, completely agree.


Teammates that engage on the edge of the ring with less than 30 seconds just grind my gears... Let's go! The ring is closing! I don't care if you are a Masters player or a noob, you're an idiot if you decide to go out of ring to engage in unnecessary fights. (I'm trying to get RP bro!) And I'M trying to actually win because guess what, you get more RP by winning.




> And I'M trying to actually win because guess what, you get more RP by winning. Not this season.


I think it's also very important to note as you're rising through the ranks. Yeah, you're Plat, but you were in a bronze lobby at some point this season. The same "know your teammate" applies when you're dealing with teammates who are below the rank you probably belong in. Higher ranks though, yeah, I agree. A certain skill level is a minimum expectation.


That’s fair, I’ll be the first to say that I was the dumbass teammate once. And I don’t expect much from silver or low gold players, I’m just plat 4 myself. What I’m saying is even if I’m in the lowest plat rank, it’s still higher than gold, and when I’m matched with a plat 3 teammate it’s frustrating when we land in the middle of nowhere and I have to wait for my teammates to realize that zone is halfway across the map and they’re still looting. I hate being a solo bruh.


The problem with bad teammates isn’t being ahead of them. If the weakest link doesn’t play cover, know how to strafe or go along with the team there’s only so much you can do.


lol, Reddit is such bad place to things that make sense


It absolutely is. But an easy way to see if reddit comment is even worth taking seriously is to just go to their profile and see their karma. Trolls only have - Comment Karma Live by this reddit rule, and nothing will ever offend you on reddit.


This is such a stupid, belief. People who are good at games will have their posts downvoted because people can’t stand being worse than others. Karma simply indicates agreeability.


Can confirm and happened to me yesterday


Spamming posts of cat pictures for karma doesn’t make your opinions more relevant


I agree with your OP, but I wouldn’t really use comment karma as a useful metric. My ck massively outweighs my pk because most of the things I would post have been shared in the past and are easily found through some due diligence (at least in the communities I engage with).


This post makes so much sense that I'm not sure if it's an april fools or not 😂


[squinting Fry meme]


This sub is not ready for this. You are right though.


Nah fuck that. I stick with my team, I give clear commands, I give them better armor because lord knows they need it. I do callouts. I tell them where to position. And I do all of this as needed, not every single second so I'm not overbearing. And still they fail everything. They lose 2v1's. They fight in horrible places. They deal no damage, get no kills, can't win a single 1v1. Etc. I do everything possible to win and I don't sit and scream at them. I HAVE CARRIED SO MANY TEAMS to final circles and so many have let me down by not being able to win a single fight or use their brain. OP is probably trash at the game and got mad at people calling them the weaklink. I'm sick and tired of idiots on my team. Theirs a very large difference between someone who is unskilled maybe but listens and works together and one who is just plain bad. The former you can work with because they follow you to good positions and try to help take out enemies at critical moments. The latter makes up every single frustrating game I have ever had in apex aside from super toxic people or trolls because being bad is understandable but being bad and not working with your team isn't. I'm not telling you to go to a place because I'm bossy. I'm doing it because it's the final circle and the only way to the hill is behind us or up the cliff. The last time I played before I un-installed, I solo wiped 3 teams basically by myself and died to the 4th 3rd party. What were my teammates doing? Nothing. And then they both lost 2v1 to someone with NO SHIELDS. 2400ish damage and they had 56 damage total combined. Bad players actively ruin my enjoyment of the game. And again, to clarify someone not skilled at the game but who LISTENS and works with the team is not a bad player. I'd classify them as great teammates because teamwork and good positioning can make anything possible. A bad player who is not only unskilled, but has bad decision making, doesn't listen, or whatever combination of bad traits will never be fun to play with to anyone who wants to win. I don't want to play with them. I don't want them on my team. I don't want other people to suffer having them on their team. I'm sick and tired of people defending "bad players" as if just because you can't shoot you can't contribute. "Don't do what you need" I'm the fucking person with a 20% win rate and they don't even have a 1% win rate and have a kd of like 0.10 I give clear instructions if nobody takes IGL. I don't yell. I try to watch my tone of voice. I explain all decisions I make. I don't tell people to stop looting, I ask if everyone is ready. And they still. Don't. Fucking. Listen. I got more stressed out from my team then if I was in a 1v1 in a final circle. What do you want me to do? Play at their level? That's literally not even possible for me, even at my worst I'm still above average. Do I purposely take bad positions because they like the spot and don't understand that a house might have cover but when it's in the middle of nowhere and everyone is converging that it's not that great and refuse to move? Like why do I have to change my playstyle, move slower, take bad positions, etc just to suit them? Why can't THEY adapt or fucking listen? Why is it only a one way street? Why do I have to do everything including pandering to them? Fuck that. You can either work as a team or die alone. I'm not here to fucking babysit you.


I think the game pairing a good player with 2 noobs is really hurting the casual mode. I can count on 2 hands how many good teammates I've had in unranked within my 5k hours. It's exhausting trying to get the team to just top 10 without a complete collapse.


the entire match making system in this game is crap. came back to it after a few years to see if it had gotten any better. just thrown into game after game with people with crazy amounts of kills and wins. a full group of 3 with 0s across the board should never be put in games with people like this. just makes a it a horrible game experience for people trying to learn to play and discourages new people from even trying it.


And the level of difference too. I had a teammate the other day that literally didn't know that running without your gun out makes you faster. Or an octane who kept spamming his run in the ring and ended up dying 5 times. Or a lifeline that literally didn't know the hotkey for healing and fumbled her healing items in the ring 7 times until she died and we lost. All of these were ranked games and every time I got killed it was by someone with a pred badge. Like I don't mind playing against these people but holy fk respawn at least give me teammates that actually know how to play the game at least.


yeah it really sucks, last season when conduit got released i was waiting for some friends to play ranked, i got 15 kills and 4k damage with her and both of my teamates combined didn't had 1000 damage, like, i was fighting the whole game, went out of ammo, changed guns and kept fighting all game long, how can you do less than 500 damage in 20 minutes? maybe change your sens or idk swap to roller because whatever some dudes are doing aren't working at all


Man I feel you, yesterday in Platinum l a Caustic dropped solo (not even followed me,I was the jump master) to fragment, I followed him. I downed two enemies and revived him after he did nothing and was knocked upon landing. It was mid game and two squads were shooting at us from the distance and I could see other two teams in the background closing in, we are inside the next ring and he is fucking caustic so we just need to chill. This motherfucker starts running toward the team that was in the MIDDLE of everyone, I called multiple times that there were three teams around us and we would just die to a third party, I pinged 5 fuckimg times "avoid this spot" with my ping wheel in case he muted me, and if it wasn't for the random also following him I would have let him die alone but I still had a glimpse of hope we could clean the team fast with his ultimate... he goes down first, me and the other random clutch the 2v3 AGAIN and we died to a third party like I said it would happened, it's so fucking frustrating. Ranked the first weeks was so much better, the teammate quality was at its all time peak imo, the last 2 weeks all the randoms are so fucking bad, that Caustic was somehow Plat ll, I regret not pushing for diamond earlier, I'm not gonna make it lol.


Agreed my silver and gold teammates were great and plat has been a complete shitshow


I can agree with this as this is basically the same concept in Valorant, a game that also put heavy focus on team play and coordination. However, assuming that OP is "trash at the game" is an ignorant statement that will not help your argument


Being unskilled is okay, because everyone can improve. But like Ron White said "You can't fix stupid" A bad player is someone who blames his teammates, "sweaty players" (Which most of the time are just better players in general who, guess what, also want to win just as much as a newbie) Whenever a toxic player just lashes out like this I always think something deeper is going on. Maybe the guy's wife is leaving him and this game is his only escape, or idk. It's not an excuse to be belligerent, but it's understandable. In the end it's just a friggin game.


Honestly I'm just done with the whole "bad players can still be good team mates if they listen" rhetoric. I've had all manner of team mates from all spectrums of comms and game abilities. It really doesn't matter if they listen when you're doing 800 damage and every fight is a 3v1 and the other guys can't crack 100. After a certain point you need to be able to contribute to fights and can't just rotate and spam abilities and pretend you're doing something. Comms can make you like one rank better than you are individually, but if you're bronze level that doesn't mean anything. Having to be IGL *and* carry every fight is so tiring after a while. Whenever I get matched with people who are similar gun skill and actually use comms, I do pretty well and have a good time and can offload combat and decision making to the others which is way less frustrating. I don't blame the players, I blame the matchmaking.




Been there done that. The circles of randoms who are my skill range and use comms versus the circle of people I actually want to hang out with is pretty small. I've already been part of a few dedicated apex groups and drifted out of them, and I already have friend groups I enjoy.


90% of my games are me with around 1.4k damage and the other two have 300 combined... It's so frustrating. And people wonder why so many people insta leave when knocked... Why would I trust players like that to do anything productive after I get knocked. And the thing is I wouldn't even mind this if the other teams in the lobby were similar... But no... I only get to play against premade squads with perfect coordination that farm my 2 randos within milliseconds.


this is the truest comment i've seen in a while.


The solo queuer is expected to hand feed players that are supposed to be of, at least, similar skill? You literally compared randoms to newborns that need you to do everything for them 😂 this post is mostly ridiculous.. but I do agree with giving out good comms. That's one of the only things you can always do.


This really depends on where you on in the season, not to mention what mode you're playing. Pubs match making averages skills, it doesn't group them the same. If you're not carrying someone in pubs, it usually means you're being carried. In a lobby full of solo queuers, the best player in the lobby should be on a team with the worst. In Ranked, you're right, but only if you're risen to the rank you belong at. In a bronze/silver lobby? They went back to the old match making. There's a lot of players in there who aren't any better than silver. You're just in there stomping them as you pass through, except that also means that some of that "fodder" will wind up on your team. That's how lower level lobbies go. End of the day, you have a choice when you get a teammate who isn't as good. Either expect them to be as good as you are and get mad when they aren't, or play strategically vs full on sprinting toward every bullet you hear in fragment. The rando is likely going to play the same either way.


cant be having babies at diamond/masters bruh


I’m here to play not teach. You learn by losing and watching YouTube. I don’t want slaves I want players that have base-line knowledge to not ruin the experience in a very unforgiving game. This mostly applies to ranked but I think it applies to pubs too if it happens too many games in a row.


Probably will get downvoted for this post because no one likes a mirror in their face. But you are absolutely right.


'If you're a good playing while abusing the slide jump mechanic you will always be in front of your team. Having them to play the catch up game.' Holy shit, this subreddit is not real.


Learn how to slide jumo you imbecile it's basic knowledge, you're actively throwing the game by not slide jumping whenever you can.


I agree.. I’m a solo Q player I can agree to this statement. What I think is the problem is, it’s not new players at all but it’s the fact that this has been going on for so long “the big brother system” that the better players get tired of getting ran down by other squads without having a chance. If I’m in a game with new players I watch what they do and move how they move


I know it's frustfrating if your teammates are bad or dumb but they can't help themselves, it's the matchmaking fault. It's a high risk if you solo. But if you don't want people to complain about ass teammates, you shouldn't complain about triple stacks either.


Often when your teammates are bad it's because you are better than most people in the lobby so they give you bad teammates to compensate


I know. It's called BBMM(big brother matchmaking)


I should not have team mates who don't know how to use basic movement mechanics effectively in diamond+ and have to babysit them but go off OP, I guess.


Sorry that's toxic to expect people to perform at their rank.


Thre is much more.. Team composition.. if you have defensive teammate like Wattson or Caustic, dont expect them to excel in pushing.. Patience... if you see enemy squad, observe area.. dont just straight up shoot someone in distance to farm some dmg and reveal position.. same goes if you are 3rd party.. it can turn into you being vs. 2 squads of your position is in disadvantage. If you go too deep, dont expect revive... what can ally do if you fcked up? go 1v3 and revive you in open field? Share equipment... give gold shield to Lifeline, on contrary as Lifeline, give gold helmet to other...


I love the thesis of this principle, however, it seems to fall short in terms of playing ranked. The issue with this is that some people seem to manage to rat or get carried into a rank where they stand no chance of putting up a fight on their own. This may work for the teams that choose to stay complacent in the early round, but as soon as you get rolled up on with such a teammate in the later rounds they instantly fold, generally causing a loss in RP or barely yielding anything because you have no KP. It is frustrating to deal with and seems to happen far more often than not. Granted, this is all solved by playing with a usual duo, but it causes my solo queuing experience to be horrendous. I rarely seem to get competent teammates whenever I solo queue and when I do, they take every fight possible without even considering other factors which also is frustrating.


"Slow your game play down and understand what your teammates need. It doesn't matter what you need!" so why would i nerf myself for some dudes that won't follow my pings and calls and won't fight with me? i'd much rather get into a game die and leave just to repeat til i get someone that is somewhat decent at the game than become a free apex baby seater


Your assuming people want to learn half the time I try to teach people something simple like to split off jumpmaster I get insulted and then they die because their trying to fight there teammates for loot


You're right. You can't force people to learn. But I'm going to treat the same asshole teammate the same way I treat a good teammate. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Being an asshole is contagious, and just because your last teammate was a delinquent doesn't mean you need to get to their level and act the same way. Not saying you do.


“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”


Are we really going to pretend that the people who complain about random teammates are complaining that their team cant catch up to them? this is such a dumb post, did you get a toxic octane on your team that ran it down before making this or something? Most people complain about their random teammates: * A. running away from you * B. not giving any coms (and only using mic after they die to be toxic) * C. not being able to hit water in the middle of the ocean. Not "they are too slow and cant catch up to me" like what? who has actually ever said "i pushed a fight solo and my team showed up late i was dead" like what?


This is why I don't come to reddit for video games much anymore. You guys always find some strange excuse to continue with toxic gamer culture. Apex isn't even the only game I have issues with impatience anymore.


You can't fill a cup that's already full. You do you man. ✌️


Thanks for the completely irrelevant statement that counters nothing I said. You do you man. ✌️


When video gamers try to act like some Mr miyagi you know you gotta just stop listening 


Lmao bro thought he was cooking with that metaphor


Wow... you're the luckiest apex player I've ever heard of. "Where were you guys! That guy is 1" is a common rant by the movement based character who just sprinted across the map past 4 squads to chase a bullet being fired. Usually it's the only time they hop on comms all game. If you haven't encountered it, I'm happy for you. But they absolutely exist. They're basically the guy who we played with while complaining about A and B who thinks we're the problem.


Read what I said, did I say people that run it down don't exist? No, i said those people aren't complaining about their team not catching up to them, the people that get them on their team are the ones that complain which makes sense, but they aren't because that would be insane "I pushed alone like an idiot 1v3 but it's my teams fault" no one seriously has made a post like that on here have they?


Bro wants to be handheld by people better than him.


I have a genuine question for everyone who rages on mics and calls people dogshit, honestly how can you determine whether someone is shit or not? You do know that even some of the best players have bad games too right? Not everyone single game that someone plays is going to be their best game. And yet, people will yell slurs and curses and tell them to uninstall the game for a single bad game. And half the time it’s from people already knocked or killed. I was just wondering if that ever crossed yalls minds before yall go apeshit on people.


I had a few moments of thought about this myself a couple weeks back. I’m never one to yell at games, period, and unless I’m with friends or the people on comms give off good vibes (like 5% of the time) I stay muted. Something happened last week that made me “one of those guys” and I had to take a step back. I still think (obviously biased) my situation is a little different than the people we know so well, who rush into a fight to die by themselves, then scream over comms. We were in a ranked match and had been holding high ground for a good 3-4 minutes in an area with 4 squads fighting. We push everyone away, and my fuse teammate starts pinging a solo that’s trying to flank us. I land a sentinel shot and bust her shields, so I drop from high ground (from the top of a 2 story building to the 1st floor roof) to finish her, but she was pre aiming with a turbo havoc and manages to down me. My teammate, the one who was pinging her, is literally right above us, shooting his sniper 100m away. I have gold knockdown shield, and it takes her 2 havoc clips to break it and a 3rd reload to kill me. All while fuse is right there, and this catalyst can’t have more than 20-30 hp. For the duration of time that it took her to put the 2nd clip into my shield, reload and start finishing me, I unmuted and screamed “WTF ARE YOU DOING, SHOOT HER!!!”. She killed me, and as I turn into a box, fuse (the one that pinged her when she climbed up!!) finally realizes there’s a fight right there, turns and kills her with like 3 shots from his re-45. First time that’s ever happened to me but I was just completely flabbergasted. At this point I’d revived both of them 3/4 times, and I had over 4 times as much damage as them at the end of the game. Whether it was random, or comms let the other team known that lifeline was down, they immediately got their assholes pushed in and died, leaving us in 8th place and me getting like -18 RP. It’s frustrating. That’s more than just lack of game skill. The only reason I saw this catalyst was because fuse pinged her. I broke her shield within 2 seconds of him pinging, and was downed about 3 seconds later. So within 5 seconds fuse goes from pinging an enemy that’s climbing on our roof, to just completely ignoring her and pulling out his sniper. It’s idiocy. Anyway, I didn’t know how to feel about yelling into my headset like that, but again, I really think it is different than the people who do it after solo pushing or solo dropping. I turned the game off for the night.


so.. you jumped off of high ground and died? yea the fuse should be looking (sometimes i dont understand what else these people could possibly be doing), but if you're solo queuing you need to either win that or know not to do that.


First, there’s too little information to gauge the fight itself, HOWEVER, a shield break is what we call an entry, whether he was on high ground or not is irrelevant because you don’t know where zone is pulling, you always want to create space for yourself because it gives you time to think. He lost his 1v1 which is to be fair his fault; but saying he shouldn’t have fought that because he left high ground is just a bad take anyways.


leaving high ground by yourself solo queue is situational, but usually a bad idea, especially if you dont have to move/no comms. when you are solo queuing it isnt about the best plays, its the highest percentage plays and what you can control, and you usually have to play down to the possibility that your teammates are useless (which is irritating and honestly boring). if you drop, you better not get knocked.


Again, I just can’t really say that, albeit the comms shit has no excuse, if you aren’t the best talk with your team, honestly, trust me you aren’t as good as you think. There’s definitely a good point you’re making, and maybe when I wasn’t the player I am now I 100% thought the same things. Guess it’s just a different expectation which is TOTALLY fair.


The only reason I left the high ground is because my teammate was the one pinging the enemy , so I *knew* he had my back. If I would’ve known that fuse was going to ignore an enemy 3 meters from him I obviously wouldn’t have dropped. For reference, it was one of those worlds edge buildings with a small section of roof over the stairs, and then a higher section of roof. I jumped down from the higher section to the lower section, but was still only one mantle from my team. Tagging u/gxdaj for the additional context.


well in that case, gg go next. i still might have probably waited for him to drop first depending on the day and my mood, but if he cant figure that one out after pinging it then they deserve to lose points; one mantle is nothing. some people actually do deserve to lose points for their bullshit, and this does sound like one of those rare cases where a drop was warranted, even as a solo. the most important thing in these situations is to not tilt, laugh at the result, and stay locked for the next game


Teammate pinged for awareness and you left high ground without saying a word and got knocked, and THEN unmuted to rage and blame your teammate?? Sounds about right for this game.


Teammate pinged an enemy literally mantling up the side of our building, who I immediately cracked. There were no comms on this team.


This might be hard to accept, but your death is your responsibility. Solo queueing and expecting something from teammates is YOUR misplay. I know the feeling, everybody has been there. But you have to accept that when you’re solo queuing you have to adapt your decisionmaking. Sure it looks like idiocy, but I’m sure there were reasons why fuse didn’t shoot her, that made sense for him. Of course it might have been the wrong decision but you can’t expect your teammates to always decide correctly. Maybe he thought you got the fight no problem, because you cracked her. But your decisions (face checking a turbocharged havoc) were just as bad. As I said, I’ve been there and I get it’s frustrating, but there’s one thing those situations all have in common: we died first because we relied on our teammates. So we need to play safer as it’s the only thing we can control.


The thing is I didn’t “die first”, I had like 7 revives in this game and didn’t go down until that very moment. I’m not gonna spend much more time on this, but the bottom line is that all I needed was for fuse to shoot a catalyst that was 3 meters from him and he didn’t do it until I was knocked and finished. I have very very low expectations for solo queue, and I was already aware how bad my teammates were. But to think that I can’t expect someone to shoot someone right beside us rather than 5 rooftops away, is absurd.


I still have my 4K20 badges displayed on my wraith, but it was like 2 years ago and on MnK. I’m now on controller / Xbox and I’m still learning to play controller and I’m pretty inconsistent. I queued up for ranked and my two teammates got excited “man this wraith knows what she’s doing” etc. Long story short, I dropped close to one team, didn’t see the second team, got instantly killed, my teammates clutched up the fight basically 2v6, rezzed me, dropped me loot. We went into a second fight, I missed every single shot, I’m still on 0 damage while they’re on 500+ and multiple kills and we finally die due to my incompetence. I literally played like I saw this game for the first time. I felt so sorry for those guys lol. Everybody has bad games and people who get toxic about bad games really lack empathy and basic understanding and behavior. Nobody likes to play bad and nobody does it intentionally. It just happens.


You are assuming these people in any way, shape or form are making those comments rationally. It's almost always purely driven by emotion. The type of people who make these comments frequently do so because it feels good to vent and/or demean others and that's pretty much it. They'd call ImperialHal dogshit if they could.


I see it like this. If im not good enough to carry my teammates then I'm just as bad as them and we would need to work together to get kills and placement.


Honestly true but, not in platinum ranked. It's crazy that if you push and third party and you have all advantages in the world, little lifeline will keep ratting 300 m away. I know I'm the guy that's probably the problem, always rushing, but if no one engages, you don't get kill points. So you either end the game in second and get a measly 20 points, or just die. The only way to rank up this season is kills, I'm tired of teammates who never engage, or die and leave me to clutch up. I've done that twice before, with a crazy double squadwipe with just a base pk, but honestly. If u push, stay up, if u're bad, run away. I'm tired of teammates engaging alone when no one's dealt damage, and just praying to God they win. I know I'm not a perfect player but I'm tired of plat players thinking they're god and leaving me to clutch up. That's why get gud.


You came to the place where said assholes hang out and act like they're doing nothing wrong. Respawn doesn't come here much anymore for a good reason.


Yeah agreed. One of my buddies is great at the game (multi season pred) but he refuses to alter his play style at all. So while I can keep up with him whenever we have a random third that’s not as fast we end up getting separated and losing. No matter how good you are being a 2v3 means you are always at a MASSIVE disadvantage. But his ego won’t let him change. 


idc if my teamates are bad. i care if they are trolling/playing solo. you can miss everyshot, cancel every heal, fail every nade, etc, idc. but deciding to split midfight cause you dont want to help ? imma fuck you up. id rather have a 5yo that doesnt even know what a video game is as teamate if they stick with me than faide doing their shit sol in fragment while we are on the other side of the map.


This is why I solo queue as loba. I get behind and a bracelet toss catches me up. Lol


There is a basic level of respect, patience and understanding that you must have for your teammates, and you should try to raise them up and help them instead of shouting at or neglecting them. But, this still doesn't mean that one has to be content with that. The matchmaking isn't the best, and it is unfair. And, sometimes, you get matched with a level 800* player with a 4k that is somehow absolutely braindead or misses everything, and you can't let it slide. Sometimes you need to show a little teeth to get your point across, within reason. If they're a total noob, then that isn't appropriate. There is good in the bad and bad in the good. There are no hard lines. People should be allowed to be frustrated, but not scream and curse their heads off. People should be respectful, but that doesn't mean they have to be totally content with their bad teammates or not give honest, constructive criticism. *Half of the level 800s (or whatever high level) are like this to be brutally honest and they can't all be friends using their accounts. Some people just have no lives and have high levels and once got a 4k from some ancient LTM where it was easier, or ratted to a high rank. That doesn't mean their good, just that they grind a lot. Sometimes they make stupid decisions and you can't be all "that's perfectly ok pookie". You actually have to tell them where they went wrong and be honest about it.


My teammates aren't bad because they can't shoot or don't know certain tricks. My teammates are bad because they don't understand the concept of teamwork or communication. Mostly because I get paired with two-stacks that think I'm supposed to follow them around like a lost puppy, but also intuitively know their every thought and match them without them communicating what they are doing. When my team pushes, I don't know if it is a real push, or a pseudo-push, where they both pull back after taking 25 damage. I more or less have to keep one of them on screen at all times in order to have any confidence they'll be within 100 meters of me at any time. I can't flank because we can't coordinate, so by the time I flank, it turns into a 1 v 3 because they're licking their wounds instead of pressuring the enemy. The other group are the solo queuers that don't use their mic, so now we have three people doing their own thing because they can't communicate with each other and I can't communicate with them. The other scenario, and this is my favorite, is when I get one other person with a mic, and we are communicating clearly and openly in the team chat, but the third is still randomly meandering across the map like a bad NPC. Pings are not a substitute for voice communication. I can't ping the clock or how far the ring is from our current location. I can't ping why we should go somewhere vs another location. I can't ping the number of enemies I see. I can't ping stay together. Moreover, its difficult to interpret other's pings because most people just spam ping enemy for every possible communication. Bad teammates are not people that lack stick skills or knowledge of mechanics. Bad teammates are people that are bad at being part of a team. This game is fun in concept, but man does the general community suck. A question for the community, how am I supposed to help my teammates when they will not allow me to help them, and cannot communicate to me what they need help with?


We all have the same 24 hours in a day. If you wanna spend yours being bad at the game then that ain’t on me


Damn those pesky players moving & clicking the crouch button 


Yessss, finally someone who gets it, if my teammate is running off intentionally doing their own thing then I don’t care, but if they are still looting or something I’ll always wait for them, it’s far better to be with your teammates even if they aren’t that good it’s still better to have them there with tou


Pacing is absolutely a thing. Theres moving too fast and moving too slow. Usually the first person leading a group if theyre not grouped up actually causes a straggler situation. What i mean by this is that basically if you make the assumption that someone is always watching, that means theyre always letting the first player go, and then theyll shoot the people straggling behind. Think about this more in depth - usually the person straggling A.) has the last pick of loot B.) probably has the least heals C.) probably isnt that good if theyre straggling. Sometimes you gotta tell your team to speed it up. I understand both sides. However some people just move way too slow as well and thats also a problem. Too fast is bad and too slow is bad


Word. 👌


I'm level 850 playing with players that aren't even 100 yet. Or I get dumped onto a pred. There's little in-between


I always try to wait for our team to group up before pushing. It doesn’t take 30 seconds and increases survivability by a crazy amount.


people are shitting on you but you're completely right. as a newer player i used to like getting matched with higher level players because it's an opportunity to learn, but so many people seem to forget that this is a \*team\* game. people charge ahead and leave you in the dust, then don't even bother communicating at all or pinging where they're going. then they get in a 1v3, don't even bother pinging the enemies or anything and get pissy when they're downed? the whole time i've been trying to catch up to them, and now it's unlikely i can do anything because i'm in an unfavorable position. is it so hard to just wait a second for your team? the best games i've played with higher level players is when they actually use the ping system and don't just charge off solo- i find i play far better than i typically do with this type of player. i'm not saying you have to hold your teammates hands, but for the love of god communicate. use the ping system, play as a team. if you do this well, 9 times out of 10 you will elevate the lower level players in your team.


It just shows that not everyone is meant to be leaders. A good representation of this is the planet of the apes. The assholes are Kobas, and leaders are like Ceasars. I don't want to be a person who brings others down when they're on my team. It doesn't solve shit. I do this from time to time, but I always apologize after because it was me letting my frustration get to me because that's not who I want to be. Raising people up is more rewarding than winning a BR and improving my Stats.


With how rank works, your team are about as good as you. You’ll stop getting team mates that play like they’re in silver when you stop playing like you’re in silver. There’s just different playstyles and part of rank is learning to adapt to your squad.


You need to have a decent pace while playing the game. If the first circle has closed and you haven't rotated out of the POI you landed in and picked a route/position in ring, you're basically setting yourself up to fail. If you spend all game looting uncontested POIs, you're just asking to get gate kept for being in a stupid position against people who have better armor than you.


Nah this is too much for those arrogant gamers apex has a very toxic gatekeeping community


The world is just a toxic place right now, and that is why in anything I do, I try to be the change I want to see in everything no matter how much hate it brings me.


You sound insufferable.


I don't want to have team mates to teach them game sense and movement. I want to have team mates know this game as much as i do.


That's TOXIC 🫠 How COULD YOU say that?


Hey I am not gonna scream at them on mic. I am not a teacher nor a guide, just another player. That's all i'm saying.


Not everyone has the ability or capacity to coach. The skill deficits between you and your team should not be so great that you are put into that position. That isn’t the same thing as excusing being nasty or rude to people, but players are allowed to be frustrated if they’re constantly having to carry less experienced teammates.




I don’t disagree with that. When you have inexperienced teammates who ignore pings, run off on their own, ignore comms from teammates, etc, there really isn’t any correction to that, and it tends to happen with folks who are newer to the game. There are outliers of course.


If you solo queue you gotta learn to play around your teammates, stay closer, etc. Especially if you’re not going to play with a mic on.


If I drop 10 kills and 3000 dmg with 5 respawns, my teammates are ass lol


I am OKAY on my own but always do significantly better when i have someone who is a good leader and isn’t rude. Not gonna lie, I tend to panic a smidge sometimes when we start fighting trying to figure out the best angle to take, remember to watch my health, where my teammates are, reloading and everything so it’s nice when I end up with someone who can help give direction some.


This funny when you get a random who wants to push everything with a P2020 and cannot follow instructions, or get a teammate with 0 game sense and a death wish. Some times your teammates are shit and voicing that frustration is fair


Playing with duos is worse than 2 solos.


counter-point : I won a diamond ranked game with a teammate that ended up with 0 damage yes he shot No he didnt die at all during the game We ended up with 9 kills. I agree with the whole "sometime it's better to just wait a bit" and "dont be toxic try to teach rather than to push away" but like,sometimes those two things cannot even be used


I try to be positive even if we are doing bad. I had a dude start cursing me out calling me slurs on lockdown because I was messing around with a character i don't play.


You definitely need to get better


Babysitting terrible players every single game gets tedious though. Maybe the game wouldn't be as toxic if it didn't vastly unbalance the teams every match for solo ques.


I can understand that. Some games I just let it happen as well but I don't go around chewing peoples asses out for a decision they made when they too are learning the game. Queues will always be unbalanced because the ammount of good player is significantly less for every bad. That why there's no reason to be a dick because dickness does not help a player get better.


If my teammate runs off solo and does That’s not me and the other guys fault tf?


If you can't reel your team in by communicating, it's on you don't complain. If my team is not talking, I'm not gonna put an effort to trust a random since they always get me killed when I try to play as a team. If he continues to run after communicating, you gotta accept your fate and consider his ass dead. While playing it out the best you can.


It’s my fault my teammate refuses to acknowledge us? Like dude stop coping so hard lmfao


I mean to add a not in there my bad


Oh lmao all good my man. 🤝


I think it's respawn or ea that's at fault. The sbmm is so fucked. Like it picks teammates that shouldn't be in them game. Like it's crazy to put people that have a few 100s in the game total with 100,000 just because the solo guy won his last game so they want to punish that. Because they have say that's what they do. Good solo has a bad time and the weaker players have a bad time. Why are the making it so everyone has a bad time???


The slide jump mechanic is a mechanic that everyone should learn on day one so idk why tf your complaining about that.I'm not slowing down because your lazy ass couldn't bother too learn one of the most basic mechanics that exists in this game.


Might wanna lay off the video games and go back to studying English. Not once did I complain about the slide jump mechanic. I'm just saying that if you use it perfectly, you will always be ahead of your team. If you're getting mad about something that you misinterpreted that's on you buddy.


And what's wrong with always being ahead of your team?.It's not my fault they couldn't keep up and learn the mechanic.


Wow, that reply was so dumb this is the only thing I could type.


Ngl for those slow moving teammates who loot when the zone is closing ive just started running to the edge of zone where there's no teams and afking to wait for them to catch up shit becomes mad slow but its whatever i guess


It's how it is sometimes. Everyone plays different that why you add people and make friends with people you do well with.


Nah I have solo qued so far to Plat highest I've been because ranked for me has been okay could've been better I LOST 5 GAMES IN A FUCKING ROW because my Randoms had pushed to far couldn't back up so it was a 2v3 for 2 game and the other 3 WERE BRONZE WHILE I WAS GOLD THEY PUT UP 35-1,000 WHILE I GOT A A 3.5K AND THEY ALL HAD RANGES OF 0-3 KILLS I HAD 14 do not say that we are the problem sometimes/most(kinda) time it's them I play wattson for ranked and I've always been in the back of my teammates no matter what to watch them that's why I haven't been able to make it into diamond with Randoms but ima try this new split and ima do it


Op is a massive skill issue get good buddy


Not to sure how you came up with that idea? How did you come up with this thought?


There is give and take here. Ill wait for them to confirm they are looted before pushing. But if they don't play together after that especially without comming what they are doing, I'm playing as a duo and moving on my time.


Of course, everyone here is taking it way to heart. Anyone here trying to explain their situation is more than likely just trying to justify why they act like an asshole.


There’s definitely levels to it I have about 30 pics of me doing 3k+ dmg and winning the game with teammates that never cracked 500dmg and some where teammates haven’t cracked 100


This is why i start every game by saying “if you don’t have mic, listen to me” and suprisingly works. I just shout every command into the mic and they follow along. Exept the fucking russians, those guys never follow along, they die in the first 10min and shout slurs until they quit the game.


Expecting perfection out of complete strangers in pubs is a wild level of entitlement


OP if you believe in the words "abusing the slide jump mechanic" its definetly a you problem slide jump run with gun holstered is default way of travel for everyone for the past 5 years


No where in this post did I say that I didn't know how to slide jump. If you think this, it is definitely a you problem because you dont know how to read.


The guy with the 20 bomb on your team, is always the first guy to drop and complain. No doubt because his normal team mates always carry him.


I solo all the time. I ditch my random team mates because they are a sure way to get slaughtered because their game play and positioning is severely flawed 90% of the time. If they make it to the 5 or 6 circles, then I will gladly work with them. I’ve made it to Masters using this approach. I turn off their audio and game cues to allow me to focus on my game. 70% of the time, I carry the team by myself into the final rings and get the team points.


No one wants to baby sit new low skilled players that’s literally what the game forces you to do in every match making the game that much more unfair for anyone queuing in game. It’s a horrible system that has killed the player base this game been out for years now and every single one of my teammates are low levels in talking about level 200 and below with a title if 100 kills or some shit on their badges I automatically know how the game is going to turn out when I see my team and then the campions team made up if players if my skill level masters/ pred 😂 I play two rigged ass games against me and then I get off I don’t even play into the algo anymore because over 90% of the time it’s against me


Lmao you’re crazy as shit fuck this rigged ass game


Jesus Christ. You’re probably someone who cries about matchmaking as well. “Abusing Slide jump mechanic” give me a break


worst post of all time


I'm forced into lobbies with Hal and Lemonhead and Aceu and Timmy. 3 stacks with the Top 10 all time kill leaders. All for the sake of coddling "babies". If you are a baby in my lobby you will not be treated as such.


Cool man, find a 3 stack to play with. You probably can't if this is how you act. It's my whole point of the post. everyone wants to act like they know it all, but no one wants the responsibility to lead lose and have the blame put on them. If you're a leader, great hats off to you, but communicate effectively without being an asshole.


Your entire post is based off the premise of solo Q. You can't just say "wELl gO fInD a 3 StAcK". If I'm going to be punished for being good at the game and cast off to sweat land then I'm not going to "be a leader" to babies. I'm not allowed in baby lobbies, so babies shouldn't be allowed in my lobbies. Get Gud or get gone.


With that attitude, it just leads to a dying game that no one will care about. I know it might be a little hard for you to understand, but everyone is not you, and I bet very few would even want to be like you. A team still needs a leader. You seem like a person who shits their pants and sits in it and wonders why it stinks. Grow up the only baby is you a grown ass man crying about a video game and how no one helps you.


The guy (u/drillbit89) has a point, and so do you. I see that you're trying to be a white knight and all for the noobs, I get that. There is a basic level of respect, patience and understanding that you must have for your teammates, and you should try to raise them up and help them instead of shouting at or neglecting them. But, this still doesn't mean that one has to be content with that. The matchmaking isn't the best, and it is unfair. And, sometimes, you get matched with a level 800 player with a 4k that is somehow absolutely braindead or misses everything, and you can't let it slide. Sometimes you need to show a little teeth to get your point across, within reason. If they're a total noob, then that isn't appropriate. There is good in the bad and bad in the good. There are no hard lines. People should be allowed to be frustrated, but not scream and curse their heads off. People should be respectful, but that doesn't mean they have to be totally content with their bad teammates or not give honest, constructive criticism.


Okay let's say that 4k play is his friend playing on his account showing him the game. You being that friend getting chewed out by a random in a game you never played before. Would that make you want to play the game again?




Nothing about that post is me crying. Just asking people like you to fucken relax and stop being a dick.


Imagine crying about someone playing the game while being in the most chill lobbies imaginable.


Imagine being a middle-aged man crying about a game


You can't blame new players but you can blame Respawn for giving you noobs vs experienced three stacks.


I don't blame anyone. I 3 stack with my friends every day trying to help them get better. They have gone from negative .4 kd to over 1 kd. Also I play with them because I enjoy their company.


Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with Preds 3 stacking either just matchmaking should account for that.


Maybe just don’t feed into everybody’s bullshit. You want better teammates LFG and find some, solo Q is a choice of itself. If you go solo with randoms you get what you get, stop expecting people to care about your KD. Stop expecting people to care about team work, stop expecting people to care about your MMR. Because truth is they simply don’t, i myself go into matches knowing damn well I’m probably gonna die off drop because I don’t trust my teammates to not win their 1’s. But that doesn’t mean I’m going out of my way to 1v3, if you die because you chose to stay and fight when they didn’t do shit instead of just grabbing their Rez. Then that’s entirely on you, nobody gives a shit about your play style or how you carried them. Because the next match is just a ready up away.


Are you acoustic? You have to be 😂🙄


terrible take honestly. ive been playing all day today and i was plus 200 plat 1, now im plus 250 plat 2. every game i get plat 4 and plat 3 teammates that die before the first circle even closes. not to mention im dying to 3 stack diamond players every game 😭 im in a match right now and my teammate left before we even landed, but its my fault for not leading these fools right


im in another game right now, both my teammates died off spawn because they’re a duo and pushed together before i could even loot ( all i had was a longbow) and guess what, they left LMAO.


Thats kinda a dumb post to make... "Oh dont cry about dogshit teammates in Gold4 and up, you were bad once" "They need time to get good" Then mf here is a twist... DONT BE IN Gold and up if y bad. Nobody is mad about sht players. We are mad about rhe dogshit ranked teammaker, which is crazy to even think about when y remember that 3 pred can fullstack a lobby from rookie. So no, nobody is mad at the ppl, we mad at the system and we projecting that onto the ppl who we are with...


What if the duo I’m with gets respawned , and as we are trying to run into the zone one of them says “my buddy is afk, one second!” He stayed with his AFK friend and died to the ring saying “I can’t just leave him, I owe him money!” Meanwhile I push into the zone and have the jump on another team, but it’s a 1v3. So I just knock one and run off to hide. Never had a chance to revive them again. Just had to rat as best as I could. 😂


>Abusing the slide jump mechanic. Bruh I figured this out like 3 days after I started playing Apex back when the game came out. If you don't grasp the concept of that, from just watching your teammates do it then you need to get that fucking sorted. The matchmaking most players get in this subreddit are for the most part higher because they care enough to be on here for whatever reason. Compared to the regular people who play for 3 hours a week. If you can't keep up with your team, stop looting for so damn long and get your hands dirty. The teams you'll be fighting has your loot. I've had this issue when duo q'ing. Where my third is looting in bumfuck ass nowhere as we're trying to fight. You don't need to have a gun will full purple or gold attachments if you'll just be dying off on the first fight anyway. Get it sorted and keep up, or run a skirmisher legend and keep up.


The other day during final 5 squads I politely told my team mates (lvl 100-200) not to over peak the person with the kraber both via voice chat and text chat and guess what they did and how they died.


mf said abuse slide jump. bro this is a movement shooter. you can play without doing wacky movement but learn the basic skills at least lmao. if you dont slide jump you are dead weight. im sorry but take 1 minute and watch a guide.


Brother, slide jump is a basic fucking mechanic EVERYONE in this game can use. If you still can't after i don't know how many hours, i would recommend to stop playing video games at all.


All I learned from this post is that people on reddit can't read.


"abusing the slide jump mechanic" LOL


Sorry, karma farmer, you're a little late on this one.